purity is still a virtue. our monomers are very pure. - C&EN Global

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purity is still a virtue.

You might say that producing acrylates to 99.5% purity—or better—is overdoing a good thing. Not so. All this purity results in better polymer end-products. Coatings, adhesives and plastics, for example. The reason is a Celanese process that keeps our monomers free of the usual contaminants. A distinct advantage for which you pay not one extra penny. And our monomers offer another advantage. Serv­ ice. Nothing less than the best. Like helpful technical assistance with polymerization. Or deliveries. Com18 C&EN

our monomers are very pure.

bination shipments of acrylate monomers —methyl, ethyl, butylor2-ethylhexyl.Acrylicacidorvinyl acetate. Or polyols, Formcels, solvents, etc. The moral is simply this: When you need monomers the place to go is Celanese. For details, write: Celanese Chemical Company, Dept. < & 554-H 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, CELANESE Ν. Υ. 10036. Celanese® Formcel® Celanese Chemical Company Is a division of Celanese Corporation.