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Nov 5, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... hardness measurements on any type metal in the Rockwell A through F scales by direct reading on a ...
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Hardness Tester Metallurgical Instrument Co. is dis­ tributor in this country for the Officine Galileo universal hardness tester, espe­ cially designed for Rockwell a n d Brinell hardness tests and with a d a p t a t i o n s for special tests and for Vickers m e a s u r e m e n t s .


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accept many sizes of sample holders. Counting may he carried on with the sam­ ple in any of three accurately predeter­ mined geometries, and absorbers may b e used when desired. Ε 2

Soft Beta For laboratory and industrial applications S t o k e s Stills pro­ vide Vi gallon t o 1000 gallons per h o u r of chemically a n d bacteriologically p u r e water. T e s t s of distillate from Stokes Stills in use for years show less than 2 p a r t s p e r million of im­ purities . . . s u b s t a n t i a l l y b e t t e r than TJSP r e q u i r e m e n t s . O p e r a t i o n consists only of turning on water and fuel (elec­ tricity, s t e a m or g a s ) . A bleed­ ing d e v i c e d i s s i p a t e s m o s t water-borne i m p u r i t i e s so t h a t cleaning is r a r e l y needed. W h e n needed it is simplicity itse 1 f . . . the large self-sealing glass d o m e lifts off . . . t h e seamless boilingchamber and heating coils are fully accessible . . . easily a n d quickly cleaned without discon­ necting w a t e r o r fuel lines. P u r e block t i n P y r e x glass a n d other non-contaminative m a t e r i a l s contribute to t h e a u t o m a t i c operation and freedom from maintenance of all S t o k e s W a t e r Stills. F u l l y A u t o m a t i c controls t o s t a r t . . . stop . . . flush a n d m a i n ­ t a i n constant level in t h e storage t a n k can b e p r o v i d e d . S t o k e s Stills a r e i n use t h e I world around, a n d stocked b y l e a d i n g l a b o r a t o r y a n d hospital s u p p l y houses e v e r y w h e r e .

This instrument will give hardness measurements o n any t y p e metal in the Rockwell A t h r o u g h F scales b y direct reading o n a screen. W e i g h t loads are interchanged automatically, a n d a n oil d a m p e r regulates t h e s p e e d w i t h w h i c h t h e load is applied. Ε 1

A horizontal iron shield for side w i n d o w glass Geiger tubes is available from N u ­ clear I n s t r u m e n t a n d Chemical C o r p . Ar­ ranged for mounting of a glass G e i g e r t u b e horizontally, and p l a c e m e n t of a sample close to this t u b e s u r r o u n d e d b y 2 . 5 in. of iron for b a c k g r o u n d shielding purposes, the model 3030A shield will

Solution Balance· Self-aligning bearings to reduce friction and assure full contact with t h e knife e d g e s

have b e e n incorporated in t h e heavy d u t y balances manufactured by Ohaus Scale Corp. Check levers permit a sensitivity of 1 gram under loads up to its capacity of 20 kg. Ε 4


Mass Spectrometer

A dual-purpose mass spectrometer, model 21-401, designed for the analysis of mixtures of gases and light liquids, as well as for determination of ratios of stable isotopes, is being m a n u f a c t u r e d b y Consolidated Engineering. Designed for laboratories having a moderate analytical load pi a routine n a t u r e , this unit will also b e of value in research involving b o t h mixture analysis and stable isotope tracer techniques. F o r mixture analvsis this instrument has



An alpha-beta-gamma proportional counter having u n u s u a l effectiveness for counting soft betas is being m a n u f a c t u r e d by Nuclear Measurements C o r p . This in­ strument is said t o have m a r k e d increased sensitivity over Geiger tubes. It counts betas in the presence of alphas without absorbers, a n d alphas in the presence of betas. B e c a u s e there is no absorption of energy, even the lowest energy rays are counted with full efficiency; also the sam­ ple is introduced so t h a t full 2ττ geometry is realized. The instrument is designed for easy interchange of chambers a n d decontami­ nation. It is designed to h a n d l e samples such as evaporated salts, precipitates, pellets, and ashed samples, a n d makes p o s ­ sible a more widespread use of heavy ele­ ment tracers because of t h e reduction in background -when counting alphas. Ε 3

G e i g e r Tube Shield

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