publications services software standards water ... - ACS Publications

Company offers services in using immunoas say at site assessment and remedia ... company's 2-1-0 environmental da tabase. SOLUTIONS Software 143...
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only 5.5 h. System meets require­ ments for EPA SW-846 Method 3520. Corning 129

examines federal policies and prac­ tices in risk assessment. Harvard School of Public Health 136

cals and Data Information Network (ECDIN). Technical Database Ser­ vices 144

VOC analysis. The 9001 GC is a three-detector GC analyzer for ana­ lyzing volatile organic carbons and certain other contaminants. System can be fully automated. Tremetrics Analytical Instruments 130

Radiation screening models. NCRP Commentary 8, Uncertainty in NCRP Screening Models Relating to Atmospheric Transport Deposition and Uptake by Humans, discusses problems in assessing human expo­ sure to airborne radionuclides. Na­ tional Council on Radiation Protec­ tion and Measurements 137

Site remediation. SiteManager pro­ vides a single database for chemical and geological data associated with site characterization and remedia­ tion projects. It is compatible with widely used spreadsheets. ConSolve 145


Gas standards. Resolution Series is a line of performance-guaranteed gas mixtures, handling equipment, and generators, to be shown at PITTCON '94. Applications include ana­ lyzing halocarbons. Standards are certified through FT-IR analysis. Air Products and Chemicals 147

PUBLICATIONS Russian data on climate change. The second of a series, Selected Translated Abstracts of RussianLanguage Climate-Change Publica­ tions, deals with clouds and climate change effects. Martin Marietta En­ ergy Systems 132 Solar electricity. A series of seven slide presentations shows what is currently available in solar electric­ ity (photovoltaics or PV), explains the technology and its basis, and shows examples of PV at work. PV Energy Systems 133 Environmental compliance. A quarterly newsletter, Beyond Com­ pliance, explains the latest require­ ments for complying with many federal environmental statutes and regulations. One-year subscription is free. Environmental Resource Center 134 Good laboratory practices. A man­ ual, Good Automated Laboratory Practices, is available for those who use computers to determine that health and environmental data are developed from good laboratory practices. Professional Analytical and Consulting Services 135


Immunoassay screening. Company offers services in using immunoas­ say at site assessment and remedia­ tion projects. Pesticides and petro­ leum-derived contaminants are analyzed. National Environmental Testing 138


In situ remediation. Company of­ fers services in in situ remediation, which reportedly is often less ex­ pensive than conventional solidifi­ cation, stabilization, and incinera­ tion processes. National Technical Systems 139 Analytical services from Russia. The Russian State Institute for Rare Metals offers highly sophisticated analytical services, some of which have environmental applications. Advanced Strategies 140 Water and wastewater. Company provides engineering and equip­ ment to help industrial customers solve problems in filtration and in water and wastewater treatment. U.S. Filter 141

SOFTWARE Risk Assessment in the Federal CÀn-cmmen! and Α Μ Μ Π October 1 9 »

Federal risk assessment. A book, Risk Assessment in the Federal Gov­ ernment: Questions and Answers,

EPA and OSHA regulations. FastRegs Version 3.0 allows fast search for and printout of EPA and OSHA regulations. It can be used with Windows or Macintosh. Users can add notes. OSHA-Soft 142 Hazardous materials. New software will include a hazardous materials information system, chemical sourcing, state environmental regu­ lations, and a full revision of the company's 2-1-0 environmental da­ tabase. SOLUTIONS Software 143 Environmental chemical database. Many sources on environmentally significant chemicals and their characteristics now can be searched by personal computer and modem through the Environmental Chemi­

Purification with UV. NANOpure ultraviolet system oxidizes organics and controls bacterial growth to produce water of 18.3 ΜΩ resistiv­ ity and below 3 ppb total organic carbon. Barnstead/Thermolyne 148 Water reuse. Pollution control equipment automatically recycles water from many industrial and municipal cleaning operations. Closed-loop system keeps wastewa­ ter out of city sewer systems. The Hotsy Corporation 149 Pretreatment. Hydrogen peroxide can be used for oxidative pretreat­ ment of process wastewaters, to im­ prove the performance of down­ stream wastewater treatment. Ask for Hydrogen Peroxide: Pretreat­ ment Through Chemical Oxidation. Solvay Interox 150

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 2, 1994

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