Probing Light Atoms at Subnanometer Resolution: Realization of

We demonstrate a scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) technique, called STEM holography, capable of efficient structural analysis of ...
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Fehmi Yasin, Society.Tyler 1155 Sixteenth Street Harvey, Jordan J Chess, N.W., Washington, DC 20036Colin Jordan S Pierce, Published by Ophus, Peter Ercius, American Chemical Subscriber access provided Society. Copyrightby and Benjamin McMorran University of Sunderland © American

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Probing Light Atoms at Sub-nanometer Resolution: Realization of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope Holography Fehmi S. Yasin,1 Tyler R. Harvey,1, 2 Jordan J. Chess,1 Jordan S. Pierce,1 Colin Ophus,3 Peter Ercius,3 and Benjamin J. McMorran1, 4 1


Department of Physics, 1274 University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403 Georg-August-Universit¨ at G¨ ottingen, IV. Physicalisches Insitut, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 G¨ ottingen, Germany 3 National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 4 Correspondence should be addressed to: (Dated: September 19, 2018) Atomic resolution imaging of light elements in electron-transparent materials has long been a challenge. Biomolecular materials, for example, are rapidly altered by incident electrons. We demonstrate a scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) technique, called STEM holography, capable of efficient structural analysis of beam-sensitive nanomaterials. STEM holography measures the absolute phase and amplitude of electrons passed through a specimen via interference with a vacuum reference wave. We use an amplitude-dividing nanofabricated grating to prepare multiple beams focused at the sample. We configure the post-specimen microscope imaging system to overlap the beams, forming an interference pattern. We record and analyze the pattern at each 2D-raster-scan-position, reconstructing the complex object wave. As a demonstration, we image gold nanoparticles on an amorphous carbon substrate at 2.4 ˚ A resolution. STEM holography offers higher contrast of the carbon while maintaining gold atomic lattice resolution compared to high angle annular dark field STEM. Keywords: electron holography, electron interferometry, TEM, STEM, 4D-STEM, nanomaterials imaging

Phase contrast for low-atomic-number, beam-sensitive materials has long been pursued in electron microscopy, seeing the advent of multiple transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning TEM (STEM) techniques over the past 60+ years, including electron holography or interferometry using both wavefront-dividing beamsplitters [1–7] and amplitude-dividing beamsplitters [8– 14], ptychography [15–19], cryo-electron microscopy [19– 21], matched illumination and detector interferometry [18, 22], differential phase contrast [23, 24], and more. These techniques have benefited from the development of technologies such as fast readout detectors and aberration correctors that have driven imaging resolution of STEM below 0.41 ˚ A[25] and TEM below 0.43 ˚ A[26]. Several decades ago, an interferometric technique called STEM holography (STEMH) was initially developed as a phase contrast electron imaging technique [27– 30]. These arrangements used a charged biprism wire to split an electron beam into two probes focused at the specimen. With one beam transmitted through the specimen, the interference between the two was recorded. Due to the slow throughput and limited geometries of detectors at the time, STEMH was never widely implemented. The recent advent of fast-readout direct electron detectors enables STEMH as a practical imaging technique. Additionally, advances in FIB fabrication technologies allowed us to expand on this technique with the addition of a static, nanofabricated, amplitude-dividing diffraction grating for use as probe-forming aperture and beam splitter in a multiple-path-separated interferometer [14]. In this article, we provide such a demonstration. Amplitude-dividing beamsplitters in the form of

nanofabricated electron diffraction gratings have been developed by multiple groups. In contrast to wavefrontdividing beamsplitters such as electrostatic biprisms, these diffraction gratings lower the coherence width requirements of the beam, while also allowing for careful shaping of the electron wave fronts phase and amplitude structure [31–35]. They form symmetric profile probes at the specimen plane (grating’s diffraction plane) that are absent of any unwanted edge-diffraction artifacts, and have one passive working part equal in size and shape to conventional apertures, making them easily installable into commercial electron microscopes. Additionally, although many diffraction order probes are generated from the grating, the diffraction efficiency of the grating can be tuned to decrease the intensity in the higher orders [14, 34]. Another technological advance that enables STEMH is the advent of fast-readout direct electron detectors. These detectors are capable of acquiring thousands of images in seconds and are sensitive to individual electrons. Such a fast readout is necessary for any high resolution 4D-STEM imaging technique. In addition to a fast readout of 102 fps, the high detective quantum efficiency of such detectors should allow for a decrease in the electron dose seen by the specimen by at least two orders of magnitude [36]. STEMH combines the aforementioned direct electron detector, amplitude-division diffraction gratings, interference fringe phase reconstruction, and aberration correction to provide quantitative phase contrast, including the dc-component with respect to vacuum. In this article, we provide the theoretical framework for a three-beam, path-separated electron interferometer

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with a phase imparted onto one or more paths. We then provide two proof-of-principle STEMH images of Au on C, with high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) images for comparison. In HAADF STEM, the beam current is focused to a sub-nanometer width and is scanned across a field of view, dwelling at each location until a sufficient number of high-angle scattering events have illuminated an annulus detector, forming contrast. In STEMH, we extract the phase contrast in these images from the interference fringe patterns using the aformentioned model. STEMH reveals a string-like phase structure in the amorphous carbon region, which is consistent with the thickbonding theoretical model proposed by Ricolleau et al. [37].

vacuum, acting as reference beams in three parallel interferometers. An interference pattern is focused onto the detector, and the fringes shift as the phase imparted onto the interacting probe varies. Note that as long as the path separation and scan step size are well known, the diffraction probes may be scanned further into the specimen, such that the reference beam also acquires a phase shift. In principle, this reference phase shift, having already been determined at the previous data points in the scan, can be subtracted through post-processing.

d C3 Aperture Plane


Pre-Specimen Optics

Diffraction −1 Orders






1 Specimen Plane


Post-Specimen Optics

Image Plane

Figure 1. STEM holography electron optical setup.

Figure 2. (a-d) Build-up of single electron events resulting in interference fringes after (a) 0.0025 s, (b) 0.045 s, (c) 0.1425 s, and (d) 0.2875 s. The FFT of each frame is shown in the inset image. Note that frames with 0.0025 s exposure were used to reconstruct the phase image shown in Figure 4.


As illustrated in Figure 1, the input plane wave electron beam travels down the microscope column to the probe-forming aperture, where a diffraction grating coherently splits the electron beam into multiple diffraction orders that are sharply peaked at the specimen plane, with tens of nanometers spatial separation. The specimen is positioned such that all three diffraction probes, which we’ll call probe+1 , probe0 , and probe−1 in the text, initially pass through vacuum. These probes are then rastered across the field of view along the same line as the diffraction pattern’s orientation using the scanning (deflection) coils in the microscope. probe+1 interacts with the specimen while probe0 and probe−1 pass through

As shown in Figure 2a, it is hard to make out interference fringes from a single frame exposed to a beam current of 0.041 nA. Increasing the detector’s exposure time to acquire a greater number of events results in fringes discernible to the human eye, as in Figures 2b-2d and 3. Using a computer, however, we can resolve the fringes in a single frame via a Fourier Transform, and so direct electron detectors have decreased STEM convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) recording time, therefore decreasing the electron dose seen by the specimen. We inserted a selected area aperture in an image plane of the diffraction probes in order to reduce noise due to unwanted high-angle scattering. This large aperture only blocks high order diffraction probes (> 4th order)

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which are assumed to be negligible. The passed probes are then recombined through the post specimen optics and interfere in the image plane on the detector. The phase information of each location on the specimen is extracted by a post process described in the Theory and Reconstruction section below. We performed this experiment on TEAM I, an FEI Titan 80-300 operated at 300 KeV in STEM mode with both probe and image aberration correction and a semiangle of 30 mrad. A 50 um diameter, 200 nm pitch sinusoidal phase grating is positioned in the Condenser 3 aperture plane. We imaged a specimen consisting of Au nanoparticles on a thin, amorphous carbon support. The images shown in Figures 4b and 4f are reconstructed from a 128 x 296 and 115 x 300 2D scan of 1920 x 1792 images, forming two 4D data sets with a field of view of 11.1 nm x 25.8 nm and 8.6 nm x 22.5 nm, respectively. THEORY AND RECONSTRUCTION

The pre-specimen probe wavefunction is defined to be ψi (x) = a(x − xp )



cn an (x − xp − nx0 )


where xp is the offset-position of our probe, an is the phase and intensity distribution of the nth diffraction order, cn is the complex amplitude of the nth diffraction order probe, and x0 is the real-space path separation of any one diffraction order probe from it’s nearest neighbor. Note that the grating could, in principle, incorporate holographic designs [34] that produce different phase and intensity distributions in each diffraction order, such as vortex beams [32] or aberration-corrected beams [38, 39]. In these experiments, we used a large, straight grating within the aperture, encoding flat phase structure in the probes such that each term in a(x − xp ) describes a sharply-peaked, symmetric function that only differs by a linear phase, or an = a0 . Recall that the probes are scanning through space at the specimen plane, which is why an offset-position of the probe is needed here. We’ll use a specimen transfer function t(x) resulting in a post-specimen wavefunction ψf (x) = a(x − xp ) · t(x),


where t(x) is the object transmission function. The far field interference pattern at the detector at probe position xp is then

Now lets make the assumption that there are only three beams, or c|n|>1 = 0; n ∈ [−1, 0, 1], and that only probe+1 interacts with the specimen with the other two being reference beams passing through vacuum. Taking the Fourier Transform of 3 results in five sharp peaks, which are visible in insets to Figures 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d. I p (x)

=I −2 (xp , x) +I −1 (xp , x) + I 0 (xp , x) +I +1 (xp , x) +I +2 (xp , x)


Equation 4 is expanded into its full form in the supplemental materials. We can extract the specimen’s transfer function by integrating around one of the sharp peaks, along the variable x, which would leave us with the transfer function of the scan position variable xp . We could do this for each peak in I p (x), which would give us redundant information for peaks that include a signal from more than one of the interferometers that includes the scanning probe interacting with the specimen. For example, if probe+1 is the interaction scanning probe, the object transmission function information probed by the interaction scanning probe is encoded in fringes with spacing k0 = |x10 | due to interference between the probe+1 and probe0 . This period corresponds to the −1- and +1- order peaks in I p (x), from which the transmission function can be extracted. This information is also encoded in fringes with spacing k0 = 2|x1 0 | due to interference between probe+1 and probe−1 , and can therefore be extracted from the −2and +2-order peaks in I p (x). In summary, for a three beam interferometer in which one first order diffraction probe interacts with the specimen, the object transmission function information is stored in both the the first and second orders, respectively, of the Fourier transform of the interference fringe image. A non-negligible +2-order diffraction probe probe+2 complicates this picture, and the −2 and +2 peaks in I p (x) also contain that information via interference with probe0 . Because the nanofabricated gratings are designed such that cn>1 should be weak, we assume that it is negligible. We can also make the assertion that the specimen function in vacuum is just 1, simplifying equation 4 even further. Integrating around I +1 (xp , x) in equation 4, using a0 (x) as a kernel, and noting that A0 (k) is a circular aperture, we arrive at the solution. Z a0 (x)I +1 (xp , x) dx Ω(+x0 )


Ip (k) = |Ψf (k)|p =

A∗p (k)

⊗ T (k) (Ap (k) ⊗ T (k)) ,


where ⊗ represents convolution and ∗ represents complex conjugate. We use lower-case and capitilized letters to denote real versus reciprocal space variables, respectively.

= c∗0 c+1 h (xp ) ⊗ t∗ (x0 + xp )


where h (xp ) = |a0 (xp )|2 . The full derivation is provided in both the supplemental materials and another manuscript that provides a full treatment of the general theory of STEMH [40].

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Nano Letters 4 To summarize the numerical object wave reconstruction procedure: 1. At each probe position, take the Fourier transform of the interference fringe pattern, resulting in equation (4). 2. Isolate a small (we used < 10 × 10 pix2 ) region around a peak that contains the desired object wave information, I +1 (xp , x).

where N is the number of electrons in the measurement area.

8 5.0




Intensity [a.u.]

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5 4

3. Define a kernel a0 (x) by taking the Fourier transform of a reference image of the interference fringes, i.e. an image when all three probes pass through vacuum, and isolate a small region around the center peak.

3 2

4. Multiply these two peaks and integrate, taking the complex conjugate, equation (5). 5. Repeat for each pattern in the scan, i.e. each xp value. Phase-thickness relation

The specimen transfer function contains an amplitude and phase, which can be used to calculate the thickness of a specimen. For a non-magnetic specimen, the phase imparted onto an electron wave-front is proportional to the electrostatic potential projected through the bulk of the specimen [14]. For amorphous materials, we may consider only the mean inner potential, Vi . Thus, φ = CE Vi T (xp ) ,


where T (xp ) is the thickness of the specimen for each e E0 +E location in the scan, xp , CE = 2π λ E 2E0 +E , λ is the relativistic wavelength of the electron, 1.97 pm for E = 300 keV, where E is the kinetic energy of the electron, E0 is the rest energy of the electron, and e is the electron unit charge. Phase uncertainty

The theory of phase detection uncertainty in electron holography has been worked out in detail by Lichte et al. and de Ruijter et al. [41, 42], whose work was experimentally supported by Harscher and Lichte [43]. If we only consider the counting statistics for the number of electrons per unit area of the detector at any time (shot noise), the standard deviation for detection of the phase −Imin from interference fringes with visibility V = IImax is max +Imin r σφth =

2 V 2N


1 0 Figure 3. Mean interference fringes averaged over the scan with the background subtracted. The inset shows a 1D profile of the sum of fringes along the direction perpendicular to the line trace shown.

Detectors will also contribute to the phase uncertainty, and their contribution is typically characterized by a detective quantum efficiency,


(SN R)2out (u) , (SN R)2in (u)


where (SN R)out (u) and (SN R)in (u) are signal-to-noise ratios at the output and input of the detector as a function of spatial frequency, u [43]. The DQE modifies equation 7 to be

− 41

σφth = (DQE)


2 V 2N



For our experiment, the number of electrons per frame was estimated by summing the intensity values in a frame to be N ≈ 105 and we measured our fringe visibility from Figure 3 to be V = 42.7% ± 4.8. The predicted fringe visibility from an ideal three beam interferometer depends on the phase imparted onto probe+1 . The fringe spacing at the camera was ≈ 0.38 × fN , where fN is the Nyquist frequency. At this spatial frequency, the Gatan K2 Summit camera has a DQE ≈ 0.56 [36]. Using these values, we plot the numerically calculated V and σφth in the supplemental materials. The mean theoretical uncertainty in phase measurement is σφth < 15 mrad when probe+1 transmits through a weak phase object.


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0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 Line Trace [nm]

1.0 0.5 0.0


0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 Line Trace [nm]






Thickness [nm]


Phase [rad]

1.0 0.5 0.0


Intensity [a.u.]


Intensity [a.u.]

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0 0


4 6 Line trace [nm]



Figure 4. (a,e) Conventional annular dark field images of two different Au nanoparticles on thin C support. (b,f) Phase reconstruction of the same regions using STEMH. (c-d) Corresponding Fourier Transforms of (a) and (b). (g-h) Selected line traces from (e-f), highlighting the low atomic number material contrast seen using STEMH. The profiles are normalized to the maximum value of each image after offsetting to a mean value of zero in vacuum. (i) Selected line trace from (b) along just the carbon substrate, from which the thickness is calculated. (g-i) are plots of the mean along three line traces with the root mean square of the the deviations shaded. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION STEMH Phase Contrast

The STEMH phase reconstructions and HAADF images of two randomly oriented Au nanoparticles embedded on a thin amorphous carbon film are shown in Figure 4. Compared to the HAADF image, STEMH allows for a much higher contrast of the thin amorphous carbon. Additionally, the dc-component of the phase is reconstructed using STEMH, resulting in a comparable signal with the HAADF, but with additional amorphous carbon signal barely visible in the HAADF. Figure 4d shows that under the experimental conditions we used,

STEMH has 0.24 nm resolution of the Au atomic lattice, comparable to the HAADF resolution shown in 4c. Notice how the high frequency information between the two techniques are comparable, whereas the STEMH reconstruction contains much more low frequency information because of the higher contrast on the carbon substrate. Note that these scans were under-sampled in order to achieve a large field of view and decrease both the scan time and file size. The achievable probe size for STEM is sub-angstrom as discussed in the introduction, suggesting that STEMH should be able to achieve even higher resolution than we report. Figures 4g - 4h shows selected line traces along the carbon film and Au nanoparticles for both the STEMH

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Nano Letters 6 and HAADF signals. For comparison, the signals are normalized to the maximum value of each image after offsetting to a mean value of zero in vacuum. For 4h the STEMH signal begins to rise earlier than the HAADF due to the amorphous carbon preceding the Au nanoparticles. In 4g, the two signals rise simultaneously because the nanoparticle hangs off of the edge of the carbon. However, the STEMH signal continues to rise around 7 nm, because unlike HAADF STEM the STEMH signal is sensitive to the carbon film lying beneath the Au nanoparticle. This is due to STEMH’s phase contrast, resulting in a gap between the two signals after 7 nm.

0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05


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Figure 5. Inset from center of Figure 4b in a carbon-only region to enhance contrast.

The line trace in Figure 4b follows a path along the amorphous carbon film and is plotted in Figure 4i. The thickness calculated from equation (6) is shown on the right vertical axis. Interestingly, the carbon in Figures 4b and 4f, isolated in Figure 5, shows a string-like topography, which is consistent with a thick-bonding model detailed by Ricolleau, et al. in 2013 [37]. We previously assumed that probe+2 was weak, or 1 +1 c+2 < c10 . This results in a phase signal < 10 the probe+1 signal. Such a weak signal is present in Figures 4b and 4f in the form of a ‘shadow’ image of the nanoparticle in vacuum, although it is weak enough to be barely identifiable above the noise from the primary signal on carbon. As shown in the previous section, however, this signal is on the same order or larger than our theoretical uncertainty, which is confirmed by our measurement of uncertainty in the phase. Here, we measured the deviation from the mean for both a single line and an area of 50 lines within the vacuum region of Figure 4b. We found that for a single line, σφexp = 30 mrad and σφexp = 35 mrad for an area of 50 lines. This difference can be attributed to scan noise. The increase in noise between theory and experiment is consistent with contributions due to higher order probes, and so future

consideration should be taken when designing gratings so as to optimize the output SNR. Alternatively, a smaller selected area aperture could be used to block higher orders.


In this article, we demonstrated sub-nanometer resolution electron phase imaging using STEMH, a multiplearm, path-separated interferometer with a phase imparted onto one or more paths. We measured a fringe visibility of V = 42.7% experimental uncertainty in phase measurement to be σφexp ≈ 0.03 rad. We then provided two 0.24 nm resolution phase-contrast images of Au nanoparticles on a thin carbon substrate, with conventional HAADF images for comparison. STEMH provides quantitative phase contrast, including the dc-component, which we utilized to analyze the thickness of the carbon support. In addition to thickness mapping due to the electrostatic potential within nanomaterials, STEMH enables magnetic field mapping at subnanometer resolution. With an aperture inserted to block higher order probes, the electron scanning coils can be utilized to image electric and magnetic fields surrounding a material without illuminating the material at all. Recall that we used a straight grating in this experiment to prepare sharply-peaked, symmetric probes at the sample plane. Note, however, that different phasestructured diffraction grating designs can be used to holographically vary the complex amplitude cn of the diffraction orders [22, 33–35], potentially enabling more complicated electron-specimen interactions with signals extractable via STEMH. Finally, future additions of faster readout detectors and different grating designs would further reduce the electron dose, potentially allowing STEMH to image beam-sensitive, bio-molecular materials, electronics and magnetic materials at atomic resolution.


BJM, TRH, JJC and JSP were partially supported by both the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under Award DE-SC0010466 and partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1607733. FSY was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. 1309047. The imaging was performed on TEAM I at the Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

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See the supplemental materials for details on the full derivation of equation (5) and a numerical calculation of equation (9).

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