^tfidcccfo cuuC fi4ce44e4. Penicillin
the Spun Steel Corp. with keeping a battery of four annealing furnaces in uninterrupted service for 10 months. No shutdown was necessary for descaling the cooling ducts and coils, where formerly it was necessary to shut down for 48-hour periods every 9 to 12 weeks to clean out scale d&posited by t h e water. Heat-transference efficiency of coils and ducts was maintained a n d water conserved by preventing build-up of lime scale on interior surfaces of trie cooling systems.
One-shot penicillin therapy may be in the offing, according to clinical reports of a new repository type of penicillin product presented recently before the Syphilis Study Section of the National Institute of Health in Washington, D . C. The product, Flo-Cillin, is a development of the Bristol Laboratories, Syracuse, Ν. Ύ. Flo-Cillin is a combination of procaine penicillin G in peanut oil with 2% alumi num monostearate based on the principle of suspending penicillin salts in a n effec tive absorption delaying agent—peanut oil gelled with aluminum, stéarates—as reported by F. H. Buckwalter and H. L. Dickison of the Bristol Laboratories. Until now, a single injection of the best repository form of penicillin, including procaine in oil, would produce a therapeutic blood level for an average of about 24 hours. In the paper read before the N I H section by D . K. Kitchen of Bristol Laboratories and coauthored by E.# W. Thomas and C. R. Rein, New York" University College of Medicine; R. H. Lyons, Syracuse University Hospital; and M. J. Romansky, George Washington University Hospital, clinical results showed that therapeutic blood levels can be obtained to 96 hours and longer following a single injection of 1 c c , or 300,000 units, of modified Flo-Cillin. Many diseases can be adequately treated with penicillin in less than this time, thus making a single injection sufficientActing on the previously accepted assumption that large particles would be less easily dissolved from the blood stream, the investigators first used Flo-Cillin with 9 3 % of the particles being over 50 microns in size. However, when a modified form of Flo-Cillin, with 100% of the particles under 5 microns, was used the blood concentration was maintained ovei a much longer period than with the large particlesized penicillin combination. The influence of particle size on maintenance of blood concentration is being investigated. The authors reported no instances of undue irritation or "untoward" effects in any of the patients receiving the aluminum monostearate-peanut oil gelled product other than the occasional allergic reaction to penicillin.
ChrorncLted Protein Inhibit Corrosion
Chromatccl protein coatings offering a convenient., inexpensive means of protecting xnclals—especially zinc, iron, brass, and aluminum—during outdoor storage in mildly corrosive atmospheres have been developed by Abner Brenner, Grace Riddcll, and Robert Seegmiller of the National Burea/u of Standards, Washington. The protective value of such films is somewhiat better than that afforded by chemical surface treatments and is said to be nnuch superior to that of corrosioninhibited oils and waxes. The metallic surface to b e coated is first dipped in casein, albumin, or gelatin; the resultant film is then impregnated with chromate, which hiardens film and inhibits corrosion. The principal constituents of the chrornarted protein films are a corrosion inhibitor for the metal, a protein which acts as a veoicle for the inhibitor, a hardening argent, and a bactericide to prevent putrefaction of the protein. The chromate always serves as the inhibitor and may act as the hardening agent and the bactericide a s well. However, formaldehyde, tannins, or certain salts of the heavy metals can be used SLS hardening agents.
Vinyl li&sin
2 6,
Production of an economical vinyl resin coating combining flame-resisting qualities with exceptional abrasion a n d weathering characteristics has been announced by Monsanto Cîiemical Co. at Everett, Mass. Ultrasol-coated fabrics are similar in appearance to the more common nitrocellulose-treated products. Applied to paper o r fabric, it gives either a smooth, colorful finish or a decorative leatherlike effect. It i s equally effective in bright colors o>r pastel shades. The superior properties of vinyl resins have been recognized for years, b u t the application from low solid content solutions was too expensive for general usage. The introduction of the Ultrasol-type
Use of a newly developed chemical, Micromet, by Caigon, Inc., 323 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, said to stabilize water and prevent formation of lime scale in cooling systems, is credited by engineers of V OL UME
2 6,
H A V E G gives you "Corrosion Resistance that's more than Skin D e e p " ! I f your e q u i p m e n t must h a n d l e acids o r alkalies, you c a n n o w reduce m a i n t e n a n c e and r e p l a c e m e n t c o s t s with HAVEG—an
unusual material that
defies c o r r o s i o n . H A V E G is a m o l d e d structural material for p r o c e s s e q u i p m e n t that gives you positive resistance t o chemical a c t i o n through its entire mass, ]STot a l i n i n g or a c o a t i n g , its utility c a n n o t b e affected by surface abrasions- Ideal for tanks, b l o w e r s , agitators, p i p i n g , t o w e r s , and m a n y other uses. For useful d e s i g n , e n g i n e e r i n g , a n d app l i c a t i o n information, d r o p us a line for Bulletin F-5, today. HA 2-48
HAVEG » · 1 ΓΙ S M Γ#ί1 I ( · ] ί •Hdlt#il:l«.M>JJV,fTOI?¥3
coating now allows vinj'ls to Compete with t h e most economical coating materials.
Electronic Standard
Curing Note Procedure
Electronic vulcanization of rubber, car ried on for several years on an experi mental basis, has been adopted as standard production procedure by t h e B. F. Good rich Co. for certain types of extruded products. Such articles as tubing, strip and channel stock, a n d rubber thread a r e being given t h e electronic cure which eliminates con siderable product handling during manu facture, materially speeds the process by making i t possible to run in a continuous line from, the extruder, a n d is said t o give product quality advantages. I n the process a temperature of about 300° is generated. In some products the actual curing time is reduced from an hour and a half to two minutes.
EXAS GUI^ISTJIPMUR (d 75 Eest 45th S». ?^g} iS»w York 17, Ν. Y. Mln·»: N.wgulf and Mlotl Bluff, Τ·χ«ι
1[*& ^
Arrangements have been completed for the pilot plant manufacture a n d the investigation of the m a r k e t for peroxide catalysts for polyester resins b y the Lucidol Division of the Novadel-Agene Corp., 1740 Military Road, Buffalo 5, X . Y. T h e new products will be made available under the trade name Plastiset. Samples and technical information are available from Lucidol for any fabricator whose special application requires acceler a t o r s or promoters.
Product Notes
I n the Moderate Price Field r
For baking^ drying, preheating, conditioning and other laboratory applications the "Precision"Thelco Moc£el 16 oven has n_o equal in its price field. Any selected temperaturre within its range of 3 5 to 180° C is accurately ma-intained by sealed, Underwritexs' approved Hy^draullc Thermostat. Features iirclude all-rnetal, weslded double walled crabinet, g l a s s wool insulation;, adjustai>le ventila tion control and ample workimg space—11" χ 11" >c 11". Wri*« for Bulletin No. 375-1. • rOICHASE FROMYOUR IAIORATQRY SUffLY DEALER
Precision S< i«entif ic C· 3 7 3 7 W.
Cortland St.,
Chicago 4 7 , ILL
Pyridinium bromide perbromide (CslieN + Br ".Bra) has been announced by Primeline Chemicals,, division of Jasons Drug Co., Brooklyn, N . Y., as a selective bromin a t i n g a g e n t for macro- or microanalysis a n d synthesis. T h e compound is a red crystalline solid melting a t 135° to 137° C , which is indefinitely stable in the d r y state. I t s advantage lies in the possibility of pre cisely weighing predetermined amounts of t h e reagent (which is difficult with ele m e n t a l bromine). Mono- or polybrominat i o n of ketones, including aliphatic, alicyclic, aralkyl, and aminoketones may be performed in acetic acid, ethanol, chloro form, o r other nonaqueous solvents with excellent yields and recoveries.
The D u P o n t Co. h a s granted free li censes t o 50 paint and lacquer companies for t h e manufacture of a new type of metallic finish which D u P o n t markets as D u c o Metalli-Chrome lacquer. Tho li censes provide for t h e use and sale of t h e lacquer itself under a product patent and
PROCESSES also for that p a r t of another patent cover ing t h e process for its manufacture. Free licenses will b e g r a n t e d to all interested paint and lacquer manufacturers who re quest them. Metalli-Chrome lacquers are claimed t o be extremely durab>le a n d to provide rich, lustrous colors and color effects. They are designed for railroad coaches, automobiles, and other m e t a l objects such a s cash registers, calculating machines, typewriters, filing cabinets, metal furniture, novelties, a n d vending machines.
T h e oilproofness and solvent-resistance of synthetic r u b b e r s a r e increased b y the addition of Fura-Tone 1350, according to Irvington Varnish & Insulator C o . , 6 Argyle Terrace, Irvington 11, N. J . A polymer of a furane derivative, this soft, gel-like product may be readily com pounded with synthetic r u b b e r without affecting the curing cycle or impairing tensile strength. It can b e sheeted on a mill with fillers. Use of Fura-Tone 1350, the company said, will greatly i m p r o v e the life of oil-resistant gaskets, printing rollers, and gasoline hose.
The. DuBois Co., C i n c i n n a t i , h a s de veloped New Pigmented Filnaite, paint spray booth m a s k i n g c o m p o u n d , a r e a d y to-use spray-on or brush-on liquid. This answers the d e m a n d for a compound that will dry white for maximum light reflec tivity, d r y to a firm, nontacky r nongreasy surface for resistance a g a i n s t impact, especially suitable for nonslip clinging t o overhead areas under heavy overspray load and for masking floors. C l a i m e d by the manufacturers not t o crumble, flake, or dust, it is also heat resistant, making it applicable for booths n e a r o v e n s .
A high-strength, chrome-base refractory concrete, Kromecast, which is said b y the manufacturers, Babcock & Wilcox Co., New York, t o be able to w i t h s t a n d tem peratures as high as 3,100° F _ , has been developed. T h e product m a k e s available an easily installed concrete combining the refractory a n d slag-resisting properties of chrome-base materials with t h e ability t o support loads at high temperatures.
P e c a n shell flour, known u n d e r t h e trade name of Lignoflex 3-X Extender, is being produced by Southeastern R e d u c t i o n Co., Valdosta, with sales office a n d customer service a t 902 Carolina St., Greensboro, N. C. Particle size description i s : r e tained on 20O mesh 0 t o 2 % ; retained on 325 mesh 5 to 1 2 . 5 % . Particle size of smaller material has as yefc not been fully determined but moves i n t o t h e low micron range.