PYREX PIPE - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS

Nov 4, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v023n020.p1851. Publication Date: October 25, 1945. Copyright © 1945 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem...
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For Enduring,

Trouble-Free Servic


Use P Y R E X B R A N D


On August 24, 1942 the vacuum slill shown at right was assembled and has been in almost constant service for three ycars. T w o pieces of *£" PYRKX Pipe, a PYKKX fitting, and a five gallon PYRKX. glass receiver were used in the assembly. Since thcn e v e r y pièce of equipment except the PYRKX brand Cîlass parts have had t o be repaired or replaccd due to corrosive conditions. O n e 4 " glass ell lias been replaccd and that w a s necessary only beeause of a change in reut o n e of the n i a n y installations that prove the ability of PYRKX Pipe t o provide troubk-free service under corrosive conditions over long periods of time.

CORROSION RESISTANCE PLUS Product Pu r i t / — P Y R K X Pipe is résistant t o ail acids (except H F) and moderate al kali s. l t helps t o mai η tain product purity beeause there Ls no h e a v y métal pick-up. Températures—Operating températures as high as 250°F. and, u n d e r certain conditions, as high as 4