Proton Enhancement in an Extended Nanochannel - American

Oct 8, 2014 - Institute of Micro/Nanotechnology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, ... Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin 64002, Taiw...
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Proton Enhancement in an Extended Nanochannel Selcuk Atalay,† Li-Hsien Yeh,*,‡ and Shizhi Qian*,† †

Institute of Micro/Nanotechnology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529, United States Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan

ABSTRACT: Proton enhancement in an extended nanochannel is investigated by a continuum model consisting of three-dimensional Poisson−Nernst−Planck equations for the ionic mass transport of multiple ionic species with the consideration of surface chemistry on the nanochannel wall. The model is validated by the existing experimental data of the proton distribution inside an extended silica nanochannel. The proton enhancement behavior depends substantially on the background salt concentration, pH, and dimensions of the nanochannel. The proton enrichment at the center of the nanochannel is significant when the bulk pH is medium high (ca. 8) and the salt concentration is relatively low. The results gathered are informative for the development of biomimetic nanofluidic apparatuses and the interpretation of relevant experimental data.

the experimental data on ionic current/conductance,13,19−23 streaming conductance,24−26 and electrophoretic translocation of nanoparticles through a nanopore.27−29 To exclude the inconsistent permittivity of electrolyte solution confined in the extended nanospaces, proton distribution and enhancement in an extended, pH-regulated nanochannel are theoretically investigated by the threedimensional (3D) Poisson−Nernst−Planck (PNP) model taking into account multiple ionic species and surface chemistry on the channel wall. Our model extends that of Chang et al.,17 who adopted the 2D PB equation with the site dissociation, to a more general case by considering the presence of H+ and OH− in addition to the ions dissociated from the background salt solution, site association and dissociation reactions on the channel wall, and the 3D nanochannel. The developed model is validated by the existing experimental data of the proton distributions using the general bulk value of the permittivity of electrolyte solution, which is also adopted by many theoretical studies on the electrokinetic transport phenomena of an electrolyte solution confined in a nanochannel or nanopore.13,19−29

1. INTRODUCTION A fundamental understanding of the ion transport in an extended nanospace, in which the thickness of electric double layers (EDLs) is comparable to the characteristic dimension of nanospaces, is essential for the development of biomimetic nanofluidic devices.1,2 Among various ions, protons (H+ ions) play an essential role due to their fundamental significance in nanofluidic applications.1−8 In addition to the structure and conformation of molecular chains in biological ion channels, the charge properties of nanofluidic devices in contact with aqueous solution are substantially dependent on the local proton concentration in the vicinity of the nanochannel wall surface.1−8 In spite of numerous theoretical and experimental studies on the confined fluid and ion transport in extended nanospaces,9−15 relevant analysis focused on the proton transport is surprisingly rare. Recently, Kazoe et al.16 experimentally investigated the proton distribution in an extended silica nanochannel using a super-resolution laser-induced-fluorescence technique and found that the interior proton concentration is apparently enhanced. One set of their experimental data in pure water was then analyzed by Chang et al.17 based on the two-dimensional (2D) Poisson− Boltzmann (PB) equation coupled with a site dissociation model on the nanochannel wall. Their results showed that the PB model matched the experimental data of Kazoe et al.16 only when the permittivity of the fluid εf = 17ε0, with ε0 being the dielectric constant of vacuum. Note that the general bulk value of the permittivity of electrolyte solution is εf = 78.5ε0.18 The results obtained by Chang et al.17 imply that there is a dramatic reduction of the permittivity of electrolyte solution confined in extended nanospaces. However, many theoretical studies used the general bulk value of the permittivity of electrolyte solution to investigate various electrokinetic transport phenomena in extended nanochannels, and the models’ predictions agree with © 2014 American Chemical Society

2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL We consider a nanofluidic system comprising a straight nanochannel of length L with a rectangular cross section of height H and width W connected to two large, identical reservoirs on either end, as schematically shown in Figure 1. To investigate the proton distribution in an extended nanospace, we assume that both the width and height (i.e., W and H) of the nanochannel are in nanoscale and the length of the Received: August 19, 2014 Revised: October 2, 2014 Published: October 8, 2014 13116 | Langmuir 2014, 30, 13116−13120



density. Note that the factor of 1000 in eqs 1 and 2 arises from the use of the molar concentration of the ionic species. The boundary conditions for eqs 1 and 2 are assumed as the following: (i) The ionic concentrations at both ends of the two reservoirs are their bulk values (i.e., Ci = Ci0) and the corresponding electrical potentials are ϕ = 0. (ii) The insulation boundary conditions for the potential (n·∇ϕ = 0) and zero normal ionic fluxes (n·Ni = 0) are applied on the side boundaries of the two reservoirs, which are far from the nanochannel. Here n is the unit outer normal vector. (iii) The nanochannel wall is ion-impenetrable and bears a surface charge density, σs, yielding n·Ni = 0 and −εfn·∇ϕ = σs, respectively. The nanochannel wall in contact with aqueous solution is charge-regulated, implying that its surface charge density, σs, highly depends on the local solution pH and electrolyte concentration.33 Suppose that the nanochannel is made of silica-based material and its charge density stems primarily from the following surface dissociation and association reactions of silanol functional groups: Si−OH ↔ Si−O− + H+ and Si −OH + H+ ↔ Si−OH2+, respectively. Let Ka and Kb be the equilibrium constants of these two reactions, respectively. Then it can be shown that13

Figure 1. Three-dimensional schematic illustration of the hemistructure of the extended nanochannel.

⎧ 10−pKa − 10−pKb(C )2 ⎫ 1s ⎬ σs = −FNt ⎨ −pK −pK 2 ⎩ 10 a + C1s + 10 b(C1s) ⎭

nanochannel is much larger than the width and height (i.e., L ≫ W and L ≫ H). Both reservoirs and the nanochannel are filled with an aqueous electrolyte solution containing N types of ionic species. The 3D Cartesian coordinate system, (x,y,z), with the origin at the center of the nanochannel is adopted, where x, y, and z are directed along the directions of height, width, and length, respectively. Note that the Stern layer effect is neglected in the present study. To simulate experimental conditions of Kazoe et al.,16 we assume that the electrolyte solution includes a background salt KCl of background concentration CKCl and its pH is adjusted by KOH and HCl. Therefore, four ionic species, H+, OH−, K+, and Cl−, are considered. Let Ci0 (i = 1, 2, 3, and 4) be the bulk molar concentrations of these ions, respectively. Electroneutrality of the bulk solution yields C10 = 10−pH, C20 = 10−(14−pH), C30 = CKCl, and C40 = CKCl + 10−pH − 10−(14−pH) for pH ≤7; C30 = CKCl − 10−pH + 10−(14−pH) and C40 = CKCl for pH >7.30,31 Since both the width and height of the nanochannel are in nanoscale, the EDL overlapping in the extended nanospace is significant. When EDLs are significantly overlapped, the PB model adopted by Chang et al.17 to describe the distribution of ions in an extended nanochannel is not appropriate. In the present study, the electrostatics and ionic mass transport are governed by the following verified multi-ion Poisson−Nernst− Planck (PNP) equations:13,32

Here, pKa = −log Ka, pKb = −log Kb, Nt is the total number site density of silanol relevant groups (i.e., Si−OH, Si−O−, and Si− OH2+) on the nanochannel wall surface, and C1s is the local molar concentration of protons at the nanochannel wall/liquid interface. Equation 3 clearly suggests that σs is part of the solution in the current study, and relies on the physicochemical properties of the dielectric channel material (pKa, pKb, and Nt), and the local pH (= −log C1s) on its wall surface. For the silica nanochannels, reported values for pKa, pKb, and Nt are pKa = 6−8, pKb = 0−3, and Nt = (6.31−13.3) × 10−6 mol/m2.25,34

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The present 3D PNP model is numerically solved by a commercial finite element package, COMSOL Multiphysics (version 4.4), operated in a high-performance cluster, which has been applied to solve similar 2D axisymmetric ion transport problems.10,13,29 The computational domain is discretized into quadratic−tetrahedral elements and finer mesh size on the nanochannel surface is adopted to capture its EDL. The total number of the mesh is around 350k. A mesh-independent study has been conducted to ensure that the solution was mesh independent. The following parameters are used in the simulations: εf = 78.5ε0 = 6.95 × 10−10 F/m, R = 8.31 J/(K· mol), T = 298 K, F = 96 490 C/mol, D1(H+) = 9.31 × 10−9 m2/ s, D2(OH−) = 5.30 × 10−9 m2/s, D3(K+) = 1.96 × 10−9 m2/s, and D4(Cl−) = 2.03 × 10−9 m2/s.30 The dimension of the rectangular reservoir is 800 nm in its width and height and 400 nm in length. 3.1. Verification by Experimental Data. The developed model is first verified by the experimental data of Kazoe et al.,16 who measured the pH distribution along the width (y) direction of an extended silica nanochannel at W = 410 nm, H = 405 nm, L = 1 μm, and bulk pH 6.22. Note that the pH profile reported by Kazoe et al.16 was based on the averaged pH over the height (x) direction. To fit these experimental data, we define an x-axis-averaged pH on the center cross section of the nanochannel (z = 0):


−εf ∇2 ϕ = ρe = 1000F ∑ ziCi i=1


⎛ ⎞ D ∇·Ni = ∇·1000⎜ −Di∇Ci − zi i FCi∇ϕ⎟ = 0, ⎝ ⎠ RT i = 1, 2, 3, 4



Here, ϕ is the electrical potential; R, T, and F are the universal gas constant, absolute temperature, and Faraday constant, respectively; Ni, zi, Ci, and Di are the flux density, valence, molar concentration, and diffusivity of the ith ionic species, respectively; ρe = 1000F∑4i=1 ziCi is the mobile space charge 13117 | Langmuir 2014, 30, 13116−13120


Article H /2

pH(y , z = 0) =

3.2. Effect of Background Solution Properties. To understand the proton enhancement phenomenon in an extended nanochannel in detail, we define two parameters: one is the enhanced relative percentage (ERP) of protons, Δ = (|pH − pH|/pH)·100%, and the other is the ERP of protons at the center of the nanochannel, Δc = (|pHc − pH|/pH)·100%. Here pHc can be obtained by letting y = 0 in eq 4. In general, larger values of Δ and Δc represent a more significant enhancement of protons in the nanochannel. Figure 3 depicts the influences of the background salt concentration, CKCl, and bulk pH on the variation of Δ. Figure 3a reveals that, at constant bulk pH, Δ increases with a decrease in CKCl, implying that the lower the CKCl, the more significant the enhancement of protons (lower pH) within the nanochannel. This is consistent with the experimental observation of Kazoe et al.16 (see Figure 2), and can be attributed to a more significant exclusion effect of protons from the nanochannel surface by an increase in the salt concentration and other counterions (K+).13 Figure 3a also suggests that, due to a thinner EDL, Δ (or local proton concentration) varies more apparently near the nanochannel surface (y = −10 and 10 nm) as CKCl increases. Figure 3b depicts that, at constant CKCl, Δ increases with an increase in the bulk pH near the nanochannel surface (y = −10 and 10 nm), but has a local maximum as pH increases in the interior of the nanochannel. The former arises from the fact that the higher the bulk pH, the larger the negative surface charge density on the channel wall,13 attracting more protons near its surface and yielding higher Δ. The latter can be explained by the fact that a higher bulk pH also represents a lower bulk concentration of protons. In this case, since a greater proportion of protons are attracted to the negatively charged channel surface, resulting in a relatively smaller proportion of residual protons enhanced in the central region of the nanochannel. As a result, the spatial variation of protons in an extended nanochannel is more significant at higher bulk pH, as shown in Figure 3b. Figure 4 summarizes the influence of the background salt concentration, CKCl, and bulk pH on the ERP of protons at the center of the extended nanochannel, Δc. For the considered CKCl ranging from 10−6 to 10−1 M at pH 8, the corresponding EDL thickness varies from 217 to 9.7 nm. This implies that the EDLs are highly overlapped in the considered nanochannel with W = H = 20 nm and, therefore, as expected the counterions, protons, are significantly enhanced, as shown in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 4 also suggests that Δc shows a local maximum as the bulk pH increases (Figure 4a) and decreases monotonically with increasing CKCl (Figure 4b). These behaviors can be explained by the same reasoning employed

∫−H /2 pH(x , y , z = 0) dx

(4) H Figure 2 shows the distribution of pH for various background salt concentrations CKCl. Pure water represents the results of

Figure 2. Distribution of pH averaged in the height direction, pH, at the center of the extended nanochannel for various CKCl values. Symbols with error bars: experimental data of Kazoe et al.16 at W = 410 nm, H = 405 nm, L = 1 μm, and pH 6.22. Solid lines: present numerical results at pKa = 7, pKb = 1.9, and Nt = 6.31 × 10−6 mol/m2. Dotted line: bulk pH 6.22.

CKCl = 0. Figure 2 clearly shows that the proton concentration inside the nanochannel is remarkably enhanced, yielding a lower pH than the bulk pH 6.22 (dotted line). Figure 2 also depicts that predictions from our model (solid lines) with pKa = 7, pKb = 1.9, and Nt = 6.31 × 10−6 mol/m2 fit well to the experimental data (symbols with error bars). Different from the previous theoretical study reported by Chang et al.,17 who used a 2D PB model with εf = 17ε0 to obtain a better agreement with the experimental data and their model only matched the experimental data of pH in pure water,16 our multi-ion PNP model with fixed values for εf, pKa, pKb, and Nt is also able to match the experimental data for CKCl = 0.01 and 0.0001 M, as shown in Figure 2. The adopted value of εf is also consistent with many existing studies on the electrokinetic transport of electrolyte solution in extended nanochannels or nanopores.13,19−29 Moreover, the estimated values of pKa, pKb, and Nt are also in accordance with those reported in the existing literature.25,34 Therefore, these values are used in the subsequent discussions. Unless otherwise specified, the nanochannel geometry is fixed at W = H = 20 nm and L = 1 μm, which is typical for the dimension of nanochannels used in experiments.20,35

Figure 3. Distribution of the ERP of protons, Δ = (|pH − pH|/pH)·100%, (a) for various CKCl values at bulk pH 7.5 and (b) for various bulk pHs at CKCl = 0.001 M. 13118 | Langmuir 2014, 30, 13116−13120



Figure 4. Variations of the ERP of protons at the center of the extended nanochannel, Δc = (|pHc − pH|/pH)·100%, (a) with the bulk pH for various CKCl values and (b) with CKCl for various bulk pHs. Other parameters are the same as those in Figure 3.

Planck model with a general bulk value of the fluid permittivity (εf = 78.5ε0) is adopted for the first time to describe the existing experimental data of the proton distributions in a silica nanochannel with width × height ca. 400 × 400 nm under various salt concentrations. Because the considered nanochannel is not too small, the assumption of icelike permittivity is not appropriate. In the absence of the Stern layer effect, we show that the proton concentration is significantly enhanced by the negatively charged nanochannel and the predictions agree with the experimental data for various salt concentrations. The proton distribution depends substantially on the bulk pH and background salt concentration. The variation of protons in an extended nanochannel is considerably remarkable when the bulk pH is relatively high. Moreover, the enhanced relative percentage of protons at the center of the nanochannel is significant at medium high bulk pH (ca. 8), low salt concentration, and small size of the nanochannel. Our results show that the local pH at the center of the extended nanochannel can be enhanced on the order of ca. 40%, implying that over 4000 times the corresponding proton concentration is raised.

in Figure 3. From Figures 3 and 4, it can be concluded that the degree of enhanced proton concentration in an extended nanochannel is significant if the background salt concentration is low and the bulk pH is medium high (ca. 8). Under the considered conditions, the ERP of the pH value can be on the order of ca. 40%, and that of the corresponding proton concentration, calculated by (|C1 − C10|/C10)·100%, over 4000 times, where C1 = −log(pH) and C10 = −log(pH). 3.3. Effect of Nanochannel Dimensions. The influence of the nanochannel dimensions on the ERP of protons at the center of the extended nanochannel, Δc, is depicted in Figure 5.


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Figure 5. Variations of the ERP of protons at the center of the extended nanochannel, Δc = (|pHc − pH|/pH)·100%, with the nanochannel dimension (H = W) for various bulk pHs at CKCl = 0.0001 M.

*E-mail: Fax: +886-5-5312071. *E-mail: Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

In this case, the nanochannel height is set to be the same as its width (i.e., H = W). Figure 5 shows that, regardless of the levels of the bulk pH, Δc decreases with increasing nanochannel dimensions and approaches a steady value at a sufficiently large nanochannel. The former is expected because the smaller the nanochannel, the more significant the EDL overlapping effect, leading to more protons (counterions) concentrated inside the nanochannel. When the EDL overlapping effect is negligible, the enhancement of protons becomes nearly independent of the nanochannel size.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China under Grants 102-2221E-224-052-MY3 and 103-2221-E-224-039-MY3.


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