Quantum states of atoms, molecules, and solids (Morrison, Michael A

Quantum states of atoms, molecules, and solids (Morrison, Michael A.; Estle, Thomas L.; Lane, Neal F.) Keith H. Johnson. J. Chem. Educ. , 1978, 55 (4)...
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book reviews details of many of the derivations. These 280 exercises are in addition to a small number of chapter end problems (atotalof 115 with no solutions aiven). Some historical backmound and manfexamples from the origiuailiterature (with references) are used. Advanced texts and monographs are included in the footnotes, hut the bibliography attheend of the book is spotty; e.g., no books listed for kinetics. The student in a hurry is helped by having those lengthy derivations that are given set off in contrasting color so that he can skip directly to the working equations if he chases. Script symhols are used for molar quantities. This makes the text look less orderly, hut gives the lecturer a distinctive symbol that he can reproduce on the blackboard without using barred symbols which are reserved for average quantities. I t would have been helpful to identify this general practice in the note to the reader at the beeinnine of the bmk. The author generally user Sl units, lrut lhen repurts lmrnture data in multiples of 101 X 1 0 V a rather thanumvertingdata to SI units. In summary, this is a hook for students interested in a concise text an physical chemistrv or for students willine to use the literature to learn more details about specific topics.

Klnetlcs ol Chemlcal and Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions Dennis Piszkiewicz, University of California-Irvine. Oxford University Press, New York, 1977. ix 235pp. Figs. and tables. 14 X 21 em., paper. $6., paper, and $12.50, hard.


This book is lucidly and concisely written. It hegins a ith first principles and leads, syat~matically,to descriptions of complex enzyme-catalyzed reactions. After a general introduction, there are chapters on chemical kinetics, thermadynamics of chemical reactions, catalysis in aqueous solutions, enzyme catalysis and kinetics, multiple substrate reactions, and metabolic regulation by enzymes. At the end of each chapter, there is a problem section with answers given in an appendix. The hook is well indexed; and, in addition, it contains a glossary, a list of symbols, and logarithm tables. The preface states that the hook is intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. I t certainly fulfills this objective. While an expert in the field may gain nothimg from this book, except an object lesson in clarity of expression, it should he an invaluable aid to those of us who grapple with kinetics only occasionally. The author has restricted himself to kinetics in aqueous solution, illustrated by a few examples. There is no indication of the large number of enzymes which have now been characterized or that many of them do not normally function in a homogenous aqueous phase. There are no references, hut sufficient history is given to indicate theseA214 I Journal of Chemical Education

quence of discoveries. The listing of these omissions is not to be construed as criticism. These tonics have no place in an intn,duetmy text such as thls The emswnce of eneyrlopedrc works on enzyme knnet~nand newpr roncepta uf the actton of membrane-hound enzymes cannot have escaped many student's notice, hut may have inhibited the timid from further study. This comnendious work should disoel anv such fearsmd, h#,pefdy,amusesuffirientinterest to prompt further reading. Ian S. Lmgrnuir North Cmlina State UnlvemRy Raleigh Nmth Carolina, 27607

cussion of how enzymes through feedback mechanisms can exert a finecmtrol on metebulieactivity. T h e m n d chapter d e b with the question of enzymes and coarse control of metabdism. Unfortunately it is so hrief that it is of lrttle value. The ODeron theory of Jacob and Monod is covered fn less than naees. .I t isdiffirult to find a place for this hook in the undergraduatechemixtry, biochemistry, or biology cuniculum. It rs sunply too brief to he of much me in a course in enzymologythat follows a standard course in himhemistry. I t is not especially valuable as a reference since detailed discussions of tonics are rarelv nresented. Moreover., the hbok is ~- not h&lv~~, foc,tnoted, with only 55 references for the entire book; ao it does not aerve as a gutde to the literature. It cannot he recommended for inclusion in Library collections. There are many supplements to undergraduate biochemistry or hiology courses available, and since most of them are relatively expensive, and instruetor is reluctant to recommend them to students unless they add significantly to the course. Since this hook adds little to thematerial presented in the more comprehensive biochemistry textbooks, it cannot he strongly recommended as a supplement. It does serve as a succinct.. one volume presentation of elementary enlymology and might aerve as an intnrduetron for a persun working ourside the field uf biochemistry who has limited background in the subject



The Enzyme Molecule

W. Ferdinand, The University, Sheffield. John Wiley & Sans,New York, 1976.xvi 289 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 em. $10.95, paper. $22., cloth.


This b w k has heen written for use as a textbook in an undergraduate course in enzymology, or for use as a supplement in courses in hiochemistry, cell biology or related subjects in the biology curriculum. I t is not intended for use in graduate courses. The hook's usefulness as a textbook in enzymology is diminished by the fact that it only occasionally develops topics in greater detail than comprehensive biochemistry textbooks such as Lehninger, Stryer, Metzler, or Mahler and Cordes. I t doea, however, bring many facets of enzymology into a single, succinct volume. The book has chapters covering hioenergetics, protein structure, enzyme structure and function, kinetics of independent active sites, kinetics of interacting sites, and two chapters on metabolic control. Induded in the appendix are sections on enzyme nomenclature and methods of protein purification. The treatment of bioenergetics is hrief and is directed toward the role that enzymes play in the energy cansiderations of hiochemical reactions. Thermodynamic terms are not derived and the treatment is far less comprehensive than would he found in Metzler or Mahler and Cordes. The chapter on structure and properties of proteins is weak in its discussion of techniques used in enzyme structure elucidation. As an example, x-ray diffraction is covered on one page, gel filtration in one paragraph, and SDS-gel electrophoresis is d o t e d one page. The section on the determination of primary structure is more complete. The forces affecting spatial organization of the protein are discussed in meater detail than mieht be found m n standard biochemistry wxr. A ~ectiunoncalalytic mechanisms is much too brief f8,ra modern textbook on enpymol. ogy, even for an introductory underpaduate text. There rs a good introductiun to methods employed in ligand binding site studies. The two chapters on enzyme kinetics represent the strongest part of the hook. The author does not shy away from the use of derivations and they are presented in a clear and straightforward manner. The kinetics is developed to a greater extent than is found in standard biochemistry textbooks. The final two chapters deal with enzymes and the role they play in metabolic regulation. The first of these provides a good dis-










Richard L. Taber


COl0rsdo college Springs. CO 80903

Quantum States of Atoms, Molecules, and Sollds Michael A. Morrison, Thomas L. Estle, Prmand Neal F. Lane. Rice Univeraitv. ---~-,- ---tice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1976. xv 515 pages. Figs. and tahles. 15 X 23.5 em. $25.50.

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With theexception of Slater's monumental series of volumes on the quantum theory of atoms, molecules, and solids, there have been few textbooks which have successfully integrated these three topics. The availability of many excellent texts focussed separately on atomic physics, molecular quantum chemistry, or solid state physin has been a response, in part, to the traditional development of these suhjects as more or less nonoverlapping specialized research areas. Contrast, for example, the "real-space" chemical bonding point of view of the chemist with the "reciprocal- or k-space" point of view of the solid state physicist. Nevertheless, it has become increasingly evident that many of the most important current problems in materials research, e.g., the fundamental nature of surfaces and chemisorption thereon, bridge the disciplines of solid state physics and chemistry and can benefit significantly from a common theoretical point of view. Thus the need for textbooks that provide a thorough and unified introduction to the quantum theory of atoms, molecules, and solids is more obvious than ever before. At the same time, inorganic and organic chemists are making greater use of the concepts and, to some extent, the computational techniques of quantum chemistry, thereby underscoring the need for textbooks that go beyond conven-

tional introductions to quantum mechanics and qualitative treatments of chemical hondine. "Quantum States of Atoms, Molecules, Solids." by Michael A. 'Morrison,Thomas I.. Estlr, and Real F. Lane of Ricr Univmity, is a reletively complete and unified presentation of the applications of quantum theory and indeed may satisfy the needs of hoth chemists and ohvsicists for a unified treatmtnt of the elrctronic structures of atoms, molecules, and solids in a rmgle volnme. Among its many sttraaive fenturps, the book develops basic concepts and methods in the simplest possible context, frequently using one- and two-dimensional models to introduce end explain difficult principles, thereby minimizing mathematical and physical complexities. Far example, in Chapter 13 a "double square well" is used as an exactly solvable one-dimensional model of a oneelectron diatomic molecule. This prepares the reader for the more realistic molecular-orbital theory of three-dimensional moleculeapresented in following chapters. Although the hook is fairly broad in scope and detailed in examples, some topics are conspicuously absent or minimally presented. For example, several chapters are devoted to molecular-orbital theory, whereas valencebond theory is restricted to two pages. The electronic structure of solids, which constitutes the third part of the hook, is presented entirely within the framework of the reciprocal-space band-theoretical approach of solid state physics and therefore is limited to ideal crystalline solids. Real-space cluster molecular-orbital models, which are now widely used for representing the local elec-


tronic structures of hoth ordered -~~~~~~and com..... tables. 14.5 X 22.5 em. $9.93, paper. $25, positionally or topologically dhrdered solids cloth. (e.g., impurity statpa, amorphous sollds,and surfaces), are not mentioned, even though the This member of the Cambridge Chemistry conceptual and computatioual principles Texts series is so specialized that it will he of underlying this molecular approach to solids little interest for undergraduates. For gradare thoroughly established in the second part uate students, it would most likely he used in of the book. a special topics course or as a reference for s On the whole, the attractive features of this course in physical-organic chemistry. hook far outnumber its deficiencies, and its The topic is reactions of positive halogen potential versatility is notable. It can serve as donors with unsaturated compounds. Within an excellent basic or supplementary text for this scope, the coverage is rather extensive. a unified subject in the quantum theory of After three introductorv chanters eivine matter given in a department of chemistry, , . , , ., physics, or materials science. There are nuhalogmating reagmrs are ronridered in the merous class-tested exmoles and illustrative (mlw fluorinr, rhlorine, bromine, iodine. In nrohlems esoeciallv" orenared to haln the ~. - ~ ----. ~each case, reactions of the molecular halogen reader in applying the concepts and matheare taken u p first, then reactions of other matical techniques of quantum mechanics. halogenating agenu. Fluorination is covered Since the three major sections of the hook on in 9 pages. chlorination in 60, brominatim 35, atoms, molecules, and solids, respectively, are and ~orlinat~on 18. Two f.nal rhaoters treat essentially self-contained units, each part can miscellaneous halogenations, mostly involvalso he used effeetivelv in traditional or ing carhonyl compounds (18 pp.), and haloself-paced study genations of aromatic heterocycles (18 pp.). The viewpoint is mechanistic, and the Keith H. Johnson highly competent exposition is definitely in L b p a m n t of Materials Science and Engineering the British style. An odd structural convenMassachusetts Institute of Technoicgy tion is used thnnrghuut-dots reprrsent Cambridge, 02139 tuo-electron bonds: (.'H*(?H.CH:CH2 + C12 CH~:CH.CHI(:I).(:~I,(:I . . The tmrk ran be recommended highly tu thuseserking informatitmm the top~cscovElectrophlllc Halogenatlon. Reaction ered. Pathways lnvolvlng Attack by Electrophlllc John F . Garst Halogens on Unsaturated Compounds. ~~
























Peter B. D. de la Mare, University of Auckland. Camhridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976. xi + 231 pp. Figs and

The University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602

Volume 55, Number 4, April 1978 1 A215