Mlercury drop timer allows precisely calibrated drop times of 5, 2, 1, and 0.5 seconds with no distortion of current wave-forms for pulse polarography...
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Now, with one instrument, you can perform


Typical Curves Produced by Model 171 Solution: l f r 3 M Benzophenone, 10•' M Tetraethylammonium Bromide in Dimethylformamide.

DC POLAROGRAPHY N a t u r a l Drop ' 2 mV/second 2 / i A Full Scale i

PEAK CURRENT DC POLAROGRAPHY 0.5 Second Drop 10 m V / s e c o n d 1 |UA Full Scale

• DC Polarography • Peak Current DC Polarography • Pulse Polarography • Derivative Pulse Polarography • Phase Sensitive AC Polarography • Peak Current Phase Sensitive AC Polarography The PAR™ Model 171 Polarographii: Anulv/er and Re­ corder is Iho only available instrumnnl whii.n can perform ac, dc, and pulse polarography. It features: Current sensitivities ranging from microamperes Full Scale.

PULSE POLAROGRAPHY 1 Second Drop 20 mV/second 5 0 / i A Full Scale

1 nanoampere in son

Scan rate, scan range and starting potential inttependemly selcctable: Twelve scan rates from 0.1 lo 500 raV'S- scan ranges from 300 raV to 4.5 volts art; available with starting potential selectable anywhere within • Γι volts. Built-in three electrode capability wilh " 100 volts of com­ pliance. AC polarography frequencies i n t e m a l l v selectable: 20, BO. 135 Hz; modulation a m p l i t u d e s 0.1. 0.5, 1.0, 5, 10 raV- phasereadability to 0.1 degree; low-pass filter lime c o n s t a n t s to 100 s e c o n d s


1 Second Drop 10 mV/second 50 μΑ Full Scale:

Normal and derivative pulse polarography with 40 m s potential pulse and 5 m S current readout. Mercury drop timer allows precisely calibrated drop times of 5, 2, 1. and 0.5 s e c o n d s with no distortion ol current wave-fnrms ior pulse p o l a r o g r a p h y a n d peak current meas­ urements. Internal Zener-diode regulated power suppliée which can bo calibrated against built-in s t a n d a r d cell. 1 1 x 1 7 X-Y recorder with calibrated scale expansion and zero-offset controls

AC POLAROGRAPHY Natural Drop 2 mV/ second 2 μ Α Full Scale 80 Hz 10 mV Mod. Amp. 100 mS T i m e Constant

Additional applications such as anodic stripping analysis. pH m e a s u r e m e n t , specific ion m e a s u r e m e n t , direct pol-'Utiometry a n d controlled potential electrolvsis can easilv be performed. The Polarographic Analyzer nnd Recorder, complete with mercury d r o p timer, X-Y recorder and connecting cahles is priced at $6,500. For more information or a demonstration write Princeton Applied Research Corporation, Box ί>β5, Princeton. N e w Jersey 08540 or call (609) 924-6835.

Also ask about the Model 170 Electrochemical System capable of performing virtually anv electrochemical experiment.


PEAK CURRENT AC POLAROGRAPHY υ.ο o e g u n u u r o p

10 mV/second 2/iA Full Scale 80 Hz 10 mV Mod. Amp.