Puzzle to Build Organic Molecules with Sticky Notes - Journal of

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Puzzle to Build Organic Molecules with Sticky Notes Kevin P. O’Halloran* School of Science and Technology, Georgia Gwinnett College, 1000 University Center Lane, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, United States

J. Chem. Educ. Downloaded from pubs.acs.org by EAST CAROLINA UNIV on 03/08/19. For personal use only.

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: A puzzle has been created that introduces bonding configurations and the structures of some common classes of organic compounds. Template pages with blank spaces that correspond to organic molecules are taped to the various walls of the classroom by the instructor. Students are each given a sticky note with an atom and bonds written on it which they must attach to the template pages in the correct configurations with their classmates. This seemingly simple task is actually very complex because (1) there are seven template molecules provided and students are not told what those molecules are, (2) students are not told which molecule their atom belongs to, (3) the puzzle pieces are square and thus offer no clues, and (4) there is only one correct solution for all of the pieces in the classroom. While students are focusing on the assigned task of building a molecule, they are simultaneously learning valid combinations of atoms and discussing them with their classmates. It is a fun way to either introduce or review Lewis dot diagrams or classes of organic compounds. KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate/General, Second-Year Undergraduate, Organic Chemistry, Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives, Collaborative/Cooperative Learning, Humor/Puzzles/Games, Lewis Structures, Molecular Properties/Structure

What makes this contribution unique is that it is the first puzzle to use sticky notes (Figure 1) and serves as a good bridge between students learning Lewis dot diagrams in general chemistry and learning functional groups and classes of organic compounds in organic chemistry. It is meant to support rather than replace a professor’s regular teaching methods of these topics. It can also be used as a primer before teaching these topics in class. For example, in organic chemistry, it could be used on the first day of class before any material is presented.

INTRODUCTION Students learn the structures of organic compounds in general chemistry, organic chemistry, or general organic and biological (GOB) chemistry for prehealth students. Textbooks usually provide a table that summarizes functional groups and classes of organic compounds. Students can form a deeper understanding of these compounds by actually building them as part of a puzzle. This paper presents such an activity for students to create organic compounds with sticky notes. The entire class has a common objective to build the puzzle and learn with each other; there are no winners or losers. The history and chemistry behind the invention of the sticky note has been described.1 Over the years, sticky notes have found more uses than just providing reminders: they are used as a creative tool for organizing, categorizing, or prioritizing, especially in a team environment. Several creative uses of sticky notes have been published recently in different fields. In research, a new family of supercapacitors has been created on sticky notes.2 In business, some companies use sticky notes as brainstorming tools.3 In education, sticky notes have provided a useful vehicle for active learning.4−6 One outstanding example is a method to teach students how to build a molecule from NMR and IR spectra where molecular fragments are written on sticky notes.7 A game to teach students the names of classes of organic compounds by having them place an unknown sticky note on their forehead is another example.8 There are published puzzles using regular paper in organic chemistry9,10 and in general chemistry on topics such as elemental symbols,11,12 ionic compounds,13 equilibria,14 and redox reactions.15 © XXXX American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

ACTIVITY Students are each given a sticky note with an element (C, H, N, or O) written on it with its bonds in a certain configuration. There are a total of eight carbon atoms, eight hydrogen atoms, six oxygen atoms, and two nitrogen atoms with various bonding configurations. There are a grand total of 24 atoms, but if there are fewer than 24 students, then some students can be given two or more sticky notes. The students take their sticky notes to the template pages, which each correspond to a different molecule and are taped to the various walls of the classroom. Students need to determine where their sticky note fits by building the molecule. They spread out in different directions and approach the template pages in small groups of three to five students. The seven template pages together compose the puzzle, which Received: June 12, 2018 Revised: February 9, 2019


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00441 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


Figure 1. Elements written on sticky notes. Each one is given to one student.

Figure 2. Template pages which are taped to the classroom walls for the students to build the molecules on.

4. If your atom does not fit, then try a different template molecule. 5. Your atom may fit more than one template molecule. This may sound easy at first, but it is actually challenging because the students do not initially know which molecule their atom belongs to. They can only figure that out once the molecule is fully built and the bonding configurations make sense chemically. Also, students do not initially know what molecules should be formed on the template pages because they are presented as unknown molecules. It takes trial-anderror with the help of other students for them to find out what

the class collaboratively solves (Figure 2). I recommend not pointing out to the students the list of functional groups and classes of organic compounds from the textbook. The Supporting Information is a PowerPoint document that contains the notes to the instructor; the answer key; the rules for students; and the template pages, which are shown in Figure 2. The rules for students are the following: 1. Get your atom to fit into one of the seven template molecules. 2. The bonding in the molecule must be chemically correct. 3. You must align the sticky part at the top (do not rotate it). B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00441 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


Figure 3. Completed molecules. This is the only correct classroom solution. Any chemically equivalent solution is also accepted (e.g., switching molecules 1 and 5). If students begin assembling uncommon molecules (hydrazines, alkoxyamines, etc.), then gently steer them toward common molecules.

through the process of building molecules with their classmates. It is designed with square-shaped pieces because that shape requires students to think about the bonding of the atoms in order to put it together. The removable feature of sticky notes allows students to use trial-and error along with their chemical knowledge. Sometimes students hesitate to begin because they do not know where to place the first atom. If that happens, then the instructor should just encourage them to try something, and if it does not work, then they can move it later. After all, sticky notes can be moved as many times as needed. Part of the learning process is making mistakes, and students will make and correct several mistakes throughout the game. This encourages students to be a little less intimidated by making mistakes in chemistry.

molecule is the correct answer for each template page. Students have to figure those things out by relying on their knowledge of Lewis dot diagrams and discussing possible solutions with each other. For example, a student who has an atom with bonds pointing down puts it on the top of a molecule, and a student who has an atom with bonds pointing up connects the two atoms. Those two atoms not only have to agree with each other chemically, but also agree with the neighboring atoms that will be added to the left and right. The puzzle is solved when all of the molecules have been assembled (Figure 3). These seven molecules were chosen specifically in order to prevent any duplication or incorrect combinations from occurring. The game takes about 10 min to complete.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS During the game, students have to use impromptu problem solving that is based on chemical reasoning. They have to work together to choose the right elements for the template page and arrange them correctly. Students quickly find out whether what they have started to build makes sense because they will arrive at a situation that violates basic chemical bonding. For example, two impossible situations are an atom with a bond hanging off the molecule with no atom connected to it, or a single bond connected to a double bond. This is complementary to the knowledge that students learn by drawing Lewis dot diagrams. Having students use their knowledge in different contexts than originally presented in class is an opportunity to strengthen that knowledge. This puzzle provides a few benefits to the learner. From a student’s perspective, being provided a list of information to memorize is not an enjoyable task. Instead, being provided a game to play that makes learning the information come naturally is more interesting. This game changes the focus from what students perceive as “memorizing” to learning organic bonding


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00441.

Notes to the instructor, answer key, rules for students, and template pages, which can be modified if faculty decide to use different molecules than the ones presented (PPTX)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Kevin P. O’Halloran: 0000-0003-2353-4825 Notes

The author declares no competing financial interest. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00441 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education



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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00441 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX