Prevent fuel oil clogging...avoid customer complaints Nothing will sour customers on your brand of fuel oil faster than the inconvenience and added expense of clearing clogged filters and nozzles. Today's severe cracking conditions and blending practices are usually the direct causes of poorer storage stability of fuel oils. But now there's a way to combat this problem. A r m o u r ' s Armolad® additives s i m u l t a n e o u s l y p r o v i d e these six advantages for fuel oils:
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Improve lilterability Inhibit sludging Stabilize color Inhibit corrosion Prevent emulsification of any water present • Minimize water hazing Armolad additives disrupt the normal chain reaction of oxidation and polymerization that forms gums. Fuel oils can be stabilized for as long as a year at a cost as low as 0.8^/bbl. Armolads
are effective with a variety of crude stocks, including Venezuelan, MidEast, Mid-Continent, West Texas. Used in conjunction with Armolad additives, Arquad® 2HT, T-2C, or 2S, will peptize sludge already present in a system and pass it harmlessly through the burner system without clogging filters and nozzles. For m o r e information on t h e s e p r o d u c t s (or o t h e r A r m o u r Idea Chemicals), write to Dept. C E X - 1 5 .
Let us help put Armour Idea Chemicals to work for you
Armour Industrial Chemical Company P e t r o l e u m ! n d u stry Sales
A R M O U R ¥
5738 N. Central Expy., Dallas 6