ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS Allied Chemical Corp., Baker & Adamson Chemicals, General Chemical Div 12 Agency—Κastor, Hilton, Chesley, Clif ford & Atherton, Inc. Allied Chemical Corp., General Chemi cal Div IFC Agency—Kastor,- Hilton, Chesley, Clif ford & Atherton, Inc. Allied Chemical Corp., Plastics & Coal Chemicals Div 58-59 Agency—Marschalk & Pratt, Div. of McCann-Erickson, Inc. Allied Chemical Corp.;, Semet-Solvay Petrochemical Div 113 Agency—Benton & Bowles, Inc. Allied Chemical Corp., Solvay Process Div 31 Agency—Kastor, Hilton, Chesley, Clif ford & Atherton, Inc. American Messer Corp 26-27 Agency—Seberhagen, Inc. American Potash & Chemical Corp 94 Agency—The McCarty Co. The V. D . Anderson Co 105 Agency—Will, Inc. Ansul Chemical Co 106 Agency—The Brady Co., Inc. Autoclave Engineers, Inc 49 Agency—Davies & McKinney
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A N D VALVES by Barnstead are especially designed for dis tilled and demineralized water distribution systems. Water stays pure and completely free from contamination from source to point of use. Photo shows how pipe and fittings make up with tin-to-tin contact throughout . . . water touches only pure tin. Concealed in walls and floors like other building pipe. No special archi tectural handling needed. Complete line described in Bulletin No. 139. Write today! Bamstead Still and Sterilizer Co., 2 Lanesville Terrace, Boston 31, Mass.
118 A
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