Preparation of Carbonate-Free Solid Absorbent for Carbon Dioxide

Bernard Manning, GeophysicsResearch Directorate, Air Force. Cambridge Research Center, Cambridge, Mass. I^ior very accurate analyses with micro sample...
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1136 Table I.

Calibration of Ultramicroburet

(Total capacity, approximately 10-6 ml.) Reading on Gage Diameter of Drop, Volume, Scale Divisions Mm. A n . x 10Experiment 1. Readings Every 100 Divisions 300 0.150 177 400 0,180 305 418 500 0.200 558 0.220 600 678 0.235 700 822 0.250 800 0.265 900 973 0.275 lo00 1088

From least square correlations: 1 division = 1.315 f 0.004 X 10-8 ml. equivalent to wire of diameter 0.003195 i 0.000005 inch. Actual measured diameter of wire, 0.00318 f 0.00002 inch. Experiment 2. lo00 300

Readings of Total Displacement 0 . 2 8 8 f 0.001 1251 0.185 32 0.001 33 1 920

Blank analyses have shown that the ab~orbentprepared by this method contains only 0.001% or less of carbon dioxide.


1 division = 920&10-8 ~

nitrogen-filled “dry box” to protect the product from acidic atmospheric gases. Sodium hydroxide is dissolved in absolute methanol (200 grams per liter) and the solution is saturated with solid barium chloride, When most of the solids have settled, the supernatant liquid is filtered through a sintered-glass funnel. A sufficient amount of this solution is poured over the activated alumina to cover it, but no large excas should be used. Bfter soaking for 15 . minutes, the alcoholic sodium hydroxide is drained off and the impregnated alumina is dried by pumping off the alcohol. Care should be taken to collect the alcohol in a suitable trap cooled by a dry ice-acetone mixture. When no more alcohol can be collected and the dried granules can be shaken easily in the flask, the absorbent is ready for use. Storage in small lots in sealed glass ampoules is recommended.

= 1.314 f 0.013 X 10-s nil

inch, which compares favorably with 0.00318 i O.ooOo2 inch. the actual measured diameter of the wire. The results of experiment 2 are in excellent agreement with those of experiment 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The assistance of F. Emerson Sparks in designing the mechanical features of the instrument and permission from The Emil Greiner Co. to publish this information are gratefully acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Gerard, R. W., personal communication. (2) Giimont, R., .ISAL. CHEY.,20, 1109 (1948). (3) Schoiander, P. F., and Evans, H. J., J . B i d . Chenz., 169, 551 (1947). PnEsEsTED before the Divikion of .inalytical Chemistry a t the 11211d .\leeting of the .IMEXIC.AS CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Atlantic City, N.J.

Preparation of a Carbonate-Free Solid Absorbent for Carbon Dioxide. George A. Consolaziol, Charles If’. Chagnon, and Bernard Manning, Geophysics Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Cambridge, Mass.


(I) Dauben, Reid, and Tankwich, ANAL.CEEH, 19,828 (1947).

Fieser, “Experiments in Organic Chemistry.” D. C. Heath & Co., 1941. 13) Keiiey, J . Ind. Eng. Chem., 8 , 1038 (1916) (4) Kdster, Z.anorg. Chem., 13, 134 (1897). (2)

p 360, S e w To1 k,

Laboratory Electric Timing Device. Ralph E. Schachatl and Ernest I. Becker, Chemical Laboratoried, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn 2, N. Y. YTERVITTENT

timers have proved to be very useful in t,he

1-chemistry laboratory for operating total reflux, partial take .

OR,distilling heads ( 2 ) , and other equipment. Such timers have been constructed on a number of principles. Electronic timers operating on a condetwwr discharge principle are typified by those of Fisher (5), Thacker and Walker ( 8 ) ,and that, of Bechtold ( 1 ) as modified by Taylor and Reid ( 7 ) . Kinloch ( 5 ) has recently described an elaborate electronic ratio timer operat,ing on the principle of a relaxation oscillator. Other timers have been designed to drop a switch by mdans of a rotating cam ( 4 , 6). The Scientific Glass .Apparatus Co. makes a timer which operates on an oscillating arm which nukes contact during a selected portion of the oscillating a.rc. The timer described herein operates on t,he following principle: A rotating arm with a terminal contact point runs over an interrupted brass st,rip which may be set “on” or “off” in selected sections to give the desired on-off cycle. The principle is simple, the timer is rugged, easily constructed of inexpettsive and readily ~ ~ _ _ _ 1

Present address, Reinington R a n d , Inc., Bourn Forwalk, Conn.


accurate analyses with micro samples of carbon dioxide, or where dilution of radioactive carbon cannot, be tolerated, it has been found necessary to use an absorbent for carbon dioxide which is essentially free from carb0nat.e. Such aellknown absorbents as soda-lime or i\scarite (3) are not usually manufartured from carbonate-free materials and absorb further amount,s of carbon dioxide in storage. Several authors ( I , 4 ) have described the preparation of sodium hydroxide solutions free from carbonate. However, liquid absorbers are not suitable wit,h low temperatures and fast flow rates. The authors have obtained excellent results with a solid absorbent prepared by d e posit,ing carbonate-free sodium hydroxide on activat,ed alumina i n an inert atmosphere such as dry nitrogen.



The base of the absorbent is activated alumina (8- to 14-mesh). previously boiled in dilute hydrochloric acid. washed several times with freshly boiled distilled water, rinsed with methyl alcohol, and dried in a vacuum desiccator. In order to reduce the water content of the solution as much as possible, absolute methano1 was prepared by dehydration with magnesium turnings a? described by Fieser ( 2 ) . From this point on, all operations should be performed in :i 1

Present address, Watertown Arsenal. Watertown, Mass

1-1 Figure 1. Plane View-of Apparatus