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Nov 5, 2010 - Eng. News , 1950, 28 (21), p 1770 ... Publication Date: May 22, 1950 ... A METHOD of continuously sealing polythene film has been develo...
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CONTAINERS AND TRANSPORTATION Polyethylene appears to h a v e pushed to the fore a n d is c l a i m i n g focused attention in m a n y fields . . . N e w d e v e l o p m e n t s and n e w uses are a p p e a r i n g of continuously sealing polyA METHOD thene film has been developed by. t h e technical service section of D u Pont C o / s cellophane division. This development makes use of specially prepared finishes containing fine particles of Teflon (tctrafluoroethylenc) resin which, after fusing at 750° F., will provide metal surfaces with a nonstick coating. F o r several years, sheets of Teflon have been used on bar scalers to eliminate t h e sticking of polythene film, but it was impractical to apply Teflon in this form to a sealing wheel for continuous operation. T h e rotary sealing wheel is aluminum with suitable heating elements and thermostat control. T h e surface of the wheel is approximately Vs-inch wide with smooth, rounded edges. After being coated with a finish of Teflon, the wheel is mounted in the conventional position on a standard heat-scaling b a g machine. T o control accurately the pressure against t h e forming plate, the wheel is counterbalanced with an adjustable weight a n d the speed regulated to the speed at which the film travels over the forming

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plate. Cotton tape and sheet Teflon cover the forming plate at the point of contact with the sealing wheel. T h e recommended pressure of t h e wheel against the forming plate is approximately one and one-quarter pounds. Under these conditions, it has been found possible to seal polythene in tubular form at speeds up to 100 feet per minute. Temperatures were high enough to make a good seal, but no precautions were necessary for extremely accurate temperature control. At a speed of 65 feet p e r minute, it was possible to make satisfactory seals of 2-mil polythene film at temperatures ranging from 350° to 450° F. Solvay Packaging Switch T h e adoption of a new type of polyethylene-lined paper bag for flake calcium chloride packaging has recently been a n nounced by the Solvay Sales Division of

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Glass Containers Production a n d Shipments Shipments of S.S million gross of glass containers in March were 20% greater than February shipments of 6.9 million gross and 1 6 % greater than the 7,146,000 gross shipped in March, 1949. Production of glass containers in March amounted to 8.2 million gross, up 13 9c over the previous month. These statistics are based on reports submitted on Census Form M77C by 3 2 companies manufacturing glass containers and represent complete coverage of the glass-container industry, according to t h e Bureau of the Census. Labeling Tape


A patented smudgeproof labeling tape has just been introduced b y the Labelon T a p e Co. Said to be pressure sensitive, the tape is waterproof, oilproof, and acid resistant and will withstand temperatures up to 150° F . M a d e of two sheets of acetate tape with a special carbon material sealed between, identification cannot be erased, smudged, or r u b b e d oflF. Packaged in its own dispenser, the Labelon product is available in Vs- or V«-inch widths. I t is especially designed for use in identification of equipment or samples during laboratory tests, under adverse weather conditions, in water, or when exposed to acid. C 1 Liquid Filling M a c h i n e

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Allied Chemical and D y e Corp. The bag will b e used for both 2 5 - a n d 100-pound packages. Field tests reported the new package was stronger and had a higher resistance to moisture and longer storage life than did the conventional asphalt-lined bag previously used. Also the polyethylene lining remains unaffected b y temperature extremes. Distributors and consumers are expected to benefit by use of the new bag in handling highly moisture-absorbent calcium chloride.


A 30-spout, fully automatic rotary liquid filling machine with overhead drive \ a s just been completed b y the MRM Co., Inc. It was specifically designed for filling highly corrosive materials such as sodium hypochlorite bleach solutions a n d features stainless steel construction for all parts in contact with the solution. Nonmetallic parts in contact with t h e solution are Lucite, Tygon, and Koroseal. T h e 50gallon-capacity tank is koroseal-lined and removable for thorough cleaning. T h e nozzles a r e made of stainless steel type 316 and t h e spouts are Lucite. A slip-fit collar on t h e nozzle securely holds the spout in place ensuring an airtight, leakproof fit. T h e machine is equipped with a 1-hp. m a i n drive motor, a Vs-hp. conveyor motor, and a 2-hp. p u m p motor. C 2 AND