PRELIMINARY PROGRAM - C&EN Global Enterprise - ACS Publications

New York Meeting, American Chemical Society. Chem. ... GROUP MEALS—Daily 7:30 A.M., 12:15 P.M., and 6:30 P.M. (no group dinners Wednesday). SOCIAL ...
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Y o r k Meeting, American Chemical Society HOST, NORTH JERSEY SECTION


11 to 15, 1944

S p e e d the V i c t o r y VICE C H A I R M A N , ACCOMMODATIONS.

R. B.


R. D.


S. Klosky

MEETING ROOM6. J. W. Haught, Plastics Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours k Co., Inc., Arlington, N . J. VICE C H A I R M A N , PUBLICITY.

I. D . Gar-


B . L . Clarke C . J . FrOSCh

PERSONNEL. Leon Shechter PRINTING AND SIGNS. Harry Burrel) VICE C H A I R M A N , F I N A N C E S .

T . R. D o n -


H. E. Riley

G. N. Vacca J.


August Merz







has created a great influx of visitors and hotel space frequently is difficult to obtain. We urge that hotel rooms be used to capacity and, wherever possible, double occupancy be arranged. Make all reservations through t h e Housing and Hotels Committee. Address D r . S. Klosky, Room 1536, 233 Broadway, N e w York 7, Ν. Υ . Use the form on page 909, supply­ ing all the information requested. Hotels will refer to the Housing and Hotels Com­ mittee all requests for rooms that come to them for this meeting. Should any change in plans prevent an attendant's utilizing hotel space for the exact time originally stipulated, please cancel or change reservations promptly through the Housing Committee. I t will be necessary to use every avail­ able bit of space that can b e obtained, and ACS members are asked to apply the Golden Rule. If t h e membership co­ operates fully in the matter of hotel reser­ vations and space, it is expected that all visitors will b e housed within a reasonable distance of headquarters. Each person who plans to attend the North Jersey meeting should:



Callaway VICE

General Program REGISTRATION—Hotel Pennsylvania. Sunday 2 : 0 0 t o 8 : 0 0 P.M.; Monday through Thursday 8 : 0 0 A.M. t o 6 : 0 0 P.M.; Friday 9 : 0 0 A.M. to 1 2 : 0 0 M. In Grand Central area a t times a n d places to be announced in final program. DIVISIONAL





possible i n t h e Pennsylvania and neighboring hotels. T h e Divisions of Cellulose Chemistry; Paint, Varnish, a n d Plastics Chemistry; a n d Rubber Chemistry in the Grand Central area. Tuesday through Friday 9 : 0 0 A . M . t o 1 2 : 0 0 M.; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2 : 0 0 t o 5 : 0 0 P.M. C O U N C I L M E E T I N G — M o n d a y 9 : 3 0 A.M. GENERAL MEETING—Wednesday 2:00 P.M. GROUP M E A L S — D a i l y 7:30 A.M., 12:15

P.M., a n d 6 : 3 0 P.M. (no group dinners Wednesday). SOCIAL H O U R S — D a i l y 5 : 0 0 P.M. SUBSCRIPTION DINNER—Wednesday 7 : 3 0 P.M.

Local Committee Chairmen HONORARY CHAIRMAN. August Merz G E N E R A L CHAIRMAN. H . E. R i l e y , Baké-

lite Corp., 2 3 0 Grove St., Bloomfield, N.J. G E N E R A L V I C E CHAIRMAN.



J. R . Little



R . E . Water-



W. J. Sparks

A . Walti, Merck & Co.,

Inc., Rah way, N . J. WOMEN CHEMISTS.

Gertrude Vermillion

Hotels Hotel Pennsylvania a t Seventh Avenue and 33rd Street, N e w York, has been selected a s general headquarters. The Division of Rubber Chemistry will have its headquarters a t t h e Commodore Hotel, Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street. T h e Biltmore, Madison Avenue and 43rd Street, will serve in a similar capacity for the Divisions of Cellulose Chemistry and Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry. A table listing official hotels and their rates appears o n page 90o. Hotels may be located from t h e m a p o n page 907. T h e North Jersey Hotels Committee has been unable to obtain t h e requisite number of rooms in official hotels for the large number o f attendants expected a t the 1944 annual meeting. Therefore, listed in t h e same table o n page 906 are a number of nonofficial hotels t o which registrants will be assigned o n request and after official hotels are filled. New York i s customarily a busy city. Even though i t h a s a large number of hotels which i n ordinary limes would be ample for a meeting such as this, the war

S 2, N O . 11 » » » J U N Ε 1 0 , 1 9 4 4

(1) Request hotel reservation as soon as possible, using form o n page 909 and giving all information requested (2) N a m e three hotels in order of preference and indicate whether location or price is more important (3) State d a y and hour of arrival and departure, E . W . T . (4) Arrange for multiple occupancy.


MA Και 41 34 33 19 42 39 40 38 8 29 23 14 36 7 13 30 5 22 16 21 11 2 20 4

45 6 46 25 28 37 18 26 47 27 17 24 43 31 35 12 15 10 9 82


HOTELS Pennsylvania, 7th Ave. and 33rd St. 6 Commodore, Lexington Ave. and 42nd St.* Biltmore, Madison Ave. and 43rd St.* Belmont Plaza, Lexington Ave. and 49th St. Governor Clinton, 7th Ave. and 31et St. McAlpin. Broadway and 34th S t . · Martinique, Broadway and 32nd St.· New Yorker. 8th Ave. and 34th St. Park Central. 7th Ave. and 55th S t . Roosevelt. Madison Ave. and 45th St. Shelton, 49th St. and Lexington Ave.· Taft. 7th Ave. and 60th 8 t . · Allerton House. 143 East 39th St. · AUerton House for Women, 130 East 57th St. · Ambassador, Park Ave. and 51st St. Astor, Broadway and 44th St. Barbiton (Women), Lexington Ave. and 63rd S t . · Barclay. I l l East 48th St. Beverly, Lexington Ave. and 50th St. Bristol. 129 West 48th S t . · Capitol. 8th Ave. and 5let S t . · Carlyle. Madison Ave. and 76th S t . Chesterfield. 130 West 49th St.· Concourse Plaza, Grand Con­ course and 161st St. Cornish Arms, 311 West 23rd St. Delmonico. 502 Park Ave. Essex House, 160 Central Park South Fifth Avenue, 24 Fifth Ave. (Oth St.) Henry Hudson, 353 West 57th S t . Ken more Hall. 145 East 23rd S t . · Lexington, 48th St. and Lexington Ave. Luxor Baths. 121 West 46th St. M ids ton House. 22 East 38th St. · New Weston, Madison Ave. and 50th St. Paramount. 46th St. West of Broadway Parksulc. 18 (J ra mercy Park South « Piccadilly. 227 West 45th St. Plymouth, 143 West 49th St. President. 234 West 48th St. Prince George. 14 East 28th St. Times Square, 43rd St. and 8th Ave.· Tudor*. 304 East 42nd St. Victoria. 7th Ave. and 51st St. Waldorf-Astoria. 50th St. and Park Ave. Warwick. 54th St. and 6th Ave. Wellington, 7th Ave. and 55th S t . Woodstock, 127 West 43rd St.·


Double Bed

Twin" Beds


: 00 $ 3 8 5 - $ 6 6 0 S 5 5 0 S 8 8 0 5ί 6 6 0 - :S 8 8 0 $W 0 0 513 β 60-

5 50-

7 15

5 5 0 - 12 0 0

7 50

11 0 0



6 00

7 00

3.303 30-

5.50 6.60

4 40 4 95

2 753.854.00-

3 85 8 80 5 00

3 85 5 50 0 00-

6.60 7 70 5 95 8 HO 8 00

7 8 5 4 95 6 βη Il 6 00- 8



8 80

1 2 . 0 0 - 20 0 0

9 0 0 - 14 0 0

17 0 0 - 3 3 0 0

β 50

10 0 0 - 25 0 0

5 50 4 95-

8 00 70 80 95 00 00

9 0 0 - 20 0 0 9 0 0 - 12.00 7 00-- 10 0 0 8 8 0 - SO 0 0 7 0 0 - 25 0 0


8 00

« Λ- 10 OO

8 οσ- 12 0 0

3.502 502.75-

5 00 5 00 3 00

5 003 ήΟ

7.00 7 00

5 006 00

7 00 8 00

7 0 0 - 15.00 10 0 0 - 15 0 0



6 003 50-

8 00 5. OO

« 00-

8 00

8 0 0 - 10 0 0 6.00-· 8 00

12 OO 28 0 0 6 0 0 - 21.00

3 25600-

3 75 7 00

8 0 0 - 10 0 0

4 50 8 00

5 5 0 - 6.00 12 0 0 25 0 0

5 2 3 6 2


6.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3 00

3 505 (M>

5 OO 6 00

4 00


3 502 256 00-

4 50 3 00 8 00

4 00 8 0 0 - 12 0 0

7.00 5 00 5 508 00 5 00

5 50 10.00

12 OO

25 0 0

8 . 0 0 10 0 0 - 24 0 0 6 00 7 0 0 - 8 00 6 00 9 0 0 12 0 O - 22 0 0 (> 0 0 6 0 0 - 8 0 0

5 50- 6 50 4 :25 8 0 0 12 0 0

8 5 0 - 25 0 0 5 Ott- 9 0 0 12 00-- 19 0 0

6 00-

8 00

8 00


δ O02 502.00-

6 00 3.00 3.50

7 OO 3 SO 3 50

8 00 5.00 5 00

7.004 004 50

8 00 5 00 5 00

12 0 0 - 25 0 0 5 0 0 - 8.00 5 0 0 - 6 00

4 00- 6 00 2 25- 2.75 3 50

6 00-

7 00 4.50

7 00 4.50-

8 00 5 50

12 0 0 - 2 0 . 0 0

4 00-

8 0 0 - 10 0 0

1 0 . 0 0 up

4 00-

6 00


8 00


9 00

10 0 0 - 2 1 . 0 0


4 5!)

4 00-

8 00

4 00-

8 00

8 0 0 - 12 0 0


3.30 4.00 3.50 4.00 4.00

4 504 004 00 4.00

5.00- 6.00 5.00- 6.00 4.50- 5 00 5 00 6 . 0 0 - 7 00

6 0 0 - 15 0 0 6 0 0 - 9 00 6 . 0 0 - 15 0 0 7 . 0 0 - 16.00

2 252.503.00-

3.00 4.00 4.00

4 00

4 50

4 ! 50-


5.00 6.00 7.00

8 . 0 0 - 10.00 6 0 0 - 8.00 8 . 0 0 - 18.00

7 . 0 0 - 10.00 5.O0- 6.00 3 . 0 0 - 5.00 3.00- 5 00

0 ου 4 50 5 00 0 00

10.00- 12.00


4 00-

6 (10 7.00


1 0 . 0 0 - 12.00 7.00- 8.00 4.50- 7.00 5.00- 7 00 00-

35 00 27.00 14 0 0 12.00


Very limited; d o u b l e o c c u p a n c y r e q u e s t e d , fr Headquarters. e Headquarters. D i v i s i o n of R u b b e r Chemistry. f the SOCIETY is limited t o registered per­ sons. (h) All persons in registering at meetings o f the SOCIETY shall state whether or not they are members of the SOCIETY and, if not, whether they are chemists or chemical engineers. (c) American chemists or chemical engi­ neers, nonmembers of the SOCIETY, attendi ng meetings of t h e SOCIETY, shall assist i n the support of the facilities which they enjoy by paying a higher registration fee than members. This differential at gen­ eral meetings shall be $5.00 higher than t h e fee charged members; while at regional and divisional meetings it shall be at least twice the regular fee adopted. They shall b e furnished with a special nonmember Ibad(r« t o differentiate them from members o f the SOCIETY and from foreign and nonchemist guests. T h e differential charged shall not apply t o regularly matriculated students majoring in chemistry or chemi­ cal engineering a t any college or univer­ sity. (© Meetings are normally open to all registrants, but any session mav be closed to nonmembers of the SOCIETY by order of "the President. NOTE: Corporation members have the right t o designate one representative only with membership privileges at each meet­ ing. If a corporation member sends a sub­ stitute for the delegate of record, the Secre­ tary's office should be informed by mail. In registering, such a representative should sign the corporation name, per liis own as representative. Associate members of local sections and of divisions are not members of the SOCIETY, and have no SOCIETY privileges; if chemists or chemical engineers, their registration fee is $8.00. All visitors, including children, regardless of age, who participate in any activity provided on the program, irrespec­ tive of whether it is a free or paid event, must pay the visitors' registration fee, $3.00, and wear the appropriate badge.

Addresses of Divisional Secretaries Agricultural and Pood Chemistry. Paul Logue, Monsanto Chemical Co., 1700 Second Ave., S., St. Louis 4, Mo. Analytical and Micro Chemistry. Chester M. Alter. Department of Chemistry, Boston University, 688 Boylston St., Boston 16. Mase. Biological Chemistry. Erwin Brand, De­ partment of Biochemistry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Uni­ versity, 630 We&„ 168th St., New York 32. N.Y. Cellulose Chemistry. Charles R. Fordyce, 275 Maplewood Drive. Rochester 13. Ν.Ύ. Chemical Education. Paul H. Fail· Hiram College. Hiram, Ohio. Colloid Chemistry. Charles E. Marshall. Department of Soils. University of Missouri. Columbia, Mo. Fertilizer Chemistry. Charles A. Butt» International Minerals and Chemical Corp·· Box 69, East Point, Ga. Gas and Fuel Chemistry. G. Robert Yohe, State Geological Survey. Urbana, ΠΙ.



Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. William A. Pardee, Gulf Research and De­ velopment Co., P. O. Box 2038, Pittsburgh 30. Pa. Medicinal Chemistry. Maurice L. Moore, Scientific Laboratories, Frederick Stearns and Co.. Detroit 31. Mich. Organic Chemistry. Arthur C. Cope. De­ partment of Chemistry, Columbia Univer­ sity. New York 27, Ν. Υ. Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry. W. H. Lutz. Pratt and Lambert. 73-97 Tonawanda St.. Buffalo 7. Ν. Υ. Petroleum Chemistry. Cary R Wagner, R. D. 2. Utica. Ohio. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. Paul M. Gross. Department of Chemistry. Duke University, Durham. N. C. Rubber Chemistry. Howard I. Cramer. Sharpies Chemicals, Inc., 123 South Broad St., Philadelphia 9. Pa. Sugar Chemistry and Technology. E. Whitman Rice. National Sugar Refining Co.. 129 Front St.. New York δ. Ν. Υ. Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Chemistry. H. Gladys Swope, 705 Waverly Road. High­ land Park. III.

Papers for the Meeting Titles for papers should be sent to the secretary of the appropriate division and not to the Secretary of the SOCIETY. Titles to appear on the final program, and ab­ stracts or complete papers where required, must be in the hands of the divisional secretaries not later than Jul}' 1. Each division sends to its members abstracts of all papers on its program. T h e Divi­ sions of Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry, in lieu of abstracts, distribute copies of the complete papers.

Society Regulations Governing Papers BYLAW 3 . (a) Papers b y American chemists or chemical engineers not mem­ bers of the SOCIETY shall not appear on the programs of general, divisional, or regional meetings of the SOCIETY unless they be joint papers with SOCIETY members. (6) AU papers presented before general, divisional, regional, group, local section, or other meetings are t h e property of the SOCIETY, t o be published in the journals of the SOCIETY or released by the appropriate editor if not retained for such publication. (c) T h e SOCIETY is not responsible for

statements and opinions advanced by in­ dividuals in papers or discussions before its meetings. (d) Any paper, although announced in the final program, m a y be excluded at any time prior to delivery by order of the Presi­ dent. The Board of Directors has voted the following regulations (R-55) governing papers to be presented before general, di­ visional, regional, or group meetings, sup­ plementing Bylaw 3 : (a) Authorship of papers shall be ac­ credited only to individuals and not to companies or laboratories. (6) X o paper may be presented which has been offered for publication elsewhere. (c) N o paper, no matter how important, may be presented, t h e title of which does not appear on the final program.


2 2, N O . 1 1

Map Legend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

Essex House

Carlyle Delmonico Concourse Plaza Barbizon H e n r y Hudson A l l e r t o n House for W o m e n Park Central Wellington Warwick Capitol Victoria Ambassador Taft Waldorf-Astoria Beverly Plymouth N e w Weston Belmont Plaza Chesterfield Bristol Barclay Shelton President Lexington Paramount

Piccadilly Luxor Baths Roosevelt Astor Times Square Woodstock Biltmore Commodore Tudor Allerton House Mcdston House N e w Yorker


Martinique Pennsylvania Governor Clinton Prince George Cornish Arms Fifth A v e n u e Kenmore H a l l Parkside

(d) If a paper is declined by any division of the SOCIETY, the secretary o f that divi­ sion is instructed t o notify t h e secretary of a n y other division to which it is likely t o be offered. Priority is based solely upon the date of receipt of the complete paper deposited for publication with the secretary of the di­ vision or the appropriate editor. T h e Council has empowered officers of divisions to request any paper in advance, so that it may be passed upon and an indi­ cation made to the author as to whether he is to read the entire paper or to ab­ stract it in order to allow time for discus­ sion. No paper may be presented at the meeting, title for which is not printed in the final pro­ gram. "By title" should be placed on the an­ nouncement of any paper when the author is to be absent, so that members may un­

» » » JUNE

10, 1 9 4 4

derstand in advance that the paper will not be read. All such papers should be placed at t h e end of the program. Titles should be accompanied by infor­ mation concerning desired projection equipment. Only standard lantern-slide projectors will be furnished without cost.

Publication of Papers BYLAW 3 . (6) All papers presented be­ fore general, divisional, regional, group, local section, or other meetings are t h e property of the SOCIETY, t o be published in the journals of t h e SOCIETY or released b y t h e appropriate editor if not retained for such publication. if release is desired, address the editor of t h e appropriate journal. When the paper is in his hands, he will a c t promptly on any release requested.


Divisional Programs NOTE. N O further contributions are desired for any_ symposium of invited** papers. AU division s« _ . require the following information: presentation time, present conned _. eavch author. presentation time, addressand of and the name of the laboratory in which the work was present done. connection These data,and abstracts, manuscripts (when required) should be transmitted as soon as possible, not later than July 1. When preparing ab­ stracts, please follow style used in previously published sets. NUMBER





Agricultural and Food Chemistry


Analytical and Micro Chemistry


Food Quality. Vitamins. Gen­ eral. Possibly Monday through Wednesday. Practical Applications of Microchemistry. Microdetermination of Carbon and Hydrogen. Spectroscopic Methods of An­ alysis (with Physical). Gen­ eral. Possibly Monday through Thursday. Current Topics in Biochemistry (invited). Vitamins. Proteins. General. Monday through Friday. Cellulose and Cellulose Plastics (invited) (with Colloid, Paint, Physical). General. Possibly Tuesday and Wednesday. Teaching of Thermodynamics (with Physical). Trends of Thought about Chemical Edu­ cation in the Postwar Era. General. Possibly Monday through Wednesday Cellulose and Cellulose Plastics (invited) (with Cellulose, Paint, Physical). Detergents (with Physical). General. Possibly Wednesday and Thursday. Nitrogen in Agriculture. Gen­ eral. Possibly Monday through Wednesday. Pétrographie Constituents of Coal (round table). General. Possibly Thursday. Inhibitors for Control of Scale and Corrosion in Water (with Water) (send one copy abstracts and papers t o F . N. Speller, Chairman, 6411 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh, Pa.). Unit Processes (send one copy abstracts and papers to R. N. Shreve, Chairman, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.). General. Possibly Monday through Wednesday. Sympathomimetic Agents (invited). General. Possibly Thursday and Friday. General. Possibly Monday through Thursday.


Biological Chemistry


Cellulose Chemistry


Chemical Education


Colloid Chemistry


Fertiliser Chemistry


G HA and Fuel Chemistry


Industrial and Engineering Chemistry


Medicinal Chemistry


Organic Chemistry


Cellulose and Cellulose Plastics (invited) (with Cellulose, Col­ loid, Physical). Protective Coatings. Plastics. Possibly Tuesday through Thursday. Catalysis. Bench-Scale Tech­ Petroleum Chemistry β niques (round table). General. Possibly Monday through Thursday. Physical and Inorganic Fluorescence and Lumines­ 10 Chemistry cence. Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis (with Analytical). Cellulose and Cellulose Plastics (incited) (with Cellulose, Col­ loid, Paint). Teaching of Thermodynamics (with Educa­ tion). Detergents (with Col­ loid). General. Possibly Monday through Wednesday. Rubber Chemistry 5 General. Possibly Wednesday through Friday. Sugar Chemistry and 4 Wood Sugar. General. Possibly Thursday and Friday. Technology Water. Sewage, and 4 Inhibitors for Control of Scale and Corrosion in Water (with Sanitation Chemistry Industrial). General. Pos­ sibly Monday through Wednes­ day. The Division of the History of Chemistry; will not meet. N o divisional meetings on Monday morning or Wednesday afternoon. Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry


Abstracts of Papers Abstracts should accompany all titles when sent to the secretaries of the various divisions. Many of the secretaries com­ plain that they are inconvenienced through the nonarrival or late arrival of titles and abstracts. Members are urged to comply with this request in order to facilitate 908

Two copies 200-word abstract. Paper in publication form to secretary at meeting. Two copies 250-word abstract : manuscript.

Two copies 200-word abstract: may request manuscript; send covering letter and stamped addressed envelope. Two copies 200-word abstract: two copies manuscript. Two copies 200-word manuscript.


Three copies 200-word abstract. Paper in publication form to eecretary at meeting. Two copies 250-word abstract. Manuscript to secretary on or before presentation. Two copies 200-word abstraot; manuscript.

The ACS News Service, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C , wiU sup­ ply abstracts of papers presented at the meeting. Sets are not guaranteed to be complete but contain abstracts from all divisions as submitted by authors. The abstracts will be mailed as soon as possible after receipt of order. It is hoped that mailing can begin about September 4. However, necessity for thor­ ough review by the Government and un­ foreseen production delays caused by the war may make this impossible. Those who feel it necessary to have the abstracts at the meeting are advised to purchase them in New York rather than by mail. This enterprise is undertaken in a spirit of service and not for profit. Sets are offered on the following terms: To members of divisions who forward receipt for divisional dues with remittance and order, 50 cents. To those without receipt for divisional dues, who remit with order, $1.00. To those who fail to enclose remittance with order, necessitating correspondence, SI.25. To those who require that bills be ren­ dered, $1.50.

Two copies 200-word abstract to eecretary; manuscript.

Three copies 200-word abstract: manuscript. Two copies 200-word abstract on form obtainable from secre­ tary; manuscript or 1000word abstract including experi­ mental data. No additions, changes, or withdrawals of papers after July 1. Two copies 200-word abstract; manuscript. Three copies 100-word abstraot: four copies manuscript or 1000word abstract b y J u n e 2 0 ; four copies manuscript b y July 1. T w o copies 100- t o 20O-word ab­ stract on form obtainable from eecretary (send stamped, ad­ dressed envelope); 1000-word abstract or manuscript (will be returned if requested at time of transmittal). N o paper will be accepted unless an Author ex­ pects to be present. Three copies 260-word abstract; three copies manuscript. Two copies 200-word abstract. Six copies 260-word abstraot.

prompt distribution of sets of abstracts by the News Service.

Sets of Abstracts Frequently there is a considerable period between the presentation of a paper and its publication, and in such cases the ab­ stracts are of particular value. CHEMICAL

Divisional Membership All registrants at meetings of the ACS may attend the sessions of any division. However, each group naturally wishes to carry on its roster the names of all who are interested in the field and work of the divsion. At least one special privilege is of­ fered only to members of these groups; some divisions give several concessions s o d services. In 1943 only about 5,500 members of the SOCIETY were registered on the rolls of the divisions and one third of these were in two large groups. Look over the list of divisions as it is printed on pages 906 and 907 and write now to the secretary saying, "Enroll me".

News Service The ACS News Service will operate a press room. Members who are to present papers will confer a great service and pro­ mote the efficiency of the publicity work by sending synopses to James T. Gr&dy, Managing Editor, ACS News Service, €09 Journalism Bldg., Columbia University, New York 27, Ν. Υ., as far in advance of the meeting as possible.

Equipment for Divisional Meeting Rooms Divisional meeting rooms will be equipped with a standard lantern-slide pro­ jector, screen, blackboard, pointer, chalk, and a reading desk with light. An at­ tempt will be made to furnish motionpicture and other special projectors upon the request and at the expense of dimxSons or individuals if notice of such special AND



needs ia given to the Meeting Rooms Coinmi ttee before August Î. Address correspondence to J. W. Haught, Plastics Department, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Arlington, Ν. J. He specifically asks that requirements be made known to him promptly as supplies are difficult to obtain on short notice, and because of the number of meetings in New York sup­ pliers must plan well in advance in order to guarantee that equipment will be avail­ able. Each divisional secretary should contact the Meeting Rooms Committee and inspect the assigned room before the first session of the division.

Monday at 8:00 A.M. the Clearing House will open to employers. Appointments for interviews will be made at. the request of employers and a t the times they specify. Private booths will be assigned for such conferences. No chemist or chemical engineer looking for employment nnd no employer looking for trained men can afford to miss this opportunity. Plan on using the ACS Employment Clearing House in New York, September 10 to 15.

Employment Clearing House

Candidates for Employment B y action of the Board of Director* (December 12, 1940), the Employment Clearing House is open only to members and paid student affiliates of the AMERI­

Hotel McAlpin

CAN CHEMICAX SOCIETY registered and in

The SOCIETY will provide facilities to bring together employers looking for chemists and chemical engineers, and mem­ bers and paid student affiliates registered and in attendance at the meeting seeking em­ ployment and desiring such contacts. Beginning Sunday at 2:00 P.M., candi­ dates for employment will file'records in the Clearing House on forms which pro­ vide space for a photograph, personal data, and information regarding education and experience. The records will be main­ tained in classified files and indexed under all fields of training and experience. This enables an employer to find quickly those with the qualifications desired.

interviews in the Clearing House, is un­ willing to meet the recommendations unanimously adopted at the Atlantic City meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCI­

ETY in its resolution oo employer-employee relationships" [see NEWS EDITION, 19,

1442 (December 25,1941) ] as modified on April 2, 1944, by increase of the three recommended minimum salaries to $2,100, $2,400, and $3,000, respectively. Employers who have never visited an ACS Employment Clearing House will find this unique employment aid of distinct value.

Group Meals

attendance at the meeting. Advance registration is helpful. Please request the necessary forms from the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1155 16th

St., N. W., Washington 6, D . C. Forms will be available about July 1. Records cannot be inspected by employers until after the arrival of the registrant. Those who do not file vitae by mail mayfillout the forms in the Clearing House after ar­ rival. Employers By action of the Board of Directors, the Employment Clearing House is not open to any employer or employer's representa­ tive "who, in offers made as a result of

Crowded conditions in New York have made it difficult for hotels and restaurante to serve large groups. In deference to the difficult task which will face the Group Meals Committee, a deadline of July 15 has been set for receipt of all requests for group breakfasts, luncheons, social hours, and dinners. Address all correspondence to Dr. A. Walti, Merck à Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Chairman of the Group Meals CommitteeLand indicate expected attendance and preferred time.

Final Program The final program of the meeting will be printed in the August 10 issue of CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS. CHARLES L. PARSONS, Secretary

Dr. S. K3osky. Chairman Housing Committee, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY

Room 1536. 233 Broadway New York 7, Ν. Υ. Dear Sir: Please make hotel reservation(s) as indicated below: Hotel

(1st choice)


(2nd choice)


(3rd choice)

(Note: If the hotel of first choice is unable to accept the reservation, the Housing Committee will endeavor to comply with your second or third choice in the order named.)

Room(s) with double bed(e)

at $

to $

per day for


^at $

to $

per day for


Single room(s)»

at $

to $

per day

Suite of

at S

to $

per day for

Room(s) with twin beds rooms

ABRIviNG: September

; hour



LEAVING: September

; hour




HOTELS WILL HOLD RESERVATIONS FOR ONLY THREE HOURS AFTER ARRIVAL TIME STIPULATEO UNLESS OTHER­ WISE NOTIFIED. print (or type) the names and addresses of all occupants including the person making reservations: NAME






Address. . . Very scarce; please arrange for double ocoupanoy.


2 2# N O . 1 1 » » » J U N E 1 0 , 1 9 4 4