Questions and answers about ACS Basic Journals on Microfiche

Nov 7, 2010 - Questions and answers about ACS Basic Journals on Microfiche. Chem. Eng. News , 1974, 52 (35), p 31. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v052n035.p031...
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Questions and answers about ACS Basic Journals on Microfiche

Starting with the first issues of 1975, the following ACS journals will be available on microfiche on a subscription basis: Accounts of Ch'emical Research Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Chemical Reviews l&EC Fundamentals l&EC Process Design and Development l&EC Product Research and Development Inorganic Chemistry Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Journal of the American Chemical Society Journal of Chemical Documentation Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data Journal of Medicinal Chemistry The Journal of Organic Chemistry The Journal of Physical Chemistry Macromolecules What is microfiche? A sheet of microfilm approx­ imately 4 χ 6 in. in size, containing reduced images of journal pages. The reduction ratio used is 24:1, allowing up to 98 pages on a single microfiche.

What are the advantages of microfiche? • Easy handling and storage: Microfiche is much less bulky than "hard copies." • Speedy delivery: Microfiche is sent first class mail to U.S. subscribers, by air mail to all points outside the U.S. How much does it cost? Subscriptions to ACS journals on microfiche coat exactly the same as the corresponding "hard copy" journals. Both ACS members and non-members may subscribe. You don't have to be a hard copy subscriber in order to sub­ scribe to a journal on microfiche. For a price list and a free sample of an ACS journal issue on microfiche, fill out and mail the coupon.

Journals Department American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036


How do I read It? Microfiche can be read on any of a large number of commercially available machines; some machines can provide paper prints of any desired page.

Yes, I'm interested in learning more about ACS journals on microfiche. Please send me a price sheet and a sample microfiche.

• If you are not presently familiar with the use of micro­ forms, just check the box in the coupon on right and we will send, entirely free of charge, a copy of the authoritative and useful National Microfilm Association booklet, "Introduction to Micrographics."

D Please send also a copy of the NMA booklet, "Introduction to Micrographics" D Please send information on supplementary materials on microfiche

• ACS microfilm subscribers please note: You will automatically receive in 1975, one free subscription to current issues on microfiche for each of the above journals to which you have a current microfilm sub­ scription.

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Sept. 2, 1974 C&EN