Preparation of Ordered Films Containing a Phenylene Ethynylene

Jun 7, 2007 - Ana Villares , Donocadh P. Lydon , Paul J. Low , Benjamin J. Robinson , Geoffrey J. Ashwell , Félix M. Royo and Pilar Cea. Chemistry of...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 7201-7209


Preparation of Ordered Films Containing a Phenylene Ethynylene Oligomer by the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique Ana Villares,† Donocadh P. Lydon,‡ Laurent Porre` s,‡ Andrew Beeby,‡ Paul J. Low,‡ Pilar Cea,† and Fe` lix M. Royo*,† Departamento de Quı´mica Orga´ nica-Quı´mica Fı´sica, AÄ rea de Quı´mica Fı´sica, Facultad de Ciencias, UniVersidad de Zaragoza, 50009, Zaragoza, Spain and Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom ReceiVed: March 14, 2007; In Final Form: April 26, 2007

This paper reports the fabrication and characterization of Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films incorporating an oligo(phenylene-ethynylene) (OPE) derivative, namely, 4-[4-(4-hexyloxyphenylethynyl)phenylethynyl]-benzoic acid (HBPEB). Conditions appropriate for deposition of monolayers of HBPEB at the air-water interface have been established and the resulting Langmuir films characterized by a combination of surface pressure and surface potential versus area per molecule isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy, and ultraviolet reflection spectroscopy. The Langmuir films are readily transferred onto solid substrates, and one-layer LB films transferred at several surface pressures onto mica substrates have been analyzed by means of atomic force microscopy, from which it can be concluded that 14 mN/m is an optimum surface pressure of transference, giving well-ordered homogeneous films without three-dimensional defects and a low surface roughness. The optical and emissive properties of the LB films have been determined with significant blueshifted absorption spectra indicating formation of two-dimensional H aggregates and a Stokes shift illustrating the effects of the solid-like environment on the molecular chromophore.

Introduction Molecular, oligomeric, and polymeric compounds derived from the phenylene ethynylene motif are a fascinating subset of conjugated materials.1,2 For example, the luminescent properties of polymeric phenylene ethynylenes (PPE) are sensitive to a variety of environmental factors, including conformation and aggregation effects,3 as well being sensitive to interactions with small molecules. This latter property has led to the development of a remarkable range of simple, yet highly sensitive, polymerbased sensors.4 The rigid structure of the phenylene ethynylene motif has also been employed as a structural element in the construction of various shape-persistent molecular architectures5 and liquid crystalline materials.6-9 In addition, the extended π-conjugated electronic structure that these compounds offer raises considerable interest in the potential “wire-like” properties of these compounds when used to bridge molecular photoactive centers10,11 or to span a nanoscopic gap between two macroscopic electrodes.12-15 The assembly of functional organic molecules into highly ordered films, with defined thickness and controlled architecture, is also of interest from both the theoretical interest in surface chemistry and the potential use of organic thin films in industrial applications. In this respect, several methods have been employed to fabricate thin films of oligo(phenylene ethynylene)s including cast, spin-coating, and layer by layer procedures16-19 for applications in organic electroluminescent and polymeric LED devices20,21 and NLO (nonlinear optical) applications.22,23 However, the vast majority of OPE films studied for advanced * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: femer@ † Universidad de Zaragoza. ‡ University of Durham.

materials applications have so far been prepared by the selfassembly (SA) technique,24-31 usually taking advantage of the excellent film-forming characteristics of thiols on gold surfaces. In this context, we could highlight the fabrication of SA monolayers of OPEs as either single-component systems32 or mixed films where the OPE is diluted onto an insulating matrix with the purpose of measuring single-molecule conductivities.33-37 However, despite the obvious advantages of ease of assembly and excellent film characteristics derived from thiol-gold SA monolayers,38 free thiols RSH can readily oxidatively couple to give very stable dithiols RSSR. The preparation of goldthiol-based monolayers therefore requires careful preparation and manipulation of protected thiols, which can add a degree of additional complexity to the process. The Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique is a much older, but often neglected in recent times, strategy for preparation of organic thin films.39-44 The LB method is an excellent tool to fabricate films with a high internal order, provides control over the desired number of layers, as well as allowing the possibility of depositing alternate monolayers of different molecules and preparing mixed monolayers in which OPEs could be diluted, for example, into an insulating matrix of a fatty acid. Nevertheless, there is little data available for the detailed process of fabrication of LB films containing OPE derivatives and their precise organization.45-47 In this paper we show that the LB technique is a useful procedure to fabricate well-ordered films of OPE derivatives where the final architecture can be controlled by the operator. Specifically, we report the synthesis and assembly into Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films of a new phenylene-ethynylene oligomer, namely, 4-[4-(4-hexyloxyphenylethynyl)-phenylethynyl]-benzoic acid, abbreviated as HBPEB (Figure 1). This compound meets the requirements of the Langmuir-Blodgett

10.1021/jp072052h CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 06/07/2007

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Figure 1. Chemical structure (left) and space-filling molecular model (right) of 4-[4-(4-hexyloxyphenylethynyl)-phenylethynyl]-benzoic acid (HBPEB).

technique,48,49 i.e., it contains (i) a hydrophilic group (the carboxylic acid, which facilitates spreading of the molecule as well as its anchoring onto the water surface) and (ii) a waterinsoluble skeleton made of a conjugated π system and a hydrocarbon chain that, on one hand, prevents solubilization of the molecule into the aqueous subphase and, on the other hand, provides stability to the film thanks to lateral π-π and van der Waals interactions with neighboring molecules. The detailed organization of HBPEB Langmuir monolayers under several experimental conditions and final architecture of the LB films have been comprehensively studied by means of optical, spectroscopic, and microscopic procedures.

Villares et al. was measured by a Wilhelmy paper plate pressure sensor. The spreading solution was delivered from a syringe held very close to the surface with the surface pressure allowed to return to a value as close as possible to zero between each addition. The initial surface density of the films was such that the surface pressure never exceeded 1 mN/m. The solvent was allowed to completely evaporate over a period of at least 15 min before compression of the monolayer commenced at a constant sweeping speed of 0.02 nm2/molecule‚min. Each compression isotherm was registered at least three times to ensure the reproducibility of the results so obtained. The ∆V-A measurements were carried out using a Kelvin probe provided by Nanofilm Technologie GmbH, Go¨ttingen, Germany. During monolayer compression, π-Α and ∆V-A isotherms were recorded simultaneously. A mini-Brewster angle microscope (mini-BAM), also from Nanofilm Technologie, was employed for direct visualization of the monolayers at the air/water interface, and a commercial UV-vis reflection spectrophotometer51 was used to obtain the reflection spectra of the Langmuir films upon the compression process. The solid substrates used to support the LB films (quartz, ZnSe, and cleaved mica for the ultraviolet and fluorescence, infrared, and AFM measurements, respectively) were cleaned carefully as previously described.52,53 The monolayers were deposited at a constant surface pressure by the vertical dipping method, and the dipping speed was 0.6 cm/min. Ultraviolet (UV) spectra were acquired on a Varian Cary 50 spectrophotometer. The fluorescence spectra were recorded using a Horiba-Jobin-Yvon Fluorolog 3-22 Tau-3 spectrofluorimeter. The infrared spectra of the LB films or KBr pellets were obtained with a Jasco 410 spectrophotometer. The LB films spectra were recorded using a normal incident angle with respect to the film plane. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments were performed by means of a multimode extended microscope with Nanoscope IIIA electronics from Digital Instruments operating at ambient atmosphere. The AFM tip was made of silicon with a resonant frequency of 285 kHz and a force constant of 42 N/m. All images were recorded at room temperature using the tapping mode. The scanning rate was 1 Hz, and the amplitude set point was lower than 1 V.

Experimental Section Synthesis. General Conditions. THF was purified by passage through an Innovative Technologies SPS-400 solvent purification system. Methyl 4-[4-(4-hexyloxyphenylethynyl)-phenylethynyl]-benzoate was prepared in a manner analogous to that described elsewhere.50 Other reagents were purchased and used as received. IR spectra were recorded on a Nicolet Avatar spectrometer from Nujol mulls supported between NaCl plates. Mass spectra were recorded on an Autospec EI spectrometer. A solution of methyl 4-[4-(4-hexyloxyphenylethynyl)-phenylethynyl]-benzoate (1.00 g, 2.29 mmol) in 50% aqueous ethanol (100 mL) and THF (100 mL) was treated with a solution of NaOH (0.5 g, 12.5 mmol in 20 mL water), and the reaction mixture was heated at reflux for 6 h. After this time the solution was cooled, the volatiles were removed in vacuo, and the mixture was acidified by addition of dilute aqueous HCl. The resulting precipitate was collected, washed with water, and dried to afford the desired compound (0.92 g, 94%). Film Fabrication. The films were prepared on a Nima Teflon trough with dimensions 720 × 100 mm2, which was housed in a constant temperature (20 ( 1 °C) clean room. The subphase was either pure water (Millipore Milli-Q purification system, resistivity 18.2 MΩ·cm) or a solution of NaOH using Milli-Q water as solvent. The surface pressure (π) of the monolayers

Results and Discussion Langmuir Films. Hexane was chosen as the spreading solvent due to the low solubility of HBPEB in other spreading solvents commonly used in the LB technique,48 such as chloroform, dichloromethane, benzene, diethylether, etc. Formation of aggregates of π-conjugated oligomers, even in dilute solutions, is well known,54 and this phenomenon has been recognized as one of the main difficulties in the preparation of true monomolecular films at the air-water interface. Such aggregates are formed mainly due to the attractive π-π interactions between the conjugated skeleton of neighboring molecules. In the case of HBPEB aggregation is also promoted by formation of carboxylic acid dimers. It was therefore necessary to thoroughly investigate the film preparation conditions in order to minimize formation of molecular aggregates. The influence of the spreading solvent, initial concentration of HBPEB, spreading volume, as well as pH of the subphase on the film structure were all systematically studied. Spreading solutions containing more than 10-5 M HBPEB resulted in formation of many three-dimensional (3D) aggregates55 at the air-water interface, which were clearly visible in BAM images (Figure 2a) and little, if any, rise of the surface pressure in the π-A isotherm (Figure 3a). Formation of these aggregates could

Preparation of Ordered Films

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Figure 2. BAM images recorded before the compression process started (π ) 0 mN/m) under the indicated experimental conditions. Images a-c were recorded for Langmuir films onto a pure water subphase. Image d corresponds to films onto a NaOH aqueous subphase (pH ) 9).

Figure 3. HBPEB isotherms recorded under the indicated spreading solutions and onto pure water or a NaOH aqueous solution of pH ) 9.

be minimized through application of spreading solutions of lower concentration. For example, Figures 2b and 3b show the BAM image after the spreading process and the isotherm of a monolayer prepared by spreading a 10-5 M hexane solution, respectively. Formation of three-dimensional aggregates at the air-water interface is obviously greatly suppressed in comparison with the films formed from solutions of higher concentration. In order to further minimize formation of molecular aggregates within the spreading solution and hence improve the quality and homogeneity of the resulting films, addition of polar cosolvents capable of hydrogen bonding with the carboxylic headgroup of HBPEB was also investigated. Investigations established that hexane:ethanol (2:1) solvent mixture yields initial films showing a more uniform aspect and fewer 3D aggregates, evidenced by the decreased number of bright spots on the BAM images (Figure 2c). The pH of the subphase was also found to influence the HBPEB surface behavior. A basic subphase (pH 9), in which the carboxylic groups can be expected to be fully ionized, afforded a more expanded monolayer due to the repulsive Coulombic forces between the negatively charged head groups (Figure 3d) while also serving to eliminate formation of aggregates within the Langmuir film, as measured by BAM imaging (Figure 2d). However, the concentration of the spreading solution is not the only factor to take into account for minimizing formation of 3D aggregates as the initial amount of material deposited is also crucial.48 Thus, a thorough analysis of the spreading volume of a 10-5 M solution was also carried out to determine the maximum initial surface density that could be spread without leading to 3D aggregates. For an initial area of 710 × 100 mm2, 7 mL of a 10-5 M solution hexane:ethanol 2:1 (i.e., 9.8 × 10-11 mol/cm2) yields reproducible isotherms onto basic subphases, which in turn leads to areas per molecule consistent with a monolayer film. Larger spreading volumes lead gradually to films showing lower areas per molecule in the solid phase,

Figure 4. Cs-π curve for a HBPEB monolayer.

indicative of molecular aggregation. Lower volumes yield similar isotherms to those of 7 mL, but they reach lower surface pressures by the end of the compression process as there is less material on the water surface. For comparative purposes all the images shown in Figure 2 and isotherms of Figure 3 refer to a spreading volume of 7 mL. On the basis of these results, 10-5 M solutions of HBPEB in a 2:1 hexane-ethanol solvent mixture and an aqueous NaOH subphase of pH ) 9 were established as the best experimental conditions for formation of defect-free Langmuir monolayers, and the experimental results which follow are based on films prepared under these conditions. The π-A isotherm (Figure 3d) for a Langmuir monolayer prepared under these selected conditions shows a significant increase of the surface pressure with decreasing area per molecule at ca. 0.8 nm2. The surface pressure gradually increases till a slope change is reached at approximately 20 mN/m, after which the monolayer enters in the condensed phase. The extrapolated area per molecule in the condensed phase region, Aπf0, yields a value of 0.28 nm2, indicating that a tightly packed interfacial arrangement of the HBPEB molecules in the condensed phase is obtained. The surface compressibility characteristics of the films have been explored in order to characterize the monolayer in more detail than is possible from studies of the π-A isotherm, phase transitions, and qualitative assessment of the intermolecular interactions.56,57 The compressibility coefficient, Cs, as a function of the surface pressure for an HBPEB monolayer has been calculated using the equation48

1 ∂A Cs ) - ‚ A ∂π T

( )


From the plot of Cs vs π two distinct phase transitions are evident (Figure 4). The initial transition, which occurs at ca. 12 mN/m, may be attributed to a liquid-expanded-liquidcondensed transition (LE-LC). A second phase transition is found associated with the maximum compressibility of the film

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Villares et al. lower than the monolayer collapse in the π-A isotherm at ca. 45 mN/m. This could be due to the appearance of some local collapses yielding 3D structures. Such 2D-3D transformations often occur with condensed and crystalline phase monolayers at surface pressures below the collapse surface pressure in the π-A isotherm,58 and they are more easily detected in ∆V-A isotherms. These suggestions are also supported by AFM observations of LB films, discussed later, which also indicate extrusion of material from monolayers prepared at surface pressures of 18 mN/m. For amphiphilic Langmuir monolayers a quantitative relationship between the measured ∆V and normal components of a group dipole moment has been established by means of models based on the Helmholtz equation59 in which the monolayer is considered as a parallel plate condenser, comprising a sheet of uniformly distributed dipoles, where the surface potential can be expressed as

∆V )

µn + Ψ0 A‚r‚0


where A is the area per molecule, r and 0 are the relative dielectric constant and the permittivity of vacuum, respectively, µn is the normal component of the dipole moment per molecule, and ψ0 is the double-layer contribution in ionized monolayers. Demchak and Fort60 proposed a three-layer capacitor model, where the monolayer surface potential is written as

∆V )

Figure 5. (a) π-A isotherm (left) and ∆V-A (right). (b) Dependence of the Ψ0 potential on the area per molecule. (c) µn/r vs area per molecule.

(ca. 18 mN/m), which is attributed to a liquid-condensed-solid transition (LC-S). The monolayer collapses at ca. 45 mN/m, evidenced by the sharp increase in the compressibility coefficient at this surface pressure. Measurements of the surface potential, ∆V, also provide information related to the characteristics of the monolayer phases and associated phase transitions as well as providing a degree of insight into the reorientation of molecular dipoles during the various stages of film compression. Figure 5 shows the ∆V-A isotherm of HBPEB monolayer. For the purpose of comparison, the π-A isotherm of HBPEB is also shown in the same figure. As can be seen in Figure 5, the surface potential rises sharply from a value of ca. 600 mV at an area of 1.20 nm2/molecule to a value of 720 mV at an area of 1.05 nm2/molecule, where a plateau in the ∆V-A plot is observed (region a to b in Figure 5) and could be interpreted in terms of a gas-liquid-expanded transition. The surface potential increases again in the 0.800.40 nm2/molecule region (b to c points in the figure) reaching a value of 1070 mV in point c that corresponds to a surface pressure of 14.5 mN/m, which coincides with the minimum between the two maxima described in the Cs-π curve (Figure 4). After point c the surface potential increases sharply upon compression, and a sudden drop is detected at point d corresponding to an area of 0.2 nm2/molecule (π ) 27 mN/m). The surface pressure corresponding to d point, 27 mN/m, is much



1 µ1 µ2 µ3 + + + Ψ0 A‚0 1 2 3


where µ1/1 is the contribution due to reorientation of water molecules, while µ2/2 and µ3/3correspond to hydrophilic and hydrophobic group regions, respectively. It follows that to calculate ∑ µi/i it is necessary to first determine the Ψ0 potential of the HBPEB monolayer. According to Dynarowicz-Latka et al.61 the value of the surface potential associated with the doublelayer potential can be estimated from comparison of the surface potential of the ionized monolayer with that of a nonionized monolayer. Thus, the surface potential of a HBPEB monolayer spread onto a pH < 2 aqueous HCl subphase, on which the carboxylic acid groups are expected to be completely unionized, has been measured. By subtracting the ∆V-A isotherm on the acidic subphase from the ∆V-A isotherm illustrated in Figure 5a, it is possible to calculate the dependence of the Ψ0 potential of the HBPEB monolayer on a NaOH subphase. The result is plotted in Figure 5b. Because the carboxylic group of the HBPEB molecule aligned on the basic subphase is negatively charged (COO-), the Ψ0 potential is expected to become more and more negative as the surface density of the HBPEB molecule is increased, which is achieved by the decreasing the effective area per molecule by compression of the film. However, in contrast to these expectations, the initial trend of the Ψ0 potential, especially in the 1.2-0.8 nm2 region (gas phase), is an increase with increasing surface density. This phenomenon may be explained in terms of the appearance of significant intermolecular attractive forces between the HBPEB molecules upon compression even in the gas phase (π-π interactions between the aromatic units together with van der Waals forces between the alkyl chains), yielding an increase in the hydrophobic environment of the molecules. This in turn leads to a decrease in the local dielectric constant of the head group region,62 which is consistent with the decrease in the dipole moment sum. At ca. 0.8 nm2 the Ψ0 potential decreases

Preparation of Ordered Films

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Figure 6. BAM pictures of HBPEB Langmuir film upon compression at the indicated surface pressures.

gradually before sharply increasing at low values of A. The observation of positive Ψ0 values at high compression (low A) is indicative of an inversion in the dipole vector direction, which could be explained by ejection of some molecules from the monolayer to form a bilayer or perhaps a multilayered structure. Four linear regions are observed in the µn/r vs A graph (Figure 5c), which correspond to the four phases of the monolayer detected from the π-A isotherm and plots of Cs vs π, although it is well known that ∆V-A isotherms show phase changes a few Å2 before they are detected in the π-A isotherm. The initial, relatively large µn/r value (∼2.7 D) depicted in Figure 5c can be attributed to the additive contribution of the carboxylic group and the presence of ordered water molecules in the hydration shell of the HBPEB hydrophilic group.62 An almost linear decrease in µn/r values with decreasing area per molecule from 1.2 to 0.8 nm2 (gas phase, marked as the region a′-b′ in Figure 5c), is observed and attributed primarily to reorientation of the carboxylic group and the water molecules at the interface. From b′ to c′ a much smaller decrease of µn/r with decreasing area is observed that could be mainly attributed to reorientation of the aromatic skeleton of the molecule, which has a lower contribution to the total ∑ µi/i. This hypothesis is confirmed by the reflection spectra recorded at the air-water interface upon compression, where drastic changes in ∆Rn (normalized reflection spectrum defined as ∆Rn ) ∆R‚A, where ∆R is the directly measured spectrum and A is the area per molecule at which the spectrum is recorded) with decreasing area per molecule are detected in this region (vide infra). At an area of 0.55 nm2 (π ) 9 mN/m) a slope change occurs, and another linear decrease of the µn/r values with decreasing area per molecule takes place (Figure 5c, region c′-d′). It is likely that the main contribution to the variation in µn/r values in the c′-d′ area is reorientation and alignment of the alkyl chain, which corresponds to liquid-condensed phases. Finally, another slope change is detectable at 0.28 nm2 (18 mN/m), point d′, corresponding to the beginning of the solid phase. Local collapses of the monolayer could explain the abrupt µn/r decrease at low areas per molecule before the global destruction of the monolayer (positive µn/r not shown in the figure). As a complement to the information provided by the π-A and ∆V-A isotherms, BAM images were also recorded at different stages of compression (Figure 6). During the compression process the images show a gradual increase in the brightness, indicative of a gradual tilt of the molecules in the monolayer. No domains could be clearly observed within the resolution of the mini-BAM instrument. At a surface pressure of 18 mN/m the water surface is wholly covered by the monolayer. If the barrier is stopped at high surface pressures (>18 mN/m) no changes in the BAM images are observed, which is indicative of a rigid monolayer. At this point we also note that the BAM images are reproducibly obtained over the course of several compression and expansion cycles and that plots of π-A obtained over the course of several cycles of compression and expansion are free of hysteresis. Taken together these results indicate the reversible packing of the HBPEB molecules within the Langmuir film at the air-water interface.

Figure 7. Normalized reflection spectra of a HBPEB Langmuir monolayer.

The electronic spectra of short-chain phenylene ethynylene molecules are sensitive to environmental factors, such as temperature and viscosity and polarity of the solvent medium, which is related to the population of the various rotational conformers.63,64 It was therefore interesting to consider the spectroscopic profile of HBPEB assembled at the air-water interface. Figure 7 shows the UV-vis normalized reflection spectra of HBPEB monolayers at the air-water interface upon different compression states. The intensity of the normalized spectra, ∆Rn, decreases with increasing surface pressure, which is indicative of a gradual decrease of the angle formed by the normal to the surface and the dipole transition moment of the HBPEB molecules,51,65 i.e., the molecules are situated in a more vertical position by the end of the compression process. The most drastic change in ∆Rn values, and hence the most significant changes in the orientation of the chromophore, in this case the extended phenylene ethynylene moiety, takes place between 5 and 15 mN/m. These orientational differences are not as marked in the rest of the compression process. These observations and interpretations are in agreement with the conclusions drawn from the ∆V-A isotherms and corroborate our previous interpretation of a reorientation of the aromatic unit in the liquid-expanded phase. In addition to the variation in reflection intensity, there is a small red shift in the maximum wavelength as a function of increasing surface pressure from an initial value of 281 to 287 nm at high surface pressures. This could be indicative of an increase in the aromaticity of the HBPEB molecules due to changes either in the local effective polarity as the film becomes increasingly tightly packed or, arguably, as the constituent HBPEB molecules adopt more planar conformations. Dimer formation and different molecular packing motifs could also explain this small red shift. Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Langmuir monolayers were transferred onto solid substrates (quartz, ZnSe, or cleaved mica) by the vertical dipping method. The hydrophilic substrates were initially immersed in water, and the deposition process took place during the upstroke of the substrate. The deposition ratio is very close to unity (≈0.93) on each of the substrates assayed, indicating good transference of the molecules. We note for future reference that deposition of these polar (donor-acceptor) HBPEB molecules is Z-type, resulting in formation of noncentrosymmetric LB layers, which could be of interest in NLO or charge-transport applications at a later date.

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Figure 8. 2D and 3D views of AFM images of a one layer thick LB film of HBPEB transferred onto cleaved mica at the indicated surface pressures. Films were allowed to dry, and images were recorded 48 h after the transference.

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to provide topographic images of the LB films, giving a direct view of surface morphology with high spatial resolution, which is often indicative of the film quality. By combining imaging and AFMbased lithography the thickness of films can be measured with Angstrom precision. Thus, HBPEB monolayers were transferred onto cleaved mica at several surface pressures, and their topographic AFM images were collected in air 48 h after the

deposition process, allowing correct drying of the films. Some representative images are shown in Figure 8, and Table 1 summarizes the rms (root-mean-square) roughness and film thicknesses determined by scratching the films with the AFM tip. AFM images of films transferred at 3 mN/m show a nonhomogeneous surface with bare regions and a high roughness (rms ) 0.615 nm) indicating that at low surface pressures the

Preparation of Ordered Films

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TABLE 1: RMS Roughness and Film Thickness for One-Layer LB Films of HBPEB at the Indicated Transference Pressurea transference pressure (mN/m)

rms roughness (nm)

film thickness (nm)

estimated tilt angle of HBPEB with respect to the film plane (deg)

3 10 14 18

0.615 0.184 0.103 0.636

1.3 1.7 2.3 2.4

∼28 ∼38 ∼57 ∼61

a Estimated tilt angle for the HBPEB with respect to the film plane is also indicated.

surface coverage of the transferred films is low. At higher transference pressures, i.e., at 10 mN/m, the films are much more homogeneous, the roughness decreases notably (rms ) 0.184 nm), and a typical LB AFM picture is obtained where only a few holes, characteristic of noncovered areas, can be seen. If the transference pressure is increased further still to 14 mN/m a highly homogeneous film is obtained with a very low roughness (rms ) 0.103 nm) and no apparent holes. Films transferred from monolayers formed at higher surface pressures (18 mN/m) are considerably rougher (rms ) 0.636 nm) with obvious raised peaks and evidence of granular material on the film. These accumulations of material on the surface could be due to ejection of some molecules from the monomolecular film out of the film plane. From these results it can be concluded that a surface pressure around 14 mN/m yields very homogeneous films remarkably free of defects. Determination of the thickness of the film by etching of the film with the AFM tip clearly indicates that the film thickness increases with the transference surface pressure. The tilt angles of the HBPEB molecules in the monomolecular films can be estimated (Table 1) assuming an HBPEB height of 2.77 nm, which was determined by molecular simulation (Chem 3D). However, transference of the monolayer at a relatively low surface pressure, 14 mN/m, opens the question of whether the alkyl chains are well ordered. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a useful tool to investigate the conformational order and packing of the alkyl chains in LB films. When the alkyl chains are highly ordered (trans-zigzag conformation) the νa(CH2) and νs(CH2) bands appear near 2918 and 2850 cm-1, respectively,66,67 while

Figure 9. IR spectra of HBPEB in a 14-layer LB film and KBr pellet.

if conformational disorder is included in the chain, these diagnostic bands shift to between 2927 and 2856 cm-1 depending on the content of gauche conformations. The hydrocarbon tails in the LB films here reported and transferred at 14 mN/m present bands at 2918 and 2850 cm-1 indicative of well-ordered alkyl chains with a trans zigzag conformation.68,69 In contrast, spectra of this material obtained from a KBr pellet exhibit νa(CH2) and νs(CH2) bands at 2926 and 2855 cm-1, respectively, indicating the more random orientation of the alkyl tails. Figure 9 shows the IR of a KBr pellet of HBPEB as well as that of an LB film of HBPEB (14 layers transferred on both sides of a ZnSe substrate at 14 mN/m and recorded 48 h after the deposition process; 14 layers are required for a good resolution of the bands in the spectrum), and Table 2 gathers the vibrational mode assignments of the main bands based on previously published data of similar compounds.24,38,70 A feature of interest in Figure 9 is the weak peak observed at ca. 2212 cm-1 in the KBr pellet. This peak is assigned to the CtC stretching mode with an associated direction of the transition dipole moment parallel to the bond and thus parallel to the long molecular axis. The negligible intensity of this peak in the LB film spectra indicates a nearly perpendicular arrangement of this bond with respect to the substrate plane. The relative intensities

TABLE 2: Band Positions and Assignments for FTIR Spectra of HBPEB in LB Films and KBr Pellet band position (cm-1) LB film 2953 (medium) 2918 (strong) 2850 (strong)

band position (cm-1) KBr pellet 3400 (weak, broad) 2955 (medium) 2926 (strong) 2870 (shoulder) 2855 (strong) 2212 (weak)

1736 (strong) 1650 (medium) 1513 (strong) 1468 (strong) 1404 (weak) 1290 (shoulder) 1249 (medium) 1174 (very weak) 1103 (weak) 1068 (medium) 1043 (medium) 950 (medium) 836 (strong, very broad) 781 (strong, very broad)

1702 (medium, broad) 1624 (strong) 1608 (strong) 1589 (medium) 1518 (strong) 1468 (medium) 1404 (medium) 1349 (strong, broad) 1285 (strong) 1249 (very strong) 1174 (medium) 1109 (medium) 1068 (weak) 1043 (weak) 933 (weak) 839 (very strong) 781 (strong)

assignment O-H stretch CH3 stretch antisymmetric CH2 stretch antisymmetric CH3 stretch symmetric CH2 stretch symmetric CtC stretch CdO free stretch CdO H-bond stretch CdC-O stretch ring stretch ring stretch ring stretch CH2 scissoring in chain CH2 scissoring CH2 bending in chain, in chain direction ring stretch ring stretch + CH2 bend in chain + dCO stretch CH in plane bending CH2-CH2 stretch in chain, in chain direction + CH in plane bending CH in plane bending CH in plane bending O-H out of plane bend C-H out of plane C-CdC- bend

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Figure 10. UV-vis spectra of a one layer thick LB film as transferred (pristine) and after its evolution at air, 6 and 30 h after the transference of the film. The inset graph shows for comparison purposes the absorption spectra of the LB film in its final state and the HBPEB hexane solution.

Figure 11. Normalized fluorescence excitation (left, λem ) 391 nm) and emission (right, λex ) 355 nm) of HBPEB in hexane solution (dotted lines) and in LB films (solid lines).

of other bands also change from the KBr pellet to the LB film, which is also attributable to orientational effects in the film. Another remarkable difference between the LB film and KBr spectra is related to the CdO stretching region. The band of a carboxylic acid group shows a main peak at 1736 cm-1 in the LB film, which has been assigned to the CdO free group. A broad band centered at 1702 cm-1 can be observed in the KBr pellet, and it corresponds to more extensively hydrogen-bonded CdO groups.71 Figure 10 shows the UV-vis spectra of one layer thick LB film as transferred at 14 mN/m (pristine) and after its evolution at air, 6 and 30 h after the transference of the film. The pristine HBPEB Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers show a band centered at 287 nm when the UV-vis spectrum is recorded immediately after the transference process. There is a decrease in the intensity of the band with time until the film reaches a final state (ca. 30 h at air) with a maximum absorption at 292 nm. These spectroscopic changes are likely related to reorganization of the molecules in the film toward an energetically more favorable molecular distribution and probably related to the drying process of the film. With respect to the absorbance decrease with time, it is indicative of a lower interaction between the normal incident light (incoming electric field parallel to the substrate plane) and the transition dipole moment of the HBPEB units, suggesting that the tilt angle of HBPEB with respect to the substrate plane is larger after film evolution at air. The spectra shown in the inset graph in Figure 10 permit a comparison between the film and the solution. The blue shift of the band centered at 350 nm in solution to 292 nm in the LB film could be interpreted in terms of formation of two-dimensional H aggregates, in agreement with observations in analogous systems.47,72 Figure 11 shows the fluorescence excitation (collected by measuring the emission at 391 nm) and emission (recorded by excitation at 355 nm) spectra of HBPEB in solution and from an LB film (transferred at 14 mN/m). The excitation and emission spectra of HBPEB in hexane are comparable to those of the parent molecule 1,4-bis(phenylethynyl benzene),63 and in solution, the excitation spectrum of HBPEB is virtually identical to the absorption spectrum. Also, as found for the parent compound, the emission spectrum shows a greater degree of vibrational structure, and there is no mirror image relationship between the absorption and emission spectra due to the conformational changes that follow excitation.63,73

We thoroughly studied the surface behavior of an oligo(phenylene-ethynylene) derivative at the air-water interface and transferred onto solid substrates, concluding that well-defined, homogeneous Langmuir films of OPE derivatives can be fabricated. The Langmuir films are transferable onto solid supports by the vertical dipping method with a deposition ratio of 1 with a Z-type deposition mode. UV-vis spectroscopy of the LB films has shown that reorganization of the molecules in the film toward an energetically more favorable molecular distribution takes place after deposition. Moreover, twodimensional H aggregates are formed in the thin solid films. AFM and IR studies have revealed that the Langmuir-Blodgett films are very homogeneous and present highly ordered alkyl chains in a trans-zigzag conformation. Excitation and emission profiles of Langmuir-Blodgett films transferred at moderate surface pressures are also consistent with a tightly packed molecular arrangement.


Acknowledgment. We thank DGA for its support through the interdisciplinary project PM079/2006. The authors are also grateful for financial assistance from MEC (Spain) and fondos FEDER in the framework of the project CTQ2006-05236 (A.V., P.C., and F.M.R.). We also thank ONE NorthEast for financial support through the Durham UIC Nanotechnology (P.J.L., A.B.). A.V. gratefully acknowledges the award of an FPU studentship as well as a grant from CAI-Gobierno de Arago´n to perform a research stay at the Durham Chemistry Department. Finally, we thank Jordi Diaz and Ismael Diez from Barcelona University for their help in the AFM measurements. References and Notes (1) Bunz, U. H. F. Chem. ReV. 2000, 100, 1605. (2) Bunz, U. H. F. AdV. Polym. Sci. 2005, 177, 1. (3) Kim, J.; Swager, T. M. Nature 2001, 411, 1030. (4) Juan, Z.; Swager, T. M. AdV. Polym. Sci. 2005, 177, 151. (5) Ho¨ger, S. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 3806. (6) Lydon, D. P.; Porres, L.; Beeby, A.; Marder, T. B.; Low, P. J. New J. Chem. 2005, 15, 4854. (7) Hsu, H. F.; Chen, H. C.; Kuo, C. H.; Wang, B. C.; Chiu, H. T. J. Mater. Chem. 2005, 4854. (8) Lehmann, M.; Levin, J. M. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 2004, 411, 1315. (9) Huang, W. Y.; Gao, W.; Kwei, T. K.; Okamoto, Y. Macromolecules 2001, 34, 1570. (10) El-ghayoury, A.; Harriman, A.; Khatyr, A.; Zeissel, R. J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104, 1512.

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