Publish with the Best High Impact Chemical Sciences - C&EN Global

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Publish with the Best

High Impact Chemical Sciences

Do you want to publish your first paper or are you a seasoned author looking for the latest high impact titles in which to publish your work?

2.38 P omm: IF 7 Journ of Chem F 1.04 emistry 3.59 Mo mistry on Tran ntal Mo Organi

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Methods: IF 1.04 Chemical Communicati ns: IF 4.54 Green Ch mistry: IF 5.47 Integrat : IF 6.26 M i olecula Sciences try Che ngCom ctions: I .37 Jou nitoring al of Che Biomo 1.04 Ch (Chem n Chemistry: I 47 Biology 3 59 Molecular BioS 3.83 N hemistry Chemic PCCP):

Analyst: IF 3.91 Analytical Methods: IF 1.04 Chemical Communications (ChemComm): IF 5.79 Chemical Society Reviews: IF 26.58 CrystEngComm: IF 4.01 Dalton Transactions: IF 3.65 Energy & Environmental Science: IF 9.45 Faraday Discussions: IF 4.54 Green Chemistry: IF 5.47 Integrative Biology: IF 4.44 JAAS (Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry): IF 4.37 Journal of Environmental Monitoring: IF 1.81 Journal of Materials Chemistry: IF 5.10 Lab on a Chip: IF 6.26 Metallomic : IF 3.59 Molecular BioSystems: IF 3.83 Nanoscale: IF 4.11 Natural Product Reports: IF 8.88 New Journal of Chemistry: IF 2.63 Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry: IF 3.45 Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences: IF 2.38 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP): IF 3.45 Soft Matter: IF 4.46 Impact Factors from 2010 Journal Citation Reports ® (Thomson Reuters, 2011)

Look no further. With an average impact factor of 5.4 and with 83% of our journals having an impact factor over 3.0, we publish some of the world’s highest impact chemical science.


Our 30 peer-reviewed journals include the flagship journal, Chemical Science (IF due 2012), as well as Chemical Society Reviews (IF 26.58) and Chemical Communications (IF 5.79).

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