Preparation of simple chiral allenes. Reaction of ... - ACS Publications

Reaction ofPropargylic Carbamates with Lithium Dialkylcuprates. W. H. Pirkle* and Charles W. Boeder. Roger Adams Laboratory, School of ChemicalScience...
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1950 J . Org. (‘hem., Vol. 43, No. 10, 1978

Pirkle and Boeder

Preparation of Simple Chiral Allenes. Reaction of Propargylic Carbamates with Lithium Dialkylcuprates W. H. Pirkle* and Charles W. Boeder Roger Adams Laboratory, School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Received September 19,1977 The diastereomeric carbamates derived from (R)-1-[1-naphthyllethylisocyanate and racemic secondary propargyl:c alcohols such as l-butyn-3-ol,l-pentyn-3-ol, or 1-heptyn-3-01are readily separable by multigram HPLC. Once separated, these diastereomers react with dialkylcuprates at low temperature to afford 1,3-dialkylallenes in high yields and with substantial enrichment (60-80% ee) in one enantiomer. Both enantiomers of the allene may be obtained; absolute configurations are predictable

improved; the present report describes several such modifications that convert Crabbb’s original approach to a simple and convenient method for efficiently obtaining either enantiomer of a chiral allene in relatively high enantiomeric purity. Scheme I outlines the synthesis of enantiomerically enriched 1,3-dialkylallenes starting from racemic propargylic alcohols. The diastereomeric carbamates derived from racemic propargylic alcohols such as 1-3 and (R)-1-[1-naphthyllethyl isocyanate are readily separable by multigram HPLC. After separation, lithium dialkylcuprates react with these diastereomers a t -78 “C to afford chiral allenes having a substantial degree of enantiomeric enrichment. Our modification simplifies the resolution of the chiral precursor, makes it unnecessary to retrieve the chiral alcohol from the resolving agent, and obviates the need to convert the alcohol to acetate. Use of reaction temperatures lower than those used by Crabb6 results in enhanced enantiomeric purities. For example, high Rf (R,R) carbamate diastereomer 6a

In the absence of additional functional “handles” for resolution, chiral allenes of high enantiomeric purity are not generally obtamab1e.l For example, partial hydroboration of a racemic allene with an asymmetric dialkylborane affords but modest enantiomeric enrichment of the residual allene.2While cycloelimination reactions leading to chiral allenes have been rep0rted,3.~resolution of the chiral precursors may be tedious and the resulting allenes may be of but low enantiomeric p ~ r i t yCorey . ~ and Borden have prepared 1,3-di-tert-butylallene of high enantiomeric purity from a chiral propargyl alcoho1.jHowever, this reaction, which also affords substantial amounts of an achiral acetylene, has not been shown to be generally useful as a preparative method for allenes. A preparative procedure of‘ documented generality has been reported by Crabb6; the reaction of propargylic acetates with lithium dialkylcuprates efficiently affords a variety of allenes.63’ Importantly, Crabb6 showed in one instance that a chiral acetate afforded an optically active allene, albeit in modest enanticmeric purity. This reaction can be considerably

Scheme I



( 5 )KCC=CH





liquid chromatography


R, ‘xp”




high R , ( R . R , 4a-6a R2’(‘u1.i


1, 4, 7 , R = R’ = CH, 2, 5 , 8, R = R’ = CH,CH,

3, 6 , 9,R = R’ = CH,(CH,),CH, 10, R = CH,CH,; R’ = CH,(CH,),CH, or R = CH,(CH,),CH,; R’ = CH,CH,

0022-326317811943-1950$01.00/0 G 1978 American Chemical Society

J . Org. Chem., Vol. 43, No. 10, 1978 1951

Preparation of Simple (Chiral Allenes

Table I. Synthesis of Chiral1,3-Dialkylallenesby the Reaction of Lithium Dialkylcuprates with Propargyl Esters a t -78 "C

Lithium cuprate Di-n-butyl

Registry no.


Registry no.





Registry no. 65253-19-2

Inverse addition % yieldn/ [cY]~~D %eeg +34.7 (5,


+54.5 (3.6, 76/80


-51.2 (5.5, 76/75

CHC13) 6b



-33.4 (7,


CHCl3) 6b

-2.5 (3.3,

Normal addition % yield/ [a]'j~ Nee

CHC13) 77/5b

CHC13) 11

f 2 6 . 2 (5,



CHC13) 12




$30.5 (1.1, 73/45

CHC13) 20431-70-3

+27.9 (4.6,


+42.4 (4.2. 77/52


-40.2 (4.2. 79/50


+33.8 (2,

CHC13) 5b



-49.4 ( 5 ,


+62.8 (4,


CHC13) Diethyl




CHC13) 5b




-62.6 (5.1, 71/60

-28.0 (1.2, 72/27



-26.4 (1.


CHC13) 6a

t 5 3 . 2 (4.3, 70/66

CHC13) 6b


-27.7 (4.3, 73/34

CHC13) Dimethyl




6b 13



-29.7 (2.6,

$21.4 (3.5, 72/26 -27.4 (4.7. 73/34

CHCl?) 30/19dsj

Et201 Di-tert-butyl 1-Pentynyl(nbutyl) SPh(n -butyl)

23402-75-7 39697-41-1

6a 6a



-53.4 (1.6,


CHC13) Reaction time of 3 h a t -30 to -40 "C. Carbamate at -78 "C when added. Di-n-butyl ether used as a Determined by CrLPC. solvent. e Recovered starting material. f Reaction time of 1 3 h. R Reaction time of 24 h. (relative and therefore absolute configurations assigned by

NMR differences between 6a and 6bs) reacts with lithium di-n-butylcuprate at -78 "C to afford (S)-(t)-1,3-di-nbutylallene whereas ( S , R ) diastereomer 6b similarly affords (R)-(-)-1,3-di-n-butylallene. Enantiomeric purities of 75-80?h have been attained Table I summarizes the yields and estimated enantiomeric purities9 for allenes prepared in the course of this study. An important and unanticipated finding is that the optical yield of the reaction depends upon the order in which reagents are mixed and that the optimum mixing order is not the same for all cuprates. This "mixing order" effect1* on allene enantiomeric purity is greater in magnitude than the small but real variations in enantiomeric purity encountered between two diastereomers using il given mixing order.13 The difference in stereospecificity between a pair of diastereomers was most pronounced during the "crossing" experiments that led to 3,4-nonadiene. That such differences may occur is clew in principle. However, we presently have no insight into the actual origin of these differences. Indeed, there is little detailed understanding of the mechanism of this multistep alleneforming reaction.6 It is evident from data in Table I that the nature of the leaving group also influences the enantiomeric yield of the reaction. Using similar conditions, the enantiomeric purities of the allenes derived from inverse addition of lithium di-nbutylcuprate to the tosylate ( l l ) , acetate, (12), and carbamate(s) (sa (or 6b)), respectively of resolved 1-heptyn-3-01, were observed to increase in the order 39,45, and 51% (or 49%).

I t would appear that poorer leaving groups afford higher enantiomeric yields. Similarly, less reactive cuprates may also afford higher enantiomeric ~ i e l d s . For 1 ~ example, the mixed lithium thiophenoxy(n-buty1)cupratedid react with carbamate 6b to afford 1,3-di-n-butylallene of greater enantiomeric purity (82%ee) than that obtained using optimal conditions with di-n-butylcuprate (76% eel. However, the yield of allene was much reduced (20%) and most of the starting carbamate was recovered. Lithium dimethylcuprate was also found to be unreactive toward propargyl carbamate 4a. However, this reagent does react with the tosylate (13) of (S)-l-butyn-3-01 to afford (R)-(-)-1,3-dimethylallenealbeit in low yield and enantiomeric purity. In summary, racemic secondary propargylic alcohols can be readily resolved as diastereomeric carbamates by multigram HPLC. These carbamates react with lithium dialkylcuprates a t -78 "C to afford chiral allenes of high enantiomeric purity and in high yield. This reaction sequence represents a simple and convenient two-step synthesis of chiral allenes from readily available starting materials. Experimental Section Cuprous iodide was purified by a method previously described.I5 Ethyllithium was prepared in diethyl ether in a manner analogous to Gilman's preparation of n-butyllithium I6 n -Butyllithium in hexane was obtained from Ventron Corp. Racemic propargylic alcohols were either prepared by the addition of the appropriatealdehyde to ethynylmagnesium bromide17 or were purchased from Farchan Acetylenes. Lithium dialkylcuprates were prepared as previously described: dimethy1,lEdiethyl,18 di-n-butyl." di-tert -butyl,19thio-

1952 J . Org. Chem., Vol. 43, No. 10, 1978

Takakis and Agosta

phenoxy (n-butyl),'g and 1-pentynyl (n-butyl).20Alcohols (S)-Iand ( R ) - 3were prepared from 4b and 6a respectively by trichlorosilane cleavage.2l C a r b a m a t e s 4-6. These diastereomers were prepared and separated as previously described.s Chromatographic separation of the propargylic carbamate diastereomers is general and facile, increasing in ease for higher memhers of the series. (R)-l-Heptynyl3-Acetate (12). To a cold (0 "C) stirred solution of (R)-3 (4 mmol) in diethyl ether (10 mL) was added n-butyllithium in hexane (4 mmol). After stirring for 10 min, acetyl chloride (4.2 mmol) was added dropwise and the mixture was stirred for 2 h. The reaction mixture was extracted with 10% NaHC03 ( 2 X 10 mL) and dried (MgS04) and the ether was removed under reduced pressure to afford 12 (95%)as a colorless liquid: NMR (CC14) 6 0.9 (triplet, 3, CH3), 1.4 (multiplet, 4, C H ~ C H ~ C H Z C H1.7 ~ ) , (multiplet, 2, HOCHCHz), 2 . ~ 3(singlet, 3, C02CH3), 2.27 (doublet, 1,C=CH), 5.2 (dt, 1,HOCH). Allenes. All iallenes were prepared by either (or both) of the procedures descrihed below for the preparation of 1,3-di-n-butylallene. A. N o r m a l Addition. Carbamate 6a, 1.04 g (3.5mmol), in diethyl ether (25 mL) was added dropwise over a 10-min period to a stirred solution of di-n -butylcuprate (3.5 mmol) in diethyl ether (15 mL) cooled with acetone-dry ice. After being stirred for an additional 7 h a t -78 "C, the cooling bath was removed and the reaction mixture was allowed to come to 0 "C, quenched with saturated aqueous NH4C1 (20 mL), and stirred for 15 min to allow the copper salts to precipitate. The mixture was filtered and the organic layer was separated, washed with saturated aqueous NH4C1 (20 mL), dried (MgSOJ, and concentrated a t reduced pressure. Molecular distillation of the residue afforded 0.4 g (76%) of' (S)-(t)-1,3-di-n-butylallene: [ a ] 2 5t54.5" ~ (3.6, CHC13); IR (filmj 7945 cm-1 (allene); NMr )cc14) 6 0.9 (triplet, 6, CH3), 1.3 (niultiplet, 8, C H ~ C H ~ C H Z C H1.95 ~ ) , (multiplet, 4, C=CCH2), 4.95 (quintet, 2, HC=C). B. Inverse Addition. Lithium di-n-butylcuprate (3.5 mmol) in diethyl ether ( 1 5 mL) cooled to -78 "C was added portionwise over 5 min to cold ( 4 8 "C) stirred solution of carbamate 6a, 1.08 g (3.5 mmol). The reac,tion mixture was stirred for 7 h at -78 "C and allene was isolated by a workup identical to that above. (S)-(+)-l,3-Di-n~ ( 5 , CHCls), was obtained. butylallene, 0.33 g (74961, [ a I Z 5t34.7" 1,3-Dimethylallene ( 7 ) . This allene was prepared from 13 as described in Tab112 I. The allene was identical to authentic material by GLPC and gave the same methoxymercuration adduct.2 1,3-Diethylallene ( S ) . This allene was prepared in various yields and enantiomeric purities as shown in Table I: IR (film) 1945 cm-' (allene): NMR (CCh) 6 1.0 (triplet, 6, CH3), 2.0 (multiplet, 4, CH2CH3). 5.1 (quintel, 2 , HC=C). 3,4-Nonadierie (10). This allene was prepared in various yields and enantiomeric purities as shown in Table I: IR (film) 1955 cm-' (allene); NMR (CC14) 6 3.97 (triplet, 6, CH3), 1.32 (multiplet, 4, CH2CH2CHlCII::). 1.9 (multiplet, 4, C=CCH2), 4.8 (quintet, 2, HC-C).

Acknowledgment. This work has b e e n partially funded by g r a n t s from t h e National Science F o u n d a t i o n and the N a t i o n a l Institutes of Health. Registry No.-if)-l, 65337-13-5; (&)-2, 65253-21-6; ( f ) - 3 , 51586-58-4; ( R )-3, 51703-65-2; (R)- 1- [ 1-naphthyl]ethyl isocyanate, 42340-98-7.

References and Notes (1) For a review of synthetic approaches to chiral allenes, see R. Rossi and P. Diversi, Synthesis, 25 (1973). (2) W. L. Waters, W. S. Linn. and M. C. Caserio. J. Am. Chem. SOC., 90,6741 (1968); W. R. Moore, H. W. Anderson, and S. D. Clark, ibid., 95, 835

(1973). (3) J. M. Walbrick, J. W. Wilson, and W. M. Jones, J Am. Chem. SOC..90, 2895 (1968). (4) R. J. Convers, PhD Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., 1974. (5) W. T. Borden and E . J. Corey, TetrahedronLett., 313 (1969). (6) J. L. Luche, E. Barreiro, J. M. Dollat, and P. Crab%, Tetrahedron Left.,4615 (1975). (7) It has been recently reported [M. M. Midland, J . Org. Chem., 42, 2650 (1977)]that trialkylboranes act upon acetylide ions derived from propargylic acetates to efficiently afford allenes. The stereochemistry of this reaction has not yet been reported. (8) W. H. Pirkle and J. R. Hauske, J . Org. Chem., 42, 1839 (1977). (9) Some of the estimations of enantiomeric purity are based upon the assumption that all simple chiral allenes should have approximately the same maximum molecular rotation. This assumption seems reasonable on the basis of Brewster's model of optical activity.1° Brewster's calculation of the maximum specific rotation to be expected for 1,3dimethylallene ([aI0 174') receives considerable support from our recent experimental de~ of this rotation." Experimentally determined termination ( [ a ]f157') maximum molecular rotations for 1,3dimethylallene and 1,3diethylallene are 107 and loo", respectively.'' For the purpose of this paper, w e have used f l O O " as the molecular rotation expected for an enantiomerically pure 1,3di-n-alkylallene. IO) J. H. Brewster, "Topics in Stereochemistry", Vol. 2, Wiley, New York, N.Y.. 1967. 11) W. H. Pirkie and C. W. Boeder. J. Org. Chem., 42, 3697 (1977). 12) While the origin of this effect cannot be stated with certainty, it may reflect different solution structures for the cuprates. 13) This small difference between allene enantiomeric purities suggests that structural variation of the chiral amine portion of the carbamate could lead to allenes having still greater enantiomeric purities. (14) Since the degree of stereospecificityshown by a reaction is a consequence of the energy difference between the diastereomeric transition states, very low activation energies preclude large energy differences between the alternate pathways. When both activation energies are large, the difference between the pathways may be, but is not necessarily, large enough to afford significant stereoselectivity. (15) G. B. Kauffman and L. A. Teter, Inorg. Synth.. 7, 9 (1963). (16) H. Gilman, "Organic Reactions", Vol. 8. Wiley. New York, N.Y., 1954, p



Skattebel, E. R. H. Jones, and M. C. Whiting, "Organic Syntheses", Collect. Vol. IV, Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1967, p 792. (18) C. R. Johnson and G. A . Dutra, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,95, 7777 (1973). (19) G. H. Posner, C. E. Whitten, and J. J. Sterling, J 4m. Chem. Soc., 95,7788

(17) L.

( 1973).

(20) J. P. Marino and D. M. Floyd, J . Am. Cham. SOC..96, 7138 (1974). (21) W. H. Pirkie and J. R. Hauske. J . Org. Chem., 42, 2781 (1977).

Preparation of exo-Tricyclo[]decan-9-one and Related Compounds I o a n n i s M. T a k a k i s and William C. Agosta* Laboratories of The Rockefeller University, Neu: York, Neu, York 10021 Received October 17, 1977 Synthesis of exo-tricycl0[]decan-9-one ( 5 ) through efficient (92%) Simmons-Smith reaction of olefinic k e t d 4 is described. Efforts to extend this work to ketals 16 and 17 led unexpectedly to selective cyclopropanation anti to the ketal function and formation of 27 and 28, respectively. Improvements in the preparation of various kncwn intermediates are reported, including a doubling of the yield (to 50%) in oxidation of cycloheptatrirne to tropone As part of a s t u d y of the p h o t o c h e m i s t r y of tricyclic ket o n e s we r e q u i r e d exo-tricyclo[]decan-9-one ( 5 ) . In t h i s r e p o r t we describe c o n v e n i e n t p r e p a r a t i o n of this subs t a n c e along w i t h o t h e r related s y n t h e t i c t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s . M a n y of the c o m p o u n d s involved h a v e b e e n r e c o r d e d pre-

viously, but we were able to make m a t e r i a l i m p r o v e m e n t s in s o m e earlier p r e p a r a t i o n s , provide t w o stereochemical ass i g n m e n t s , and also uncover t w o e x a m p l e s of the S i m m o n s S m i t h reaction that specifically f u r n i s h an u n e x p e c t e d stereoisomer. T h e r e h a v e been r e c e n t publications i n related

0022-3263/78/1943-1952$01.00/00 1978 A m e r i c a n Chemical Society