PROFITS-Out of Thin Air! - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

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Out of Thin Air!

Airjllupplied Speedily and Economically ts or Laboratories E€fS!BT^Sf^^liïïF^sëêt&co\a99 start, t h e new Norelco Gas Liquéfier will begin to produce a s much as five quarts Of liquid a i r per hour from the atmosphere. This remarkable facility provides a n in-the-plant supply o f liquid a i r (—328° F ) without any outside dependemcy except for cooling water and electricity. Based o n average electrical utility costs—not including maintenance or equipment amortization — liquid air may be produced at a cost o f 4 cents* per quart. This fantastic economy can be translated in other ways. I n one instance, installation of a Norelco Gas Liquéfier has reduced the cost of liquid air to less

than 15% of the price paid for the liquid supplied to the plant from outside sources. The importance of this machine is singularly apparent through a yearly savings of over 8,500 dollars. T h e operational safety and startling economy of the Norelco Gas Liquéfier is being demonstrated daily in many plants and laboratories in providing liquid air for cold traps, Cryostat precoolers, mass spectrometers, low temperature environmental testing, metals cold treatment, fit shrinking, sperm banks and numerous other general laboratory and industry applications. Send for details today I *Based upon rate of 2V2 cents per KWH.


PX> w .- * £'1iïeÉÉhE* 'iSït^fSj

• F r e s h supply virtually i n s t a n taneous. • N o evaporation or liquid storage problems. ° Clean, oil-free product. « N o expert supervision required. • Unit is compact, light and simple to install. © High operating efficiency and high productivity. « Applicable for liquefaction . of gases oth-er than air. β • Automatic controls f o r continuous reliable service.

The Norelco Gas Liquéfier is a packaged unit ready for installation. Engineering service is available for research into unusual applications combining liquid gases.

NPHILIPS LECONICS, INS.ew Text Instruments



I n Canada: Scientific and Industrial Division, Philips Industries Limited, 11 Brentcliffe Road, Leaside, Toronto 17, Ont. DEC.

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