Quantifying the Hydrophobic Effect. 3. A Computer Simulation

The atoms in the surfactant head for each ionic surfactant considered did not have ...... Simeon D. Stoyanov , Joanne L. Cook , Ian P. Stott , Eddie G...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 1063-1075


Quantifying the Hydrophobic Effect. 3. A Computer Simulation-Molecular-Thermodynamic Model for the Micellization of Ionic and Zwitterionic Surfactants in Aqueous Solution Brian C. Stephenson, Kenneth J. Beers, and Daniel Blankschtein* Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 ReceiVed: September 1, 2006; In Final Form: NoVember 21, 2006

In this article, the validity and accuracy of the CS-MT model introduced in article 1 for oil aggregates and in article 2 for nonionic surfactants is further evaluated by using it to model the micellization behavior of ionic and zwitterionic surfactants in aqueous solution. In the CS-MT model, two separate free-energy contributions to the hydrophobic driving force for micelle formation are computed using hydration data obtained from computer simulation: gdehydr, the free-energy change associated with dehydration, and ghydr, the change in the hydration free energy. To enable straightforward estimation of gdehydr and ghydr for ionic and zwitterionic surfactants, a number of simplifying approximations were made. Reasonable agreement between the CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model and the experimental CMCs was obtained for sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), dodecylphophocholine (DPC), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), two 3-hydroxy sulfonate surfactants (AOS-12 and AOS-16), and a homologous series of four DCNA bromide surfactants with a dimethylammonium head attached to a dodecyl alkyl tail and to an alkyl side chain of length CN, having the chemical formula C12H25CNH2N+1N(CH3)2Br, with N ) 1 (DC1AB), 2 (DC2AB), 4 (DC4AB), and 6 (DC6AB). For six of these nine surfactants, the CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model are closer to the experimental CMCs than the CMCs predicted using the traditional molecular-thermodynamic (MT) model. For DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB, which are the most structurally complex of the ionic surfactants modeled, the CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model are in remarkably good agreement with the experimental CMCs, and the CMCs predicted using the traditional MT model are quite inaccurate. Our results suggest that the CS-MT model accurately quantifies the hydrophobic driving force for micelle formation for ionic and zwitterionic surfactants in aqueous solution. For complex ionic and zwitterionic surfactants where it is difficult to accurately quantify the hydrophobic driving force for micelle formation using the traditional MT modeling approach, the CS-MT model represents a very promising alternative.

1. Introduction The CS-MT model combines hydration data obtained through computer simulation with a free-energy model for the hydrophobic driving force for micelle formation to model surfactant micellization and micellar solubilization in aqueous solution. This new modeling approach was introduced in article 1 of this series and tested by modeling oil aggregates.1 The primary motivation for the development of the CS-MT model is to extend the traditional MT model to increasingly chemically and structurally complex surfactants and solubilizates. In article 2 of this series,2 the CS-MT model was extended to model the micellization behavior of nonionic surfactants by outlining a simple computational strategy to estimate gdehydr, the freeenergy change associated with dehydration, and ghydr, the change in the hydration free energy, when non-charged hydrophilic head groups are present at the micelle core-water interface. For each surfactant, gdehydr was calculated by estimating gtri values using solubility correlations for linear alkyl tails.5 The approximation was made that gtri values could be estimated in this manner for hydrophobic groups in both the surfactant head and tail.2 The free-energy contribution, ghydr, was calculated for each surfactant * Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Engineering, Room 66-444 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. Telephone: (617) 253-4594. Fax: (617) 252-1651. E-mail: [email protected].

by (i) approximating ghydr as being equal to zero for any hydrophobic group that is not adsorbed onto, or incorporated within, the micelle core and (ii) estimating ghydr for hydrophobic groups in the micelle core using the expression for ∆gwc given in eqs 5 and 6. As justified in article 2, any hydrophobic group with a value of f greater than 0.60 was not considered to be part of the micelle core. In computing ∆gwc using eqs 5 and 6, the approximation is made that the change in hydration free energy experienced by hydrophobic groups as they are transferred from the bulk aqueous solution to the micelle core is unaffected by the presence of the surfactant heads at the micelle core-water interface. In article 2, the CS-MT model was used to predict the micellization behavior of seven nonionic surfactants with varying degrees of structural complexity. In this article, we use the CS-MT model to predict the micellization behavior of ionic and zwitterionic surfactants that are both simple and challenging to model using the traditional MT modeling approach. The most complex of the surfactants considered in this article are too complex to model accurately using the traditional MT model. 1.1. Overview of the CS-MT Model. The free energy of aggregate formation, gform, is computed in the CS-MT model as the sum of the following six free-energy contributions:1,2

gform ) gdehydr + ghydr + gpack + gst + gelec + gent

10.1021/jp065699v CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/18/2007


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Two of the free-energy contributions to gform, gdehydr and ghydr, reflect the hydrophobic free-energy change associated with aggregate formation or the hydrophobic driving force for aggregate formation. In the CS-MT modeling approach, computer simulation data on surfactant hydration in the bulk water and in the micellar states is used to compute both gdehydr and ghydr. They are computed using the following two equations:1,2 nhydr

gdehydr )

(1 - fi)gtr ∑ i)1




ghydr )

SASAifi∆gwc ∑ i)1



where nhydr is the total number of hydrophobic groups in the solute, fi is the fractional hydration of group i, gtri is the freeenergy change associated with transferring group i from the aqueous solution to a bulk solution composed of solute tails, ncore is the total number of hydrophobic groups in the solute that adsorb onto, or penetrate into, the aggregate core, SASAi is the solvent accessible surface area of group i, and ∆gwci is defined as the difference in the free energy per unit of solvent accessible surface area associated with the hydration of group i in the micellar state and the aqueous solution. In articles 1 and 2, we justified computing f for each group i as follows:1,2


number of hydrating contacts in the aggregate (4) number of hydrating contacts in bulk water

where a “hydrating contact” is defined as a contact with an atom that (i) hydrogen bonds or (ii) is capable of coordinate (dative covalent) bonding. In article 1, we justified the use of a 0.3 nm cutoff distance to count the hydrating contacts that occur during MD simulation. This cutoff distance was shown to be appropriate in the context of modeling nonionic surfactant micellization in article 2. In article 1, we developed a theoretical model to estimate ∆gwci for oil molecules. For oil molecules, ∆gwci does not depend on i and is given by1

gtri σAcore ∆gwc ) σcore - σbulk ) SASAcore SASAi

gform ) gtr,CS-MT + gint + gpack + gst + gelec + gent (7) where gtr,CS-MT is the transfer free-energy contribution obtained using the CS-MT modeling approach. The term gtr,CS-MT is computed using the relationship gtr,CS-MT ) gdehydr + ghydr gˆ int, where gˆ int is the traditional MT model prediction for the interfacial free-energy contribution of the simulated micellar aggregate. As discussed in articles 1 and 2, for a micelle of the optimum shape, size, composition, and degree of counterion binding, gform has a minimum value, which we denote as g/form. By determining g/form, the optimal aggregate shape (S*), the optimal coreminor radius (l/c ), the optimal composition (R*), and the optimal degree of counterion binding (β*) can be predicted. In addition, the CMC in mole fraction units is computed as follows:4

CMC ≈ exp (5)

where σcore is the microscopic “interfacial tension” (interfacial free energy per unit SASA) associated with the aggregate corewater interface, σbulk is the microscopic “interfacial tension” (interfacial free energy per unit SASA) associated with the group i (CH2 or CH3)-water interface in the aqueous solution, σ is the macroscopic interfacial tension of the aggregate core-water interface, Acore is the area of the hydrophobic aggregate core as computed geometrically from the volume of the aggregate and the assumption of a perfectly smooth aggregate surface, and SASAcore is the solvent accessible surface area of the hydrophobic aggregate core. The ratio Acore/SASAcore in eq 5 was estimated using the following correlation:1

SASAcore/Acore ) 1.740 - 0.026nt + 0.078C

be used to model the change in hydration free energy experienced by the hydrophobic CH, CH2, and CH3 groups present in the hydrophobic core of a nonionic surfactant micelle. We note that the remaining four free-energy contributions appearing in eq 1 (gpack, gst, gelec, and gent) are computed in the CS-MT model in the same way that they are computed in the traditional MT modeling approach.3 However, as noted in article 1, the way in which gpack and gst are computed may be informed by molecular dynamics simulation data. With this in mind, in this article, we explore an approach to use computer simulation data to accurately estimate gst for surfactants with complex head structures. In Appendix A of article 1, we showed that by combining elements of the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model, gform can be computed as a function of aggregate shape and size after only two computer simulationssone simulation of the solute in bulk water and one simulation of the solute in an aggregate of arbitrary shape and size. The free energy of aggregate formation, gform, for micelles of a different shape and size than the simulated micelle is computed using the following equation:1


where nt is the total number of hydrophobic groups in the solute that are part of the hydrophobic aggregate core and C is the curvature of the micellar aggregate, which is defined as 2/lc for spheres, 1/lc for cylinders, and zero for planar interfaces, where lc is the core-minor radius or planar half-width. In article 2, we demonstrated that the model for ∆gwc given by eqs 5 and 6 can



g/form(S*,l/c ,R*,β*) kBT


where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature. 1.2. Modeling Ionic and Zwitterionic Surfactant Micellization. In this article, we use the CS-MT modeling approach to model the micellization behavior of nine ionic and zwitterionic surfactants in aqueous solution. The surfactants selected for modeling include three anionic surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and two 3-hydroxy sulfonate surfactants with different hydrophobic tail lengths (AOS-12 and AOS-16)), one zwitterionic surfactant (dodecylphosphocholine (DPC)), and five cationic surfactants (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and a homologous series of four DCNA bromide surfactants with a positively charged dimethylammonium head attached to a dodecyl tail and to an alkyl side chain of length CN, having the chemical formula C12H25CNH2N+1N(CH3)2Br, where N ) 1 for what we will refer to as DC1AB, N ) 2 for DC2AB, N ) 4 for DC4AB, and N ) 6 for DC6AB). To use the CS-MT modeling approach to model ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micellization, a number of approximations must be made to account for the presence of charged or dipolar hydrophilic groups at the micelle core-water interface. The validity of the approximations proposed in article 2 to model

Quantifying the Hydrophobic Effect (3) nonionic surfactant micellization with the CS-MT model is discussed and evaluated in this article for ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micellization. The CS-MT model is first used to predict the micellization behavior of a simple anionic surfactant (SDS), a simple zwitterionic surfactant (DPC), and a simple cationic surfactant (CTAB). The CMCs predicted using the CSMT model for these surfactants are compared with the CMCs predicted using the traditional MT model as well as with the experimental CMCs taken from the literature. Based on the modeling results, we discuss whether the theoretical approach used to derive eqs 5 and 6 can be used to calculate ∆gwc in the case of ionic and zwitterionic surfactants or whether ∆gwc must be fit for these surfactants. After determining the applicability of the CS-MT model for three simple ionic and zwitterionic surfactants, we use it to model six complex ionic surfactants (AOS-12, AOS-16, and the homologous series of DCNAB surfactants). The CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model for these six surfactants are compared with the CMCs predicted using the traditional MT model as well as with the experimental CMCs taken from the literature. The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the computer simulation approach used in this article, including an overview of the modeling approach (Section 2.1), the simulation methods and parameters (Section 2.2), a description of how each system was prepared and equilibrated (Section 2.3), and the data analysis method used to analyze the molecular dynamics trajectories (Section 2.4). Computer simulation results are presented in Section 3. The CS-MT model is used to predict the micellization behavior of the nine surfactants considered in Section 4. Concluding remarks are presented in Section 5. 2. Molecular Dynamics Simulations 2.1. Modeling Approach. As discussed in articles 1 and 2, the CS-MT model requires fractional hydration data as an input. This fractional hydration data is obtained by performing two simulations. The first simulation is of a single surfactant molecule in a simulation cell of water (the “bulk water” simulation), and the second simulation is of the same surfactant molecule in a micellar environment (the “aggregate” simulation). As shown in Appendix A of article 1, obtaining information about the hydration state of a surfactant molecule in a micelle of a single shape and size is sufficient to allow prediction of the optimal micelle shape and size. 2.2. Simulation Methods and Parameters. The simulation methods and parameters used in this study are identical to those introduced in articles 1 and 2.1,2,11-15 Surfactants were modeled using the fully atomistic OPLS-AA force field,6 and water molecules were modeled using the simple extended point-charge (SPC/E) model for water. Some additional parameters to describe angles and angle vibrations were taken from the literature to model the sulfate (SO4-) group in SDS.7 DPC was modeled using the GROMACS force field using the same parameters that were used by Tieleman et al.8 The GROMACS force field models methylene (CH2) groups and methyl (CH3) groups as unified atoms.9 The atoms in the surfactant head for each ionic surfactant considered did not have suggested charges in the OPLS-AA force field, so the atomic charges for the heads of these surfactants were estimated using the CHelpG algorithm (as implemented in Gaussian 98).10 We note that CHelpG was not used to assign atomic charges for the hydrophobic tail of each surfactant for reasons discussed in article 2. The atomic charges used by Tieleman et al. were used in modeling DPC.

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 5, 2007 1065 TABLE 1: Overview of the MD Simulationsa surfactant

number of surfactant molecules

number of water molecules

total number of atoms


44 48 49 32 40 25 20 18 16

3347 10453 10304 3555 6119 3522 3771 3734 3711

11933 10453 33999 12041 20557 11841 12393 12282 12189

a The geometry, the number of surfactant and water molecules, and the total number of atoms corresponding to each of the ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micelle simulations.

2.3. System Preparation and Equilibration. 2.3.1. Bulk Water Simulation. The bulk water simulation for each surfactant considered was initialized by placing a single surfactant molecule in a simulation cell and surrounding it with sufficient water molecules to approximation infinite dilution (see articles 1 and 2). A single ion (which we will refer to hereafter as the counterion) was introduced into the simulation cell by replacing the water molecule experiencing the greatest electrostatic potential after initial energy minimization. After a brief NPT simulation to equilibrate the cell volume, data was gathered over the course of an additional 3 ns of NPT simulation. 2.3.2. Aggregate Simulation. Each surfactant micelle was preformed as a spherical aggregate in the manner discussed in article 2. To preserve electroneutrality, equal numbers of counterions and ionic surfactant molecules were added to each simulation cell. To speed equilibration, counterions were added by replacing water molecules experiencing the greatest electrostatic potential after initial energy minimization, with the potential being recalculated after every counterion insertion. In Table 1, we report the number of surfactant and water molecules and the total number of atoms included in each simulation cell. Each micelle was built with a sufficiently small aggregation number to ensure that it would be spherical during simulation by estimating the expected spherical aggregation number based on the head area and tail volume of each surfactant.16 As shown in Appendix A of article 1, a micelle of any aggregation number and geometry (whether spherical, cylindrical, or planar) may be simulated to obtain hydration information for the CS-MT modeling approach. However, as discussed in article 2, it is most convenient computationally to simulate spherical aggregates because this removes the need to either (i) specify a physically realistic area for each surfactant molecule within a cylindrical micelle or bilayer or (ii) specify a poorly defined interfacial tension perpendicular to the axis of a cylindrical micelle or the plane of a bilayer. After preforming each spherical micelle, a 15 ns equilibration run was conducted under NPT conditions. For reasons discussed in article 2, we believe that this equilibration time is more than adequate to thoroughly equilibrate each micelle.17 Plots of the equilibration profile of the SASA for three representative surfactants (SDS, DPC, and AOS-12) are shown in Figure 1. The SASA values reported in Figure 1 for each surfactant were normalized by the average value of SASA for that surfactant to facilitate comparison of the results. SASA was computed using a probe sphere of radius 0.2 nm (for a justification of this choice, see article 1) and using the double cubic lattice method as implemented in GROMACS.13 Because obtaining accurate hydration information is the primary objective of our computer simulations, we consider SASA to be an important metric to evaluate equilibration, because this property is directly propor-

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Figure 1. Solvent accessible surface area (SASA) normalized by the average value of SASA as a function of simulation time for micelles of three representative ionic and zwitterionic surfactants: sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, -), dodecylphosphocholine (DPC, -b-), and 3-hydroxy dodecyl sulfonate (AOS-12, -O-).

tional to the degree of hydration of the micelle. As shown in Figure 1, after the first 5 ns of simulation, there is no apparent drift in SASA for these three surfactants. Plots of the normalized values of SASA during the 5 ns data-gathering simulation runs for the remaining six surfactants considered are presented in the Supporting Information accompanying this article. All the equilibration SASA profiles indicate that the hydration data obtained during the data-gathering simulations are representative of the equilibrium hydration state of the micelle. Snapshots of the post-equilibration configurations of each simulated ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micelle are shown in Figure 2 (water molecules and counterions have been omitted for clarity). Each surfactant molecule is depicted using the van der Waals radius of each atom. 2.4. Data Analysis Method. The fractional hydration of each atom (or group of atoms) in the surfactant molecule during the bulk water simulation and the aggregate simulation was quantified by counting hydrating contacts using a cutoff distance of 0.3 nm and by determining f from the contact data using eq 4.1,2 For the ionic surfactants simulated in this article, contacts with water atoms, with hydrogen-bonding surfactant heads, and with counterions were each included as contributing to hydration. For the zwitterionic surfactant DPC, only contacts with water atoms and with hydrogen-bonding surfactant heads were counted as being hydrating, because no counterions were present in the simulation cell. Although a cutoff of 0.3 nm was used in determining the f values for the CS-MT model, we note that to obtain estimates of f for some of the large atoms present in some of the surfactant heads considered (including nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen), it was necessary to use a larger cutoff of 0.5 nm in order to obtain good statistics for f. Accordingly, a cutoff of 0.5 nm was used to generate all the hydration plots presented in Section 3. An estimate of the standard error in f for each group of atoms in the surfactant molecule was obtained through the use of block averaging (for details, see article 1).18-20 Data-gathering simulation runs were conducted for sufficient time to ensure that the uncertainty in each calculated value of f was small (typically less than 5%). 3. Simulation Results and Discussion 3.1. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS). SDS is a widely used and extensively studied anionic surfactant. The fractional degree

Stephenson et al. of hydration, f, of SDS is plotted as a function of group number in Figure 3. Groups in SDS that are considered to be part of the SDS head in traditional MT modeling (groups 1 and 2) have f values that are much larger than the f values of groups in the SDS tail (groups 3-13). However, even groups in the SDS head are partially dehydrated, with group 1 having an f value of 0.89 and group 2 having an f value of 0.63. The average f value of the groups in the SDS tail is 0.24. The f results shown in Figure 3 reveal that the degree of dehydration of the groups in the SDS tail is a function of their distance from the SDS head. For example, group 3 in the tail (closest to the head) has an f value of 0.45, and group 13 (furthest from the head) has an f value of 0.18. We note that each of the groups in the SDS head has an f value greater than 0.60, and each of the groups in the SDS tail has an f value less than 0.60. As discussed in article 2, only hydrophobic surfactant groups with an f value below 0.60 are considered to be part of the micelle core and to have a nonzero value of ghydr. 3.2. Dodecylphosphocholine (DPC). DPC is a zwitterionic surfactant frequently used as a model membrane lipid to study lipid-bound peptides and proteins.21 DPC has been widely studied both experimentally and through computer simulations.8,21 As discussed in Section 2.2, the force field parameters used to model this surfactant are the same as those used by Tieleman et al.8,21,22 The fractional degree of hydration, f, of DPC is plotted as a function of group number in Figure 4. The average f value of the groups in the DPC head (groups 1-8) is 0.70, and that of the groups in the DPC tail (groups 9-19) is 0.18. It is interesting to note that most of the hydrophobic groups in the DPC head (1-3, 5, and 6) are very hydrated, with f values of 0.69 or greater. As discussed in article 2, such groups do not contribute to ghydr because they are not incorporated into the micelle core. However, they do contribute significantly to gdehydr. It is also interesting to note that the hydrophobic CH2 group adjacent to the DPC tail (group 8) has an f value of 0.40, which, as discussed in article 2, is sufficiently low that it is modeled as being part of the micelle hydrophobic core in CS-MT modeling. The low f value for this group is closer to the f value that would be expected if the group were adjacent to a nonionic surfactant head (for details, see article 2) than to an ionic surfactant head (see the f values of group 2 in SDS and of group 5 in CTAB). 3.3. Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB). CTAB is a commonly used cationic surfactant for which extensive experimental micellization data is available. The fractional degree of hydration, f, of CTAB is plotted as a function of group number in Figure 5. The average f value of the groups in the CTAB head (groups 1-5) is 0.85, and that of the groups in the CTAB tail (groups 6-20) is 0.20. As in the case of SDS and DPC, the hydrophobic groups in the CTAB head (1-3 and 5) are highly hydrated, with f values of 0.71 or greater. In general, the hydration profile observed for the anionic surfactant SDS is similar to the hydration profile observed for the cationic surfactant CTAB. For example, the average f value of the groups in the SDS head is 0.85, and the average f value of the groups in the CTAB head is also 0.85. In addition, the first CH2 group in the SDS tail (group 3) and the CTAB tail (group 6) have f values of 0.45 and 0.57, respectively. In contrast, the zwitterionic surfactant DPC exhibits significant differences in the hydration of its head groups relative to those in SDS and in CTAB (see Section 3.2). 3.4. Sodium 3-Hydroxy Sulfonates (AOS-12 and AOS-16). Sodium R-olefinsulfonates (AOS) are anionic surfactants frequently used in household and industrial formulations.23 These

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Figure 2. Snapshots of the post-equilibration structures of the simulated micelles corresponding to each of the nine ionic and zwitterionic surfactants considered here. The water molecules are not shown for clarity.

surfactants are useful because of their wetting and detergency attributes and because of their tolerance for hard water ions. AOS, as it is used industrially, is a mixture of several chemical species, including 60-70% sodium alkenesulfonate, 30% hydroxyalkanesulfonate, and 0-10% sodium disulfonate. The hydroxyalkanesulfonate fraction is present in both the 3-hydroxy sulfonate and the 4-hydroxy sulfonate forms, and the hydroxyalkanesulfonate backbone may contain between 12 and 18 carbon atoms.23 We have selected two hydroxyalkanesulfonates for modeling to determine if computer simulations can be used to correctly identify the “head” and “tail” portions of surfactants with two hydrophilic groups (SO3- and OH) connected by hydrophobic CH2 groups: sodium 3-hydroxydodecyl-1-sulfonate (AOS-12) and sodium 3-hydroxyhexadecyl-1-sulfonate (AOS16). The fractional degree of hydration, f, of AOS-12 and AOS16 is plotted as a function of group number in Figure 6A,B, respectively. The non-monotonic nature of the fractional hydration plots of both surfactants is due to the presence of the 3-hydroxy group (group 5). The f results shown in Figure 6

reveal that groups 1-3 and 5 in both surfactants have f values greater than 0.60. The average value of f for these four groups in AOS-12 and AOS-16 is 0.79 and 0.75, respectively. With an f value of 0.60 and 0.56 in AOS-12 and AOS-16, respectively, group 4 is considered to be part of the micelle hydrophobic core for both surfactants. As such, group 4 is modeled as contributing to ghydr in the CS-MT modeling approach (for details, see article 2). The average f value of the tail groups in AOS-12 and in AOS-16 are 0.27 and 0.21, respectively. 3.5. C12H25CNH2N+1N(CH3)2Br Surfactants (DC1AB, DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB). The micellization behavior of the DCNAB cationic surfactants is very interesting from a theoretical perspective. The experimental CMCs of each of the four DCNAB surfactants are ranked as follows: DC1AB > DC2AB > DC4AB > DC6AB.24 This CMC ranking is difficult to rationalize using the traditional MT model (see discussion in Section 4.3.2). Because of the structural complexity of the DCNAB surfactants, the CS-MT model is expected to provide

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Figure 3. The average fractional degree of hydration, f, as defined in eq 4, of each of the groups in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The chemical structure of each group is identified in the schematic of the molecule shown below the fractional hydration plot. The error bars shown correspond to the standard error of the mean.

Figure 4. The average fractional degree of hydration, f, as defined in eq 4, of each of the groups in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC). The chemical structure of each group is identified in the schematic of the molecule shown below the fractional hydration plot. The error bars shown correspond to the standard error of the mean.

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Figure 5. The average fractional degree of hydration, f, as defined in eq 4, of each of the groups in cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The chemical structure of each group is identified in the schematic of the molecule shown below the fractional hydration plot. The error bars shown correspond to the standard error of the mean.

1-5) is 0.84. By comparison, the average f value of the groups in the CTAB head (groups 1-5) is 0.85. The fractional hydration profiles of DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB (shown in Figure 7B-D, respectively) are more complex. Comparison of the hydration profiles of DC1AB and DC2AB reveals that the additional CH2 in the CN group of DC2AB has a significant impact on hydration. The f value of group 1 in DC2AB (0.76) is significantly lower than the f value of group 1 in DC1AB (0.87). The f value of group 2 in DC2AB (0.78) is also relatively low compared to the average f value of the groups in the DC1AB head (0.84). The f values of groups 1-4 in DC4AB range 0.71 to 0.79. The f values of groups 1-6 in DC6AB range 0.57 to 0.92. Our results suggest that, as the length of the CN group increases, the CN group is increasingly incorporated within the micelle hydrophobic core. Groups 1 and 2 in DC6AB both have f values that are below 0.60. Consequently, both of these groups will be modeled as being part of the micelle hydrophobic core using the CS-MT model. It is interesting to note that the D group (the C12H25 group) present in each of the four DCNAB surfactants is hydrated to a similar extent in each of the four simulated micelles. The average f value of the D group in DC1AB, DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB is 0.34, 0.36, 0.36, and 0.31, respectively. 4. Molecular-Thermodynamic Modeling Based on Computer Simulation Inputs

more accurate predictions of the micellization behavior of these surfactants than the traditional MT modeling approach. The fractional degree of hydration, f, of DC1AB, DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB is plotted as a function of group number in Figure 7A-D, respectively. The non-monotonic nature of the fractional hydration plots of the DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB surfactants reflects the fact that the CN group in each of these surfactants (group 1 in DC1AB, groups 1-2 in DC2AB, groups 1-4 in DC4AB, and groups 1-6 in DC6AB) is less hydrated than the dimethylammonium group. The f values of DC1AB shown in Figure 7A are very similar to the f values shown in Figure 5 for CTAB. This is not surprising given the chemical similarity of these two surfactants. The average f value of the groups in the DC1AB head (groups

4.1. Using the CS-MT Modeling Approach to Predict the Micellization Behavior of Ionic and Zwitterionic Surfactants. As discussed in article 2, to use the CS-MT modeling approach to model surfactant micellization, a number of simplifying approximations must be made to enable the straightforward evaluation of gdehydr and ghydr. With this in mind, we make the same approximations discussed in article 2 to evaluate gdehydr and ghydr for ionic and zwitterionic surfactants. In so doing, we will evaluate the validity of these approximations in the case of ionic and zwitterionic surfactants. In this article, the CSMT model is implemented to model ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micellization in pure aqueous solution (without any added salt). The CS-MT model is also capable of modeling micellization in the presence of added salt. However, because

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Figure 6. The average fractional degree of hydration, f, as defined in eq 4, of each of the groups in 3-hydroxy dodecyl sulfonate (AOS-12, see A) and 3-hydroxy hexadecyl sulfonate (AOS-16, see B). The chemical structure of each group is identified in the schematic of the molecule shown below each fractional hydration plot. The error bars shown correspond to the standard error of the mean.

the strength of electrostatic interactions is decreased by the presence of salt, evaluation of the approximations discussed in article 2 by modeling surfactant micellization in aqueous solution with no added salt provides the most stringent test of the applicability of these approximations for modeling ionic and zwitterionic surfactants. After using the CS-MT model to predict the micellization behavior of two simple ionic and one simple zwitterionic surfactants in Section 4.2, we use it to model more complex surfactants in Section 4.3. To evaluate the CS-MT model, the surfactant CMC was selected for prediction and comparison with the experimental CMC data, as well as with the CMC predictions of the traditional MT model, because the CMC is exponentially dependent on gform and, therefore, provides a rigorous quantitative test for the predictive accuracy of the CSMT model. However, we would like to stress that the CS-MT model enables the prediction of a variety of micellar solution properties in addition to the CMC (including micelle shape, size, composition, and the degree of counterion binding). As discussed in article 1, to implement the traditional MT model to predict the micellization behavior of ionic and zwitterionic surfactants, it is necessary to identify a head and a tail for each surfactant. The head and tail assignments made for traditional MT modeling are reported in Table 2, where the group numbers listed correspond to the group numbers shown in the surfactant diagrams given in Figures 3-7. For reasons that will be discussed in Section 4.3.2, the head and tail assignments for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB may be made in a number of ways in the traditional MT modeling approach. On the basis of the head and tail assignments, three geometric parameters were estimated for each surfactant and used as inputs for traditional MT modeling.3,4,25-27 These geometric parameters are also reported in Table 2 and were determined based on the surfactant chemical structures and the head and tail assignments made. The first geometric parameter is ahsthe cross-sectional area of the surfactant head. The second geometric parameter is dchargesthe distance from the location of the charge in the surfactant head to the beginning of the surfactant tail. The third geometric parameter is lhgsthe length of the surfactant head group, or the distance from the tip of the surfactant head to the start of the surfactant tail. Note that ah is needed to calculate gst, and both dcharge and lhg are needed to calculate gelec.3,25 The

ah, dcharge, and lhg values listed in Table 2 were also used to determine gst and gelec in the CS-MT model (see eq 1). Values of ah, dcharge, and lhg computed based on three traditional MT modeling limits (see Section 4.3.2) are also listed in Table 2 for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB. An additional parameter that is not listed in Table 2 but that is needed to compute gelec in the case of zwitterionic surfactants is dsepsthe distance between the two charges in the zwitterionic surfactant head. The dsep value for DPC was estimated to be 4.3 Å. 4.2. Modeling Results for Simple Surfactants. 4.2.1. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS). We have used the CS-MT model to predict the micellization behavior of SDS in aqueous solution at 25 °C. In Table 3, we report CS-MT modeling results for the simulated SDS micelle, including (i) gdehydr, (ii) ghydr, (iii) gˆ int, and (iv) gtr,CS-MT. The reported uncertainty for the CSMT modeling results is the standard error of the mean, as computed through block averaging of the computer simulation data. CS-MT modeling results for gdehydr and ghydr were obtained using the simulated f values and eqs 2 and 3. As can be seen, the value of gdehydr (-15.04kBT) is much larger in magnitude than that of ghydr (1.73kBT). In Table 3, we also report the traditional MT model prediction of gtr for comparison with gtr,CS-MT. We note that the transfer free-energy contribution predicted by the CS-MT model (gtr,CS-MT ) -17.69kBT) is 0.77kBT more positive than the prediction of the traditional MT model (gtr ) -18.46kBT). In Table 4, we report CS-MT and traditional MT modeling results for micelles of the optimal shape and size. As discussed in Section 1, at the optimal micelle shape and size, gform attains a minimum value.3 Both the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model yield identical predictions for the optimal micelle shape and size. As discussed in article 2, this equivalence arises because the only contribution to gform that differs in the two models (the transfer free-energy contribution) does not depend on micelle shape and size. The simulated SDS micelle had an aggregation number of 44, but both the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model predict that the optimal SDS micelle is spherical with a number-average aggregation number of 47. In Table 4, we report predictions using the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model of (i) the micelle shape, (ii) the number-average micelle aggregation number (n), (iii) gint, (iv) gpack, (iv) gst, (v) gelec (including the discharging, the charging,

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Figure 7. The average fractional degree of hydration, f, as defined in eq 4, of each of the groups in decyltrimethylammonium bromide (DC1AB, see A), C12H25C2H5N(CH3)2Br (DC2AB,see B), C12H25C4H9N(CH3)2Br (DC4AB, see C), and C12H25C6H13N(CH3)2Br (DC6AB, see D). The chemical structure of each group is identified in the schematic of the molecule shown below each fractional hydration plot. The error bars shown correspond to the standard error of the mean.

and the counterion binding free-energy contributions,25,28 (vi), gent, (vii) gform and the CMC predicted by the CS-MT model, (viii) gform and the CMC predicted by the traditional MT model, and (iv) the experimental values of gform and of the CMC.16 The reported uncertainty in the CS-MT modeling results corresponds to the standard error of the mean. Note that, because the shape and size of the optimal micelles predicted by the CSMT model and the traditional MT model are identical, freeenergy contributions (iii) to (vi) are also identical. Traditional MT modeling results were generated using the approach reviewed in article 1. The CMCs predicted by the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model and the value of gform inferred using the experimental CMC data were calculated using eq 8. For SDS, the value of gint computed for the optimal micelle (4.33kBT) is slightly lower than the value of gˆ int computed for the simulated micelle (4.38kBT) because of the difference between the simulated and optimal micelle aggregation numbers.

The free-energy contributions, gpack (2.51kBT), gst (1.10kBT), gelec (-0.45kBT), and gent (-0.99kBT), although all smaller in magnitude than gint, each contribute significantly to gform. For this surfactant, the CMC predicted by the CS-MT model is 15.28 mM, which is roughly a factor of 2 larger than the experimental CMC (8.1 mM). The traditional MT model predicts a CMC of 9.62 mM, which is very close to the experimental CMC value of 8.1 mM.16 Given the exponential dependence of the CMC on gform (see eq 8), we consider both the CS-MT and the traditional MT results shown in Table 4 to be in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. 4.2.2. Dodecylphosphocholine (DPC). CS-MT and traditional MT modeling results for the simulated DPC micelle are reported in Table 3. Each free-energy contribution has been calculated as described in Section 4.2.1. Theoretical predictions for the optimal micelles obtained using the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model as well as experimental data21 for the

Quantifying the Hydrophobic Effect (3)

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TABLE 2: Molecular Parameters Used in Modeling Each Surfactanta surfactant SDS DPC CTAB AOS-12 AOS-16 DC1AB DC2AB limit 1 limit 2 limit 3 DC4AB limit 1 limit 2 limit 3 DC6AB limit 1 limit 2 limit 3

head groups

tail groups

ah [Å]2

dcharge [Å]

lhg [Å]

1-2 1-8 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5

3-13 9-19 6-20 6-14 6-18 6-16

25 32 32 23 23 32

3.7 5.3 3.8 5.3 5.3 3.8

6.3 4.3 6.4 7.2 7.2 6.4

1-6 1-6 2-6

7-17 7-17 1 and 7-17

42 37.4 32

3.8 3.8 3.8

6.4 6.4 6.4

1-8 1-8 4-8

9-19 9-19 1-3 and 9-19

62 38.3 32

3.8 3.8 3.8

6.4 6.4 6.4

1-10 1-10 6-10

11-21 11-21 1-5 and 10-21

82 39.3 32

3.8 3.8 3.8

6.4 6.4 6.4

a The traditional MT model identifications of heads and tails are reported, along with molecular parameters used to model each surfactant using the CS-MT and the traditional MT models. These molecular parameters were estimated geometrically on the basis of the structure of each surfactant molecule and include ah, the cross-sectional area of the surfactant head, dcharge, the distance between the beginning of the surfactant tail and the location of the charge in the surfactant head, and lhg, the length of the surfactant head.

micellization behavior of DPC in aqueous solution at 25 °C are reported in Table 4. The optimal DPC micelles that are predicted to form in solution by the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model are somewhat smaller (n ) 39) than the simulated DPC micelle (n ) 48). The predicted value of gint (4.61kBT) is slightly larger than that of gˆ int (4.26kBT) because of this difference in aggregation numbers. Note that gent for this surfactant is equal to zero because there is no counterion binding for this zwitterionic surfactant. The CS-MT model prediction of the transfer free-energy contribution (gtr,CS-MT ) -18.32kBT) is slightly less negative than that of the traditional MT prediction (gtr ) -18.46kBT). The traditional MT estimate of gtr for DPC is identical to the gtr estimate for SDS because both surfactants have identical tails. In contrast, the CS-MT model estimate of gtr,CS-MT for DPC is 0.63kBT more negative than the estimate of gtr,CS-MT for SDS. As discussed in article 2, the nature of the surfactant head can have a significant effect on the degree of hydration of the surfactant tail in bulk aqueous solution, and this is further confirmed by the difference in the gtr,CS-MT values obtained for DPC and SDS. The difference between the CSMT estimate of gtr,CS-MT and the traditional MT estimate of gtr for DPC leads to the CS-MT model predicting a higher CMC (0.83 mM) than that predicted by the traditional MT model (0.72 mM). In this case, the CMC predicted by the CS-MT model is closer to the experimental CMC (1.0 mM).21 4.2.3. Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB). CS-MT and traditional MT modeling results for the simulated CTAB micelle are reported in Table 3. Theoretical predictions for the optimal micelles obtained using the CS-MT and traditional MT models as well as as experimental data29 for the micellization behavior of CTAB in aqueous solution at 25 °C are reported in Table 4. Computer simulation of CTAB was conducted in a micelle with an aggregation number of 49, which is identical (after rounding to the nearest integer value) to the CS-MT and the traditional MT number-average aggregation number predictions

for the optimal CTAB micelles. The predicted value of gint (5.35kBT) is very close to the predicted value of gˆ int (5.44kBT), and the transfer free-energy contribution (gtr,CS-MT ) -23.73kBT) predicted by the CS-MT model is slightly less negative than that predicted by the traditional MT model (gtr ) -24.43kBT). The difference between the CS-MT estimate of gtr,CS-MT and the traditional MT estimate of gtr for CTAB leads to the CSMT model predicting a higher CMC (0.81 mM) than that predicted by the traditional MT model (0.54 mM). In this case, the CMC predicted by the CS-MT model is closer to the experimental CMC (0.9 mM).29 4.2.4. Applicability of the CS-MT Modeling Approach to Ionic and Zwitterionic Surfactants. Based on the modeling results obtained for the simple anionic, zwitterionic, and cationic surfactants discussed in Sections 4.2.1-4.2.3, it is possible to evaluate the applicability of the CS-MT modeling approach to model the micellization behavior of surfactants with charged hydrophilic heads. For the three surfactants considered, the CMCs predicted by the CS-MT model are in reasonable agreement with the experimental CMCs. For DPC and CTAB, the CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model are more accurate than those predicted using the traditional MT model. Based on these results, we conclude that the approximations introduced in article 2 to enable straightforward calculation of gdehydr and ghydr are reasonably accurate for non-polymeric, small-head ionic and zwitterionic surfactants. For the three simple, small-head surfactants modeled above, three key approximations were made to enable straightforward implementation of the CS-MT model. The first approximation involves estimating gtr for hydrophobic groups in the surfactant head and tail using solubility data for linear alkyl chains. This approximation has already been shown in article 2 to yield reasonable modeling results for small-head nonionic surfactants, and we believe that it should also be reasonably accurate (and physically realistic) in the case of small-head ionic and zwitterionic surfactants. The second approximation involves identifying hydrophobic groups in each surfactant as being adsorbed onto, or incorporated within, the micelle hydrophobic core if they have an f value that is less than 0.60. It is reasonable to make this approximation for ionic and zwitterionic surfactants because the selection of this f value in article 2 was informed by data for both nonionic and ionic surfactants. The third approximation involves using the expression for ∆gwc given in eqs 5 and 6 to evaluate ghydr. This model for ∆gwc was originally developed in article 1 for oil aggregates. In using such a model in the case of ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micelles, the approximation is made that the change in hydration free energy experienced by hydrophobic groups in being transferred from the bulk aqueous solution to the micelle hydrophobic core is unaffected by the presence of the charged surfactant heads and the charged counterions (if present) at the micelle core-water interface. It was not clear a priori whether ∆gwc could be evaluated for ionic and zwitterionic surfactants using eqs 5 and 6 or whether it would be necessary to fit a value of ∆gwc to obtain accurate predictions of the micellization behavior. Fortunately, the results for SDS, DPC, and CTAB suggest that evaluating ∆gwc using a model developed for oil aggregates is reasonably accurate even for ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micelles. As a result, when modeling each of the complex surfactants considered next in Section 4.3, we will calculate ∆gwc using eqs 5 and 6. 4.3. Modeling Results for Complex Surfactants. 4.3.1. Sodium 3-Hydroxy Sulfonates (AOS-12 and AOS-16). CS-MT and traditional MT modeling results for the simulated AOS-12

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TABLE 3: Modeling Results for the Simulated Micellesa surfactant

gdehydr [kBT]

ghydr [kBT]

gˆ int [kBT]

gtr,CS-MT [kBT ]

gtr [kBT]


-15.04 ( 0.03 -15.98 ( 0.34 -20.67 ( 0.20 -12.74 ( 0.01 -18.50 ( 0.10 -14.80 ( 0.07 -14.96 ( 0.10 -15.44 ( 0.10 -18.41 ( 0.11

1.73 ( 0.01 1.93 ( 0.04 2.39 ( 0.04 1.60 ( 0.05 1.95 ( 0.03 1.44 ( 0.03 1.44 ( 0.04 1.10 ( 0.03 2.71 ( 0.07

4.38 4.26 5.44 4.30 5.26 5.10 5.54 5.87 6.55

-17.69 ( 0.04 -18.32 ( 0.34 -23.73 ( 0.21 -15.44 ( 0.05 -21.81 ( 0.10 -18.46 ( 0.07 -19.06 ( 0.11 -20.21 ( 0.11 -22.24 ( 0.13

-18.46 -18.46 -24.43 -15.37 -21.27 -18.46 -18.46 to -21.98 -18.46 to -24.96 -18.46 to -27.95

a CS-MT and traditional MT modeling results for each of the nine simulated ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micelles considered in this article. CS-MT model predictions of gdehydr, ghydr, gˆ int, and gtr,CS-MT were made as described in Section 1.1. The uncertainties reported for the CS-MT model predictions correspond to the standard error of the mean. Traditional MT modeling results for gtr are presented for comparison with gtr,CS-MT.

TABLE 4: Modeling Results for the Optimal Micellesa gform [kBT] (CMC [mM]) shape


gint [kBT]

gpack [kBT]

gst [kBT]

gelec [kBT]

gent [kBT]

CS-MT model

traditional MT model









































































-8.20 ( 0.04 (15.28 ( 0.58) -11.11 ( 0.34 (0.83 ( 0.29) -11.14 ( 0.21 (0.81 ( 0.17) -7.87 ( 0.05 (21.29 ( 1.02) -10.74 ( 0.10 (1.21 ( 0.13) -8.18 ( 0.07 (15.51 ( 1.13) -8.29 ( 0.11 (13.99 ( 1.52) -8.92 ( 0.11 (7.44 ( 0.80) -10.08 ( 0.13 (2.33 ( 0.30)

-8.66 (9.62) -11.25 (0.72) -11.55 (0.54) -7.83 (22.18) -10.42 (1.66) -8.22 (12.59) -9.85 to -7.65 (2.93 to 26.42) -11.56 to -6.33 (0.53 to 51.66) -13.73 to -5.06 (0.06 to 354.08)


exptl -8.83 (8.1) -10.92 (1.0) -11.03 (0.9) -7.71 (24.8) -10.55 (1.45) -8.16 (15.90) -8.23 (14.80) -8.82 (8.20) -9.59 (3.80)

a CS-MT and traditional MT modeling results for each of the nine ionic and zwitterionic surfactants considered in this article. Both the CS-MT model and the traditional MT model yield identical predictions of the optimal micelle shape, the number-average micelle aggregation number (n), gint, gpack, and gst (see Section 4.2.1). The CS-MT and the traditional MT model predictions of gform were obtained using the values of gtr,CS-MT and gtr reported in Table 4, respectively, as an input to eq 7. The CS-MT and the traditional MT model predictions of the CMC and the value of gform inferred from the experimental CMC data were computed using eq 8. The uncertainties reported for the CS-MT model predictions correspond to the standard error of the mean.

and AOS-16 micelles are reported in Table 3. Theoretical predictions for the optimal micelles obtained using the CSMT model and the traditional MT model as well as experimental data30 for the micellization behavior of AOS-12 and AOS-16 in aqueous solution at 30 °C are reported in Table 4. The CS-MT and the traditional MT model predictions of the optimal number-average micelle aggregation numbers of AOS-12 (n ) 21) and AOS-16 (n ) 45) are somewhat different than the aggregation numbers of the simulated AOS-12 (n ) 32) and AOS-16 (n ) 40) micelles. The predicted value of gint for AOS-12 (4.95kBT) is significantly larger than that of gˆ int (4.30kBT) because of this difference in aggregation numbers. In contrast, gint for AOS-16 (4.83kBT) is predicted to be significantly smaller than gˆ int (5.26kBT). For both AOS-12 and AOS-16, the CS-MT model predictions of the transfer freeenergy contribution (gtr,CS-MT ) -15.44 and -21.81kBT, respectively) are slightly more negative than the traditional MT model predictions of the transfer free-energy contribution (gtr ) -15.37 and -21.27, respectively). This leads to the CSMT model predicting lower CMCs for both surfactants (21.29 and 1.21 mM for AOS-12 and AOS-16, respectively) than those predicted by the traditional MT model (22.18 and 1.66 mM, respectively). The CMCs predicted by the CS-MT and the traditional MT models are both in reasonable agreement with

the experimental CMCs (24.8 and 1.45 mM, respectively). However, it is important to note that the groups in AOS-12 and AOS-16 that should be modeled as being part of the surfactant head and as part of the surfactant tail in traditional MT modeling are not entirely clear. As a result, we have used head and tail assignments for these surfactants determined through computer simulation in a previous study.26 Without such information, it would not have been possible to make such accurate predictions using the traditional MT model. For these two surfactants, our results indicate that, although computer simulation inputs are necessary, reasonably accurate predictions of their micellization behavior can be made using computer simulations to make head and tail identifications for use in traditional MT modeling (as was done in ref 26) or to obtain fractional hydration data for use in the CS-MT model (as was done in this article). In ref 26, head and tail identifications for both of these surfactants were made in a computationally efficient way by simulating both surfactants at a wateroil interface (serving as a proxy for the micelle core-water interface), and comparably accurate modeling results were obtained. The four computer simulations used here to obtain fractional hydration information for these two surfactants for input in the CS-MT model required approximately 1 order of magnitude more computational expense.

Quantifying the Hydrophobic Effect (3) 4.3.2. C12H25CNH2N+1N(CH3)2Br Surfactants (DC1, AB, DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB). CS-MT and traditional MT modeling results for the simulated DC1AB, DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB micelles are reported in Table 3. Theoretical predictions for the optimal micelles obtained using the CS-MT and the traditional MT models as well as experimental data30 for the micellization behavior of each surfactant in aqueous solution at 25 °C are reported in Table 4. The approach described in Section 4.2.1 was used to calculate each free-energy contribution, the values of gform, and the CMC values reported in Table 4. As shown in Tables 3 and 4, although only one value of gtr,CS-MT, gform, and the CMC are reported for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB using the CS-MT model, a range of gtr, gform, and CMC values are reported for these surfactants using the traditional MT modeling approach because it is difficult to determine the head and tail of each surfactant. As discussed in article 1, for simple surfactants and solubilizates, simple guidelines can be used for head and tail identification. For ionic and zwitterionic surfactants, the approximation is made that nt ) nc - 1, where nc is the total number of CH2 and CH3 groups in the hydrocarbon chain and nt is the number of CH2 and CH3 groups that should be modeled as being part of the surfactant tail.3,31 In other words, a hydrophobic group bonded to a charged hydrophilic group is modeled as being part of the surfactant head, and other hydrophobic groups are modeled as being part of the surfactant tail. Unfortunately, these guidelines are inadequate to provide accurate head and tail identifications for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB because it is unclear how to model each CN group. Because of this uncertainty, we have implemented the traditional MT modeling approach based on three different modeling limits. The first limit (which we will refer to as limit 1) involves modeling each atom in the CN groups as being part of the surfactant head, with the remaining groups in each surfactant being modeled as being part of the head or the tail according to the nt ) nc - 1 guideline. Using this approach, groups 1-6 of DC2AB are modeled as being part of the head, and groups 7-17 are modeled as being part of the tail (see the group numbers defined in Figure 7 and the ah values listed in Table 2). On the basis of the structure of the selected head, the area of the surfactant head (ah) was computed geometrically by assuming that the entire CN group lies parallel to the micelle core-water interface and contributes to the surfactant head area at the interface. The second limit (limit 2) is based on the same assignment of head and tail made in limit 1. However, in limit 2, an accurate value of ah for each surfactant has been determined from the computer simulation data by measuring the projected area of each surfactant head at the micelle core-water interface. The same values of ah used in limit 2 of traditional MT modeling were also used in CS-MT modeling. It is important to note that the estimation of ah using the computer simulation data is expected to yield significantly more accurate results for complex surfactants such as DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB than attempting to approximate ah based on an assumption of what portions of the surfactant are present at the micelle core-water interface. In the third limit (limit 3), the head and tail portions of DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB were estimated using the nt ) nc - 1 guideline for both the CN chain and each of the remaining groups in the surfactant. Using this approach, groups 2-6 of DC2AB were assigned as being part of the head, and groups 1 and 7-17 were assigned as being part of the tail (see the group numbers defined in Figure 7 and the ah values listed in Table 2). Similarly, groups 4-8 of DC4AB were assigned as being part of the head, and groups 1-3 and 9-19 were assigned as being part of the tail. Based

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Figure 8. Comparison of the CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model (s) and the CMCs predicted using the three traditional MT modeling limits discussed in Section 4.3.2 (limit 1 - -, limit 2 - ‚, and limit 3 - - -) for decyltrimethylammonium bromide (DC1AB), C12H25C2H5N(CH3)2Br (DC2AB), C12H25C4H9N(CH3)2Br (DC4AB), and C12H25C 6H13N(CH3)2Br (DC6AB). The lines are shown as a guide for the eye. The experimental CMC data is shown for comparison ([).

on this assignment of heads and tails, the values of ah for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB are identical and equal to the value of ah for DC1AB. Limits 1 and 3 yield upper- and lowerbound estimates of the CMC using the traditional MT modeling approach, respectively. As demonstrated by the results shown in Table 4, the range of CMC values encompassed by these two limits is very large, and the range of values increases in magnitude as the length of the CN group increases. The CMCs predicted using the CS-MT and the traditional MT models are reported graphically in Figure 8 on a log scale. Not only are the CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model in remarkably good agreement with the experimental CMCs, but they are also much more accurate than any of the CMCs predicted using the three traditional MT modeling limits. The traditional MT model fails to accurately model the DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB surfactants for several reasons. Limit 1 is in poor agreement with the experimental CMC data because (i) computing ah geometrically based on the assumption that the entire CN group is part of the surfactant head and lies flat at the micelle core-water interface overestimates ah and consequently leads to an overestimation of gst, and (ii) making the approximation that the CN group is part of the surfactant head (and therefore remains fully hydrated upon micelle formation) leads to a severe overprediction of gtr. Limit 2 is in poor agreement with the experimental CMC data because of (ii). It is interesting to note, however, that using a computer simulation estimate of ah significantly improves the traditional MT model CMC predictions. Limit 3 is in poor agreement with the experimental CMC data because (i) the head and tail assignments made in this limit imply that ah for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB are each equal to 32 Å2, which underestimates the value of ah, and (ii) the large number of groups included in the surfactant tail leads to an overly negative estimate of gtr. The length of the CN group in each DCNAB surfactant influences the CS-MT model estimate of gform in several interesting ways. First, as the length of the CN group increases, the computer simulation estimate of ah increases. This serves to increase the steric free-energy contribution, gst. At the same time, however, the transfer free-energy contribution, gtr,CS-MT, of the CN group becomes increasingly negative. In addition, the

1074 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 5, 2007 CN group in DC6AB has two hydrophobic groups (1 and 2) that are sufficiently dehydrated that they are modeled as being part of the micelle core and that therefore affect gpack. As shown in Table 4, the experimental CMC values of the four DCNAB surfactants are ranked as follows: DC1AB > DC2AB > DC4AB > DC6AB.24 Consequently, the net effect of increasing the length of the CN group is to lower gform, which in turn lowers the value of the CMC. Not only is this ranking of gform and CMC values correctly predicted by the CS-MT model, but the values of gform and the CMC predicted by the CS-MT model are in very close agreement with the experimental data. In article 2, we concluded that care must be taken in computing gdehydr for surfactants with large, polymeric heads using the simplifying approximations discussed in Section 4.2.4. It is important to note that the DCNAB surfactants modeled here do not fall into this category of surfactants for the following reasons: (i) the maximum size of the DCNAB surfactant heads is relatively small, and (ii) hydrophobic groups in the DCNAB heads are transferred (to the extent that they are dehydrated) to an environment that is chemically similar to a bulk solution of surfactant tails (see additional discussion in article 2). Evaluation of the majority of the free-energy contributions that appear in eq 7 for the DCNAB surfactants is relatively straightforward. However, accurate estimation of the packing free-energy contribution, gpack, for limit 3 of the traditional MT and CS-MT modeling of DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB has required the development and implementation of a modified packing model that is capable of accurately estimating gpack for surfactants with two tails separated by a head. The packing freeenergy contribution, gpack, represents the free-energy change required to fix one end of the surfactant tail(s) at the micelle core-water interface. This free-energy contribution is typically estimated using a mean-field model first introduced by BenShaul, Szleifer, and Gelbart32-34 and requires sampling each important conformation and orientation of the surfactant tail subject to the constraint that the micelle hydrophobic core has a uniform density. As shown in Table 3, in limit 3 of the traditional MT modeling of DC2AB, tail groups 1 and 7-17 are separated by head groups 2-6. A similar separation of head and tail groups is also present in DC4AB and DC6AB. To maintain consistency between the CS-MT model for the hydrophobic effect (gdehydr and ghydr) and the evaluation of gpack for the CS-MT model, head and tail assignments used in computing gpack for the CS-MT model were made using the criterion that any group with an f value greater than 0.60 was modeled as a group in the head, and any group with an f value less than 0.60 was modeled as a group in the tail. Using this approach, each of the CN groups in DC2AB and DC4AB was identified as being part of the head. Groups 3-6 in the CN group in DC6AB were identified as being part of the head, and groups 1-2 were identified as being part of the tail. The mean-field approach that was implemented to determine gpack for limit 3 of the traditional MT model and the CS-MT model was modified to be more physically realistic by relaxing the constraint that groups in the surfactant tail cannot exit the micelle core. In the modified approach, each important conformation and orientation of the CN group was sampled, and the CN group was modeled as contributing to the volume of the micelle core for conformations where atoms in the CN group entered the micelle core. For conformations where atoms in the CN group did enter the micelle core, they affect the lateral pressures present in the micelle core and the value of gpack. This packing approach allowed sampling of each of the conformations that were actually observed during the molecular dynamics

Stephenson et al. simulation, where each CN group was found to adopt a wide variety of conformations both inside and outside the micelle core. Complete details of the modified packing approach used to compute gpack for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB will be presented in a future publication. Although not explored in this article, the predictions of the traditional MT model may be improved by using computer simulations to determine the appropriate head and tail assignments for the DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB surfactants. Such an approach (with data taken from a previous publication)26 was used in modeling AOS-12 and AOS-16 in Section 4.3.1. Although computer simulation determination of head and tail groups might improve the traditional MT model predictions, this approach is unlikely to yield predictions that are as accurate as those obtained using the CS-MT model. This is due to the fact that the traditional MT model is limited by the simplistic modeling approximation that groups in the surfactant head remain fully hydrated in the micellar state. The effect of this approximation can be understood by closely examining the traditional MT modeling results for DC2AB. In limit 2, the entire CN group (CH2-CH3) is modeled as being part of the head, and in limit 3, the CH2 group in CN is modeled as being part of the head and the CH3 group in CN is modeled as being part of the tail. These two limits represent the only physically plausible head and tail assignments for the CN group in DC2AB that could be obtained from computer simulation. As shown in Figure 8, both limits yield predicted CMCs that are less accurate than the CMC predicted using the CS-MT model. 5. Conclusions In this article, we have demonstrated the validity and accuracy of the CS-MT model by using it to model nine ionic and zwitterionic surfactants of varying structural complexity. To implement the CS-MT model, we have used molecular dynamics computer simulations to determine quantitative information about the changes in hydration that occur upon micelle formation. This detailed hydration information was then used to quantify the hydrophobic driving force for micelle selfassembly (gtr,CS-MT). After determining this input, the free energy of micelle formation, gform, and the CMC were calculated for each surfactant for micelles of the optimal shape and size. To quantify the hydration changes that occur upon micelle formation, we conducted two independent molecular dynamics simulations for each of the nine ionic and zwitterionic surfactants modeled. Changes in hydration were quantified by computing a fractional hydration value, f, for each group. The f values obtained for each surfactant through MD simulation were used as an input in a free-energy model to compute the magnitude of the hydrophobic driving force for micelle formation (gdehydr and ghydr). In this article, we have used the approximations discussed in article 2 to estimate gdehydr and ghydr. As discussed in Section 4.2.4, three key approximations were tested, including the approximation that ∆gwc can be evaluated with reasonable accuracy using the same expression for nonionic and ionic/ zwitterionic surfactant systems. All three approximations were found to be reasonably accurate in modeling ionic and zwitterionic surfactants. In particular, we found that ∆gwc could be modeled using eqs 2 and 3 and need not be fitted to obtain accurate results for ionic and zwitterionic surfactants. Reasonable agreement between the CS-MT model predictions and the experimental data for gform and the CMC were obtained for each of the nine ionic and zwitterionic surfactants modeled in this article. For six of these surfactants (SDS, DPC, CTAB, AOS-12, AOS-16, and DC1AB), the CMCs predicted using the CS-MT model were found to be in reasonable

Quantifying the Hydrophobic Effect (3) agreement with the CMCs predicted using the traditional MT model. However, for DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB, the predictions of the CS-MT model were in much closer agreement with the experimental data than the predictions of the traditional MT model. The results obtained for the relatively complex surfactants DC2AB, DC4AB, and DC6AB highlight the strengths of the CSMT modeling approach: for surfactants where a significant number of hydrophobic groups are located near the aggregate core-water interface and remain partially hydrated upon micelle formation, the CS-MT modeling approach eliminates the guesswork involved in traditional MT modeling. Furthermore, because the CS-MT modeling approach uses a more realistic free-energy model to quantify the hydrophobic driving force for micelle formation, it yields more accurate predictions of the micellization behavior than the traditional MT modeling approach. Given the relatively small fraction of surfactants with sufficient structural and chemical simplicity to be accurately modeled using the traditional MT modeling approach, we believe that the CS-MT model represents a very attractive and useful alternative. Acknowledgment. This research was supported in part by funding provided by DuPont through the DuPont-MIT Alliance. B.C.S. would like to thank Arthur Goldsipe for stimulating discussions about the CS-MT model. B.C.S. would also like to thank Jonathan Mendenhall for developing a mean-field modeling approach to compute gpack for surfactants with complex head and tail structures, thereby enabling evaluation of gpack the DCNAB surfactants modeled in this article. Supporting Information Available: Two figures are available that plot normalized SASA values as a function of simulation time during the 5 ns data-gathering simulation run (see Section 2.3) for each of the nine ionic and zwitterionic surfactant micelles simulated in this article. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. References and Notes (1) Stephenson, B. C.; Goldsipe, A.; Beers, K. J.; Blankschtein, D. J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 1025-1044. (2) Stephenson, B. C.; Goldsipe, A.; Beers, K. J.; Blankschtein, D. J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 1045-1062. (3) Puvvada, S.; Blankschtein, D. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 92, 37103724, and references cited therein. (4) Goldsipe, A.; Blankschtein, D. Langmuir 2005, 22, 9850-9865, and references cited therein. (5) Smith, R.; Tanford, C. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1973, 70, 289-293. (6) Jorgensen, W. L.; Maxwell, D. S.; Tirado-Rives, J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 11225-11236.

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