Prospectus 1999 - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Jan 1, 1999 - JCE: Software, Department of Chemistry, 209 N. Brooks St., Madison, WI 53715 ... Keywords (Feature):. JCE Software. Keywords (Pedagogy):...
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Information • Textbooks • Media • Resources edited by

Journal of Chemical Education Software

Jon L. Holmes Nancy S. Gettys University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 53706

Prospectus 1999 Jon. L. Holmes and Nancy S. Gettys Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI 53706

We begin 1999 with a message to all Journal subscribers about our plans for JCE Software and what you will be seeing in this column as the year progresses. Series News JCE Software will continue to publish individual programs, one to an issue as they become ready for distribution. The old Series B, C, and D designations no longer exist. Regular Issue numbers for 1999 will start with 99, and end with M for Mac OS, W for Windows, or MW for programs that will run under both the Mac OS and Windows. Windows programs will be compatible with Windows 95/98 and may or may not be compatible with Windows 3.1. Special Issues, such as CD-ROMs and videotapes will continue to be designated with SP followed by a number. Publication Plans for 1999

Periodic Table Live! Second Edition Periodic Table Live! Second Edition is a new version of one of JCE Software’s most popular publications. The best features of Illustrated Periodic Table (1) for Windows and Chemistry Navigator (2) for Mac OS are combined in a new HTML-based, multimedia presentation format. Together with the video from Periodic Table Videodisc (3), digitized to take advantage of new features available in QuickTime 3 (4), the new Periodic Table Live! will be easy to use with complete features available to both Windows and Mac OS user.

Shown here is an example of the images available in Periodic Table Live! At top left is a picture of an element, in this case strontium; at bottom left, its reaction with air; and at bottom right an example of its use (in fireworks).


Chemistry Comes Alive! The Chemistry Comes Alive! (CCA!) series continues in 1999 with CD-ROMs for Mac OS and Windows. Like the first two volumes (5, 6), new CDs will contain video and animations of chemical reactions, including clips from our videodiscs ChemDemos (7), ChemDemos II (8), and Titration Techniques (9). Other clips are new, available for the first time in Chemistry Comes Alive! New CCA! CDs will be made available in two varieties for individual users, one to take advantage of the high-quality video that can be displayed by new, faster computers, and another that will play well on These are frames from a older, slower models. In addi- Chemistr y Comes Alive!, tion, a third variation for net- Volume 3 movie demonwork licensing will include video strating a cathode ray tube. optimized for delivery via the World Wide Web. If all goes according to plan, two new CCA! volumes will be announced in 1999, and CCA! 1 and CCA! 2 will be updated to take advantage of the latest digital video technology. Chem Pages Chem Pages, Laboratory Techniques, was developed by the New Traditions Curriculum Project at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. It is an HTML-based CD-ROM for Mac OS and Windows that contains lessons and tutorials to prepare introductory chemistry students to work in the laboratory. It includes text, photographs, computer graphics, animations, digital video, and voice narration to introduce students to the laboratory equipment and procedures.

GenChem Pages: above, adjusting a burner; right, some of the laboratory equipment demonstrated. • Vol. 76 No. 1 January 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education


Information • Textbooks • Media • Resources

Regular Issues Programs that have been accepted for publication as Regular Issues in 1999 include a gas chromatography simulation for Windows 95 by Bruce Armitage, a collection of lessons on torsional rotation for organic chemistry students by Ronald Starkey, and a tutorial on pericyclic reactions, also for organic chemistry, by Albert Lee, C. T. So, and C. L. Chan. We have had many recent submissions and submissions of work in progress. In 1999 we will work with the authors and our peer-reviewers to complete and publish these submissions. Submissions include Multimedia Problems for General Chemistry by David Whisnant, lessons on point groups and crystallography by Margaret Kastner, et al., a mass spectrum simulator by Stephen W. Bigger and Robert A. Craig, a tutorial for introductory chemistry on determining the pH of very dilute acid and base solutions by Paul Mihas and George Papageorgiou, and many others. Also under development by the JCE Software staff are The General Chemistry Collection (instructor’s edition) CD-ROM along with an updated student edition. An Invitation In collaboration with JCE Online we plan to make available in 1999 support files for JCE Software. These will include not only troubleshooting tips and technical support notes, but also supporting information such as lessons, specific assignments, and activities using JCE Software publications submitted by users. All JCE Software users are invited to contribute to this area. Get in touch with JCE Software and let us know how you are using our materials so that we can share your ideas with others!

Although the word software is in our name, many of our publications are not traditional software. We also publish video on videotape, videodisc, and CD-ROM and electronic documents (Mathcad and Mathematica, spreadsheet files and macros, HTML documents, and PowerPoint presentations). Most chemistry instructors who use a computer in their teaching have created or considered creating one or more of these for their classes. If you have an original computer presentation, electronic document, animation, video, or any other item that is not printed text it is probably an appropriate submission for JCE Software. By publishing your work in any branch of the Journal of Chemical Education, you will share your efforts with chemistry instructors and students all over the world and get professional recognition for your achievements. Literature Cited 1. Schatz, P. F.; Moore, J. W.; Holmes, J. L. Illustrated Periodic Table; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1995, 2D2. 2. Kotz. J. C.; Young, S. Chemistry Navigator; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1995, 6C2. 3. Banks, A. Periodic Table Videodisc, 2nd ed.; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1996, SP1. 4. QuickTime 3.0, Apple Computer, Inc.: 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014-2084. 5. Jacobsen, J. J.; Moore, J. W. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 1; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1997, SP 18. 6. Jacobsen, J. J.; Moore, J. W. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 2; Chem. Educ. Software 1998, SP 21. 7. Moore, J. W.; Jacobsen, J. J.; Hunsberger, L. R.; Gammon, S. D.; Jetzer, K. H.; Zimmerman, J. ChemDemos Videodisc; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1994, SP 8. 8. Moore, J. W.; Jacobsen, J. J.; Jetzer, K. H.; Gilbert, G.; Mattes, F.; Phillips, D.; Lisensky, G.; Zweerink, G. ChemDemos II; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1996, SP 14. 9. Jacobsen, J. J.; Jetzer, K. H.; Patani, N.; Zimmerman, J. Titration Techniques Videodisc; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1995, SP 9.

JCE Software CD-ROMs

Ordering and Information

In addition to more than 100 traditional computer programs and videodiscs, JCE Software has published nine CD-ROMs and four videotapes. Recently published CDs now available include:

JCE Software is a publication of the Journal of Chemical Education. There is an order form inserted in this issue that provides prices and other ordering information. If this card is not available or if you need additional information, contact:


Solid State Resources, 2nd Edition

General Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition (Student Edition)

Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volumes 1 and 2

Flying over Atoms

Below are some images from JCE Software CD-ROMs. Information for all CDs can be found on our WWW site.

JCE Software, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1101 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706-1396 phone: 608/262-5153 or 800/991-5534 fax: 608/265-8094; email: [email protected] Information about all of our publications (including abstracts, descriptions, updates) is available from our World Wide Web site.


Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 1 January 1999 •