Properties of Ethylene-Metal Acrylate Copolymers - Macromolecules

DOI: 10.1021/ma60005a006. Publication Date: September 1968. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Macromolecules 1, 5, 401-405. Note: In lieu of an abstract, ...
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Vol. I , No. 5, Sep,teinber-October 1968




Properties of Ethylene-Metal Acrylate Copolymers E. P. Otocka and T. K. Kwei Bell Telephone Luborufories, Inc. Murray Hill, New Jerscj,. Receiaed March 12, 1968

ABSTRACT: The dynanuc mechanical properties of several ethylene-sodium acrylate and ethylene-magnesium acrylate copolymers have been investigated. The (3 transition temperature of the copolymers increase according to copolymei:ization theories. The monovalent salt copolymers exhibit a new transition above Tp which appears to arise from the breakdown of the secondary bonding network associated with the pendent salt groups. Melting points and crystallinities of all these copolymers are considerably below those of the original acid copolymers.

olymers cont,aining a small fraction of ionized, ionizable or highly polar pendent groups have been synthesized and iinvestigated for a number of years. Primary efforts have been and continue to be directed toward rheological studies. Beginning with Brown,' a large number of workers have studied the properties of amorphous carboxylic acid or carboxylate copolymers. From these investigations have come a number of observations which may be summarized as follows. 1. I n amorphous carboxylic acid copolymers, the formation of hyldrogen bonded dimers is reversible above T,. Below Tgthe groups are immobilized within the glassy matrix. These dimers, which may form inter- or intramolecularly, are relatively inefficient above T, when considered as permanent cross-links. 2. Carboxylate salts, while greatly increasing the glass temperature and generally stiffening the material in the rubbery plateau region, are also relatively inefficient and rheologically unstable when analyzed as cross-links. The structure and valency of the counterion has large effects on over-all material behavior. Recently, interest has developed in such copolymers with ethylene, a crystallizable material as the major monomer. The added variable of crystallinity is a two-edged sword; unequivocal interpretation of rheological data is more difficult, but such systems offer an opportunity t o study the crystallization behavior of copolymers. Studies on this system begin with those of Rees and V a u g h r ~ ~and ~ ' ~ have ) been continued by several others.11-14 Papers on a wider scope which bear on the interpretation of behavior in polar copolymer systems include H. P. Brown, U. S. Patent 2,662,874 (1953), assigned to Goodrich Co. ' W. Cooper, J . Sci., 28, 195, 628 (1958). (3) R. Longworth and H. Morawetz, ibid., 29, 307 (1958). (4) W. E. Fitzgerald and L. Nielsen, Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), A282, 137 (1962). ( 5 ) N. Z. Erdi a n d H. Morawetz, J . Colloid Sci., 19, 708 ( I 964). (6) A. V. Tobolsky and M. C. Shen, J . Phrs. Cheni., 67, 1886 (1963). (7) E. P. Otocka and F. R . Eirich, J . Polj,ni. Sci., Part A-2, 6, 895 (1968). (8) E. P. Otockaand F. R. Eirich, ibid., Part A-2, 6,913 (1968). ~z. 6, 287 (9) R . W. Rees and D . J. Vaughn, P o ~ . J 'Preprinfs, (1965). ( I O ) R. W. Rees and D . J. Vaughn, ibid., 6, 296 (1965). ( I I ) W. J. McKnight, e t al., J . A p p l . Phys., 38, 4208 (1967). (12) W. J. McKnight, et a l . , J . P h j s . Chem., 72, 1122 (1968). (13) A. V. Tobolsky, personal communication. (14) E. P. Otocka and T. K . Kwei, Macromolecules, 1, 244 (1968).

studies on polyacrylonitrile and its copolymers, l Z - - ' g polyethylene oxide-salt complexes,20 the systematic study of polyphosphatesZ1 and "polysalt" complexes.22-24 I n the present study we will use ethylene-metal acrylate copolymers derived from ethylene-acrylic acid materials which have been characterized previously. l 4 Conversions to the carboxylate form were carried essentially to completion to avoid the complications of having more than one type of interchain associative bonding present.

Experimental Section Sodium and magnesium methoxides were freshly prepared by reacting the respective metals with anhydrous methanol. For the sodium salt the reaction was cooled while the magnesium reaction was carried out at room temperature. The copolymers to be neutralized were dissolved in hot xylene (-1 7; solids), 1 drop of phenolphthalein was added and the base slowly added to the hot, stirred solution. This allowed much of the methanol to boil off, minimizing premature precipitation. Actually, little precipitation occurred during the formation of the sodium salts. At the end point the hazy solution M'as kept hot for an additional 30 min, during which a 5 % excess of methoxide was added. The solution was immediately taken down in 10 volumes of cold methanol, and the precipitate isolated by centrifugation. The fine solid was digested i n hot methanol for several hours, filtered and dried under vacuuni. During the course of forming the magnesium salts, tlie copolymer separated from the hot solution in large gelatinous blobs. The gel was precipitated and dispersed in methanol with a high-speed blender. The fine precipitate was digested in a hot dilute magnesium methoxide solution for several hours, collected, washed with hot methanol and dried under vacuum. The pressing of films for infrared examination and mechanical testing revealed large increases in the melt vis(15) R. D . Aiidrews and R. M. Kimmel, J . Appl. Phys., 35, 3194(1964). (16) R. D . Andrews and R . M . Kimmel, ibid., 36, 3063 (1965). (17) R . D . Andrews and R . M . Kimmel, J . Polj'm. Sci., Part B, 3,167 (1965). (18) D . R. Paul,J. A p p l . P o ~ J . .Sci., ~ . 11, 439, 1719 (1967). (19) P. E. McMahon, J . Polvm. Sci., Part A - 2 , 5, 271 (1967). (20) T . Moacanin and E . Cuddihy, ihid., Part C, 14, 313 (1966). (21) A . Eiseiiberg, Adrm7. P o l ~ n ?Sci., . 5, 59 (1967). (22) A . Michaels, et ul,, J . Phi,s. CIwm., 69, 1447 (1965). (23) A . Michaels, Itid. €ng. Chem., 57, ( I O ) 32 (1965). (24) C. A. Gray, Ph.D. Thesis, M.I.T., 1965.






CH.4 100CH2


Density, g/cc

Na-B Na-C Na-D

-2.0 -2.0 1.5





Mg-B Mg-C

-2.0 -2.0

0.66 1.57

-1.00 >1.02




Polymer Na-B Na-C Na-D Na-E Mg-B Mg-C

Tm,' "C

99i1 95i2 9311 912~1 95i2 92i2

Heating rate. lO"/min.




83i2 68 i 2 57i2 49i3 65 i 2 51 i 3

* Cooling rate,

24 18 I1