Properties of superheated liquids. Ensity and compressibility of carbon

Properties of superheated liquids. Ensity and compressibility of carbon tetrachloride. Vernon E. Denny, and Ronald L. Smith. J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1967...
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I11 indicates that metaxylene solubility is 46 to 47% at -100" F., independent of the composition of the solution. The 46% metaxylene solubility a t -100" F. is just on previously reported theoretical solubility charts as mole percentages of 46 to 48 are given in (3, 4 ) . ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors express appreciation to A.R. Bruzzone for help with the experimental work.

LITERATURE CITED (1) Gardiner, K.W., Klaver, R.F., Baumann, F., Johnson, J.F., Gus Chromatog. Intern. Symp. 3, 349 (1961) Academic Press, New York, 1962. (2) Haddon, W.F., Jr., Johnson, J.F., J. CHEM. ENG. DATA9, 158 (1964). (3) Haines, H.W., Jr., Powers, J.M., Bennet, R.B., Ind. Eng Chem. 47, 1096 (1955). (4) Hauthal, H.C., Moll, K.K., Chem. Tech. (Berlin) 16,395 (1964). RECEIVED for review August 12, 1966. Accepted March 13, 1967.

Properties of Superheated Liquids Density and Compressibility of CC14 VERNON E. DENNY and RONALD L. SMITH' Department of Engineering, University. of California, Los Angeles, Calif.

A capillary tube pycnometer has been developed which enables study of PVT behavior of superheated liquids. Experiments were conducted for superheats as high as 42' C., and data for the density and compressibility of CClr are reported for superheats up to 13.1OC. The results are in close agreement with an earlier study by Gibson and Loeffler of CClr under subsaturated conditions.

ALTHOUGH the phenomenon of liquid superheating accompanies a variety of natural as well as industrial proc; esses, the technical literature contains very little information about the behavior of liquids under superheated conditions. The purpose of this paper is to discuss experimental techniques for studying the superheated liquid state and to report the P V T behavior of pure CCl, a t low pressures under modest superheats. EXPERIMENTAL CONSTRAINTS

According to the nucleation theory of Volmer ( 8 ) , the probability of formation of a critically sized vapor phase embryo in a homogeneous liquid under superheated conditions increases as the volume of the liquid phase increases. Thus, one could, at least in principle, prevent vapor phase nucleation a t very high superheats by reducing the effective volume of the liquid phase, as has been observed by several investigators under rather specialized circumstances ( 2 , 5 ) . Since, however, there are practical limits to the minimum size of an experimental system, and since nucleation also can occur (and, in practice, usually does occur) a t the interface between the liquid and its container, it is necessary to constrain a superheated system in additional ways. I n this study, retardation of vapor phase nucleation was effected by eliminating pre-existing vapor phase nuclei a t solid-liquid interfaces, promoting interfacial wetting, and reducing thermomechanical fluctuations. The first and second constraints were accomplished by degassing both the experimental apparatus and the test liquid using high vacuum techniques. The effect of thermomechanical shock was arrested by mounting the apparatus on specially designed shock mounts embedded in massive concrete walls.

Present address: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.



A schematic diagram of the' over-all apparatus appears in Figure Principal components include a high vacuum system, HVS, a liquid degasser, L D , a ~ ~ barometer, T B , a nitrogen reservoir, N E , a dust trap, D T , and the pycnometer itself, Cp. Additional details of the pycnometer system appear in Figure 2. The liauid to be suDerheated was stored in a sDherica1 quartz b;lb, QB, which was blown from vitreois silica and connected to the rest of the borosilicate glass pycnometer by means of a graded seal. The total superheated volume (QB and adjacent stem) was determined gravimetrically using pure mercury (3.244106 cc. at 24°C.). The effect of pressure and temperature on this volume was calculated from the physical properties of pure Si02 using standard equations from the literature (6, 7). Changes in volume of the liquid stored in QB, produced by changes in temperature or pressure, were calculated from displacements of the Nz - CCl, interface in the small bore capillary tube, SBC, whose mean radius (0.01011 cm.) was determined according to a technique described by Giddings ( 4 ) . The bypass valve, BPV, and associated reservoir, BPR, were included because the volumetric capacity of SBC was too small to accommodate the over-all changes in volume produced during an isobaric run. The experimental program was begun by assembling the glassware as in Figure 1, using one-shot glass break-out valves ( V l , V3) t o separate LD and N R from CP. The internal surfaces of the apparatus then were degassed by raising their temperature to 350°C. under a high vacuum of mm. of Hg. (Since the conductance of capillary tubing is small under high vacuum conditions, QB was exhausted through a bypass line which was later sealed off a t S1.)Degassing was continued for about 10 days, during which time the liquid degasser was set in operation. (Spectroscopic grade CC1, charged to LD was freed from dissolved gases by operating the unit as a fractionating JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA


Figure 1 . Schematic diagram of apparatus A--





surrounding room air. Temperatures in these baths were measured with NBS certificated thermometers, using a Beckman in the upper bath. Maximum observed deviations in these temperatures were 0.001" and 0.01" C. in the upper and lower baths, respectively. The procedure for taking the data was initiated by raising the temperature in QB to 69.83"C. a t a constant pressure of 1104 mm. of Hg, leaving BPV in the open position. At steady state, BPV was closed and the relative positions of the menisci in SBC and BPR were recorded. Data for the 1104-isobar was obtained by raising the temperature of the oil bath in 2OC. steps, recording the elevation of the meniscus in SBC, and restoring the meniscus to its rest position (by opening and closing B P R ) after each step. Data for the isotherms were obtained by dropping the pressure in QB at constant temperature, recording interfacial positions in SBC after each decrement. Actually, data were taken for both increasing and decreasing temperatures (as well as decreasing and increasing pressures). Within the resolution (0.001 cm.) of the cathetometer used to measure interfacial position, no hysteresis in the results was observed. CALCULATIONS

Starting with results reported by Gibson and Loeffler ( 3 ) a t 1104 mm. of Hg and 69.83"C., relative values of the density of CC1, were obtained by relating changes in position of the meniscus in SBC to changes in mass in QB as follows:


s BC


Figure 2. Capillary pycnometer

column under essentially total reflux, withdrawing the more volatile (dissolved) gases, as well as some CCl,, through a capillary orifice located beyond the overhead condenser.) With completion of degassing, HVS was removed by collapsing the glass line at S2 with a hand torch. CCli was then charged to CP through V1,condensing the vapor in place by cooling QB with crushed ice. Vapor flow to CP was stopped by surrounding a capillary freeze valve, CFV, with liquid nitrogen. L D was then removed by sealing the glass line at S3; but since this operation resulted in thermal decomposition of some CCl,, the material contained between CFV and S3 was exhausted through V2 and the glass line resealed a t S4. Finally, the small amount of [solid] CCl4 in CFV was transferred to CP. Following the charging operation, CP was pressurized with N? through V3, and the temperature baths were set in operation. The temperature in the upper (hot oil) bath was controlled with a Hallikainen thermotrol, while that in the lower (cold water) bath was established by equilibrating a large mass of water in a Dewar flask with VOL. 12, No. 3,JULY 1967

where p l , VHl, h,, and P1 are the density, hot volume, interfacial position, and bulb pressure a t 1104 mm. of Hg and 69.83"C., and po, V,,, (dp/dP),,are the density, cold volume, and pressure coefficient of density under conditions of temperature and pressure present in the lower bath. Thus, plVhl represents the initial mass of CCIJ which was , the mass contained in V H , ( V His, present in V H ~pIVH, VH1 corrected for temperature and pressure) a t any subsequent state, .irR2.p0.(h,- h l ) the mass appearing (or disappearing) in SBC, and V,,(dp/dp)o(P1- P A )the correction for the compressibility of the liquid contained in V,, = CV1 + CV2. Although the procedure requires a priori knowledge of P O and ( d p j d P ) , [in addition to p l and ( a p / aP),],the results are insensitive to variations in these values of the order reported in previous studies. I n addition to the above procedure, several second-order effects were investigated (and found negligible), including the effects of capillarity on the pressure distribution in SBC (obtained experimentally by measuring capillary rise in SBC with BPV open), evaporation a t the N2 - CC1, meniscus (obtained experimentally by observing the meniscus over prolonged periods under stationary conditions), variations in pressure and temperature in QB on the mass contained in the nonisothermal section of tubing passing through the bottom of the upper bath (calculated from numerical solutions ( I ) to the heat conduction problem in this region), and solubility of N ? in CCll. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

The results are summarized in Figure 3, where the data obtained under superheated conditions are indicated by the dashed line portions of the four isotherms reported (the numerical values listed beside these data points are calculated values of liquid superheat in " C . ) . Although 395

Table I. Properties of CCId under Superheated Conditions a t 760 Mm. of Hg”




Y , g./cc.


b x IO3 o(b) x lo3 P


x io7, (mm. Hg) KG.L x io7


O p


69.83 1.49490 6.82 4.42 3.16 0.04 1.495582 1.495584 2.11 2.11

X + 1O-‘Y



76.53 1.48140 4.82 2.27 3.35 0.03 1.481882 1.481889 2.26 2.27

82.23 1.46985 2.85 0.14 3.57 0.02 1.470135 1.470144 2.42


+ bP, u ( b ) = [S:(Y,)/Z(P,-

88.03 1.45800 0.94 -1.89 3.72 0.01 1.458094 1.458102 2.55

... P)’I1*, K =


aP)r/p= 10-‘b/p.








1 000

1 900





P, rnm of Hg

Figure 3. Density of superheated CC14 p =



10-9, g./cc.

data are reported for a maximum superheat of 13.1°C., experiments were conducted for superheats as high as 42” C. The additional information is not reported because the corrections for evaporative losses from the N2-CCla interface became excessively large a t nitrogen pressures below about 300 mm. of Hg. The data are evaluated in Table I, where a and b are coefficients in linear least-squares fits to the Ys as a function of P, and u ( b ) is a confidence limit for the slope b. Atmospheric values of the density (line seven) were obtained by linear interpolation, and are to be compared with values (line eight) calculated from the curve-fit expression for specific volume reported by Gibson and Loeffler ( 3 ) . Calculated values of the coefficient of compressibility K (line nine) are to be compared with values (line 10) obtained from the Gibson-Loeffler study. Figure 3 shows that the density of CCL under superheated conditions is in agreement with a linear extrapolation of the data obtained under subsaturated conditions. Thus, there is no anomalous behavior of the liquid state, at least for nonpolar spherical molecules such as CCla, on entering the superheated region. Furthermore, from the excellent agreement between the data reported here and those obtained by Gibson and Loeffler, it is clear that the G-L equation of state v = 0.647091 + 8.282 X lO-‘(t - 45)


14.776 x lO-’(t - 45)’ + 4.5 x lO-’(t - 45)3,p = l / v


in conjunction with the reported compressibilities is an excellent representation of the superheated liquid state over the range of temperature and pressure studied. Clearly, however, this conclusion is favored by the very narrow range of thermodynamic coordinates employed, and if the superheated region could be penetrated more deeply and/ or the saturated state were to approach the critical, one would expect the superheated state to require more sophisticated treatment. Of course, the attendant experimental difficulties would be amplified, but the effort would seem to be justified in terms of the utility of the results in developing a satisfactory theory for the liquid state. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors thank Lee Baker for the numerical solution to the heat conduction problem in the nonisothermal region of the pycnometer. LITERATURE CITED

Baker, Lee, Rice University, personal communication, 1965. Denny, V.E., Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, 1961. Gibson, R.E., Loeffler, O.H., J . A m . Chem. SOC.63, 899 (1941). Giddings, John, Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, 1963. Kobayashi, Riki, Rice University, personal communication, 1964. (6) Morey, G.W., “Properties of Glass,” pp. 291-302, Reinhold, New York, 1954. (7) Urry, S.A., “Solution of Problems in Strength of Materials,” pp. 259-67, Pitman, London, 1957. (8) Volmer, Max, “Kinetik der Phasenbildung,” T. Steinkopff, Dresden and Leipzig, 1939.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

RECEIVED for review October 10, 1966. Accepted February 6, 1967. Taken, in part, from a thesis submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering, Rice University, by R.L. Smith as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the M.S. degree.