Public Health and Toxins from Marine Blue-Green Algae - ACS

Sep 19, 1984 - Marine blue-green algae belonging to the Oscillatoriaceae are frequently toxic. Lyngbya majuscula, for example, is the causative agent ...
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Public Health and Toxins from Marine Blue-Green Algae


Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on September 26, 2017 | Publication Date: September 19, 1984 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1984-0262.ch031

Department of Chemistry, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822 Marine blue-green algae belonging to the O s c i l l a toriaceae are frequently toxic. Lyngbya majuscula, for example, i s the causative agent of a severe contact dermatitis that sometimes affects swimmers and bathers at beaches on the windward side o f Oahu, Hawaii during the summer months. In August, 1980 an outbreak of t h i s dermatitis occurred and 86 persons with symptoms were reported to the Hawaii Department of Health. The active p r i n c i p l e s i n the blue-green alga are aplysiatoxin and debromoaplysiatoxin, two highly inflammatory acetogenic substances that were first found i n the digestive tract of the sea hare Stylocheilus longicauda. A smaller amount of a t h i r d inflammatory substance, lyngbyatoxin A, an indole a l k a l o i d that i s s t r u c t u r a l l y related t o t e l e o c i d i n Β from Streptomyces mediocidicus, i s also present i n L. majuscula and is responsible i n part f o r the derma­ titis. Aplysiatoxin, debromoaplysiatoxin, and lyngbyatoxin A have been shown to be potent tumor promoters i n vivo, comparable i n potency and biolog­ i c a l effects with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) from Croton oil. The discovery of the c o c a r c i nogenic properties of these toxins suggests that L. majuscula may be an important public health concern. Only one marine blue-green alga, Lyngbya ma.juscula, poses any potential public health concern. This filamentous cyanophyte i s the causative agent of a severe contact dermatitis that a f f e c t s several swimmers and bathers using the windward beaches of the Hawaiian Islands during the summer months (1-3). The active p r i n c i p l e s have been isolated and i d e n t i f i e d as two phenolic b i s lactones, aplysiatoxin and debromoaplysiatoxin (4,5), and an indole a l k a l o i d , lyngbyatoxin A (6). A l l three of these substances have been shown to be potent i r r i t a n t s , producing erythema, b l i s t e r s and necrosis when applied to the skin (6,7). 0097-6156/84/0262-0369S06.00/0 © 1984 American Chemical Society

Ragelis; Seafood Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984.

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on September 26, 2017 | Publication Date: September 19, 1984 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1984-0262.ch031



The most recent major outbreak of this dermatitis on the windward side of Oahu occurred i n August, 1980 at Kailua, Kalama, and Pilapu beaches. A t o t a l of 86 cases were reported to the Hawaii State Department of Health. The dermatitis was described as similar to a burn and generally involved the genital and perianal areas. The i n i t i a l symptoms, which appeared a f t e r a few hours, were erythema and a burning sensation, followed by blister formation and deep desquamation which lasted f o r several days. Aplysiatoxin and debromoaplysiatoxin were identified as the dermatitis-producing agents of t h i s outbreak, since r e l a t i v e l y large quantities of both toxins were isolated from specimens of L. majuscula f l o a t i n g i n the ocean at the time (8). Debromoaplysiatoxin had already been shown to be present i n the L. majuscula that was responsible f o r an outbreak of seaweed dermatitis at Laie Bay on windward Oahu i n 1977 (9). Lyngbyatoxin A i s generally a minor component i n dermatitisproducing L. majuscula (10). Lyngbyatoxin A, however, i s the major i r r i t a n t i n a variety of L. majuscula growing at Kahala beach near Diamond Head, Oahu. Curiously outbreaks of seaweed dermatitis have not been reported i n the Kahala area. L. majuscula i s a common blue-green alga which grows abundantly in many areas of the sub-tropical and t r o p i c a l P a c i f i c Basin and also i n the Caribbean. Outside of the Hawaiian Islands, however, seaweed dermatitis has only been reported i n Japan. A large outbreak of skin dermatitis occurred at Gushikawa beach i n Okinawa i n July, 1968 and affected 242 persons (11,12). Although a blue-green alga had been considered to be one of the possible causes of t h i s mass attack, samples of L. majuscula were not collected and examined at the time of the outbreak and so i t i s not absolutely certain that L. majuscula was the causative agent. Debromoaplysiatoxin and aplysiatoxin, however, have been shown to be present i n L. majuscula growing at Gushikawa beach by F u j i k i at the National Cancer Center Research Institute i n Tokyo, Japan (private communication). Structure Determination Debromoaplysiatoxin and aplysiatoxin were f i r s t isolated from the midgut gland of the sea hare Stylocheilus longicauda by Kato and Scheuer i n 1974 (4). The two toxins were accompanied by the relatively non-toxic compounds, anhydrodebromoaplysiatoxin and anhydroaplysiatoxin, which Kato and Scheuer found to be the products of mild acid treatment of the corresponding toxins. From elegant chemical and spectral studies, Kato and Scheuer deduced the gross structures f o r the two toxins and two anhydrotoxins i n t h i s four-component mixture without ever i s o l a t i n g any of the pure compounds. Although they strongly suspected that the aplysiatoxins had an a l g a l o r i g i n , the dietary source was not determined. In a search f o r new antineoplastic agents from blue-green algae, Mynderse isolated a cytotoxic substance that was active against P-388 lymphocytic mouse leukemia from a deep-water variety of L. majuscula growing on the pinnacles i n Enewetak A t o l l and showed that i t was i d e n t i c a l with debromoaplysiatoxin (9). Since Kato and Scheuer had not isolated pure debromoaplysiatoxin, comparison of the 20,30-diacetates was made to e s t a b l i s h t h e i r

Ragelis; Seafood Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984.






APLYSIATOXIN, R =Br DEBROMOAPLYSIATOXIΝ, R = Η Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on September 26, 2017 | Publication Date: September 19, 1984 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1984-0262.ch031




identities. Mynderse managed to c r y s t a l l i z e debromoaplysiatoxin, but to date i t has not been possible to solve i t s structure by X-ray crystallography. C i r c u l a r dichroism and difference nOe ^-H NMR studies and chemical degradation, however, indicated that the absolute stereochemistry was probably 3S,4R,7S,9S,10R,11R,12S,15S,29R.30R (10). Recently 19,21-dibromoaplysiatoxin, formed by bromination of debromoaplysiatoxin i n aqueous methanol at pH 6, was c r y s t a l l i z e d by C. Cheuk i n my laboratory and X-ray studies by G. Matsumoto and J . Clardy at Cornell University have now v e r i f i e d the proposed absolute stereochemistry. Lyngbyatoxin A was f i r s t Isolated from the variety of L. majuscula growing at Kahala beach, Oahu (6). Its structure, which was deduced mainly from spectral data, proved to be s i m i l a r to that of t e l e o c i d i n Β (13), a highly i r r i t a t i n g substance that i s produced by certain Streptomyces, e.g. S. mediocidicus. These s o i l fungi had been shown to be responsible f o r a contact dermatitis a f f e c t i n g workers i n the a n t i b i o t i c industry. Recently F i j i k i and Sugimura at the National Cancer Center Research Institute i n Japan have found that one of the two components of t e l e o c i d i n A, another dermatitis-producing agent from these Streptomyces » i s i d e n t i c a l with lyngbyatoxin A. The absolute stereochemistries of the teleocidins and lyngbyatoxin A are unknown at this writing; however, o p t i c a l studies indicate that the absolute configuration of the nine-membered lactam ring i s the same i n both the fungal and a l g a l toxins (6).

Ragelis; Seafood Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984.



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Tumor-Promoting Properties In two-stage chemical carcinogenesis, certain chemical agents (tumor promoters), which alone do not cause cancer, amplify the development of tumorous c e l l s from c e l l s that have been i n i t i a l l y exposed to a single, subcarcinogenic dose of carcinogen. Skin tumors on mice can be made to appear i n about 10-12 weeks following a single sub-carcinogenic application of carcinogen with twice weekly applications of a tumor promoter. Tumors are not formed i f the order of treatment i s reversed, i . e . months of twice weekly applications of tumor promoter are followed by a onetime application of a subcarcinogenic dose of carcinogen. Unlike carcinogens which act d i r e c t l y on the c e l l u l a r DNA, tumor promoters exert their e f f e c t s by binding to receptors associated with the c e l l membrane (14). These receptors somehow control c e l l growth and d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n , for some c e l l s can be induced to p r o l i f e r a t e while others are induced to d i f f e r e n t i a t e on treatment with very small quantities of tumor promoter. The most well known tumor promoter is 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), a deterpenoid ester from Croton o i l . About four years ago phorbol esters and related diterpenes were the only class of tumor promoters known to act at hormonal l e v e l s . Fujiki and Sugimura at the National Cancer Center Research I n s t i t u t e i n Tokyo, Japan then discovered that t e l e o c i d i n Β and i t s dihydro derivative were powerful tumor promoters (15), acting also at hormonal levels and sharing with TPA many of the same b i o l o g i c a l effects. This was a very interesting finding as the teleocidins were indole alkaloids and had structures that were quite d i f f e r e n t from the phorbol esters. Subsequent collaborative studies between our laboratory and the Japanese established that lyngbyatoxin A was also a potent tumor promoter (16) and furthermore that debromo­ aplysiatoxin and aplysiatoxin belonged to a t h i r d class of powerful tumor promoters which behaved like the phorbol esters and t e l e o c i d i n alkaloids (17). Lyngbyatoxin A, debromoaplysiatoxin, and aplysiatoxin induce i r r i t a n c y i n mouse skin to the same degree as TPA (16,17). S i g n i f i c a n t reddening of mouse ear skin i s observed after 24 hours when 0.1 nmol of toxin i s applied. Each compound exhibits a potency s i m i l a r to that of TPA i n inducing ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) a c t i v i t y i n dorsal mouse skin. Increased ODC a c t i v i t y i s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of fast-growing neoplasms and uptake of putrescine by tumorous c e l l s i s much more rapid compared with normal c e l l s (18). Each toxin shows the same e f f e c t s as TPA i n several c e l l culture systems, including stimulation of arachidonic acid release, prostaglandin production, and choline turnover (19,20); formation of superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide (21); induction of Epstein-Barr virus expression and enhancement of Epstein-Barr virus-induced transformation (22); induction of terminal d i f f e r e n ­ t i a t i o n and adhesion of HL-60 c e l l s (17,23); aggregation of human lymphoblastoid c e l l s (22); i n h i b i t i o n of terminal d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n of Friend erythroleukemia c e l l s (16); aggregation of NL-3 cells stimulation of 2-deoxyglucose transport; enhancement of transformation by adenovirus; enhanced cloning e f f i c i e n c y of adenovirus-transformed c e l l s ; i n h i b i t i o n of melanogenesis i n B16 c e l l s and i n h i b i t i o n of myogenesis i n human myoblast cultures (24) ;

Ragelis; Seafood Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984.








stimulation of immune interferon, Τ cell growth factor (interleukin-2), and lymphotoxin production i n human peripheral blood lymphocytes (25); and i n h i b i t i o n of binding of [ *I]EGF (epidermal growth factor) to i t s membrane receptors i n mouse and rat embryo c e l l lines (20). Lyngbyatoxin A, debromoaplysiatoxin, and aplysiatoxin have also been found to i n h i b i t the s p e c i f i c binding of [ H]-phorbol~12,13~dipropionate (26) and [ H]-phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (20) to membrane-associated c e l l u l a r receptors at potencies s i m i l a r to those of TPA. These findings provide evidence that phorbol esters, teleocidin alkaloids, and aplysiatoxin bis-lactones have c e r t a i n s t r u c t u r a l features i n common which enable them to bind to the same receptors, thereby producing s i m i l a r b i o l o g i c a l responses i n the c e l l . Recent studies suggest that the phorbol ester, t e l e o c i d i n , and aplysiatoxin tumor promoters operate by a c t i v a t i n g a phospholipid and calcium ion dependent phosphorylating enzyme, protein kinase C (27-30). The a c t i v i t y of protein kinase C i s also stimulated by unsaturated d i a c y l g l y c e r o l . Since these tumor promoters induce increased turnover of membrane phospholipids, d i a c y l g l y c e r o l may be generated to further increase protein kinase C a c t i v i t y . I t has been suggested that the putative endogenous analog of these tumor promoters might actually be a d i a c y l g l y c e r o l (31) and that protein kinase C may be a receptor f o r the tumor promoters or at least a component of the receptor complex (31). When intact c e l l s are treated with the tumor promoter, protein kinase C appears to move from the cytosol to the c e l l membranes. Whether the tumor promoter i s bound to protein or phospholipid i n the apparent quaternary complex of phospholipid, protein kinase C, calcium ion, and tumor promoter has not been established unambiguously. To date the evidence seems to favor the binding of tumor promoter to phospholipid i n the c e l l membrane. S p e c i f i c binding of C H]TPA to mouse epidermal p a r t i c u l a t e matter i s susceptible to phospholipases C and A2, less susceptible to protease, and completely r e s i s t a n t to glycosidase (32). Photoaffinity l a b e l l i n g studies with [20- H]-phorbol 12-p-azidobenzoate 13-benzoate indicates that the i r r e v e r s i b l e binding of t h i s photolabile phorbol ester to mouse brain membrane i s predominantly to the phospholipid (specifically phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine) portion rather than to the protein portion (33). It i s i n t e r e s t i n g that the digestive tracts of sea hares and f i s h that feed upon L. majuscula are not affected by the aplysiatoxins and lyngbyatoxin A. Preliminary studies by F u j i k i suggest that the c e l l s of sea hares may lack the tumor promoter-binding receptors that are so common i n mammalian c e l l s (34). X-ray s t r u c t u r a l data are available f o r TPA (35) and dihydrot e l e o c i d i n Β (36-37), but only the absolute stereochemistry of TPA i s known. As mentioned above the structure of aplysiatoxin has been solved by X-ray crystallography and i t s absolute stereo­ chemistry has been determined from other data (10). These three tumor promoters, which represent three d i s t i n c t classes of natural products, appear to have common s t r u c t u r a l features that enable i t to bind to the same membrane receptors. Evidence i n the l i t e r a t u r e (38-40) indicates that the α,β-unsaturated keto group at C-3, the primary a l l y l i e hydroxyl at C-20, the t e r t i a r y hydroxy group at C-4, and the long-chain 12


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Ragelis; Seafood Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984.



ester group at C-12 are needed for the high a c t i v i t y of TPA. The Weinstein group at Columbia University has used computer graphic analysis to compare the three-dimensional structures of TPA and dihydroteleocidin Β (41). Their best f i t i s obtained when the absolute configurations of the two amino acid residues i n dihydro­ t e l e o c i d i n Β are both D. In t h e i r model the C - l l carbonyl, N-13, N-l, and the OH on C-24 i n dihydroteleocidin occupy very s i m i l a r positions i n space with the C-3 carbonyl, the OH at C-4, the OH at C-9, and the OH on C-24 i n TPA, respectively; the monoterpenoidal portion of dihydroteleocidin Β and the C 1 4 ester group of TPA, which are essential f o r e f f e c t i v e binding of these promoters to the hydrophobic regions of the receptor, are also i n s i m i l a r positions.

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Possible Human Intoxication It i s not clear i f the toxins associated with L. majuscula enter the human food chain. Hashimoto had observed r a b b i t f i s h (Siganus fuscescens) feeding on sea grasses entangled with L. majuscula during his investigation of seaweed dermatitis i n Okinawa and wondered i f there could be any connection between the t o x i c i t y of L. majuscula and human intoxication i n the Ryukyus Islands r e s u l t i n g from ingestion of the viscera of r a b b i t f i s h (11). No follow-up study, however, was made. There i s a recent case report of a l o c a l resident of Hawaii who inadvertently attempted to o r a l l y ingest L. majuscula (42). Upon placing the alga i n his mouth, he noted an instant burning sensa­ t i o n and several hours l a t e r the mucous membranes of the anterior portion of his mouth appeared as i f they had been scalded. The discomfort persisted f o r three days, but after two weeks a l l manifestations had completely disappeared. Interestingly, L. majuscula grossly resembles the edible, filamentous green alga Enteromorpha proliféra, known as limu'ele'ele to the Hawaiians (43). During our c o l l e c t i o n s we have noticed that L. majuscula i s frequently entangled with other seaweeds, some of which are edible. One wonders i f some of the seaweed that i s eaten by the Hawaiians could be contaminated by small amounts of L. majuscula. Unlike i n Japan where increased urbanization has resulted i n a decrease i n stomach cancer, the Hawaiian race continues to show the highest incidence of g a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l cancer i n the world. The Hawaiians eat at least two seaweeds that contain carcinogenic and mutagenic halogencontaining compounds, v i z . Asparagopsls taxiformis (Hawaiian name: Hmu kohu) (44,45) and Laurencia nldifica (Hawaiian name: limu mane'ono'o) (46,47). In t h e i r d i e t alone the Hawaiians may be getting a l l of the necessary agents f o r the i n i t i a t i o n and promotion of g a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l cancer. Epidemiol o g i c a l studies, however, are needed to evaluate the actual r o l e of seaweed d i e t i n the incidence of stomach cancer i n Hawaii (48). To date there i s no evidence that the toxins of L. majuscula are involved i n the development of human cancer. Certainly frequent ingestion of edible seaweeds that are contaminated with L. majuscula could increase the probability of gastrointestinal cancer. There i s precedence f o r t h i s . The black and Creole population of the Caribbean island of Curacao suffers from an exceedingly high rate of esophageal cancer which appears to be related to the d a i l y intake of a tea prepared from the leaves of a

Ragelis; Seafood Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984.








bush Croton flavens. Analysis of the leaf extract shows the presence of diterpene d i - and t r i e s t e r s that are s t r u c t u r a l l y related to TPA (49). The diesters exhibit strong tumor promoting a c t i v i t y i n dorsal mouse skin. Each cup of tea contains more tumor promoter than i s required to maintain chronic i r r i t a t i o n of the human esophagus, a necessary requirement f o r the promotion of esophageal cancer. Acknowledgment Research i n the author's laboratory was supported by PHS Grant CA12623, awarded by the National Cancer Institute, Department of Health and Human Services.

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R E C E I V E D March 22, 1984

Ragelis; Seafood Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984.