PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Cleveland Meeting, American Chemical Society April 3 to 7 , 1944 Chemistry for Victory General Program REGISTRATION—Sunday
(3) State day and hour of arrival and departure (specify E.S.T. or E.W.T.) (4) Arrange for multiple occupancy
P.M.; Monday through Thursday 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.; Friday 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 M. DIVISIONAL MEETINGS—Cleveland Pub-
This is again a War Meeting. As your contribution, please comply with all these requests. Sacrifice personal convenience for the good of the enterprise and a successful meeting!
lic Auditorium. Tuesday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 M.; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEETING—Monday 0:30 A.M. GENERAL MEETING—JVednesday 2:00 P.M. CROUP MEALS—Daily 7:30 A M., 12:15
P~M., and 6:30 P.M. (no group dinners Wednesday).
There is an acute shortage of railroad equipment for civilian traffic. I t is essential that those planning to attend the meeting make arrangements as soon as possible for railroad accommodations 'from their domes to Cleveland and return. T h e time a t which diagrams are available varies in different cities. Contact local railroad or transportation agents immediately in order that reservations m a y be made a t the earliest possible date. Purchase railroad and Pullman tickets (and, if available, coach reservations) a month in advance; they can be turned in for refunds should cancellation of the trip be necessary.
Local Committee Chairmen HONORARY CHAIRMAN.
Harold S. Booth
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Case School of Applied Science GENERAL VICE CHAIRMAN. E. A. Arnold V I C E CHAIRMAN. W. J. Bartlett EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE. M. R.
H . S. Booth, Honorary Chairman
Hatfield HOUSING AND HOTELS. C. O. Miller MEETING ROOMS. F. C. Smith, Har-
shaw Chemical Co. V I C E CHAIRMAN.
Mathew M. Braidech
Edwin C. Mateja
M. J. Bahnsen
von Fischer PERSONNEL. Frank Hovorka INFORMATION. H. Seymour Colton V I C E CHAIRMAN.
A. S. Weygandt
R. E. Burk
H. P. Lankelma, West-
ern Reserve University WOMEN CHEMISTS.
Gilberts G. Torrey
Hotels Hotel Cleveland and Hotel Statler in downtown Cleveland have been selected as joint headquarters. A table listing official hotels and rates appears on page 14; hotels are located on map, page 15. The Housing Committee wishes to remind meeting attendants that once more rooms must be used to capacity. Registrants are asked to forego the pleasure and convenience of single occupancy. T o expedite matters, make all reservations through the committee, not through the hotels, since it will be necessary for the latter to refer communications to the
Housing Committee. Address C. O. Miller, Chairman, Housing Committee, AMERICAN
Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio. Please use the form on page 14, giving all data requested. At recent meetings a surprising number of persons have made hotel reservations and failed t o arrive or to cancel the arrangement. The Housing Committee and the hotels acted in good faith, but, because of the carelessness or thoughtlessness of some members, rooms in downtown hotels were vacant at a time when some attendants were being sent to private homes and outlying hotels. In order to guard against a repetition of this unfortunate occurrence, reservations will be held for only three hours after the arrival time stipulated. Please apply the Golden Rule and inform the committee of any change i n plans 1 Note that Cleveland is operating on Eastern Standard Time, one hour slower than Eastern War Time as used by the railroads. Each person who plans to attend the Cleveland meeting should: (1) Request hotel reservation as soon as possible, using form on page 14 and giving all information requested (2) Name three hotels in order of preference and indicate whether location or price is more important
22, N O . 1 » • J A N U A R Y
10, 1 9 4 4
Registration Registration headquarters will be open from 2:00 t o 8:00 P.M. Sunday, from 8:00 A.M. t o 6:00 P.M. Tuesday through Thursday, and 8:00 A.M. t o noon o n Friday. The registration fee, required b y vote of the Council t o help carry local e x penses, has been fixed at $3.00 for members, students majoring in chemistry or chemical engineering, and visitors other than American nonmember chemists and chemical engineers; $8.00 for American nonmember chemists and chemical engineers. All members and visitors must register. Admission to meetings will be restricted to those wearing official badges of this meeting.
Society Regulations Governing Registration BYLAW 2. (o) Attendance at meetings of the SOCIETY is limited to registered persons. (6) All persons in registering at meetings of t h e SOCIETY shall state whether or not they are members of the SOCIETY and, if not, whether they are chemists or chemical engineers. (c) American chemists or chemical engineers, nonmembers of the SOCIETY, attending meetings of the SOCIETY, shall assist in the support of the facilities which they en1*
HOTEL •Clevrland. Public Square •Staler. Kuclid A E. 12th St. Alcazar. Surrey and Derbyshire* AM»rt*>n. Chester & E . 13th St. Auditorium. St. Clair & E. 6th S t . Bolton Square. 8907 Carnegie Ave.* Carter. Pri-spect at E. 9th St. Colonial. 523 Prospect Ave. Fenway Hall. Euclid & E . 105th 8t.& Fern Hall, 3250 Euclid Ave.
_______^____ RATE B Suites Single* Double Bed «10.SO up $3 0 0 - 7 . 0 0 $4.50-9.00 10.00up 3.O0-6.O0 5.00-8.00 8.00up 7.50up 2 50-3 50 3.50-5.00 1.75-2.25RW 3.00-3.50RW 2.O0-3.50 4.00-6.00 2. 5 0 - 3 . 0 0 3.50-4.00 10 00 up 3.00-6 00 4.50-7.00 2.75-3.O0 4 . 5 0 - 5 00 2.O0RW 3.50RW G.O0-5.O0 1.50-3.O0 1.50 8PB* 10 00 up 3 . O0-5.00 4 .50-6.50 2 00-3 0 0 3 50-4 JO 1..50RW 2.50-3.00RW 2.O0-3.50 3.50-6.00 2 75 2 . 00 3.00 11.00up 3 . 5 0 - 8 OO 11.00 up 3 . 5 0 - 5 OO
Hollonden. 610 Superior Ave. New Amsterdam. Euclid & E . 22nd St. Olmsted. Superior & E . 9th St. Quad Hall. 750O Euclid Ave.*-* Stockbridge, 3228 Euclid Avo. Tudor Arms. 1O660 Carnegie Ave.* Wade Park Manor. Park Lane at E . 107th S t . * Joint headquarters. * Very limited; double occupancy requested. (Not in downtown area: good pubMo transportation. * Women only. * Men only. Private bath unless otherwise specified. RW - Running water.
cal engineering at any college o r university. (RES8
Signature. Address...
Very scarce; please arrange for doable oeoupanoy.
14 i
Addresses of Divisional Secretaries Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Paul Logue, Monsanto Chemical Co.. 1700 Second Ave., S., St. Louis 4. Mo. Analytical and Micro Chemistry. Chester M. Alter, Department of Chemistry, Boston University, 688 Boylston St., Boston 16, Mass. Biological Chemistry. Erwin Brand. Department of Biochemistry. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. 630 West 16Sth St.. New York 32. N. y. Cellulose Chemistry. Charles R. Fordyce, 275 Maplewood Drive. Rochester 13. tf. Y. Chemical Education* Paul H. Fall. Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio. Colloid Chemistry. Charles E. Marshall. Department of Soils, University of Missouri. Columbia, Mo. Gas and Fuel Chemistry. G. Robert Yohe. State GeologicaJ Survey, Urbana, 111. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. William A. Pardee, Gulf Research and Development Co.. P . O. Box 2038, Pittsburgh 30. Pa. Medicinal Chemistry. Maurice L. Moore, Scientific Laboratories, Frederick Stearns and Co., Detroit 31, Mich. Organic Chemistry. Arthur C. Cope. Department of Chemistry, Columbia University. New York 27. N. Y. Petroleum Chemistry. Cary R. Wagner, R. D. 2, Utica, Ohio. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. Paul M. Gross, Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, N. C. Sugar Chemistry and Technology. E. Whitman Rice. National Sugar Refining Co., 129 Front St.. New York 5, N. Y. Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Chemistry. H. Gladys Swope, 705 Waverly Road. Highland Park. 111.
Papers lor the Meeting Titles for papers should be sent to the secretary of the appropriate division and not to the Secretary o f the 8OCI&TT. Titles t o appear on t h e final program, and abstracts or complete papers where required,
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
MAP LEGEND Alcazar Hotel Allerton Hotel Auditorium Hotel Bolton Square Hotel Carter Hotel Case School of A p p l i e d Science Cleveland Hotel Cleveland Museum of A r t Colonial Hotel Fenway Hall Hotel Fern Hall Hotel Hollenden Hotel New Amsterdam Hotel Olmsted Hotel Public Auditorium Quad Hall Hotel Statler Hotel Stockbridse Hotel Tudor Arms Hotel Union Depot Union Terminal Wade Park Manor Hotel Western Reserve University
5 Milt*
2 8,
1 .
. J A N U A R Y
T o members of divisions who forward receipt f o r divisional dues with remittance and order, 50 cents. T o those without receipt for divisional dues, w h o remit with order, $1.00. To those who fail to enclose remittance with order, necessitating correspondence. $1.25. T o those who require that bills be rendered, $1.50.
must be in the hands of the divisional secretaries not later than February 12. Each division sends t o its members abstracts of all papers on its program. The Division of Petroleum Chemistry, in lieu of abstracts, distributes copies of the complete papers.
Society Regulations Governing Papers
New* Service
BYLAW 3 . (a) Papers by American chemists or chemical engineer « not memb e n of the SOCIETY shall not appear o n the programs of general, divisional, or regional meetings of the SOCIETY unless they be joint papers with SOCIETY members. (6) All papers presented before general, divisional, regional, group, local section, or other meetings are the property of the {SOCIETY, to be published in the journals of the SOCIETY orTeleased by the appropriate editor if not retained for such publication.
The A . C. S . News Service will have a press room. Members who are to present papers will confer a great service and promote the efficiency of the publicity work by sending synopses to the Director, News Service, 115516th St., N . W., Washington 6, D . C , as far in advance of the meeting as possible.
(c) The SOCIETY is not responsible for
statements and opinions advanced b y individuals in papers or discussions before its meetings. (d) Any paper, although announced in the final program, may be excluded a t any time prior to delivery by order of the President. The Board of Directors has voted the following regulations (R-55) governing papers to be presented before general, divisional, regional, or group meetings, supplementing Bylaw 3 : (a) Authorship of papers shall b e accredited only to individuals and not to companies or laboratories. (6) N o paper may be presented which has been offered for publication elsewhere. (c) N o paper, no matter how important* may be presented, the title of which does not appear on the final program. (d) If a paper is declined by any division of the SOCIETY, the secretary of that division is instructed to notify the secretary of any other division to which it is likely t o be offered. Priority is based soieiy upon the date of receipt of the complete paper deposited for publication with the secretary of t h e division or the appropriate editor. The Council has empowered officers of divisions to request any paper in advance, so that it may be passed upon and an indication made t o the author as t o whether he is to read the entire paper or t o ab stract it in order to allow time for discussion. Xo paper may be presented at the meeting, title for which is not printed in the final program. "By title" should be placed on t h e announcement of any paper when the author is to be absent, so that members may understand in advance that the paper will not be read. All sucb papers should be placed at the end of the program. Titles should be accompanied by information concerning desired projection equipment. Only standard lantern-slide projectors will be furnished without cost.
Publication of Papers BYLAW 3 (6). All papers presented before general, divisional, regional, group,
E. A . Arnold, General Vice Chairman local section, or other meetings are the property of the SOCIETY, to be published m the journals of the SOCIETY or released by the appropriate editor if not retained for such publication. If release is desired, address t h e editors of the appropriate journals. When the paper is in their hands, the editors will act promptly on any release requested.
Abstracts of Papers Abstracts should accompany all titles when sent to the secretaries of the various divisions. Many of the secretaries complain that they are inconvenienced through the nonarrival or late arrival of titles and abstracts. Members are urged t o comply with this request in order to facilitate prompt distribution of sets of abstracts by the News Service.
Sets of Abstracts Frequently there is a considerable period between the presentation of a paper and its publication, and in such cases the abstracts are of particular value. The A. C. S. News Service, 1155 16th St., N . W., Washington 6, D . C , will supply abstracts of papers presented a t the Cleveland meeting. Sets are n o t guaranteed to b e complete but contain abstracts from all divisions as submitted b y authors. The abstracts will be mailed a s fioon as possible after receipt of order. It is hoped that mailing can begin about March 28. However, necessity for thorough review by the Government and unforeseen production delays caused b y the war may make this impossible. Those who feel i t necessary to have the abstracts a t the meeting are advised to purchase them in Cleveland rather than by mail. This enterprise is undertaken in a spirit of service and not for.profit. Sets are offered o n the following terms:
Equipment for Divisional Meeting Rooms Divisional meeting rooms will be equipped with a standard lantern-slide projector, screen, blackboard, pointer, chalk, a n d a reading desk with light. An attempt will b e made t o furnish motionpicture a>nd other special projectors upon the request and at the expense of divisions or individuals if notice of such special needs is given the Meeting Rooms Committee before February 15. Address correspondence concerning meeting rooms and equipment to P. Clayton Smith, T h e Harshaw Chemical Co., 1945 East 97th St., Cleveland, Oliio. Each divisional secretary should contact the Meeting Rooms Committee a n d inspect the assigned room before the first session of the division.
Employment Clearing; House The SOCIETY will provide facilities t o bring together employers looking for chemists and chemical engineers, and members and paid student affiliates registered and in attendance at the meeting seeking employment and desiring such contacts. Beginning Sunday at 2:00 P.M., candidates f o r employment will file records in the Clearing House on forms which provide space for a photograph, personal data, and information regarding education and experience. T h e records will be maintained i n classified files and indexed under all fields of training and experience. This enables a n employer to find quickly those with the qualifications desired. Monday at 8:00 A.M. the Clearing House will open to employers. Appointments for interviews will be made at the request of employers and at the times they specify. Private booths will be assigned for such conferences. No chemist or chemical engineer looking for employment and no employer looking for trailed men can afford t o miss this opportunity. Plan on using the A. C. S. Employment Clearing House in the Cleveland Public Auditorium, April 2 to 7.
Candidates for Employment By action of the Board of Directors (December 12, 1940), the Employment Clearing House is open only t o members and paid student affiliates of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY registered and in
attendance at the meeting. Advance registration is helpful. Please request the necessary forms from the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1165 16th
St., N. W., Washington 6, D . C. Forms will be available about February 1. Records cannot be inspected by employers until after the arrival of the registrant. Those who do not file vitae by mail may fill out the forms in the Clearing House after arrival. Employers By action of the Board of Directors, the Employment Clearing House is not open to any employer or employer's representative "who, in offers made as a result of interviews in the Clearing House, is un-
willing to meet the recommendations unanimously adopted at the Atlantic City meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCI-
ETY in its resolution on employer-employee relationships" and modified on November 28, 1942 (see N E W S EDITION, 10, 1442 (December 25, 1941); CHEM. E N G . N E W S ,
20, 1622 (December 25, 1942)]. It is not necessary for employers to make advance arrangements with the SOCIETY
for use of the Employment Clearing House. Employers who have never visited an A. C. S. Employment Clearing House will find this unique employment aid of distinct value.
Group Meals Anatig