Pyrolysis of Some Bridged Homotropilidene Systems - American

-71 CPS. 4 f186.8. I#I +183.8. Q Fluorine nmr spectra are reported in units of 4 = ppm from. CClaF as internal standard. Proton spectra are reported i...
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612 Table IILa Nmr Data

Table IV. Nmr Dataa OCHZ3H3



CaHb-C----C-CH HI 1 F 1 ( I ) erythro 48 cps -15-16 CPS -15-16 CPS 14 cps -23 cps -1.6 cps -6.5 CPS 6 +193.5 I#I +182.5 - 326 CPS - 290 CPS - 70 CPS

(11) threo 48 cps -15 cps -15 cps -14 cps -23 cps