21 19
Proton NMR Studies of the Interaction of Metalloporphyrins with 7r Acceptors and Donors. I. Effect of 7r-Complex Formation on the Electronic Structure of Low-Spin Cobalt( 11) George P. Fulton and Gerd N. La Mar*’ Contributionfrom the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis, California 95616. Received June 14. 1975
Abstract: The porphyrin proton NMR shifts of low-spin tetra-p-tolylporphinatocobalt(I1)have been investigated upon the addition of various aromatic T acceptors and donors. The interactions are described by the formation of 1:l adducts, and in the case of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, TNB, the thermodynamic parameters are reported. Sizable changes in dipolar shifts upon complex formation are observed, with the magnetic anisotropy increasing markedly in the presence of T acceptors, and decreasing significantly in the presence of a donor. The increase in magnetic anisotropy requires that the adducts are peripheral x complexes. Similar characteristic changes in porphyrin line widths are also recorded. The changes in magnetic anisotropy and proton relaxation times are analyzed in detail in terms of the changes in electronic structure of the metal and in metalporphyrin bonding. The changes in electronic structure of the cobalt are shown to arise primarily from changes in the metalporphyrin c bond
The continuing interest in porphyrins x - A interactions stems from the importance of these interactions in characterizing a number of physical properties of porphyrins in simple solutions’-6 as well as in their biological role in hemoprotein^.',^ The tendency for aggregation in solution for both porphyrins and metalloporphyrins is well-docum e r ~ t e d . ’ -O~n e system where x interactions may be relevant is cytochrome c3, which possesses a t least three, probably four, porphyrins per 12 000 molecular weight; hemeheme x stacking has been suggested9 as a possibility in this unusual molecule. Close stacking ( 1 5 A) of heme x planes has recently been demonstrated’ by proton relaxation studies. The possible existence of x complexes between steroids and the heme of cytochrome P450 has also been suggested.Io Similar x interactions have also been postulated3,’ to provide important stabilization in heme-protein linkages. Recent studies indicated5s6 that x interactions with aromatic acceptors and donors can modulate the thermodynamics and kinetics of axial ligations. However, very little is known about the manner in which these x - x interactions affect the metal-porphyrin, M-P, bond and the electronic structure of the metal. The recent literature has witnessed several reports which d e m o r ~ s t r a t e ~ . ~the ~ ’ ~occurrence -’~ of significant complex formations between porphyrins and aromatic x acceptors and donors. The effect of low-spin cobalt(I1) mesoporphyrin dimethyl ester, MPCo, on the chemical shifts of a variety of substrates has c ~ n f i r m e d ’ ~ the - l ~ x nature of the complexes, for which structural analysis focused on the role of M P C o as a “shift reagent”.” However, the complexity of the substrates10$12 precluded the determination of a unique structure largely because the system contained too many parameters. In one study, the effect of a x acceptor on the M P C o chemical shifts was monitored13 in order to characterize the changes in porphyrin electronic structure due to complex formation. Although an increase in the dipolar shifts was noted,I3 a detailed interpretation of the shift changes was not presented due to the extensive aggregation of M P C o which precluded determination of the shifts for pure MPCo. Walker has reportedI4 on a low-temperature E S R investigation of frozen glasses of cobalt(I1) tetraphenylporphyrin, TPPCo, in the presence of a variety of x donors and acceptors. T h e spectra yielded unambiguous evidence for the formation of x complexes as characterized by changes in
both g values and coupling constants. However, since the low-temperature E S R g values of TPPCo have been to depend critically on solvent, temperature, and phase due to. axial solvation of the planar cobalt even in weak solvents such as CHC13, it was not possible to compare g values of TPPCo in the presence and absence of a a substrate without the complication of axial solvation. W e have shown previously,I6 however, that proton N M R can be used successfully to characterize the electronic structure of p-CH3-TPPC0, and that the solution structure a t ambient temperatures is free from the problems of axial solvation of the metal and porphyrin aggregation. It should therefore be possible to determine directly by N M R the effect of x complex formation on the porphyrin chemical shifts. The advantageous use of N M R is based on the demonstrated dominance of magnetic anisotropy as the sole origin of the isotropic shiftsI8 for the phenyl resonance. In the limit of Curie behavior, these shifts are given by the familiar equation:I8
where B and r describe the usual axial geometric factor, and K = p2S(S 1)/9k. The relative shifts for two nonequivalent phenyl positions are given by
= (3 cos2 Bi
- 1 ) r i - 3 / ( 3 cos2 Bj - l ) r j - 3 (2)
This relation has been confirmedI6 for pure p-CH3-TPPCo in both chloroform and toluene. A knowledge of the dipolar shift, (AH,/H)i, the geometric factor, and KIT permits the determination of g1I2 - gL2,which can be correlated with the electronic structure of the metal. In this study we investigate the effect of interaction of aromatic x acceptors and a donor19 on the paramagnetic shifts of p-CH3-TPPCo. The most important molecules will be one of the strongest x acceptors, trinitrobenzene, T N B , and one of the strongest x donors, N,N.N’,N’-tetramethylp-phenylenediamine, T M P D . W e will be interested in determining how the electronic structure of the metal is altered, and whether the changes are transferred to the metal primarily by x or by u bonding effects. In the companion
Fulton, La Mar ,/ Electronic Structure of Low-Spin Cobalt(l1J
2120 Table I. Effect of Concentration on D - C H V T P P CChemical ~ Shifts"
Chemical shift [p-CH3-TPPCo]
- 12.90 - 12.90 - 12.90 - 12.90
7.72 3.86 I .93
-9.78 -9.19 -9.79 -9.19
- 16.9
-16.9 - 16.9 -16.9
" Shifts in ppm from internal TMS. Concentration in millimolar. article,20we will use some of the conclusions reached in this report in conjunction with the induced shifts and line broadening of the substrate T N B to arrive at a quantitative description of the solution structure of the l : l p-CH3-TPPCo: T N B complex. That structural analysis will confirm our conclusion reached here that the T - H interaction occurs exclusively a t the periphery of the porphyrin and does not involve the metal directly.
Principles The observation of the effect of the H substrates on the N M R shifts and line width will yield data which can be used to determine the shifts and line widths for the pure ir complex. Since chemical exchange of the aromatic substrate between the free and complexed form is rapid on the N MR time scale, the exchange-averaged observed shift, for the porphyrin, (AH/H)obsd,is given by AH
where f f and fc are the mole fraction of p-CH3-TPPCo in the free and complexed form, and ( A H / H ) f and ( A H I H ) , are the porphyrin chemical shifts for the free and complexed cobalt porphyrin. In the cases of interest here, as has been found in the other ambient temperature studies, we need consider only a 1:1 complex of the form
+ s F! P:S
where P = p-CH3-TPPCo and S is the which the equilibrium constant is given by
(4) H
substrate, for
K = [P:S]/[P][S]
Equations 5 and 4 can be combined and, with some rearrangement, yield (%!)obrd=
AH Po+So 1 ( y)[ 2P0-+2PoK ---
where PO and SO are the total amounts of p-CH3-TPPCo and substrate added, and where we define A ( A H / H ) = ( L I H / H ) ~- ( A H / H ) f as the change in shift for a porphyrin peak upon formation of the 1: 1 complex with the substrate. The equation can be simply solved by iterative computer methods which yield both A ( A H / H ) and hence ( A H / H ) c , and K . The knowledge of K from eq 6 and the line width as a function of S Odirectly yields the porphyrin line widths for the 1:l complex. In the limit that both ( A H / H ) f and ( A H / H ) c can be shown to be dominated by the dipolar interaction,'6.'8 the change in shift, A ( A H / H ) , directly yields the change in the magnetic anisotropy (gIl2- gi2). Following our earlier model,16 the g values of planar lowspin d7 a r e given, to first order,21by gg = 2.0
g l = 2.0
+ A E ( a6lt - e )
Journal of the American Chemic,al Sociely
where AE(a1 - e ) is the gap between dZ2 and the dxz,dvZ orbitals (or, more correctly, the A1 and E states). Hence eq 7 indicates that the anisotropy is dominatedl62*I by the magnitude of AE(al - e ) , Le., dramatic increases (or decreases) in (gii* - g12) reflect predominantly decreases (or increases) in A E ( a l - e ) . It has also been notedI6 that the energy gap A E ( a l - e ) controls the rate of electron spin relaxation via spin-orbit coupling.22 Hence, T I , will increase with A.E(al - e ) , and therefore the proton N M R line widths will increase with A E ( a , - e ) . Thus it is predictedI6 that decreases in the magnetic anisotropy are accompanied by a broadening of the N M R signals, while increases in the magnetic anisotropy parallel a narrowing of the N M R signals. The changes in g tensor anisotropy and line width therefore provide independent evidence for changes in the energy gap AE(a1 e).
Experimental Section meso-Tetra-p-tolylporphyrin was prepared by the method of Adler et al.*! The crystalline product was chromatographed on dry silica gel (J.T. Baker reagent, 60-200 mesh). The purity of the ligand was confirmed by its proton N M R spectrum. The Co(ll) complex was prepared by the method of Adler et al.24The reaction was followed to completion (-45 min) spectrophotometrically; the purple crystalline products were dissolved in reagent grade chloroform and chromotographed on silica gel. The high degree of purity of the complex was confirmed by its proton N M R spectrum. The P substrates used in the study were obtained commercially and used as supplied except for trinitrobenzene, T N B , and trinitrotoluene, T N T , which were recrystallized several times from absolute ethanol and dried several hours in vacuo. T N T was further purified by vacuum distillation a t 80-100 OC. The purities of all P substrates were also confirmed by their proton N M R spectra. Proton N M R spectra were obtained on a JEOL P S I 0 0 pulsed F T N M R spectrometer interfaced with a Digilab N M R - 3 disk data system. U p to 2000 transients were accumulated using -20 fis 90' pulses over a 2 k H z bandwidth. T M S was used as internal reference, and unless noted otherwise, the temperature was maintained a t 25 OC. For variable temperature runs, calibration was effected both before and after recording spectra by a thermocouple wire within a N M R tube. Shifts are reported in ppm, and line widths in Hz a t 100 M H z . All quantitative spectra were carried out a t fixed porphyrin concentration in C D C L solution, with the amount of ?r substrate made variable over a wide range. The amount of H substrate added was determined by careful weighing of the N M R tubes prior and after adding the substrate. T h e effect of incremental additions of P substrates on porphyrin shifts and line widths were recorded at several fixed porphyrin concentrations. The values of K and A ( A H / H ) in eq 6 were obtained by computer fit to the experimental data using an iterative least-squares minimization procedure using a Burroughs B6700 computer. The optimum values of K and A ( A H / H ) were independent of the initial guesses for these parameters.
Results T h e chemical shifts for p-CH3-TPPCo as a function of concentration in CDC13 are found in Table I. The invariance of shifts with concentrations attests to the absence of significant aggregation. T h e changes in porphyrin shifts and line widths upon the addition of increasing amounts of T N B are illustrated in Figure I , while Figure 2 exhibits the changes in porphyrin shifts upon the addition of T M P D . The solid lines represent the theoretical curves for the optitnum fit of the experimental data to eq 5. The resulting equilibrium constants for the 1 : l complex formation with several acceptors and a donor are given in Table 11, along with thermodynamic data on the p-CH3-TTPCo:TNB system. The relative values of the isotropic shifts for p-CH3T P P C o as a function of added T N B and T M P D are listed
/ April 14, I976
2121 Table 11. Eauilibrium Constants and Thermodvnamic Parameters for 1 : I Complexes of p-CH7-TPPCo with Donors and AcceDtors Substrate
Donor or acceptor
Limiting m-H shifto
-3.18 -2.60 -2.47 -2.23 -1.3
A H o , kcal/mol
17.5 f 0.5 3.3 f 0.3 2.9 f 0.3
5.7 f 0.4
A S O ,
-14 f 2
10.2 f 0.9
Computed shift for pure 1 : l complex; referenced against diamagnetic p-CHI-TTPNi. a function of [substrate]/[p-CH3-TPPCo] ratio: at 25 OC in CDC13. (I
Determined by computer fit to aryl resonance shifts as
t E
9 c
E Y z W -1.5
[p-CH,-TPPCoI 10
Figure 1. Plot of the observed averaged porphyrin isotropic shifts ( 0 , o-H; A, m-H; 0,p-CH3) and o-H averaged line width ( 0 )vs. the mole ratio of T N B to p-CH3-TPPCo; [p-CH3-TPPCo] = 7.12 X M, and T = 25 "C. The solid lines are the optimum computer fits to eq 6.
[ T MP 0
Figure 2. Plot of the observed averaged porphyrin isotropic shifts (0, o-H; A, m-H; 0,p-CH3) vs. the mole ratio of TMPD to p-CH3TPPCo; [p-CH3-TPPCo] = 6.34 X M , and T = 25 OC. The solid lines are the optimum computer fits to eq 6.
Table 111. Isotropic Shift Ratios for p-CH3-TPPCo as a Function of T N B Concentrationo Table IV. Isotropic Shift Ratios for p-CH3-TPPCo as a Function of TMPD Concentration"
Position [TN B] 0.000
0.053 0.101 0.151
0.181 0.249 0.299 Average Predicted'
- 10.0
- 10.0 - 10.0 -10.0
- 10.0 - 10.0 - 10.0
- 10.0 - 10.0
-4.36 -4.48 -4.42 -4.40 -4.43 -4.43 -4.40 -4.42 -4.63
-2.95 -2.90 -2.87 -2.84 -2.84 -2.81 -2.84 -2.86 -3.04
-13.8 - 12.2 -11.4 - 1 1.1
- I 1.0
- 10.7 -10.7 -18.9
" I n CDCI? solution, at 25 "C; referenced against diamagnetic p CHI-TPPNi; [p-CHI-TPPCo] = 8.5 X 1O-I M. h T h e o-H shift is normalized to -10.0. Based on calculated relative geometric factors as reported i n ref 16.
in Tables I11 and IV, respectively. In Table V we give the porphyrin isotropic shifts and line widths for p-CH3-TPPCo and its 1 : l complexes with T N B and T M P D , as determined from the computer fit of the data in Figures 1 and 2. T h e line widths were obtained using the value of K obtained from the shifts and the averaged line width a t low-to-moderate [ T N B ] / [p-CH3-TPP] ratios.
Posit ion TMPD
0.000 0.024 0.037 0.1 I I 0. I86 0.260 0.336 Average Predicted'
- 10.0
-4.36 -4.43 -4.56 -4.37 -4.84 -5.02 -5.06 -4.66 -4.63
-2.95 -2.93 -3.53 -2.96 -3.35 -3.42 -3.24 -3.19 -3.04
-13.8 - 14.4 -14.5 - 15.0 -14.7 -15.8 -15.2
-10.0 -10.0 - 10.0 - 10.0
- 10.0 - 10.0 - 10.0 - 10.0
- 18.9
I n CDC13 solution, at 25 OC; referenced against diamagnetic p CHI-TPPNi. The o-H shift is normalized to -10.0. Based on calculated relative geometric factors as reported in ref 16.
Discussion Stoichiometry of the ?r Complexes. The fits of the experimental shifts to the predicted equation (eq 6 ) for a 1:1 complex are very good. I n the case of the p-CH3-TPPCo:TNB complex, the equilibrium constant has been independently obtained20 from an analysis of the induced shifts of TNB, Fulton, La M a r
/ Electronic Structure of Low-Spin Cohalt(I1)
2122 Table V. Isotropic Shifts and Line Widths for D - C H ~ - T P P Cand O Its 1:1 Complexes with T N B and TMPD" p - C H 3-TPPCo Position
-2.23 - I .48 -6.5
P-CH~ Pyrr-H
In CDC13 solution at 25 "C.
Line width' 54 f 3 8.1 f 0.5 2.9 f 0.2 68 f 5
p-CH3-TPPCo:TNB Shiftb -1.46 -3.18 -2.09 -1.5
Line widthC
Line width"
36 f 2 6.3 f 0.6 I .8 f 0.2 41 f 1
-2.6 -1.3 -0.8 -5.0
-20 -5 -200
Shifts in ppm, referenced against diamagnetic p-CH3-TPPNi. Line widths in Hz at 100 MHz.
with K = 16.7 f 0.6, which is in excellent agreement with the present data in Table 11. Hence the interaction can be explained by the formation of only 1:l complexes. The 1:l adducts have also been characterized for T N B with a variand chlorin-type2' complexes. T h e ety of porphyrins' 1:l complex of MPCo with T N B has been isolated and its composition confirmed by elemental analysis.' I Low-temperature ESR spectra also reflectedI4 primarily 1:l complexes with both x donors and acceptors, though the existence of a 1.2 complex was noted. However, these measurements were made a t 77 K, where a 1 :2 complex may be stabilized. K for p-CH3-TPPCo:TNB is Ih as large as that for MPC0:TNB.I This probably reflects the steric influence of the meso-aryl groups which a r e essentially perpendicular to the heme plane.28 This steric interference is also observed in the significantly reduced tendency of TPP complexes16 to aggregate relative to those of natural porphyrin derivat i v e ~ The . ~ ~ decrease in K for dinitrobenzene, DNB, and trinitrotoluene, T N T , is due to their weaker A acceptor proper tie^.'^ The fact that K for the interaction with a strong x donor, T M P D , is almost as large as with a strong A acceptor (TNB) confirms the ability of metalloporphyrins to act as either x acceptors or x donors under the appropriate circumstances. The thermodynamic parameters for formation of pC H ~ - T P P C O : T N Bobtained , from a plot of log K vs. T-I for the K's determined over a temperature range +30 to -20 OC, yield a A H o which is very close to values reported for T N B complexes with a number of porphyrin^^^.*^ and chlorophyll^.^^ The negative A S o is consistent with an associative equilibrium. Analysis of Shift Changes. The data in Figures 1 and 2 clearly show that the porphyrin shifts are highly sensitive to A complex formation. All of the shifts increase upon addition of T N B (or any acceptor), and decrease upon adding the donor, T M P D . W e have already demonstratedI6 that for pure p-CH3-TPPC0, the phenyl shifts arise solely from the dipolar interaction since the relative shifts follow closely the pattern predicted by the relative values of the calculated geometric factors. In Tables 111 and IV we tabulate the relative values of the observed isotropic shift as a function of increasing T N B and T M P D concentration, respectively. For T N B , it is abundantly clear that the phenyl shift ratios are totally invariant with T N B concentrations, and therefore originate solely from the dipolar interaction in both p-CH3-TPPCo and p-CH3-TPPCo:TNB. In the case of adding T M P D (Table IV), there is a very slight change in shift ratios, but the final phenyl ratios a r e still consistent with >95% dipolar shifts in ~ - C H ~ - T P P C O : T M P D . ~ ~ Since the phenyl shifts in both the pure complex and in the adducts with either a n donor or x acceptor are dipolar in origin, the changes in the magnitudes of the dipolar shifts directly reflect changes in the magnetic anisotropy, g1I2 gi2. Table V gives the values for the dipolar shifts for the pure 1:l complexes of T N B and T M P D . A t 25 O C , the shifts for both the pure complexI6 and the adducts30 obey 1325326
Journal of the American Chemical Society
/ 98:8 / April
the Curie law, so that the increase in shift for the T N B complex reflects an -40% increase in g1I2 - g L 2 , where the decrease in shifts for the T M P D complex indicates a -50% decrease in gl12 - gL2. Assuming that gll = 2.0 in all cases, 3.2 for the changes in gIl2 - g12 a r e consistent with g l the pure complex, increasing to 3.5-3.6 for the T N B comp l e ~ , and ~ ' decreasing to -2.6 for the T M P D complex. T h e shifts increase for all acceptors (i.e., see Table 11), but the anisotropy is increased less for weaker A acceptors. T h e significant increase in g l for the T N B complex is comparable to that reportedI3 for MPCo:TNB (gli = 1.8, g l = 3.6) while the decrease in g l for the T M P D complex is similar to that found by ESRI4 (gu = 2.0, gl = 2.4); the solution structure a t ambient temperature, however, does not necessarily correspond to the solid-phase structure a t 77 K. The dramatic increase in g112 - g L 2for the T N B (or any acceptor) complex must reflect a decrease in AE(a1 - e ) . Since it has been shownI6 that solvation a t the metal necessarily increases the d Z 2energy and thereby increases AE(a1 - e ) , the interaction between the acceptor and the porphyrin must occur a t the porphyrin periphery. This proposed site of interaction is consistent with the suggestion of others.]' In the companion study,20 analysis of the porphyrininduced shifts and relaxation of T N B confirms this proposal and provides a detailed solution structure for the complex. The decrease in dipolar shifts for p-CH3-TPPCo:TMPD requires that AE(a1 - e ) increase. Although this could arise from simple solvation16 of the metal by T M P D , it is deemed unlikely by analogy to the T N B complex. If the amine group were capable of coordination, a much larger decrease in g112 - g12 would be expected, comparable in magnitude to that observedI4 upon the coordination of heterocyclic or aliphatic amines. It is also considered very unlikely that tertiary amines can bond due to severe steric hindrance. We conclude that the increase in AE(a1 - e ) upon interaction with T M P D reflects a peripheral x interaction as in the case of T N B (vide infra). Analysis of Line Width Changes. Our model indicated16 a parallel between increased anisotropy (g1I2 - g L 2 ) and decreased N M R line width due to decreases in AE(a1 - e ) . The data in Figure 2 and Table V demonstrate that the 40% increase in gl12 - g 1 2 for the T N B complex is accompanied by a -30% decrease in line width, while the 50% decrease in gl12 - g12 for the T M P D complex is accompanied by an increase in line width of a factor 1 2 . 5 . It may be noted that small (-10-20%) increases in line width could be expected simply on the basis of a decrease in the rotational correlation22 time of the larger complex. However, the decrease in porphyrin line width on forming the T N B complex demands that the changes in line width reflect directly changes in T I , . Hence, changes in line width similarly indicate that AE(a1 - e ) is increased in the T M P D complex and decreased in the T N B complex, as was found from the changes in shifts. Changes in Co-P Bonding. Since the interaction with substrates occurs a t the porphyrin periphery, the changes observed for the metal must be transmitted through the bonding framework. Although interactions of the porphyrin
14, 1976
2123 changes in u bonding.32 Interaction with the acceptor will lower the ligand basicity, decrease u bonding, and hence lower dz2; the reverse is true for a donor. As illustrated in (B) of Figure 3, lowering dZ2will decrease A E ( a l - e ) , consistent with the observations of an increase in g,i2- g L 2 and a decrease in proton line width. Interaction with a a donor will similarly increase u bonding, raise the dZ2 energy, and hence increase AE(a1 - e ) , which accounts for the observation in the presence of T M P D . Since the expected change in u bonding accounts for the change in AE(a1 - e ) with donor and acceptor while the changes in a bonding do not, we conclude that the dominant changes in the cobalt energy levels due to R complex formation are transmitted through the u system. From the magnitude of the change in the magnetic anisotropy, our results suggest that peripheral R interactions such as those present in heme-protein linkage in myoglobins, hemoglobin^,^^ and cytochrome^'^ could play some role in modulating the electronic structure of heme iron.
-- _ - _ _ L L m ------------
References and Notes
Figure 3. Energy levels of the d orbitals in PCo and the expected upon interaction w i t h a K acceptor, PCo:A, and a K donor PCo:D. In A, only changes in T bonding (dxr,dvr) are considered, while in B. changes solely in u bonding (d,z and dx2.y2) are considered.
a system with the aromatic donor or acceptor R electrons will certainly alter the Co-P a bonding, it is not necessary that the changes in AE(al - e ) reflect changes primarily in a bonding. In fact, the a-a interaction can also modulate the u basicity of the porphyrin pyrrole nitrogens. It is of interest to inquire which of these two factors dominate in altering the electronic structure of the metal. The effect of a complex formation on M-P bonding will depend on whether we consider u or P bonding, and whether the a bonding involves M P a * or P M a charge transfer.32 In the following analysis we make the reasonable assumption that complexation with a a acceptor will increase M P a * charge transfer, decrease P M a charge transM u bonding. Comfer, and decrease the strength of P plexation with a R donor will reverse each of these changes. In order to determine which type of changes dominate we will consider first changes arising solely from R bonding changes, and then changes due solely to u bonding alterations. Changes in R bonding alone can only affect3* the energy of dxz,dyz(e);the other orbital energies remain fixed. For M P a * back-bonding, the spin is in the bonding linear comPa* bination, so that the acceptor will increase M charge transfer and stabilize dxz,dyz, thereby increasing AE(a1 - e ) , as depicted in (A) of Figure 3. A donor will M a bonding, thus decrease AE(a1 - e ) . In the case of P M a charge interaction with the acceptor will decrease P transfer, and since the spin is now in the antibonding orbital, decrease the energy of dxz,dyz, thereby also increasing AE(a1 - e ) (see Figure 3A). These predictions a r e totally inconsistent with the observed changes in ilE(a1 - e ) upon interactions with either a donor or an acceptor. W e therefore conclude that the changes in AE(a1 - e ) are not dominated by changes in Co-Pa bonding. For changes solely in u bonding, the energy of dxz,d,, remains fixed while d22 (as well as dX2-,,2) will vary with
Acknowledgment. The authors are indebted to F. A. Walker for several stimulating discussions, and to the N I H for support of this research (Grant No. HL-16087).
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5, 669 (1968) (24)A D Adier. F R Longo, F Kampas, and J Kim. J lnorg Nucl Chem, 2443 119701 - . (25)M. Gouterman. P. E. Stevenson, and J. Stevenson, J. Chem. Phys.. 37, 2266 (1962). (26)J. G. Heathcote. G. J. Hill, P. Rothwell, and M. A. Slifkin. Biochim. Biophys. Acra, 153,13 (1968). (27)J. R . Larry and Q. van Winkle, J. Phys. Chem., 73,570 (1969). (28)E. E. Fleischer, Acc. Chem. Res., 3, 105 (1970). (29)It may be noted that while the aryl substituent shift ratios are indepenI . -
- I
dent of [TNB], the pyrr-H shift ratio is not. This is due to some 0 spin density in the pyrrole ring. Hence only the aryl shifts can be used to determine the magnetic anisotropy. In the case of TMPD, the aryl shift ratios are similarly insensitive to TMPD, while the pyrr-H shift again reflects some u spin density. (30)In the presence of excess TNB, such that the 1:l complex is complete-
Fulton, La Mar
/ Electronic Structure of Low-Spin Cobalt(l1)
2124 ly formed, the porphyrin shifts obey the Curie law in the range +50 to -30 'C. The extended range over which the Curie law holds for the adduct indicates that the n-complex formation inhibits axial solvation of the CDC13, as noted in ref 14 and 15. (31)A more realistic set of g values for the TNB complex are gl, = 1.8, g 1 = 3.5,which are very similar to the values reported for the 1:l TNB complex with MPCo (ref 14).
(32)C. J. Ballhausen, "Introduction to Ligand Field Theory", McGraw-Hill, New York. N.Y., 1962,Chapter 7. (33)E. Antonini and M. Brunori. "Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in Their Reaction with Ligands", North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1971, Chapter 4. (34)T. Takano, R . Swanson, 0. B. Kallai, and R. E. Dickerson, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 36,397 (1971).
Proton NMR Studies of the Interaction of Metalloporphyrins with 7r Acceptors and Donors. 11. Solution Structure of the 1:1 Adduct of 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene with Tetra-p-tolylporphinatocobalt(11) George P. Fulton and Gerd N. La Mar*' Contributionf r o m the Department of Chemistry, Unicersity of California, Dacis, California 9561 6. Receiued June 14, 1975
Abstract: The isotropic shifts and relaxation induced in 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, TNB, by tetra-p-tolylporphinatocobalt(I1) are analyzed in terms of the formation of a 1:l adduct. The induced TNB shift is separated into its ring current and dipolar contributions by determining the TNB shift for the related complex with a diamagnetic nickel(l1) porphyrin. By assuming parallel r planes and scaling the known dipolar shift and line width for the o-H of the porphyrin by the ratio of known geometric factors for o-H to the computed geometric factors for TNB in various configurations, the solution structure of the 1:l adduct is uniquely determined. This determination required the use o f both the shift and relaxation geometric factors. The structure is consistent with a peripheral complex indicating purely r-R contacts, with the interplane spacing 3.2 & 0.2 A, and with TNB centered approximately over a pyrrole. The nitro groups are found not to interact with the cobalt in a n y manner.
Although the existence of A interactions of metalloporphyrins with aromatic donors or acceptors in the formation of molecular complexes is well d o c ~ m e n t e d , *to - ~date there has not appeared an x-ray crystal structure which clearly defines the point of contact between the two A systems. The formation of an adduct between a metalloporphyrin and A substrate does not necessarily derive its stabilization primarily from P-P interaction. Thus chlorophyll dimerizationlo has been shown to involve primarily bonding forces where a carbonyl group of one molecule provides the axial base for the M g ion in the other molecule. In the case of Co( 11) porphyrin interaction with a transition metal complex acceptor, covalent bonds are formed" even though a A charge-transfer transition is observed. Establishing P-P interactions as dominant sources of stabilization therefore depends on demonstrating that the interaction between a metalloporphyrin and A substrate occurs at the periphery of the porphyrin where the r-electron density is centered. The characterization of the factors contributing to such stabilization is central to understanding the important P-r heme-protein linkages which stabilize the tertiary structure of hemoproteins.l2.l3 Hill and c o - ~ o r k e r s ~have - ~ carried out extensive proton N M R studies on the interaction of natural porphyrin cobalt(I1) complexes with a variety of x substrates. They employed the proposed "shift reagent" proper tie^^-^ of lowspin Co(I1) to induce dipolar shifts in the substrate which were then analyzed in terms of the orientation of the substrate relative to the metal and heme plane. However, most of the substrates8 studied were highly complex and unsymmetrical, often containing functional groups capable of bonding to the metal. The low symmetry of the substrates as well as the porphyrin therefore afforded an undeterJournal of the American Chemical Society
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mined system for which it was not possible to offer unique solution structures but rather families of approximate structures consistent with the available data.8 In some cases, the substrate was so large that it totally overlapped the porphyrin plane,s making it difficult to estimate the dominant sources of stabilization for the complex. In a study using trinitrobenzene, TNB, it was ~ u g g e s t e d ' . that ~ T N B resided over the pyrrole ring, but no evidence was presented to support this hypothesis. The reasonableness of this suggestion, however, is indicated by the x-ray characterizationi4 of a series of T N B adducts with divalent metal complexes of salicylidinimine, salen, where the T N B was located exclusively over the ligand P system. With the definitive c h a r a ~ t e r i z a t i o nof ' ~ the origin of the phenyl isotropic shifts in the 1 : l complex of T N B with p tolylporphinatocobalt(ll), p-CH3-TPPCo:TNB, as wholly dipolar,16 as reported in the preceding paper, hereafter referred to as I, it should be possible to unambiguously determine the solution structure of the complex if there are available as many independent pieces of data as there are parameters necessary to describe the structure. T N B complexed with a synthetic porphyrin should provide the ideal case for determining the point of P-P contact which would be free from most of the problems8 of aggregation and substrate and porphyrin symmetry.I7 T N B is axially symmetric so that its orientation relative to the porphyrin can be defined accurately with very few parameters (at least for the expected case of parallel P planes, vide infra). In this study we will analyze the dipolarI6 shifts of T N B induced by p-CH3-TPPCo in terms of the solution structure of the complex. In order to maximize the amount of experimental data and to improve the quality of the resulting structure, both shift and relaxation d a t a J swill be employed.
April 14, 1976