Product Capsules

products and services described. EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS. Analytical .... on Compaq's custom-built or standard dewar flasks for storage of liquefied...
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For your convenience -short “refreshers” on last month’s ads. Follow directions on page 61 A to obtain free information on products and services described

EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS Analytical Instruments. Circle indicated numbers for full information on instruments used in the following analytical methods: flame photometry, GOA-1; pH, automatic titration, 6082; fluorimetry, BOA-3; nephelometry, 60A-4; spectrochemistry, GOA-5; and colorimetry, GOA-6. Coleman Instruments, Inc., 318 AIadison St., Ilaywood, Ill. 6OA-1 to 6 Analyzers, Nuclear. Full information

available on company’s neutron absorption analyzer that features: 1. hTondestructive analysis. 2. Speed (approsimately 1 minute). 3. Accuracy. 4. Sampling or continuous control system. Xuclear Div., American Electronics, Inc., 655 W.Kashington Blvd., Los Angeles 15, Calif. 63A Anenometers. Bulletin available on company’s universal anenometer that reads wind velocity in kilometers per hour, miles per hour, or knots. The three units can be used interchangeably. Wind-powered. Accurate within 2% a t velocity from 2 to 100 nipli. Circle 70A-1. Also available are bulletins on company’s water current meters (708-2) and m t e r level recorders (7OA-3). ITr. 6. L. E. Gurley, 523 Fulton St., Troy, N. Y. 70A-1,2,3 Balances, Analytical. Complete file available on Alettler balances that are cited as making 3 to 5 weigliings per minute. Unit provides highest precision and excellent readability, company states. AIettler Instrument Corp., Box 242, Hightstown, N. J. 42A

Company states that the “ProjectomaticJJhas an accuracy of reproducibility of mg. for all weights up to 200 grams and can be read directly to */lo mg. Unit also features magnetic dampers, scientifically designed metal case, double pans for taring, arcing beam arrest mechanism, and individual pan arrest. Christian Becker Div., The Torsion Balance Co., Clifton, N. J. 76A Balances, Analytical.

viding fast, accurate operation. 1,610 grams capacity. 0.1 gram sensitivity. W.31. Welch Scientific Co., 1515 Sedgwick St., Dept. E, Chicago 10, Ill. 35A-1

Catalog available on twin-shell blender cited as providing scale-up of lab tests to production run. Available with lucite or stainless steelshellsinsizes from 1pint to 8 quarts. The Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., 2330 Lackawanna Ave., East Stroudsburg, Pa. 61A-1 Blenders, Twin-Shell.

Boiling Chips. Free samples available of company’s micro-porous chemically inert carbon chips that are recommended to prevent “bumping” of aqueous or non-aqueous boiling liquids either a t atmospheric pressure or under vacuum. Todd Scientific Co., Springfield, Pa. 13A-2 Carbon Analyzers. Catalog available on new model cited as providing 2 minute carbon determinations. Clean design provides accuracy n-it11 a simplicity of operation and low maintenance cost. Harry W. Dietert Co., 0330 Roselamn Ave., Detroit 4, Ilich. 29A-2 Cathetometers. Features cited for company’s cathetometers include: vel tical range 100 em; vernier leading to 0.05 mm; working distance 45 em to infinity; niagnification 12x a t 45 cin, 8x a t infinity; level sensitive to 50 seconds. W,A I . Welch Scientific Co., 1515 Sedgwick St., Dept. A, Chicago 10, Ill. 58A

Cells, Absorption. Circle 40A-3 for complete information on Klett glass absorption cells. Klett Mfg. Co., 177 East 87 St., N. Y. 40A-3

Literature available on the Lumetron colorimeter for nessler tubes. A new photoelectric instrument of high accuracy for the measurement of pale colors and faint turbidities. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., New York 16. 27A-3 Colorimeters, Photoelectric.

Densitometers. Bulletin available on densitometer for partition chromatography and paper electrophoresis. Photovolt Corp., 95 hladison Ave., New York 16. 27A-2 Desalters. Catalog available on the complete line of Reco chromatographic equipment. Includes information on the Reco electric desalter that removes inorganic salts without equivalent losses in organic and amino acids. Research Equipment Corp., 1135 Third St., Oakland, Calif. 56A-2 Dewar Flasks. Information available on company’s custom-built or standard dewar flasks for storage of liquefied gases (including helium and hydrogen). Made of Pyrex glass without separation pads, they are available in either cylindrical or spherical shapes. H. S. Martin 6. Co., 1916-20 Greenleaf St., Evanston, 3rd Cover Ill. DistillationTrains. Information available on vacuum distillation train in a single compact unit. Occupies a space For further information, see coupon on page 61 A

...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................

Balances, Trip-Scale. Full information available on low form triple-beam trip-scale balance that is cited as pro-

V O L U M E 2 8 , N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6

Surveys and comments have shown that ANALYTICAL readers appreciate and use the advertising pages as valuable sources of technical and industrial information. They consider the ads as an important technical supplement to the editorial pages. To increase further the value of these advertisements to readers, this section will present in each issue brief, informative descriptions of the products, equipment, and services advertised in the previous month’s issue.

51 A

Product Capsules 12” square, 18” high. Unit has a inanomer with a mirror metric scale. Delmar Scientific Labs., 4701 117. Gland 12A-1 Ave., Chicago 39, Ill. Evaporators, Rotating. Full information available on the Rinco rotating vacuum-type evaporator. Adaptable for volumes of 1 ml to 500 ml. Can be used in single or multiple units. Flasks rotate a t 93 rpm. A. S. Aloe Co., 5665 Kingsbury, St. Louis 12, Mo. 50A-1 Extraction Rockers. The separatory funnels on company’s “Extracto-Matic”

mechanical extractcr swing through a 90’ arc and the ro:ker oscillates a t a rate of 20 times per minute. Eight 100 ml. extractions can be made a t one time. Overall dimensions 17” wide X 10” deep X 61/2” high. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J. 15A-1 Filter Papers, Ancilytical. Analytical

filter paper sampler available. Company’s filter papers are cited as having less than 0,00770 ash content. Carl Schleicher & Schuc11 Co., Dept. AC-3, 32A Keene, N. H.




Free samples available of Eaton-Dikeinan filter paper for chromatography. Papers are available in standard size sheets, rolls, circles, or special sizes and shapes. The Eaton-Dikeman Co., blt. Holly Springs, Pa. 69A- 1 Filters. Bulletin available on company’s new lightfoot filter that consists of a sliding molded “Teflon” filter plate within a stainless steel shell. Concentric and radial grooves on the plate surface conduct the filtrate to the stem. New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc., 76 Varick St., New York 13. 29A-1 Flash-Evaporators. Complete information available on unit with interchangeable evaporating flask from 100 ml. to 2000 ml. Adjustable speed from 40 to 180 rpm. Teflon and glass rotating joint eliminates lubrication. For batch or continuous operation. Labglass, Inc., 514 West 147 St., New York 31. 30A-2 Fluorimeters. Klett fluorimeters are cited as being designed for the rapid and accurate determination of thiamin, riboflavin, and other substances which fluoresce in solution. Klett hlfg. Co., 65A-2 179 E. 87 St., New York.




Freeze-Drying Units. Descriptive folder available on company’s complete line of freeze-drying apparatus. Line includes the bio-dryer, the histological freeze-dryer, the micro unit, the macro unit, the super unit, the all-glass modified Campbell-Pressman unit, and the freeze-mobile. E. Llachlett & Son, 220 67A-2 E. 23 St., New York 10.


Brand new 1956 special apparatus catalog makes it easier than ever to obtain hard-to-get glass labware If you’re one of the relatively few scientists who need unusual kinds of glass apparatus, this 1956 catalog may be of considerable help to you. Its well-illustrated pages give you lots of information about glassware we make to order for you. Its pages hold even more examples of special glass than did the first edition.

To obtain your copy of CA-2: “Custom-Made Laboratory Glassware by Corning,” simply mail the coupon below. (If you need special apparatus not in this new catalog, simply send us a rough sketch of the item you need, with dimensions. We will be glad to quote price and delivery.) Mail this coupon today!

-------C 0 R N I NG G 1A S S W O R K S 69-4 I


________ I


Crystal Strec I, Corning, New York

Please send me your new catalog CA-2: ”Custom-Made Laboratory Glassware by Corning.”

........................................................................................ Tifle................................................. Company ........................................................................................................................................... Name

I I Slreet.................................................................................................................................................. I I Cify................................................................................ Zone............Sfati: ......................................... ______ For further information, circle number 52 A on Readers’ Service Card, page 61 A

52 A






Funnels, Separatory. Complete information available on the Ultramas separatory funnel. Funnel is corrosion resistant and requires no lubricant. Sizes: 30 ml. to 2 liters in globe, squibb, or cvlindrical tmes. Fischer & Porter Co.,“ 1536 Cou&$ Line Rd., Hatboro, Pa. 37A Furnaces, Induction. Complete technical data available on company’s new line pf high-frequency furnaces for carbon and sulfur analysis by induction heating. Laboratory Equipment Corp., St. Joseph 8, Mich. 73A-1 Fusion Cups. List available on Parr fusion cups machined from solid bars of special nickel alloys. No seains or welds. Surfaces are finished to close tolerances and each cup is individually pressure tested. Parr Instrument Co., Moline, Ill. 75A Glassware, Borosilicate. Company states that each piece of its volumetric

(Continued on page 64) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

With the new


CRYOVAPORATOR Developed b y Dr. J . Lee Kavanau, this compact mobile freeze-dryer performs many functions never before found in a single apparatus. The C R Y O V A P O R A T O R is complete with a Pyrex drying chamber, adjustable tray-support with interchangeable trays, dual-condenser unit with a capacity of 1200 ml of effluent, stainless steel polyurea-insulated DEWAR, Welch Duo-Seal vicuum pump, McLeod Gauge, variable intensity infra-red unit, guard for Pyrex drying chamber and cabinet in gray hammertone on casters. The assembled unit measures 99" X 1 5 " X 66". With the three shelves furnished the tray-support will accommodate 132 10 ml serum bottles, or 45 1 5 0 ml aerum bottles or P7 100 ml serum bottles. With additianal shelves, UP to 264 10 ml serum bottles can be accommodated. Using the C R Y O V A P O R A T O R material can be dried in beakers, Petri dishes, centrifuge tubes, test tubes or any suitable container, eliminating completely the need for transfer of msterial before or after freeze-drying. Intact materials such as leaves or plants can be dried rapidly. Solutions containing volatile acids, bases or organic solvents can be desiccated or freezedried if an appropriate absorbent i s added in the vacuum system, The large aperture at the base of the drying chamber (1 E" diameter), design of the Pyrex dual-condenser, and the proper application of freeze-drying principles that have been used in the engineering of this instrument make it the Rnert and most efficient unit of its kind. O n l y dry ice and coolant medium ere required for operation.


VirTis-Kavanau C R Y O V A P O R A T O R complete with Pyrex drying chamber and dual-condenser, guard, stainless steel Dewar, Welch 1400 Duo-Seal Pump, adjustable tray-support, M c L e o d Guage, infra-red unit with rheostat and gray hammertone cabinet..



Extra shelves for tray-support..

.. ...........each


Overnight runs are routine with the C R Y O V A P O R A T O R which will operate unattended up t o 44 hours or longer.



For further information, circle number 53 P, on Readers' Service Card, page 61 A

V O L U M E 2 8 , N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6

53 A

Product Capsules ~~

glassware bearing the letter “A” indicates that it meets guaranteed class A capacity tolerances as set forth by the Sational Bureau of Standards. Cornincr Glass Wks., 72-3 Crystal St., Corning, u

w. Y.


Complete details available on the l95G model S/C washer made entirely of stainless steel, featuring powered brush masher. All brushes are interchangeable and are available in all shapes and sizes. Chicago Apparatus Co., 1735 No. Ashland Ave., Chicago 22, Ill. 28A-3 Glassware Washers.




“Essentials of Quantitative Analysis,” a complete working guide to basic operation by A. A. Benedetti-PichIer, Professor of Chemistry, Queens College, has just been published. 126 illustrations, tables; 732 pages, $15. The Ronald Press Co., 15 E. 26 St., New Pork 10. 30A- 1 Hand Torch. Bulletin available on the Bethlehem “Polymix” used for Pyrex, Vycor and quartz. Also used for metalworking. An oxy-gas hand torch, it is cited as being noiseless, light-weight. Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc., Hellertown, Penn. 69A-2 Hot Plates. Complete data available on company’s hot plate that is cited as


providing a wide timperature range, and close control (less than 5 ” F.variation). Unit plugs into 110 V., 50/60 Cy. Thermo Electric Nfg. Co., 478 Huff Street, Dubuque, Iowa. 35A-2 Instrument Benches. 20-page illustrated catalog available on company’s universal instrument bench that consists of over GO components of various types that can be assembled into hundreds of different combinations. Used for sedimer tation tests, particle size determinaticins, turbidity tests, photometry, etc. Rleyer-Opticraft, Inc., 39 TI-. 60 St., N, Y. 23. 61A-2 Joint Clamps. Company’s joint clamps

are designed for standard taper glass joints and fit all riakes of joints with a positive lock. Simple screw adjustment for clamping pressure. Aluminum construction. hlano;tat Corp., 20-26 N. RZoore St., Dept. 101, IT.Y. 13. 55A laboratory Equipment. Circle indicated numbers for complete information on the following laboratory equipment: 45,000 rpm or 23,000 rpm homogenizers, 34A-1; “Eutracl,o-iCIatic” extraction rockers, 34A-2; separatory funnels, 348-3; freeze-drying units, 348-4. Arthur S. LaPine & Go., GO01 S. Ilnox Ave., Chicago 29, Ill. 34A-1 to 4

laboratory Furniture. 180-page catalog available on company’s line of fireproof, waterproof, corrosion resistant, rustproof, laboratory furniture. Metalab Equipment Co., 252 Duffy Ave., Hicksville, Long Island, N. Y. 56A-3 Lamps, Ultra Violet. Informative, de-

tailed, 16-page brochure, “Photosensitization” available. Contains information on the Hanovia utility model quartz lamp that provides high intensity concentrated source of ultra-violet radiations. Hanovia Chemical & LIfg. Co., 100 Chestnut St., Newark 5, IS.J. 65A-3 McLeod Gauges. Details available on

Ace McLeod gauges with “trubore” tubing that provides accuracy and interchangeability within each pressure range. Gauge will hold a t any position to which i t is rotated. Ace Glass, Inc., Vineland, N. J. 24 A Mercury Diffusion Pumps. Full details on company’s two-stage pump available. Gas intake is 20 liters per second. Pump takes hold at 8-10 mm fore pressure with ultimate pressure of 10-5 mm. Wakefield Industries, Inc., 5108 TV. Grove St., Chicago, Ill. 40A-2 Mercury Vapor Detectors. Units are portable, ultra-violet photometers, calibrated in mercury concentrations. Weight: 7 pounds; size 13 X 8 l / 2 X 41/2 inches. Harold Kruger Instruments, Box 164, San Gabriel, Calif. 40A- 1

Complete catalog on “Unitron” microscopes available. Includes information on company’s polarizing microscope for the study and identification of material structure and characteristics. United Scientific Co., 204-6 Milk St., Boston 9, Mass. 28A-1 Microscopes, Polarizing.

Circle 9A-1 for complete information on company’s permanently lubricated, automatic mortar grinder. Circle SA-2 for complete information on company’s mortars and pestles. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Mortars, Pestles & Girders.

9A-1,2 Needle Valves. Bulletin available on company’s teflon and glass needle valves that are cited as eliminating the possibility of breakage and contamination: Liquid comes in contact with only glass and teflon. The Emil Greiner Co., 2026 N. Moore St., New York 13. SA Ovens, Vacuum. Bulletin available on vacuum oven for low pressure or atmospheric drying. Chamber size: For further information, circle ‘number 54 A %n Readers’ Service Card, Page 61 A

54 A

(Continued on page 56 A )




RAPID FILTRATION Send for leaflet U-1


H. R E E V EA N G E L& c o . 52 Duane St.


New York 7, N. Y.

Far further information, circle number 55 1.1 on Readers' Service Card, page 61 A


NEWLYlDESlGNED POLARlMETER READING TO 0001~ assures ease in manipulation and higher accuracy in making measure! because: ' ments * Inclined observation telescope permits readings from sitting position. * Through observation telescope the scales as well as the half-shade field of view can be observed. * Direct vernier readings can be made to 0.01' and estimated to 0.005'. * Moveable carrier holding two polarimeter tubes facilitates procedure of examinations. * Coaxially-mounted coarse and fine adjustment knobs and sivitch conMADE IN WEST GERMANY trolled by right hand resting on table-top. * Interchangeable built-in sodium or mercury spectral bulbs furnish strictly monochrematic light controlled by precision interference filters. * Newly-designed, precision polarimeter tubes ensure tlie absence of strain, furthering assurance of true measuring results. Free detailed literature sent upon request


485 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N. Y.

Guaranteed uninterrupted repair service For further information, circle number 55 1-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 61 A

V O L U M E 28, N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6

55 A

Product Cansules 11/2cubic feet, 12 X 12 X 18” deep. Temperature range 200” C. National Appliance Co., Portland, Oregon. 71A-2 Paper Electrophoresis Systems. De-

tails available on the Spinco “Analytrol” that plots the distribution curve of inaterial concentration derived from light transmission, while it produces an integral, sawtooth curve, from which relative concentrations can be read directly. Spinco Div., Beckman Instruments, Inc., Belmont 7, Calif. 8A Pellet Presses. Bulletin available on press used for making ILBr pellets for infrared spectroscope analysis. 20 ton capacity. Bench mounted, hand operated. Loomis Engineering & nIfg. Co., 10A 133 S. 14 St., Newark 7, N. J. Ph Meters. BulIetin available on company’s line-operated pH meter cited as being simple in operation and maintenance, fast and dependable, and fully stabilized for wide range of line voltage fluctuations. Photovolt Corp., 95 nladison Ave., N. Y. 16. 27A- 1 Porcelain Catalog. Circle 738-2 for the 1956 copy of Coors cataIog on chemical and scientific porcelain. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colorado. 73A-2

Power Supplies. Details available on company’s new, Lubeless, magnetic amplifier. Wide r mge, continuously adjustable voltage a t high current. Regulation &0.5% .gainst line or load, ripple 1% RMS. Sorenson 8: Co., Inc., 375 Fairfield Ave., E’tamford, Conn. 48A Presses, Hydraulic. CataIog availabIe

on Carver laborato-y presses. Unit is used for forming KIIr pellets, dehydrating, pressing out oils, filtering thick fluids, determining fatty acids, etc. Available in 10- sild 20- ton models. Fred S. Carver, I~ic., 54 River Rd., Summit, N. J. 67A- 1 Proportional



Catalog available tlint includes information on the new NhIC proportional counter converter that converts any scaler to a proportional counter. Unit has a build-in power supply. Nuclear hIeasurements Corp., 2460 N. Arlington Ave., Indianapolis 18, Indiana, 73A-3 Radiation Analyxers. Full details available on comIiany’s new radiation analyzer which, connected directly to a scaler and scintill ttion counter, incorporates in a compact single-chassis design a non-overloading linear amplifier, pulse height disciiminator, and stable

high voltage regulator. Nuclear Instrument & Chemical Corp., 251 W. Erie St., Chicago 10, Ill. 18A Recorders, Graphic. Complete technical data available on the Varian G-10 graphic recorder. Unit weighs 15 pounds, measures 10‘’ X 71/s” X 8” and is portable. Used as recording millivoltmeter or (with appropriate transducers) to record measurement of physical quantities. lTarianAssociates, Palo Alto 4, Calif. 14A Sink Traps, Polyethylene. Complete details awiIable on Nalgene polyethylene sink traps that resist all chemicals normally flushed down the sink including mercury. Three inch deep catch-pot base. Fits all sinks. The Nalge Co., 71A-1 Inc., Rochester 2, N. Y. Spectrometers,

Nuclear Magnetic.

Circle 43A for complete information on the Varian high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer now available with the new “super-stabilizer.” Used in the study of molecular structures and chemical systems. Varian Associates. Palo Alto 4, Calif. 43A Spectrophotometers. Company’s spectrophotometer can now be equipped


Klett. Calorimeters Nephelometers Fluorimeters Bio-Calorimeters Comparators Glass Standards Glass Ce!l Klett Reagents













For further information, circle nun her

56 A

M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO. 1 7 7 E A sT 8 7 T H sT R E ET NEW YORK.. .N. Y.

56 A

on Readers’ Service Card, - page

61 A


with a mechanism which allows direct recording of linear absorbance over the range 0 to 1.0 absorbance unit (circle 368-2 for complete information). Also available is information on the P-E hJodel 21 double beam infrared spectrophotometer (circle 36A-3). PerkinElmer Corp., 800 Ahin hve., Norwalk, Conn. 36A-2,3 Spectrophotometers. Detailed literature available on the Zeiss spectrophotometer. The spectral legion ranges from near infrared (1,000 mp) to farultraviolet (200 m p ) . Operates on 110-volt A.C. Carl Zeiss, Inc., 485 11A Fifth Ave., N. Y . 17. Spectrophotometers. Bulletin available on unit with no “printed circuits” or unstable vacuum tube electronics, since “gadgetry” in laboratory instrumentation is undesirable, company states. Coleman Instruments, 318 AIadison St., Maywood, 111. 31A Spectrophotometers, Recording. Complete details available on the Beckman D K recording spectrophotometer that now offers extended spectral-range (185 to 3,500 mp), linear absorbance and wavelength. Harsham Scientific, 1945 E. 97 St., Cleveland 6, Ohio. 6A




NEW BRICE-PHOENIX UNIVE:RSAl LIGHT SCATTERING PHOTOMETER Measures: I. Absolute Turbidity I. Dissymmetry 3. Depolarization This instrument is listed in U.S. Government specifications for the evaluation of certain clinic:al materials.


Spectrophotometers, Recording. Accurate, direct reading absorbance to 1860 A is nom provided with the Model 14 through the use of optical elements of increased ultraviolet efficiency in the double monochromator. Bulletin available. Applied Physics Corp., 362 TIr, Coloiado St., Pasadena 1, Calif. 46A- 1


5th St.

Phi1ade:lphia 40, Pa.

For further information, circle number 57 A-1 on Readers’ Selvice Card, page 61 A

Spectrophotometers, Recording. Data file available on the Beckman IR-4 spectrophotometer that may be opeiated double- or single-beam. Doublemoiiochroniator design provides twice the dispersion and energy of comparable single monochromators, company states. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Scientific Instruments, Fullerton, Calif. 52A Stirrers, Variable Speed. Full information available on Cenco high torque stirrers that are cited as providing: precise control of speed from 100 to 1300 rpm without reducing stirring effectiveness, power for stirring extremely viscous liquids, finger tip speed adjustment and stainless steel parts. Central Scientific Co., 1’708 Irving Park Rd., Chicago 13, Ill. 17A

represent the greatest advance in trip balance construction in many years. to other fine feotures i s t h e . . . . ,

. ...

Stirring Apparatus, Magnetic. Bulletin available on compact, quiet-running apparatus which utilizes a rotating field of magnetic force to induce variable speed stirring action within either closed or open vessels. Stirring bars sealed in (Continued on page 5 8 A )

V O L U M E 2 8 , NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6

For further information, circle number 51 A-2 on Readers’ Service Card, page 61 A


Product Camules Pyrex brand glass, Rel-F or Teflon. Arthur H. Thomas Co., P. 0. Box 779, Phila. 5, Pa. 38A

and easily determining mercaptans, halides and thiocyanates to rt 1% accuracy. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 44A

Stopcock Tension Clip. Company offers a free sample of its self-locking stopcock tension clip that prevents plugs from falling out or leaking under either pressure or vacuum. Circle 13A-1 for free sample. Todd Scientific Co., Springfield, Pa. 13A-1

Tubing, Plastic. Sample available of neutral, flexible, transparent plastic tubing that is c1iemi~:nllyresistant; acid and alkali resistant; and non-oxidizing. The Nalge Co., Inc. Rochester 2, N. Y.

Titrators. Company states that an im-

Tubing, Plastic.


’rygon clear flexible plastic tubing is cited as being non-toxic and non-contaminating. Smooth and seamless. Easy to handle. U. S. Stonemare, Akron 9, Ohio. 64A

proved Fischer reagent makes the Waco titrator more accurate and versatile. New spherical joint glassware is now provided. Circle 4A for more iiiformation. Wilkens-Anderson Co., 4525 W. Division St., Chicago 51, Ill. 4A Titrators, Automatic. Full information available on company’s automatie electrometric titration apparatus using second derivative method of K. V. AIalmstadt. For use in all titrations usually classified as potentiometric. Push-button start, automatic shutoff. Catalog also available. E. H. Sargent & Co., 4647 15’. Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 39A Ill. Titrators, Automatic. Bulletin available on the Fisher coulomatic titrimeter that is cited as automatically, quickly,

Voltage Regulators. Bulletin available providing full details on stabiline automatic voltage regulators that are cited as providing constant input voltage regardless of line or load changes. The Superior Electric Co., 1003 Middle 41A St., Bristol, Conn.

Tubing, Rubber. Information available on pure late:; laboratory tubing that is cited as being safe and non-toxic. Has a tensile streng,th in excess of 4,000 lbs. per sq. in. Available in 24 standard sizes. Rubber Latex Products, Inc., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. 66A Vitreous Silicaware. Bulletin available providing specifications and prices on vitreosil tubing. Tubing is catalytically inert. Ui;eful up to 1000° C and under extre’ne thermal shock. Thermal Americar Fused Quartz Co., Inc., 18-20 Salem St., Dover, N. J. 33A

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Acids. Circle indicated numbers for complete information on the following Baker & Adamson “C.P.” acids: sulfuric acid, 4-1 Cover; hydrochloric acid, 4-2 Cover; acetic acid, 4-3 Cover; and ammonium hydroxide, 4-4 Cover. All four are available in no deposit “single trip” shipping cases with non-returnable bottles. General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 40 Rector St., New York 6. 4-1,2,3,4 Cover Detergents. Full details available on L‘AlconoxJ’for hand wishing operations and “Alcojet” for machine washing operations. Alconox, Inc., 61-63 Cornelison Ave., Jersey City 4, N. J. 16A

Viscosity directly in centipoises




I .


The pigment in the Diamond

D Blue Line is heat-fused into the graduations and is impervious to practically every chemical. The Diamond D Blue Line i s annealed in electrically-controlled lehrs to relieve internal strain and each piece is double tested to rigid standards. When you need laboratory glassware with built-in accuracy and uniformity, specify the Diamond D Blue Line.

nd for FREE brochure today.


T h e Hoeppler Viscosimeter provides a fast, accurate method of determining the viscosity of gases, liquids ails,plastics, syrups. viscous tars an’d dark liquids. Frqm 0.C. to 100OC. Directreadings i n centipoises (or centirtokes). From 0.01 to 1,000,000 centipoises. Accuracy O.L% to 0 , 5 9 Small sample (30cc) required: Results consistent and reproducible.

Every item in the Diamond D Blue Line will measure with maximum accuracy and uniformity. The graduations are calibrated with extreme care and the etching is deep and clear to afford maximum readability.

dl 1

Write for BuNeth HV-303.


T h e falling time of the ball multiplied by other given factqrs shows absolute viscosity in centipoises.

UBBELOHDE Viscosimeter


I ‘I ,I




on the principle of the suspended level A capillary-type viscosimeter for determining the kinematic viscosity of any true viscou~liquld, such as petro!eum prodpcrs or lubricants. See American Society for Testing Materials, A S T.M designation D 445-46T. bieasires viscosity with an error not greater than +O.L%, when used at eHux times qf 80-1000 seconds. T h e smallest listed capillary is used for light fuel oil o r kerosene, the others for lubricating oils. T h e temperature of the bath should be controlled within +O.OZoP. In a11 capillary sizes as called for by the A.S.T.M.-calibrated or uncalibrated. Uncalibrated capillary $18. Ca!ibrated, $37.50 Metal fram’e to fit capillary, $6 Bullet$ UV349 will be sent on request Order direct or from leading Iaborotory supply dealers. FISH-SCHURMAN CORPORATION 22 Portman Road, New Rochelle, N. Y .

Circle No. 58A-1 on Readers’ Service Card, pape 61 A

58 A

Circle No. 58A.2

on Readers’ Senice

Card, page 61 A


laboratory Chemicals. Circle indicated numbers for the following hlerck laboratory chemicals: dimethylformamide, 57A-1; trichloroacetic, 57A-2; osmium tetroxide, 578-3; and methylene chloride (spectrograde), 578-4. Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J. 57A-1 to 4 Radioactive Compounds. Radioactive compounds make detection as low as parts per bilIion easy, company states. New catalog with complete listings of compounds and nuclear instruments available. Tracerlab, Inc., 130 High St., Boston 10, Mass. 50A-3 Reagents. New 1956 Mallinckrodt AR catalog available. Provides a complete listing of over 400 AR chemicals and many other chemicals useful in the laboratory. hIallinckrodt Chemical Wks., 2nd and hIallinckrodt Sts., St. Louis 7, RIo. 19A Reagents. 5-pint du Pont C.P. reagents are now packaged in single-trip, throwaway bottles and cases. Bottles feature new dripless sleeve and color coding. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Grasselli Chemicals Dept., Wilmington 98, Del. 49 A

If you need a hydraulic bench press for any purpose in ihefield of rubber moulding, plastic, laboratory testing or graphic arts, write for circrrlar or ifyou prefer we’ll have our nearest representative

Every “Baker Analyzed” reagent carries the actual lot analysis on the label, and many carry a lot assay. Company’s reagents are also cited as being quickly available in safe, functional containers. J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Pliillipsburg, N. J. 2-2 Cover

For further information, circle number 59 A-1 on Readers’ Service Card, page 61 A

call on you..




Awrnerly Preca

Pasadena Hydraulics, Inc., 275North Hill Ave.,iDasadena,Calzjr

pressure measurement

1 I

bi /




Valuable information is easy to get!


tromanometer. I t equals I man o m et er t u b e accu racy (0.05% of full scale) eliminates interpolation erI rors by reading out in direcf numerical form. For complete details on this rugged industrial tool, send today for Bulletin CEC 1547-Xl7.





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__ _ _ - - __-_ _ _ _ --- ----A I




fast response (4 sec. full-scale) rugged, compact, portable two readouts: visual digital and electricaj analog (10 volts f.s.1 0 negligible temperature effect 0 remote operation 0 0

0 0


maintenance-free interchangealale pressure heads in 5 , 15, 60 and 150 psi ranges for gage, differential, or absolute pre!;sures

ALSO AVAILABLE 0 special, high.speed system with extra-high resolution. Reriionte time of 0.1 sec. full-scale.

ConsoI i dated EI ect rodyna mi c s C 0RPO R A T I O N

’formerly Consolidafed Engineering Corporation


300 North Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, California ~~~~

V O L U M E 2 8 , N O . 4, A P R I L 1-S


, For further information, circle number 59 A-2 on Readers‘ Service Card, page 61 A



59 A