Probing Teflon - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v034n039.p4618. Publication Date: September 24, 1956. Copyright © 1956 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem...
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amount of tritium incorporated is greater. With cholesterol, for example, Wilzbach gets specific activities a hun­ dredfold greater than b y the recoil triton method. Labeling, of course, is more or less random, and anyone waaung a label at a particular point in a molecule will still need to turn to syntheses. Where specific orientation is n o t required, »~Ι*\\\Τ£Λ-%Τ£*Ύ·



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prove more than satisfactory. It's still too early t o predict all facets of the method, bat so far Wilz­ bach has noted ring compounds are easier to label than straight-chain ones. He's also tried enough different com­ pounds to b e reasonably confident, however, that his method will b e generally applicable. Biochemists should fbid the tech­ nique useful, since they c a n label mate­ rials of complex or even unknown struc­ ture. Such materials having a high tritium content will be especially suit­ able where complex substances are ad­ ministered in small amounts and be­ come highly diluted in the organism. Chemists will find tritium labeling with self-radiation an effective tool for radiation chemistry studies. Since products from such irradiations are labeled with tritium, they can be de-

tected by carrier techniques even when there's not enough for detection b y physical methods. Wilzbach himself has already taken one step in this direc­ tion in irradia tin?? iolnf*nf*: H e finds tritium-labeled benzene and xylenes in the reaction products. This indicates methyl group transfer during irradia­ tion, previously unobserved with less sensitive techniques.

Labeling with tritium hasn't

spectacular in the past, but tritium is now in a position where future use can surpass that of any other radioactive isotope. Its low cost—currently $ 2 per curie—and the fact that as little as 10~ 10 curie can be analyzed b y simple methods make it attractive for largescale industrial application, as in petroleum exploration and engine test­ ing. With a short half-life ( 1 2 . 4 years) and the high isotopic purity pos­ sible, h i g h specific activities can b e o b ­ tained and dilutions as high as a mil­ lion million fold are possible. A n d finally, its low radiation energy mini­ mizes health hazards since its radiation is completely absorbed in less than 10~3 centimeter of liquids or solids.

Probing Teflon Du Pont finds polytetrafluoroethylene undergoes several transitions a t room tempera­ tures What's "^NSIONAL MEETING \

Polymer Chemistry


t h e

structural changes of poly-

* tetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) at room tempera­ ture? X-ray dif­ fraction studies o n the polymer per­ formed by E . S. Clark and collabo­ rators at D u Pont indicate many of Teflon's unusual physical properties appear influenced b y structure changes; understanding these changes will per­ mit utilizing the properties to best ad­ vantage, says Clark. T h e practical value of knowing how Teflon's crystal structure changes with temperature may help answer problems i n handling the polymer and show how tempera­ K. E . Wilzbach of Argonne National ture influences fabrication processes Laboratory transfers tritium gas into and procedures. Polytetrafluoroethylene's crystalline a reaction vessel containing an or­ ganic compound to produce a tri­ structure transitions were considered tium-labeled compound. This proc­ by Clark by treating chain configura­ ess, he told the Division of Organic tion and chain packing of the polymer Chemistry, was developed in a pro­ separately and through a concept of a gram on applications of tritium in helical stucture for the chains. Transi­ tions occur at about 20° C , 30° C , and research and industry 4618



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at higher temperatures but below the 327° C. melting point. Extensively in­ vestigating those at 20° and 30° C , Clark told the Division of Polymer volves changes both in chain configu­ ration and in chain packing while the 3 0 c C . transition brings a change in chain packing. • Helical Structure Concept. Work­ ers in the field of protein molecule structure devised a theoretical method for determining a chain configuration which involves atoms regularly spaced on helices. Clark utilizes this helical structure concept to interpret x-ray diffraction data of Teflon. Below 20° C , the helical configuration was that of an ethylenic zig-zag having a 180 degree twist for every 13 carbon atoms. T h e crystal unit cell of this form is triclinic. Although hysteresis makes determin­ ing t h e exact temperature difficult, at about 20° C. a transition occurs in Teflon. T h e unit cell changes from triclinic to hexagonal with a slight un­ twisting of the helical configuration. Clark finds that a 180 degree twist in a crystal unit cell contains 1 5 carbon atoms above 20° C. Other diffraction measurements indicate a change in packing occurs during this transition as well as a configuration change. • rinding Packing Changes. T h e method used b y Clark to determine changes in chain packing is based on the character of Bragg planes i n the diffraction pattern produced b y re­ flection from atoms i n the crystals. Using data obtained with a Geiger counter diffractorneter, Clark found the helical structure shifted from 13 t o 15 carbon atoms per 1 8 0 degree twist dur­ ing t h e 20° C. transition. W h e n a change i n chain packing oc­ curs, the Bragg plane relationships are disturbed and areas of diffuseness ap­ pear instead of a sharp diffraction pat­ tern. Clark interprets the chffraction diffuseness as arising from shifting of the chain axes. T h e disorder involves either a random linear translation of the chains or possibly a random mixture of right- and left-handed helical forms— or perhaps a combination of both. The configuration and packing changes are distinctly different. At about 30° C , a second transition occurs. X-ray diffraction studies o n this transition show again the precise Bragg plane relationship in the hexag­ onal crystal disappears, showing a change in chain packing. Higher tem­ perature transitions produce diffraction patterns suggesting further uncoiling of the helical configuration, says Clark. However, the packing remains hexago­ nal to the melting point. •