Precision Scientific Company

One big reason for this long service is the gentle and predictable mixing afforded by ... You get corrosion- free performance and easy maintenance thr...
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Once you have a Thelco Bath you may never need another It r& riot unusual for Thelco Constant Temperature Baths to give regular (and quiet!) service for 20 years and more. One big reason for this long service is the gentle and predictable mixing afforded by gravity convection. Mechanical stress fs avoided as there are no moving parts to wear, vibrate or make noise. And you can depend on the Thelco name —with a half-century leadership in constant temperature equip­ ment -"to. give you unsurpassed uniformity. Always within ±0,30 at 37C, ±0.40 at 56C. Rapid .heat-up and recovery keep waiting time at a minimum τ " warm-up to 37C in as little as 6 minutes. Lo-Drift Jrjéaters respond promptly, and fast, efficient PRECISION


heat transfer insures long heater life. You get corrosionfree performance and easy maintenance through the double wall, all-stainless-steel construction. Inner wall seams are welded for strength, then soldered for leak-proof insurance! With a choice of three sizes, all with an adjustable shelf of 5 or 7 inches, Thelco Constant Temperature Baths can cover a variety of applications. They are as much at home in petroleum testing as in serological work. Get c o m p l e t e information on these versatile baths from your Precision Scientific Dealer, or write us for B u l l e t i n 617. P r e c i s i o n S c i e n t i f i c C o m p a n y , 3737 W. Cortland Street, Chicago, Illinois 60647.




Sero-Utility Bath Medium, Model 83

Sero-Utility Bath Small, Model 82

Sero-Utility Bath Large, Model 84