Electron paramagnetic resonance characterisation of axial and equatorial centres in seven-membered alicyclic molecules. Andrew C. Hindson , John C. Walton.
Nov 16, 2000 - Both the one-electron binding energies and momentum distributions consistently ... with orbital densities, electron momentum spectroscopy can ...
... and Koichi Ohno , Stefan Knippenberg, Jean-Pierre François, and Michael S. .... Probing molecular conformations in momentum space: The case of n-pentane.
replaced by the 4ag and 4a labels, respectively. We are indebted to Dr. Feng Wang (Swinburne University,. Melbourne, Australia) for drawing our attention to the ...
We are indebted to Dr. Feng Wang (Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia) for drawing our attention to the errors in the MO correlations displayed in Figure ...
High-resolution (e,2e) measurements of the valence electronic structure and momentum-space electron density distributions of n-butane have been exhaustively ...
MO1 : 3ag, 3a, 24.69, 24.73, 24.63, 24.7, 29.06, 25.18 (0.160)b, 29.04 ..... when the contribution of the gauche-4a orbital is incorporated in the simulation (Figure 4c). ...... Angonoa, G.; Walter, O.; Schirmer, J. Contributions due to Trofimov, A.
... At high electron impact energy, according to the plane wave impulse and the ..... If the peak simulated at 12 eV matches fairly well the (e,2e) records, very ...
The relative energies of several conformations of the tryptophol cation are determined by zero kinetic energy (ZEKE) photoelectron spectroscopy and ...