Quantitative Analysis, 4th Edition (Day, R. A.; Underwood, A. L.

Mar 1, 1982 - Quantitative Analysis, 4th Edition (Day, R. A.; Underwood, A. L.). Dale H. Karweik. J. Chem. Educ. , 1982, 59 (3), p A105. DOI: 10.1021/...
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Quantitative Analysis, 4th Edition R. A. Day and A. L. Underwood, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs. NJ, 1980. xi 660 pp. Figs and tables. 18 X 24 cm..$22.50.


The Fourth Edition of "Quantitative Analysis" by Day and Underwood closely follows the standard fbrmat for "modem" analytical chemistry texts. Following an introductory chapter and the weU-presented chapter on errors and the handling of analytical data are two chapters which present the calculations common to titrimetric and gravimetric methods of analysis. These chapters are followed by a brief overview of equilibria and then separate chapters on acid-base, complex-formation, precipitation, and oxidation-reductio" titration methods. The instrumental methods in the next grouping of chapters include potentiometry; electrolysis; eoulometry; polarography; UVVIS absorption and fluroescence spectroscopy; liquid-liquid extraction; gas chromatography; and liquid chromatography. The final group of chapters includes discussions on balances. laboratory operations, and a well-written group of labor&ry experiments which are also available separately as a laboratory manual. On the whole the test is well written and is presented at a level suitable far non-ehemistry majors, but, in the opinion of the re. viewer, it la& sufficient depth and challenge to be used as a text for chemistry maiors. If there is one consistent problem withthe text it can he found at the end of each ehaoter.

the instructor in selecting problems and may help the student identify sections he does not

fully understand, there still >hmld he additional prAlrtn.i in which thc ~tudclllmust selerr t tw plfrrl.m of h a knwrltd~'.nwezsw to answer the problem. Dale H. Karweik Ohio State University Columbus. OH 43210 Spectroscopic Techniques for Organic Chemists James W. Cooper, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1980. xv f 376 pp. Fig. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $23.50. This book is designed more as a text for an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate course in organic spectroscopy,than a9 a comprehensive reference. In this respect, the orice. level and d e ~ t hof coveraee, and choice o r -~nhjrcrmatter render i t aplmpriare t o t h r t,i.k. In general, the sppm:wh is mare instrumtnt micnted than must trxtion this subject. The book is divided into ten chapters, covering all of the basic spectroscopic techniques used in structure elucidation. The first two chapters concern infrared spectroscopy, presenting functional group analysis in reasonable detail, with inclusion of experimental techniques. Many spectra are reproduced and twelve compound identification prohlems are given. Detailed (one paragraph) answers to all problems in the text are included in an appendix. Chapters 3 through 6 cover 'H and ISC NMR spectroscopy, clearly the strong point of the book. After a concise introductory chapter and discussion of experimental techniques, the main features of 'H NMR spectra are discussed. Topics include: cou-

.d i n e constants (in some detail). second order "

spectra, virtual coupling, spin decoupling, dynamic processes, and use of lanthanide shift reagents. This is followed by a discussion of individual functional group characteristics and a section on computer calculation (without theory) of 'H NMR spectra. For those having a computer available, an interactive version of the well knownLAOCOON 111 program is included in the appendix. A collection of 14 spectral problems ends the



('h;gptcr 3 presents a mn-mr~thematical de..mptim of signal averayn:: nnd Fourlet tmndmm tcrhniques at a xrrv und~rstand. ahlr level. 'This is followd hy a goud introduction w 'TN M R soectral intrr~retation in chapter 6. Some embhasis is placed on the quantitative prediction of '3C chemical shifts. The measurement and use of spin-lattice relaxation times are discussed briefly. The chapter ends with 16 spectral problems. Chapter 7 (25 pages of Hiickel MO theory) begins with wave equations and the Schrodinger equation, and progresses to Hackel theory, aromaticity, variation of a and 8,etc. An interactive HMO Droeram (in FOR-

organic spectroscopy, in part because this material usually will be covered in parallel courses. More seriously, students will derive the clear impression that simple HMO theory is suEicient background for UV spedroscopy, an idea long viewed with caution in the spectr-pic community. Electron repulsion and configuration interaction are not discussed; indeed, in enumerating the failinga of Hiickel theory, electron repulsion is not (Continued on page A1061

-Reviewed in this Issue R. A. Day and A. L. Underwood, Qualitative Analysis, 4th Edition James W. Cooper, Spectroscopic Techniques for Organic Chemists E. N. Yeremin. The Foundations of Chemical Kinetics I. S. Scarpa. H C. Kiefer, G. Garmon, and R. Tatum, Editors, Sourcebook on Food and Nutrition, Second Edition Assembly of Mathematical a n d Physical Sciences, National Research Council, Editors, Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories ManfredE. Wolf, Editor, Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, 4th Edition, Part 1. "The Basis of Medicinal Chemistry" John Graham Smith, The Origins and Development of t h e Heavy Chemical Industry in France Alice Kimball Smith and Charles Weiner, Editors, Robert Oppenheimer: Letters And Recollections 1. S. Kulaev, T h e Biochemistry of inorganic Polyphosphates Lawrence Badash. Joseph 0.Hirschfeider and Herbert P. Broida, Editors, Reminiscences of Los Alamos, 1943-1945 Titles of Interest New Volumes in Continuing Series

Reviewer Dale H. Karweik Richard P. Johnson Herschel Rabitz RoseAnne L. Shorey

A105 A105-A106 A106 A106

Jay A. Young

A106-A108 A108

David C. Baker John A. Heitmann


Richard E. Bozak


All0 Howard W. Whltlock, Jr. Franklin Haar A110-A112

Volume 59

A112-A114 A114-A115

Number 3

March 1982
