Protein−Bioceramic Interactions at the Interface - American Chemical

Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram- 695012 Kerala, India. *E-mail: [email protected]. Calcium phosphate based ceramics are indispensable in biomateri...
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Chapter 3

Protein−Bioceramic Interactions at the Interface Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on December 14, 2012 | Publication Date (Web): December 12, 2012 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2012-1120.ch003

Sunita Prem Victor and Chandra P. Sharma* Division of Biosurface technology, Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram- 695012 Kerala, India *E-mail: [email protected]

Calcium phosphate based ceramics are indispensable in biomaterial and hard tissue application due to their chemical similarity to the mineral component of mammalian bones and teeth. Their interfacial behaviour with proteins determines cellular responses that play a pivotal role in determining the degree of biocompatibility. The control of the cell response to artificial hard tissue substitutes is of crucial importance in terms of biocompatibility. The selective nature of protein adsorption and the functionality of the adsorbed bio molecule are influenced by the physicochemical characteristic of the calcium phosphate material. This chapter focuses on the various factors like ionic composition, surface activity, monolayer adsorption, pH, solution strength and temperature that determine the kinetics of protein adsorption. It also includes the selective adsorption of proteins in competition to nonadhesive proteins to different calcium phosphate surfaces. These interfacial phenomena with the cell adhesion on protein adsorbed calcium phosphate surfaces indicate biocompatibility due to surface properties and have great potential to revolutionize the field of hard tissue engineering.

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Introduction In the last decade the coexistence of biomaterials and tissues has been the focus of attention in biomaterial science, creating new challenges and opportunities. One group of biomaterials; that are of great importance are calcium phosphate based ceramics due to their chemical similarity to the mineral component of mammalian bones and teeth (1–3). The bioactive properties of these materials have received most attention in the field of hard tissue replacement. They provide fixation by biological ingrowth of the local tissue through the formation of a biologically active hydroxycarbonate apatite layer (2) on their surfaces in-vivo. They also have the additional benefits of biocompatibility, bioactivity and nontoxicity (4). The calcium phosphates with their varying Ca/P ratio are given in Table 1. However among the various calcium orthophosphates only certain compounds can be utilised for biomedical applications, because those having a Ca/P ionic ratio less than 1 are not suitable for implantation into the body due to their high solubility and acidity (5). The stable phases of calcium phosphates depend considerably upon temperature and the presence of water, either during processing or in the environment of its use (6). At body temperature, only two calcium phosphates are stable in contact with aqueous media, such as body fluids: at pH < 4.2, the stable phase is CaHPO4.2H2O (Dicalcium phosphate, brushite, C2P), whereas at pH>4.2, the stable phase is Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2(Hydroxyapatite, HA). Since body fluids are at pH 7.4 and 37° C, HA is the most stable calcium phosphate phase at that condition (7, 8). The commonly used bone substitute materials are HA, and tri calcium phosphate (TCP, Ca3(PO4)2) which have different characteristics in-vivo, although both forms have Ca/P ratios within the range known to promote bone ingrowth (1.50-1.67) (3). The HA is known to bond with bone directly and can thus be used as a bone replacing material while the TCP (both α and β phases) is known to be a bone substituting material because it dissolves gradually and new bone will be formed where it is resorbed. The calcium to phosphorous ratio (Ca/P) of HA varies approximately between 1.5 and 1.67. The pH range is 4.6 to 12.4, over which this variable composition is stable at 25° C. Another attractive member of the calcium phosphate family for medical applications is biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP), which plays an important role as a bioresorbable bioceramic. The BCP ceramic is based on the optimum balance of the most stable HA phase and more soluble TCP phase (9). The BCP allows its bioactivity and biodegradation to be controlled by varying the HA to TCP ratio. The BCP ceramic is usually obtained by mixing HA and TCP phases in the required ratio (10). These materials transform to carbonate hydroxyapatite, similar to biological apatite either by biodegradation or by bioresorption in the biological medium (11). It has been shown that bone in growth into BCP ceramic particles is rapid. Calcium–deficient hydroxyapatite (Ca10-x(PO4)6-x(HPO4)x(OH)2-x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, CDHA) another resorbable ceramic is of greater biological interest, as it has a structure similar to bone mineral with a Ca/P ratio of about 1.5 which is similar to that of TCP but structurally and compositionally similar to stoichiometric HA (12). CDHAs play an important role in several processes such as bone remodelling and bone formation. The 56 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

CDHAs are more soluble and can be partially decomposed to other phosphate phases at temperatures lower than 900° C (13). In addition, CDHAs are more efficient in inducing the precipitation of bone like apatite (14).

Table 1. Calcium phosphates with their varying Ca/P ratio Name

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Ca/P Ratio





Ca10 (PO4)6(OH)2









Tetracalcium phosphate




Tricalcium phosphate (ά,β,γ)


Octacalcium phosphate


Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate


Dicalcium phosphate




Calcium pyrophosphate (ά,β,γ)




Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate




Heptacalcium phosphate




Tetracalcium dihydrogen phosphate




Monocalcium phosphate monohydrate




Calcium metaphosphate (ά,β,γ)



Protein adsorption to surfaces of bioceramics is the primary event and an essential aspect of the cascade of biological reactions taking place at the interface between material and the biological environment (15). When calcium phosphate particles come in contact with blood a number of events take place; which affect subsequent cell attachment and behaviour. These include apatite layer formation by dissolution and reprecipitation of the ceramic, precipitation solely from the surrounding liquid and protein adsorption (16, 17). Understanding particle-protein interactions, nature and amount of protein adsorbed and their conformation will help in reducing possible adverse effects and directly influence the biocompatibility of the samples with blood. The types and amounts of adsorbed proteins are subsequently recognised by cells that mediate subsequent adhesion, proliferation and differentiation as well as deposition of mineral phases by a complex biological phenomenon (18–20). A number of studies have shown that proteins like fibronectin, bone morphogenetic proteins and synthetic peptides can regulate cell adhesion and subsequent tissue attachment to materials used as implants and can lead to an increased rate of normal tissue regeneration (21–23) The sequences of amino acids present in the structure of proteins influence its surface activity and affect protein–surface interactions. The main three proteins present in plasma, albumin, immunoglobulin and fibrinogen are important 57 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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components of the adsorbed protein layer (24). A thin layer of albumin adsorption appears to minimise adhesion and aggregation of platelets, thus determining its in vivo fate (25). Surfaces pre-coated with albumin have also been associated with lower bacterial adhesion (26). Similarly platelet adhesion to surfaces is promoted by prior adsorption of fibrinogen (27). Fibronectin is also an important protein that adsorbs to surfaces and promotes platelet adhesion to the subendothelium and nonfibrillar collagen types I and III (28). The bigger proteins have more binding sites to interact and have the potential to be adsorbed more on the surface. However protein adsorption mainly follows the Vroman effect (29). The more concentrated and smaller proteins that have greater diffusion rate tend to adsorb onto the surface first and are displaced by larger, more strongly interacting proteins that may be adsorbed later. Meanwhile, the hydrophobicity-charged amino acids are generally located on the outside of proteins and are mainly responsible for adsorbing on surfaces. Interestingly, proteins often show greater surface activity near their isoelectric point (30). This could be attributed to the weaker interaction between protein molecules at isoelectric point leading to enhanced adsorption.

Factors Affecting Protein Adsorption Physico-chemically, calcium phosphate surfaces sustain dissolution reprecipitation cascades as the result of exchanges at a solid–liquid interface in supersaturated conditions. In biological systems, this phenomenon is the result of a multi-component dynamic process involving ions and proteins. Proteins become adsorbed to the calcium phosphate particle surface from the surrounding body fluid seconds after they come in contact with biological fluids. Most of the studies concerning biocompatibility of potential biomaterials invitro concerns single-protein adsorption (31). Unfortunately, there is little correlation between such highly ideal experiments and the real bio environment. Biological fluids contain more than 1000 different components and selective adsorption of proteins from such fluids will thus enhance more-or-less desirable cellular functions. So the competitive adsorption of proteins on the surface of a biomaterial is very similar to the actual conditions in vivo. The adsorption of proteins from complex mixtures has therefore become the focus of most of the recent works (32). The biocompatibility of calcium phosphates, primarily HA can be attributed to its mild adsorption of proteins. The factors determining which proteins become adsorbed to a substrate are complex; however, it is accepted that properties like surface activity, monolayer adsorption, pH, ionic composition and solution strength, temperature, potential and functional groups of the substrate material and surface morphology determine the kinetics of protein adsorption (Figure 1). Various calcium phosphates have different ability to bind proteins, and different proteins would competitively adhere to the surface. Generally accepted, concentration of signalling molecules such as bone growth factors on the surface has been considered as one of the key factors related to the bioactivity and osteoinduction of calcium phosphates. 58 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 1. Factors affecting Protein adsorption on Ceramics.

Physiochemical Characteristics The selective nature of protein adsorption and the orientation and conformation of the adsorbed protein have been found to depend on the physiochemical characteristic of the material surface. The different phases of calcium phosphate exhibit variable solubility, roughness, porosity, pore and particle size and are decisive factors of protein adsorption. The composition and crystallinity of these phases play an important role in controlling the initial biological response at the ceramic surface. Rouahi et al. (33) reported that HA powder having 100 nm particle size having greater surface area led to higher adsorption of proteins when compared to HA powder with 1 μm particle size. Ceramic particles like HA have also been employed to study the adsorption behaviour of proteins from diluted human plasma with regard to total protein binding capacity, relative binding capacity for specific proteins, flowthrough and desorption patterns (34). It was characterised regarding chemical composition, specific surface, pore volume and pore size distribution. It was found to adsorb a low amount of plasma proteins, leaving more than 70% of the surface free. It has also been reported that proteins like albumin and lysozyme, can bind to HA just by intimate mixing. HA was found to have higher adsorption and binding capacity of plasma proteins and adsorbed 14% of albumin and 30% of immunoglobulin respectively (35). 50% of selective and preferential albumin adsorption was also observed in HA complexed with cyclodextrin (36). It has also been observed that immunoglobulin is adsorbed more onto HA and tryptophan modified HA compared to other immunoproteins (37).

59 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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The effect of porosity on protein adsorption of calcium phosphates has been reviewed in literature. The effects have been considered as an interpretation of their osteoinductive potential after implanting to ectopic sites (38, 39). The porosity in calcium phosphate comprises of microporosity and macroporosity. Microporosity leads to higher surface area which enables increased protein adsorption and subsequent cell attachment (40, 41). The proteins adsorb on porous calcium phosphates by multilayer adsorption process and dense calcium phosphates as a monolayer one (42). The roles of the microstructure and phase composition of HA, BCP and TCP particles in the adsorption of various model proteins like fibrinogen, insulin and collagen have been evaluated (43). The results showed that BCP always had a higher ability to absorb proteins when compared to HA. The microporosity and micropore size of the particles also had a strong impact on their protein adsorption characteristics. HA and BCP particles with high microporosities having pore size >20 nm in diameter could adsorb more fibrinogen or insulin (43). So pore size must correlate with protein size and is very critical for protein adsorption (44). Experimental results have validated the fact that protein cannot be adsorbed in the pore if the pore size is smaller than the protein. Contrarily the protein is trapped in the mesopores and thus there is an increase in its adsorption (45). It has also been envisioned that the nanoscale roughness of calcium phosphate can also affect the protein adsorption process (46). Surface roughness enhances osteoblast functions while a porous structure improves the osteoinduction properties (47). Nanodimensional (size ~67 nm) HA was found to have a higher surface roughness of 17 nm when compared to 10 nm for the submicron-sized (~180 nm) HA. The diameter of individual pores in nanodimensional HA is several times smaller (pore diameter ~6.6 Å) than that in the submicron grain-sized HA compacts (pore diameter within 19.8–31.0 Å) (48). Furthermore, nanophase HA has more protein adsorption of fetal bovine serum than submicron sized HA (49). However it has been reported that the adsorption of albumin and fibronectin on HA with lower roughness was higher than that observed on TCP (50). Another study tried to evaluate the specific role of calcium phosphates surface energy on serum protein adsorption and human osteoblast adhesion, by isolating chemical effects from those caused by topography (51). Highly dense HA and TCP presenting two distinct nano roughnesses were produced. The results indicated that the seeding efficacy of osteoblasts was not affected by the topography but the TCP negatively influenced cell spreading. Thus in general the protein adsorption on calcium phosphates was found to increase with an increase in surface area brought about by lesser particle size and higher roughness. Optimum pore size and high micro porosity also leads to an increase in protein adsorption with subsequent increase in cell attachment. It has also been shown that calcium phosphates can adsorb bone morphogenetic proteins which induce bone formation in a dose dependant manner (52). The binding affinity between peptide and HA is the key contributor to both the induction of mineral growth and inhibition of secondary nucleation. The effect of polyelectrolytic peptides on the induction, amorphous phase formation and crystal growth kinetics of HA has been systematically examined (53). This study gave support to the notion that the charged noncollagenous proteins present 60 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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during different stages of bone development might play critical roles in directing hydroxyapatite crystal formation and growth. This ability of bioceramics to instruct cell and tissue development by changing their chemical composition and structural properties was evaluated. The aim of this study was to correlate the osteogenic potential of a variety of porous ceramic materials (HA, BCP and TCP) in vitro to ectopic bone formation in vivo (54). TCP was found to have higher stem cell differentiation and osteoinduction invivo. The percentage of bone was also higher in TCP compared to HA. Similar results have been obtained in a previous study wherein a comparison between HA and BCP sintered at same temperature showed more bone formation in BCP which contains highly resorbable TCP (55). The above results thus demonstrate that calcium phosphate ceramics with different chemical composition have varying osteoinductive potential. The adsorption of proteins on calcium phosphate surfaces is a complicated process and leads to conformational changes that influence cellular interactions (56). In particular the protein conformational change, which results in entropic gain, is thought to be an important driving force for protein adsorption (57). A report on the adsorption of albumin on the surface of HA and Fluorine substituted HA showed that surface composition and structure influenced the kinetics of protein adsorption and the structure of adsorbed protein. The greatest loss in the alpha helix structure of albumin to form random structures was detected on the surface of HA. Similar observations of conformational changes of adsorbed albumin on calcium phosphate surfaces are available in literature (58). This loss of alpha helix structure of albumin could also be the result of ionic or electrostatic interactions. The highly ionic surface of calcium phosphates not only attracts the protein but also exerts a greater electrostatic force on the functional groups of protein leading to conformational changes (59). The presence of vacancies and defects on HA crystal surface (60) and the crystallinity and amorphousness of the surface have also been found to bring about differences in protein adsorption (61) and conformational changes. Xie et al. (62) showed that there was a conformational change of the adsorbed albumin during the transformation of brushite to HA. Changes in conformation of PRP1a proline-rich acidic salivary protein when adsorbed on HA and carbonated HA has been reported (63). The conformational changes in PRP1 adsorbed on carbonated HA and HA were similar in nature; however, the changes were greater in the protein bound to HA. This is attributed to the different distribution of binding sites or electrostatic groups on carbonated HA and HA. However there was no conformational change observed when insulin was adsorbed onto lauric acid modified calcium phosphate nanoparticles (64). Further it has also been observed that the conformation and the structure of residue peptide and protein also affect the nucleation behaviour of calcium phosphates. Molecular dynamic simulations were carried out to study the conformational effect of a proposed nucleating motif of bone Sialoprotein on HA (65). The study attempted to see whether a nucleating template for orientated HA could be formed in different peptide conformations. The possibility of promoting template nucleation was seen in alpha helical conformations but not in random coil conformations respectively. Similar studies have also been carried out on Myoglobin adsorption onto HA and HA functionalised with alendronate (66) .The 61 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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results indicate that the interaction with HA alters the coordination state of the iron in the heme .The protein changes conformation upon adsorption onto the HA crystal. However HA functionalised with alendronate does not adsorb the protein but preserves the coordination state of the heme moiety. This Myoglobin behavior toward alendronate-functionalised HA crystals shows that this functionalization imprints surface selectivity to HA and drives the biological environmental response toward them. Further research on the effect of conformational changes of protein on biological responses is necessary to understand the osteoinductivity of calcium phosphates. Table 2 mentions some of the characterisation techniques that have been utilised in literature to study protein adsorption.

Table 2. Characterisation techniques to study protein adsorption Characterization Technique

Particle Composition

Types of Proteins Adsorbed


Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

Biphasic Calcium Phosphate, Hydroxyapatite

Bovine serum Albumin, Lysosyme, Serum proteins

(42, 76, 77, 79)

Quartz Crystal Microbalance & Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy


Fetal Bovine Serum


Atomic Force Microscopy


Bovine serum

(84, 86, 87, 123)

BCA Protein Assay



(101, 103)

Chemiluminesence & gas Chromatography

Hydroxyapatite and Tri Calcium Phosphate



Western Blot Analysis

Hydroxyapatite & Polymer scaffold

Fibronectin and Vitronectin

(66, 67)

UV Visible and Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy



(108, 109)



Insulin and Cytochrome C

(64, 69, 72)

Calorimetric (heat of adsorption)


Albumin and lysosyme

(77, 109, 112)





62 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Chemical Characteristics Biological responses are determined not only by surface topography but also by chemistry and consequently by the surface energy of the material (67–69). The relative effect of either topography or chemistry is generally difficult to discriminate. The chemical properties of the material surface play an important role in determining the amount of protein adsorbed by interaction between the functional groups on substratum and proteins and the efficiency of adsorption. HA possesses two different binding sites, the C and the P sites respectively on its surface and this provide proteins a multiple site binding opportunity (70). On dispersion the calcium atoms (C sites) are exposed on the HA surface by dissolution of OH ions at the particle surface. Therefore, the C sites are arranged on ac or bc particle faces in a rectangular manner with the interdistance in the a or b directions equal to 0.943 nm and the interdistance in the c direction equal to 0.344 nm(c/2) (Figure 2). The P sites are arranged hexagonally on the ab particle face with a minimal distance of 0.943 nm (71). The C sites are rich in calcium ions or positive charge and thus bind to acidic groups of proteins, but the P sites lack calcium ions or positive charge and therefore attach to basic groups of proteins. Many fundamental studies on the adsorption of albumin and lysozyme on various kinds of calcium phosphates have been demonstrated (72, 73). The saturated amount of adsorbed albumin was found to depend on the molar ratio of Calcium to Phosphorous (Ca/P) in the materials used and increased with an increase in Ca/P ratio. This was explained by the electrostatic attractive forces between negatively charged BSA and the less negatively charged HA with high Ca/P ratios at pH 6. However, the saturated amounts of adsorbed lysozyme decreased with an increase in the Ca/P ratio (74, 75). The electrostatic interaction between the surface and proteins could also be affected by the surface charge and protein net charge in different solutions (76). The adsorption of albumin onto HA studied by ionic concentration measurements has been found to depend on counter ions complexing to albumin molecules along with the operation of C sites. It has been reported that HA, BCP and TCP had negative surface charge, and preferred to adsorb more basic protein lysozyme than acidic protein albumin in pH 7.4 phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution (77). HA with higher surface net charge and thus higher value of zeta potential exhibited higher lysozyme adsorption owing to the stronger electrostatic attraction between them (78). Another study by the same authors investigates the adsorption of albumin and lysozyme on BCP under various conditions (79). The binding energies of Ca and P on BCP showing the alterations of the chemical bonds around Ca or P after albumin adsorption imply that the electrostatic interaction might be a negligible factor for albumin adsorption on BCP. So, the surface charge of BCP has a great influence on the amount of adsorbed BSA on the surface. Further it has also been observed there is coherence between the variation of BSA adsorption and that of the zeta potential of BCP. Besides electrostatic interaction, the driving forces for protein adsorption also come from the hydrophobic interaction between protein molecules and the substrate surface, and the structure stability of protein molecules (80). Albumin has a flexible structure and a medium size with a molecular weight of about 67 KDa. Lysozyme has a rigid structure and a lower 63 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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molecular weight of about 14 KDa. So Lysozyme can’t change its conformation as easily as Albumin. The adsorption of Albumin on the BCP surface is mainly driven by the conformation change and the hydrophobic interaction and that of Lysosyme primarily come from the contributions of electrostatic forces. However lysozyme has higher affinity for BCP than albumin and preferentially binds to the surface. This has been explained by the fact that at higher bulk concentrations, less unfolding of albumin occurs due to interaction between albumin molecules resulting in less affinity of albumin for BCP. So the previously adsorbed albumin gets replaced by lysozyme.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of adsorption of protein on HA crystal.

Computer simulation results have validated the fact that protein interaction with calcium phosphates depends mainly on the electrostatic force and sometimes on the hydrogen bond (81). A study investigated the adsorption of the three major amino acids (82) glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline, which are constituents of the collagen I protein, at two major hydroxyapatite surfaces, (0001) and (0110). The strength of interaction of the amino acid molecules with the surfaces depends on both the stability of the surface and the capability of the amino acid molecules to form multiple interactions with the surface species, particularly if they can bridge between two or more surface calcium ions. The primary association between amino acids and the HA surfaces is via interactions between carboxyl and surface bound calcium ions but the additional side group interactions have also been found to lead to significant variations in their affinities. Other adsorption mechanisms like ion exchange mechanism and counter ion binding have also been suggested to 64 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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explain the adsorption of proteins onto the surface of HA (83, 84). Ion exchange between the charged group of the protein and surface ions can occur if they have similar size range. Another study suggested that the acidic peptide or chelators are bound by incorporation of the acidic carboxylic groups into the HA lattice displacing surface phosphate (85). It has also been proposed that the binding of proteins takes place through complexing calcium ions adsorbed on the HA particles (86). The calcium ions adsorbed on HA surface would bind anionic groups on the proteins. In fact, Lindh et al. reported that the presence of calcium enhances the adsorption of human serum albumin (82). Calcium phosphates with varying structures have specific surface planes which can interact with proteins on a selective basis (48). Acidic proteins should preferably be adsorbed on calcium site based surfaces and basic proteins on the phosphorous/hydroxyl site-based surfaces respectively based on electrostatic attractions. This is the reason for acidic proteins being preferentially adsorbed on the (100) face of HA and OCP crystals (87). Many of the phosphoproteins that play a key role in bio mineralization are acidic in nature (88). These proteins are rich in acidic residues like glutamic acid which bind strongly to 001 face of HA which results in plate like HA. This could be one of the reasons behind the effect proteins have on the morphology, size and orientation of calcium phosphate crystals (89).

Hydrophobicity of Calcium Phosphates Hydrophobic interactions between calcium phosphate surfaces and protein have a direct effect on protein adsorption and subsequent cell adhesion. It has generally been observed that the more hydrophobic a surface, the higher the affinity and the greater the extent of protein adsorption (90). However, in the context of protein spreading and specific protein-surface interactions, it is not clear whether higher affinity should always correspond to higher coverage levels. The principal forces responsible for non covalent binding of protein are polar hydrogen bonding forces which are also considered as the main driving force of hydrophobic interactions (91). The exposed chemical functional groups determine the distribution and density of these forces, which in turn affect the hydrophobicity of the substrate. The hydrophobic patches of residues present in the protein’s amphiphilic structure tend to adsorb on the hydrophobic surface of calcium phosphate. Protein would unfold and spread its hydrophobic core over the surface owing to the thermodynamic driving force to reduce the net hydrophobic surface area of the system exposed to the solvent (92) (Figure 3). The charged and polar functional groups of proteins will then subsequently tend to interact with the hydrophilic surface. The hydrophobicity of HA, BCP and TCP are in the order TCP>BCP>HA which subsequently results in BCP having higher ability to adsorb proteins than HA. It has also been reported that the presence of beta-TCP in HA composites influences the surface charge, hydrophobicity, and further increases the protein adsorption of the HA composites (93). 65 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 3. Schematic Illustration of adsorption of proteins on Ceramic surface.

Incubation Solution Characteristics The incubation environment is an important factor that affects protein adsorption and different solutions could induce different protein adsorption behaviours. It has been accepted that ionic composition, strength of solution, pH and temperature affect the kinetics of protein adsorption (94). The different phases of calcium phosphate exhibit variable solubility: HA < β-TCP < α-TCP (95). So the different kind of ions that are present in solution, brought about by the dissolution of HA and TCP can alter the surface charge distribution. The overall electrostatic interaction existing between proteins and calcium phosphates depends on the surface and protein charge respectively. So differences in surface charge distribution brought about by incubation can affect protein adsorption. It has been established that the surface charge and the protein charge are functions of pH (96). Further protein conformational changes described earlier are also pH dependent and affect the entropy and enthalpy of adsorption. As mentioned previously on dispersing HA particles in aqueous media, calcium atoms (C sites) are exposed on the HA surface by dissolution of hydroxyl ions at the particle surface. Therefore, the C sites, rich in calcium ions or positive charge bind to acidic groups of proteins, arranged on the ac or bc particle face in a rectangular manner with interdistances of 0.943 and 0.344 nm (c/2) for the a (or 66 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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b) and c directions, respectively (97). Chen et al. reported that the -COO- claw of protein grasps the calcium atoms of the HA surface with its two oxygen atoms in a triangle form (98). The solid state NMR study also revealed that the -COOterminus of amelogenin is orientated to the Hap surface (99). The P sites, lacking calcium ions or positive charge to attach to basic groups of proteins, are arranged hexagonally on the ab particle face with a minimal distance of 0.943 nm. The adsorption of bovine serum albumin onto HA has been studied as a function of protein concentration, pH and ionic strength (100). The results revealed that amount of albumin adsorbed on HA increased as the pH decreases. The amount of protein adsorbed on the surface was dependent on the magnitude and charge of the both the HA surface and the protein albumin and also the degree of hydration of the protein. The isoelectric point of HA has been found to lie between pH 6.4 to pH 8.5, with the zetapotential being positive in the above range. At lower pH values near the isoelectric point of albumin, the charge on the molecule and the degree of hydration decreases enabling higher adsorption. Similar adsorption studies on HA using human serum albumin and dentine proteins also confirmed an increase in adsorption with decreasing pH (83). The ionic strength of the solution was also found to affect albumin adsorption. The ionic strength was varied by the addition of phosphate and calcium both of which affect the surface charge of HA by surface adsorption. Calcium is known to bind to albumin by calcium ion bridging which leads to an increase in albumin adsorption (101). However the phosphates being more hydrophilic in nature have a high affinity for HA and they compete with the carboxyl group of the protein to bind onto the HA surface. So there is an observed reduction in albumin adsorption. The zeta potential measurements of HA particles treated with proteins and polypeptides show that the HA particle reflects the charged environment of the adsorbed molecule and correlate with the number of bacterial cells adhering to the surface (102). A basic protein or polypeptide (net positively charged at pH 7.0) produced a positive zeta potential, whereas an acidic protein or polypeptide (net negatively charged at pH 7.0) produced a negative zeta potential. This work reports that protein adsorbed onto the HA surface are involved in both long- and short-range interactions between bacteria and the HA surface (103). Acidic proteins reduced the number of bacteria adhering by increasing the repulsion between electrical double layers surrounding the bacterium and the HA. This effect was further modified by the density of nonpolar, acidic and basic amino acids of the adsorbed protein, indicating the involvement of short-range hydrophobic and ionic interactions between adsorbed protein and bacteria. Another study reports the adsorption of serum proteins from cell culture medium to HA and TCP ceramic powders compared by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (104). There was a distinct difference in adsorption with higher concentrations of transferrin being adsorbed onto the powders which caused a reduction in the pH of the cell culture medium. Transferrin was also adsorbed to HA in greater concentrations at a lower pH than it was at a higher pH (105). Ceramic implant materials have been reported to affect the pH of water due to their dissolution characteristics. But since blood is well buffered and constantly circulating, it is unlikely that large pH changes take place invivo. However the interfacial layer created by ions electrostatically bound 67 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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to the surface directly adjacent to a ceramic substrate can affect any chemical or biological processes occurring in this layer. So the changes in pH that have been shown to affect protein absorption are also likely to have a direct effect on cell behaviour and consequent tissue response. Ionic strength is another parameter that affects protein adsorption. Higher the ionic strength in the solution greater is the tendency for the protein to expose more polar ionised residues to the solvent (106). So the amount of the protein adsorbed on BCP could be increased by the stronger interaction between protein and the surface-binding sites of BCP, which always has a higher ability to adsorb proteins than HA, considering the effect of topography at the same time (43). This also could be the reason behind why BCP has better osteoinductivity than HA. The sintering temperature of calcium phosphates also affects the solubility of calcium phosphates in the incubation solution due to their differences in thermodynamic properties (107). HA and TCP powders heat treated at a range of temperatures from 100 to 1400°C have been found to affect the pH of water, with pH being increased with temperature in both HA and TCP. Higher temperature also leads to higher crystallinity thereby reducing solubility. A study to explore the effects of heat treatment temperature on the protein adsorption behaviour onto HA particles was carried out by systematically heating to 800 degrees (108). Albumin, lysozme and Myoglobin were selected as the model proteins respectively. The saturated amounts of adsorbed albumin did not vary on the HA particles after heat treatment at 200 and 400 °C. However, saturated amounts of adsorbed albumin were increased by raising the heat treatment temperature above 600 °C. The adsorption coverage suggests that the albumin molecules are densely adsorbed and a part of the molecule gets adsorbed as end-on type on the HA particle surface or in other words there is a contraction in the albumin molecules. Similar adsorption behaviour was observed on the lysozyme system, but the adsorption coverage was much less than that observed for albumin. On the other hand, no effect of the heat treatment of HA particles was observed on the adsorption of myoglobin. The increases of albumin and lyzozyme adsorption with an increase in temperature were explained by the increase of calcium and phosphate ions in the solutions dissolved from TCP formed after heat treatment of HA, especially at high temperatures. The dissolved calcium and phosphate ions may act as binders between proteins and HA surfaces. Further the adsorption of calcium ions on the HA surface offers an adsorption site for albumin owing to its positive charge. This binding of calcium ions to anionic sites of albumin reduces the inter and intra molecular electrostatic repulsion between albumin segments leading to a dense adsorption of albumin. In the case of adsorption of positively charged lysosyme molecules, phosphate ions act as a binder for adsorption. Since the myoglobin molecules are neutral, no binding effect of either ions were observed. Another study reported that differences in the acid and basic strength in heat treated HA due to their calcium deficiency manifested as different size and morphology in the HA crystal (109). This difference in structure further affects observed protein adsorption in calciu, phosphates. A significant amount of research on protein adsorption of calcium phosphates is available in literature and reviews give a comprehensive detail of the same (110). 68 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Competitive Adsorption of Proteins Body fluids like blood contain a large number of proteins. So the competitive adsorption of proteins on the surface of a biomaterial is more close to the actual conditions invivo. The competitive adsorption of proteins is highly dependent on the concentration and competing components (111, 112). Brash & Lyman (113) demonstrated that protein adsorption is directly proportional to the protein concentration. Moreover, the preferential adsorption of proteins, especially the growth factors, on the implant surface has been considered as one of the key factors related to the bioactivity and osteoinduction of calcium phosphates. When calcium phosphate is implanted into the body, various kinds of proteins will adsorb to the substrate from body fluids. Albumin is the most abundant protein in blood. On the other hand, the proteins relating with bone regeneration are some growth factors which have lower molecular weight and are found in minute amounts in body fluids. So it is very critical to investigate the competitive adsorption of kinds of proteins on calcium phosphates The competitive adsorption on HA, BCP and TCP ceramics was investigated using conventional protein quantitative analysis with albumin and lysozyme (114). Lysozyme was used as the analogue for growth factor due to their similar properties. The three calcium phosphate particles all had negatively surface zeta potentials after being dispersed into pH 7.4 PBS solution. HA had larger absolute value of zeta potential and thus higher surface net charge. It has been observed that lysozyme showed higher affinity for the three calcium phosphate ceramics compared to albumin. Thus it could be inferred that bone growth factors with similar properties as lysozyme might preferentially bind to the surface of calcium phosphate ceramics when implanted into the body. Another study reports the higher affinity of lysozyme for BCP when compared to albumin (115); again suggesting that competitive adsorption is undoubtedly important for understanding the mechanism of osteoinduction in calcium phosphates.

Biological Properties of Calcium Phosphates The bioactivity of calcium phosphate has been related to their propensity to nucleate carbonate apatite crystals analogous to bone minerals. The newly formed bone bonds directly to calcium phosphate materials through a carbonated apatite layer at the bone/material interface. The bioactivity mechanism of calcium orthophosphates has been described as follows (116). The partial dissolution of calcium phosphate leads to the release of calcium and phosphate ions that result in an increase in local ionic concentration. The liberated ions increased the supersaturation degree of the biologic fluids, causing precipitation of biological apatite nanocrystals with simultaneous incorporating of various ions presented in the fluids. Ionic exchange takes place leading to the precipitation of carbonated calcium phosphate crystals. The formation of a layer of microcrystals and macrocrystals along with the incorporation of a collageneous matrix leads to bone growth toward the implant. Then bone remodelling takes place. The osteoclasts resorb normal bone by actively secreting hydrogen ions into the extracellular space, creating a local pH of approximately 4.8, and leading to fast resorption of 69 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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both carbonated HA in bone mineral and the apatite. Finally the bone-implant interface is subjected to further bone ingrowth and remodeling, and a biological fixation can be achieved through the bidirectional growth of a bonding layer. An important study on formation of calcium orthophosphate precipitates on various types of calcium phosphates in simulated body fluid (SBF) and in rabbit muscle sites was performed (117). The studies revealed that OCP formation occurred on all apatite surfaces with the exception of TCP, the precipitation was more difficult in-vivo and the partial dissolution of HA lead to apatite formation. The chemical changes that occurring after exposure of a synthetic HA bioceramic to both in vivo and in vitro conditions were also studied. A small amount of HA was phagocytized but the major remaining part behaved as a secondary nucleator as evidenced by the appearance of a newly formed mineral (118). To a certain extent calcium phosphates are also osteoinductive in nature. The apparent osteoinductive property is the ability to concentrate bone growth factors, and induce bone formation. When attached to healthy bones, osteoid is produced directly onto its surfaces in the absence of soft tissue interface. Consequently, the osteoid mineralizes and the resulting new bone undergoes remodelling. The geometry and surface roughness of calcium orthophosphates are critical parameters in bone induction (119). Bone formation was found to occur in dog muscle inside porous calcium orthophosphate with surface microporosity, while bone was not observed inside the dense surface of macroporous bioceramics (120). Besides, metal implants coated by a microporous layer of OCP was found to induce ectopic bone formation in goat muscle, while a smooth layer of carbonated apatite on these porous metal implants was not able to induce bone formation (121).

Interfacial Protein Effect on Apatite Growth Biological apatite growth from simulated body fluid (SBF) with similar inorganic components of plasma serum is one of the evaluation methods for bioactive materials. This growth was investigated with and without preadsorption of fetal bovine serum protein at the initial nucleation stage using a quartz crystal microbalance technique (122). It was observed that during the apatite growth dominated by the interfacial interaction between the ions and substrate surfaces, two processes, which are the heterogeneous nucleation initiating from the protein surfaces and homoepitaxial growth initiating from the already-formed apatite crystals, are competitive. The interfacial viscoelastic changes with the apatite depended on the substrate surfaces; the viscoelastic property and component (IgG/Ab ratio) of the serum adlayer. The interfacial protein effect during the initial crystallization stage could be attributed to the competitive heterogeneous and homoepitaxial ion reactions at the interface which were predominantly attributed to the adsorbed protein species (immunoglobulin (IgG) and albumin) based on the antibody-binding results. Although the serum adlayer clearly inhibits the apatite growth, the relationship between the adsorbed IgG amount and the apatite growth was significantly correlated, indicating that the IgG molecules would promote growth. It was suggested that the interfacial viscoelastic changes with the apatite growth depended on the substrate surface as well as the adsorbed 70 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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protein properties. Therefore, the serum adlayer significantly affected the apatite growth at the interface, indicating the importance of the interfacial protein effect. In another study a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) technique was employed to detect the protein adsorption and subsequent osteoblast-like cell adhesion to HA nanocrystals (123). The interfacial phenomena with the preadsorption of three proteins albumin, fibronectin and collagen; the subsequent adsorption of fetal bovine serum and the adhesion of the cells were investigated. The results of the protein preadsorption and subsequent cell adhesion showed different behaviour on the surfaces, clearly indicating that the adhesion process was affected by the cell surface interactions through the substrate protein. The different morphological and pseudopod structures formed depend further on the cell adhesion. The preadsorption of proteins has been observed to be accelerated in cell adhesion. Thus the surface modified with the interfacial proteins affected the cytoskeleton changes and the arrangement of the extracellular matrix at the interfaces.

Conclusion The role of calcium phosphates is changing from a biologically passive, structural role to one in which the properties of the material can orchestrate the process of tissue regeneration. In spite of a long history of research on protein adsorption of calcium orthophosphates, there is still great potential for major advances to be made in the field. There are increasing number of reports demonstrating that cellular behaviour can be modulated by material properties such as surface texture, elasticity, and chemistry. In the restoration of bone defects it has been reported that surface topography influences osteogenesis and proliferation of bone marrow-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in vitro (124). Although tissue instructive materials hold great potential, the concept has not progressed beyond the proof-of-concept phase in which in vitro assays have demonstrated an effect on cellular differentiation and proliferation. However adsorption of proteins and their interfacial effects are highly complicated and more research is required to understand the mechanisms of adsorption. Resolving the molecular mechanism of osteoinduction will offer tools to develop new osteoinductive materials to meet the challenges of successful bone repair and provide an overall understanding of the fundamentals of biological systems.

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76 In Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.