ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS Allied Chemical Corp., General Chem ical Div Agency—Κ as tor, Hilton, Chesley & Clifford & Atherton, Inc. Allied Chemical Corp., Semet-Solvay Petrochemical Div Agency—Benton & Bowles, Inc. Allied Chemical Corp., Solvay Process Div Agency—Kastor, Hilton, Chesley & Clifford & Atherton, Inc. American Air Liquide Agency— Stanfield, Johnson & Hill, Ltd. American Sterilizer Co Agency—Altman-Hall Assoc. Ampco Metal, Inc Agency—Hoffman, York, Paulson & Gerlach, Inc. The V, D. Anderson Co '. .. Agency—Will Inc. Ansul Chemical Co Agency—The Brady Co., Inc. Bailey Meter Co Agency—Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc. Barnebey-Cheney Agency—-Odiorne Industrial Adv. Agency Becco Chemical Div., Food Machinery & Chemical Corp Agency—John Mather Lupton Co. Bcndix Aviation Corp Agency—MacManus, John & Adams, Inc. Betidix Computer Co Agency—Shaw Adv., Inc.
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Palmer Thermometers, Inc 120 Agency— The Bohnett Co. Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 73 Agency—The Aitkin-Kynett Co. Pennsylvania Industrial Chemical Corp. 39 Agency—Downing Industrial Adv., Inc. Pfaudler Permutit, Inc 82 Agency—The Rumrill Co., Inc. Photovolt Corp 128 Agency—Leonard Adv. Agency, Inc. Pitt-Consol Chemical Co 40 Agency—RAF Adv., Inc. Powell Valves 60-61 Agency—The Ralph H. Jones Co. Pure Carbonic Co. Div. of Air Reduc tion Co., Inc 26 Agency—G. M. Bastard Co. Read Standard Agency—The Aitkin-Kynett Co., Inc. Republic Steel Corp Agency—Mcldrum & Fewsmith, Inc.
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DEMINERALIZED WATER AT CAPACITY OF 2000 G.P.H. is produced by this Barnstead Model T M - 6 , Two-Bed Demineralizer. A complete package-type unit such as this includes heavy steel columns lined with thick sheet rubber, handy multi-port valves. Acid and alkali resistant through out. Other Barnstead Demineralizers in Mixed-Bed, Single-Bed, Two-Bed, and Four-Bed models . . . . all described in de tail in Barnstead's N E W catalog 127-A. Write today. Barnstead Still & Demjneralizer Co., 5 Lanesville Terrace, Boston 31, Mass.
126 A
CHEMICAL FIRMS: We Will Purchase depa riment or de partments of chemical companies, proc esses with or without equipment, which for any reason is not suitable for your continued manufacturing. We will serv ice your accounts and continue the manufacturing of the products based on an equitable arrangement with you. Please forward details to:
BEACON Chemical Industries, Inc. Cambridge 40, Mass.