Proceedings of the American Chemical Society - ACS Publications

Soc. , 1885, 7 (2), pp 71–71. DOI: 10.1021/ja02130a604. Publication Date: February 1885. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 7, 2, 71-71...
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PROCEEDINGS O F THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. REGULAE MEETING-held March 6th, 1884. Dr. A. R. Leeds in the chair. The minutes of the meeting of Fehuary 6th were read and approved. Dr. Waller reported that $1’76.60 had been received for the Watts Fund, and gave a synopsis of a letter received from Dr. Atkinson in which it was stated that the amount subecribed in England, up to February lst, was $1,469. Dr. T. Sterry Hunt was substituted forprof. S.W. Johnson on the Silliman Memorial Committee. Mr. S. W. Williams of 72 William street, New Pork City, wae elected a member. The resignation of Stewart C. Squier, Associate Member, was read and accepted. Dr. C. At Doremus read a paper on “ A simple apparatrts far the rapid estimation of Urea.” The meeting was then adjourned. C. E. MUNSELL, Recording Secretary.


$5 00 Dr. J. C. Booth _.________.__. $10 00 A. L. Colby ___.-___ 00_ _ _ _ Prof. F. P. Dunnington 10 00 Prof. 9. W. Jolinson . _ _ _ _5_ ___ G. W. Riggs 5 00 E. 9. Wood, M.D - - . _ _ _ _ _5_00 25 00 H. Rolt 10 00 Prof, F. H. Storer_.______.__ 5 00 J. B. Mackintosh 10 00 Prof. 0.F. Barker __ _ __ _ ___ ___ _ _ __--___ _ _ 1- _0 0 E . W . M, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 _ 5 0 _S_, A _. N _ 3 0_ 0 _.__ A. A. Breneman _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _5 _00 _ _ “W”- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Henry Morton “F. C. S,”, _ _ _ _ _ _5_00_Prof, __ __ _ . _ _ _10 _00 P. _ F. _ _ __ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6_00 ________ M.E. Waldstein . _ _ _ _ _5_00_ _ 10 00 G. Miller 5 00 Dr. Alfred Springer Prof. P. Casemajor _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 00 __ _H._B._Cornwall . _ __ ___ ___ _ _5_002. 00 Prof. A. R. Lee& _.._._._____ 6 00 J. H. Stebbins, Jr 28 00 Dr.E. R. Squibb_____.._.__-5 00 Dr. C. F. Chandler




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