Progress in Inorganic Chemistry. Volume II

try, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Offers to check syntheses are also welcomed. Chemistry Department. University of Illinois. Russell S. Dra...
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May 5, 1961

Where these general procedures do not work, detailed syntheses can be described. Volume VI contains a total of 69 syntheses and a complete subject and formula index for all the 389 syntheses now published in this series. Inorganic chemists are indebted to Professor Rochow and to the contributors of syntheses for a well written, valuable reference source t h a t should be in the library of every inorganic chemist. Contributions for Volume VI1 in this series are invited and manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate t o the editor: Professor Jacob Kleinberg, Department of Chemist r y , University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Offers to check syntheses are also welcomed. CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS RUSSELLS. DRACO URBANA, ILLIXOIS

values useful to the a r t and a c o m p r e h e d v e bibliography are included. The theory is presented from every possible aspect of classical kinetic theory and basic distillation equations. An interesting graphical method for representing results is included which may find great favor among t h e users of this technique. Esaniples of equipment for typical laboratory and commercial scale operations are presented in the discussion of applications and performance. The requirements to produce, maintain and measure vacuum are discussed. The engineering aspects of high vacuum equipment as well as tlie flow characteristics of gases a t low pressures are clearly presented and will be of special interest to the design engineer. The discussion on equipment and still performance favors the achievements of the British workers in which the stationary evaportitor is employed. However, the adequate bibliography covers the accomplishnlents of the American group who made significant contributions t o the field both through the use of the centrifugil evaporator and general technique. Every phase uf importance to the successful application of molecular distillation is presented so t h a t the uninitiated will find but little difficulty in getting started in the field. The expert will benefit from those experiences of the author which appear here in print for the first time. RESEARCH LABORATORIES E A S T M A S KODAKCO. EDMOSDS. PERRY ROCHESTER 4, S E W T O R K

Progress in Inorganic Chemistry. Volume 11. Edited by F. ALBERT COTTON, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Interscience Publishers, Inc , 250 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N. Y. 1960. 399 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $10.50, The review articles in this volume are of the same high quality as those which appeared in Volunie I of the series. They will be very helpful to persons engaged in research in the various fields which are covered, and they will be studied with much interest by many students in inorgaric chemistry. Only the budding inorganic chemist, who has invested his own money in the book, is likely to read it from cover to Photochemistry in the Liquid and Solid States. Based cover. There are many more readers, however, who will on Some of the Papers Presented a t a Symposium Held profit greatly from reading selected topics. at Endicott House in Dedham, Massachusetts, September While reviews such as these result from the rather recently :3-7, 1957. Edited by LAWREKCEJ. HEIDT, Xassaawakened interest in inorganic chemistry. it is probable that chusetts Institute of Technology, ROBERTS. LIVINGSTON, their existence will be a growth-factor for the movement. University of Minnesota, EUGENE KABINOWITCH, Uni“Progress in Inorganic Chemistry” is a fine addition to the versity of Illinois, and FARRINCTOS DANIELS,Cniversity chemical literature. of irisconsin. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth The number of series dealing with reviews of inorganic Avenue, S e w York 16, 3 .T. 1960. vi 1T4 pp. 22 X chemistry is now large enough to justify scme sort of traffic 28.5 cm. Price, 86.00. control to avoid duplication of effort. ..lrticles about fluorine chemistry have recently appeared in four different series The syniposiuin from which ti-is boiik wIis assembled and some duplication has occurred. By exchanging inforprobably had a historic value. I t brought together speckmation before the reviews are written, the editors of the lists from a variety of fields, each investigating some aspect different series should be able to handle this prohlem. of photochemical storage of radiant energy. .Assembled, The volume now being discussed contains the following these specialists can relate the various facets of the problem articles: 1. “Radioactivation Analysis in Inorganic Geo- of utilization of solar energy. However, the major gains chemistry,” by John W. Winchester of the Massachusetts were undoubtedly made in t.he minds of the contributors Institute of Technology; 2 . “Halides and Oxyhalides of who gained a larger view uf the impact and direction of the Elements of Groups Vb and ITb,” by John 1s‘. George of their own work. I t is difficult to capture these gains in :t the University of Colorado; 3 . “Extraction of Inorganic book. Compounds into Organic Solvents,” by R . Ll. Diamond Severtheless, this collection of papers has significant (University of California) and D. G . Tuck (University of value-much of it stemming from the introductory chapter, Nottingham, England); ,,4. “Some Fluorine Compounds from the terse but nieaty r6suiii6s precediiig each of the of the Transition Metals, by It. D. Peacock of the UnirerC!iaptcrs 2 to 8 , ~ i i i t lfrom the h i a l chapter collecting the sity of Birmingham, England; 5. “Inteiisities of Spectral conclusioiis. Bands in Transition Metal Complcxes,” hy C. J . BnllhciuTlic chapter titlc, arc: Cli:ipter 1. Introductioii to the sen of the University of Copenhagen, Ileiiiiiark; 6. “Ln- Syinposiuiii I’liotoclie~iiisttyin the Liquid and Solid Statcs; usual Oxidation States of Some .\ctinide and L~i~ithaiiidc Chapter 2 . I’1ioti)clieniical 12c:ictions ( 4 papers); Chapter Elements,” by L. B. Asprey (Los .\lamis Scientific Lahora3 . I’lii~t~~se11sitizcc1 lieactic,iis (4 papers); Cliapter 4. tory) and B. B. Cunningham (University of California); Fluorescence ( 2 papers); Chapter 5. Kinetic Coiisiderai. “Metal Alkoxides,” by D. C. Bradley of the University tions ( 1 paper); Chapter 6 . Role of the Triplet St:ite ( 1 of \Vestern Ontario, Canada. paper); Chapter 7. P!iotochcniical Reactions Involving Chlorophyll ( 7 papers); Chapter 8. 1’hotore;ictions iii DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY GEOKGEH.CADV Solids ( 5 papers); Chapter 9. Conclusioiis. UNIVERSITYOF WASHIKGTOS There arc two nutably pciietratitig a n d gencr;il articles, SEATTLE 5, WASHIKCTON “hIechaiiistns of Plicitosciisitizatiiiii in Solution” ((3. Porter) aiid “Kinetic Coinplic itiuiis .\ssoci:tted imth T’Iiotoclieiiiic:~lStor:igc of Energ> ” (12. hI. Soyes). Thc Molecular Distillation. By G. BURRoiYs, lieiearch De- xrticlc “l’li(i~oj~r~)ces,,c~ iii Elciiiciit:il S~:niic~~iiductiiri” partment, Associated EClectric:tl Industries (hl:iiicliester), I’earsoii) givrs :in cvxccllcnt r6sumi. or opLicLil Ltd. Oxford University Press, 417 Fifth Aveiiue, S e w es in semiccvitiuctors, understandablc to the iii)vice, York 16, N. Y. 1960. viii 211 pp. 11.5 X 2% cm. hout emphasis on energy storage. Twelve o f tlie rcPrice, $5.60. niaining twenty-one articles (and the o ~ by ~ e S o > - e s ) are collected elsewhere, in th January, 1959, issue of Tizc The author of “Molecular Distillation” has brought J o u r n a l of Physical Cheniisti together in a n excellent presentation the various phases of The w n t e n t of this hnok statcd succinctly in tlie iiitrothe subject under a single cover. In some 200 pages, he tluction to Chapter 1 . “Tlie :tvailabilit>-rd sunligl~t,thc thoroughly discusses the subject under the following lieadings: Basic Theory, Theory of Opcrati(iu, Kepre~entatioii various ivays it might be used photoche~nicully,the limitations, and the ground rules for scientists aiid inventors are o f Results, \;acuum Tcchiiiques, Mechanical De:igii, I’liysical Design, Exarnplcs of Xpp:tratus, Operation and suggeqtetl.” The book is concluded with tile a p t remarks “ I t is clear . . . tlicre iz i i o (::is?- sulutiv~r Control, and Utiiization of the Process. 1111appcridix of

