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It has proved to be a satisfactory metal parts dry cleaning solvent as well as for use in cleaning electrical parts and accessories, generators, and m...
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FP Salts for First

Available Time

T h e Ozark-Mahoning Co. announces the availability in experimental quantities for t h e first time of the sodium, potassium, and calcium salts of monofluorphosphoric acid, a n d t h e potassium, ammonium, and pyridinium salts of hexafluorophosphoric acid. T h e parent acids, together with difluorophosphoric acid, are also available in small quantities, the mono and di acids be­ ing m a d e as anhydrous liquids and the hexa acid a s a 6 5 % water solution. Suggested uses for these acids a r e as metal cleansers, in electrolytic or chemical polishing agents, in t h e formation of protective coatings for metal surfaces, and a s catalysts. Salts of the mono acid generally are water-soluble, dry, nonhygroscopie solids, thermally stable. W a t e r solutions are stable a n d do not hydrolyze at room tem­ perature. Melting point of t h e sodium salt is 625 ° C ; t h a t of the potassium salt, 825 ° C . T h e hexa salts can b e stored in solution without decomposition of t h e P F 6 ion and can be easily crystallized from solutions in most cases. Melting point of t h e potas­ sium s a l t is 575 °C. Solutions of t h e mono salts and the p a r e n t acid have shown promise as fungi­ cides. Several of the hexafluorophosphates m a y h a v e application a s fluxes a n d in main­ tenance of fluoride atmospheres. In addi­ tion some of the quaternary a m m o n i u m de­ rivatives may be useful as nerve-blocking a g e n t s a n d in bactericides and fungicides. P I



Dicapryl sebacate, a plasticizer for vinyls, has been introduced by t h e H a r d esty Chemical Co., I n c . Said t o be the lowest cost plasticizer in t h e t o p quality bracket, it imparts flexibility which is maintained down to extremely low tem­ peratures (does n o t crack a t —75° F . ) , a quality which is reflected in good hand over normal temperature variations. Its resistance t o volatility loss is excellent, being reported a t less t h a n 1% loss in 24 hours a t 250° F . in a moving air current. Excellent water resistance and exceptional light a n d aging resistance characteristics are a t t r i b u t e d to this plasticizer. Its high purity a n d constancy of good color permit the widest range of u s e of pigments and color combinations. Dicapryl sebacate is described as a high boiling ester having a molecular weight V O L U M E

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of 426, an N P A color of 0.5, a boiling point of 231.5 t o 239° C. a t 4 mm., a specific gravity of 0.9136 a t 2 0 ° / 2 0 ° C , a n d a Saybolt viscosity of 73.8 seconds a t 100° F . P 2

Catalyst Methanol

for Producers

Producers of m e t h a n o l a n d ammonia h a v e available a n improved catalyst for t h e conversion of c a r b o n monoxide to carbon dioxide and hydrogen. I t is known as E n j a y BR-769 conversion cata­ l y s t a n d is an iron-chromium converter c a t a l y s t t h a t h a s a side s t r e n g t h of 50 to 7 0 lb. Its bulk density ranges from 80 to 1O0 l b . Normally available in 3 /s-mch pellets, it can b e o b t a i n e d in pellet sizes ranging from 3 / i 6 to r / s of an inch. Ρ 3

Nonstaining Compound

Chlordan Formulated

Development of a powerful new nons t a i n i n g insecticide said to be 10 times more effective t h a n D D T on m a n y insects h a s been announced l>3r Processed Chemi­ c a l a n d Coatings Corp. Called CD-68, t h e compound contains technical chlordan, h a s a pleasant pinelike odor, and is de­ scribed as ideal for u s e in homes, hotels, . r e s t a u r a n t s , a n d factories. I t can be formulated with either a n oil base or a nonflammable water emulsion. Ρ 4



Hooker Electrochemical Co. is produc­ i n g m-chlorobenzotrifluoride (m-chlorotrifluoromethylbenzene) in pilot plant quantities. T h e compound is a clear, colorless, aromatic liquid. I t is charac­ terized by the trifluoromethyl radical which is generally stable to heat, light, a n d chemical reaction. T h e product h a s a distillation r a n g e of 134.8° to 138.6 e C , a freezing point of —56° C , a n d a specific gravity of 1.446 a t 15.5° C. P 5

P r o d u c t Notes A solvent comprising principally methylene chloride a n d trichloropropane, especially a d a p t e d for use in recirculating solvent cleaning machines for degreasing a u t o m o t i v e p a r t s , is a n n o u n c e d b y Curran O r d n a n c e Chemical L a b o r a t o r y . This liquid a r o m a t i c concentrate, called Flo,


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may be added to -ordinary mineral spirits Commercial S t a n d a r d CS-3-38 (Stoddard, solvent). T h i s results in raising t h e solvency of t h e mineral spirits to such an extent t h a t t h e y become an effective, highly penetrating mobile solvent with a quick, clean rate of evaporation. It h a s proved to be a satisfactory metal p a r t s dry cleaning solvent as well as for use i n clean­ ing electrical p a r t s and accessories, gen­ erators, and motors. Ρ f»

A jointing m a t e r i a l for sealing cracks or openings which form between tile walls and b a t h t u b s has been developed by the American Fluresit Co. T u b - T i t e is a resin-based plastic calking with necessary modifiers, fillers, a n d pigments. I t will cement linoleum t o a wall or sink drainboard, and keep t h e surface s m o o t h and level. I t adheres t o tile, glass, wood, metal, brick, and concrete, and remains flexible, expanding a n d contracting with t h e joint it seals. Ρ "

Mer-Q-Ree, a fungicidal paint b a s e is announced b y Mer-Q-Ree, I n c . I t con­ tains 2 0 % m e r c u r y compounds (phenyl mercury salt of cyclopentane carboxylic acid 10%, m e r c u r y n a p h t h e n a t e 10%) ad­ mixed with 4 5 % zinc oxide a n d 2 5 % high boiling pine oil terpenes ground i n inert ingredient (linseed oil) 1 0 % . F o r most paints, 1 p i n t of t h e compound should be added to 5 gallons. Among m a n y other exterior uses, barns p a i n t e d with Mer-QRee-based coating will remain completely free of mildew. Ρ ft

Pentachlorophenol is being offered by Dow Chemical Co. as protection against decay and insect attack of wooden and wood-lined pipe. I t is found to b e highly toxic to all decaying-producing fungi as well as termites and other wood-destroying insects. Lasting protection is assured in treated lumber because t h e preservative is nonvolatile a n d insoluble in w a t e r . T h e preservative can be mixed wdth inexpen­ sive oils possessing characteristics which permit painting after the wood ha.s been treated. Ρ ι>

Production of a tough vinyl film with sunfast colors and t h e texture of velvet has been announced b y t h e Goodyear Tire