Progress Report - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: February 23, 1959. Copyright © 1959 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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TfoqM&sRepoi't Piperazine flake deserves attention Although piperazine has been used for its rxiedicinai and anthelmintic prop­ erties for many years, it deserves fur­ ther study for other applications. i m o n g its physical properties, piperazine boils at 146°C, melts at 110 e C, and is soluble in water ( 2 5 % by weight) at 20°C. It is also highly soluble in methanol, and to a lesser degree in other organic solvents. The crystals of piperazine are white and hygroscopic. Its chemical struc­ ture shows piperazine to be a satu­ rated., six-membered heterocyclic com­ pound with its two nitrogen atoms in the para position: CH 2 UN


Experimenters with piperazine and its derivatives have unearthed a sur­ prising number of tentative applica­ tions. These include possible uses in the pharmaceutical field as anti-convulsant agents, anesthetics, sedatives, and hormones; as treatment for burn shock and hypertension; and as anal­ gesics. Industrially, piperazine com­ pounds are being studied as accelera­ tors for rubber vulcanizing; corrosion inliibitors for water or alcohol solu­

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gloss of lacquers and improves flowout characteristics. It has a mild odor and a low evaporation rate. It provides powerful solvent action in both alkyd and nitrocellulose resins, and in phenolic varnishes. This CARBIDE solvent h a s scores of other uses—in textile and leather dyeing, in metal and glass cleaners, in drug and antibiotic manufacturing, in formulating hydraulic and brake fluids. T h e booklet, " C E L L O S O L V E


Solvents," contains much useful information about CELLOSOLVE solvent and other glycol-ethers. Check the coupon for a copy.


Tear out this coupon. Check the boxes on •which you'd like more information, a n d mail to Dept. H, Union Carbide Chemicals Company. 30 East 42nd Street. New York 17, Ν. Υ. Ο Piperazine bibliography, π Emulsions and Detergents. D CELLOSOLVE and CARBITOL Sol­


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And rememher, there is a CARBIDE sales office near you where you can obtain the services of a CARBIDE Tech­ nical Representative. His wide indus­ try experience is backed both by ex­ tensive chemical training and by Tech­ nical Specialists. "Cellosolve"* and "Union Carbide" are regis­ tered trade marks of Union Carbide Corpora­ tion.

Formulas for rubless floor polishes can be improved by the addition of morpholine. Wax and resin polishes, especially automobile polishes, gain greater water resistance when morpholine is included in their composition. Morpholine is one of many useful emuisiiier ingredients d^-*jribcd in the booklet, "Emulsions and Detergents." For a copy, check the coupon.



A solvent for improving lacquers



If you manufacture lacquers, and are not yet familiar with CARBIDE'S CELLOSOLVE solvent, here's a tip you may use. CELLOSOLVE solvent heightens the FEB.

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