publications services standards water treatment - ACS Publications

EPA and OSHA compliance values. Graseby Andersen ... Survey. 118. Regulatory compliance. All-New ... Computer program calculates air stripping require...
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Ambient particles. A n d e r s e n 8 stage i m p a c t o r s a m p l e s a e r o s o l s and automatically sizes from 11 mic r o n s to < 0.4 m i c r o n s . It determines respiratory deposition points, particle behavior in air, and EPA and OSHA compliance values. Graseby Andersen 115

Method selection for analysis. Literature 5091-6338E is a poster that allows environmental professionals to see the range of HPLC methods available for analysis according to EPA Methods. Hewlett-Packard 121

Single gas monitors. Oxy Beep a n d Toxy Beep are diffusion-style oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide monitors that clip onto a belt or hard hat and warn of unsafe gas levels. Lumidor Safety Products 116

Exposure to EMFs. Report describes two exposure systems for measuring effects of exposure of small animals to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields, and updates a report, Design and Testing of a Small-Animal Electric Field Exposure Facility. Electric Power Research Institute 122



Hazardous materials compliance. Hazardous Materials 181 is a complete guide to regulations that govern s h i p p e r s , h a n d l e r s , and transp o r t e r s of h a z a r d o u s m a t e r i a l s . Introductory price is $95. J. J. Keller & Associates 117

Regulatory compliance. Company is expanding its environmental regulatory compliance services beyond the United States to Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the Pacific Rim. The aim is to help clients comply with rules there and still compete economically. Octagon 123

Stream quality. Seventh National Water Summary report details stream quality state by state w i t h data from as r e c e n t l y as 1 9 9 1 . It shows where water contamination has been improving or deteriorating. Price is $ 4 3 . U.S. Geological Survey 118 Regulatory c o m p l i a n c e . All-New 1994 E n v i r o n m e n t a l C o m p l i a n c e Wall P l a n n e r a n d 1994 E n v i r o n mental Regulatory Agenda show deadlines for complying with federal, state, and local regulations and alerts users to forthcoming rules. Compliance Calendars 119

STANDARDS Confined space gas calibration. Express Gas line of 58-L cylinders contain a standard mixture of CO, H2S, methane, and oxygen with a nitrogen balance for monitoring confined spaces as required by new OSHA rules. Byrne Specialty Gases 129 Multi-component protocol gases. Interference-Free Multi-Component EPA Protocol Gases are free of cross-interference and therefore can be certified as multicomponent EPA protocol gases. One application is calibrating continuous emission monitoring systems. Scott Specialty Gases 130

WATER TREATMENT Membrane filtration. Membralox line of ceramic filters offer microfilters and ultrafilters that clean water by cross-flow filtration. Bulletin MGPT-293 explains how. U.S. Filter 131

SOFTWARE Federal Register. CD-ROM Federal Register Archive Set covers every issue for 1991-1993 on networkready CD-ROM disks for computer searches. Many e n v i r o n m e n t a l rules are included. Price is $599. Counterpoint Publishing 124 Cleaner manufacture. Guide tells how to use the computerized International Cleaner Production Information Clearinghouse (ICPIC). Technical Report No. 9 describes the ICPIC User Guide Version 1.0. Price is about $40. United Nations Environment Programme 125 Air stripping. Computer program calculates air stripping requirements for the removal of volatile organic compounds from water. Ask for the BREEZE air stripping program. AEROMIX Systems 126 Sampling. Relational database provides information for environmental sampling projects such as quality assurance project plans. Chainof-custody, work orders, container labels, and many more items are included. PACS 127

U.S.-Mexico border environment. Initiative, Fall 1993 issue, discusses the current state of the environment along the U.S.-Mexican border and presents recommendations for solving problems. The Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy 120

Granular peroxide treatment. ENVIROFirst Granules, a unique form of sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate, can treat water and wastewater where the use of liquid hydrogen peroxide is impractical. Solvay Interox 132

Air emissions. Fast EPS 2.0 speeds up the modeling of air pollutant emissions in keeping with the Clean Air Act of 1990. Computer space requirements are reduced greatly. ICF Kaiser 128

Ultrahigh-purity water. Resin cartridges produce high-quality water with very low total organic carbon by ion exchange. Purolite 133 Groundwater sampling and treatment. Company offers large line of samplers, groundwater remediation e q u i p m e n t , a n d well a n d drilling equipment. Enviro Products 134 Groundwater treatment. Company supplies products and services for g r o u n d w a t e r m o n i t o r i n g analysis a n d r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , as well as for wastewater treatment. Colloid Environmental Technologies 135

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 3, 1994

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