"QUIZMAKER" - A versatile program for chemistry ... - ACS Publications

Oct 1, 1986 - "QUIZMAKER" - A versatile program for chemistry exams. T. R. Shepherd, B. M. Mattson and Edward Carberry. J. Chem. Educ. , 1986, 63 (10)...
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"QUIZMAKER-A Versatile Program for Chemistry Exams T. R. Shepherd and 8. M. Mattoon

Creighton University Omaha. NE 68178 Edward Carberry Southwest State University Marshall. MN 56258 "Test Maker" programs Can he a great aid to the chamistry professor for storing and utilizing test and exam questions. Unfortunately, most impose severe restrictions on the length of the questions as well as to the length and nature the answer choices. We IePort a program that One to construct exams or quizzes where the length and nature of the questions and/or answer choices are unrestricted. Thus, subscripts, superscripts, other s ~ m b o tables h of data, and all ~ r i n t e control r characters for any printer may be incorP0rated into the text of the questions and answers. he program, written in Word Processor Language, is designed to operate with the Apple Writer 11word processor and an Avvle IIe comvuter. Because the resultina file can be easily moiified by the word processing program, this software is more versatile than any of the others we have examined. Exams are constructed by specifying file name and question number for each desired test item from material previously designed by t h e instructor. Output consists of the constructed exam text file and an answer key displayed on the screen and ready to edit, save, and/or print. Test items appear in the order specified by input. QUIZMAKER is available from Project SERAPHIM on a 5'/a-in. disk.

Laboratory Report Writing In General Chemistry Using Computer-Assisted Instruction J. Charles Templeton and Carmen M. Loren2

Whitman College Walla Walla. WA 99362 T o enhance student learning in preparing laboratory reports, 12 interactive FORTRAN programs have been developed for use by students in the first-year lahoratory. One, "Computer", is designed to teach inexperienced students how to use the computer terminal and to become familiar with the interactive mode of communication with the computer. The other 11programs are designed for use following the comnletion of a snecific laboratorv in the " exneriment . laboratory text (I)or on a handout. The programs are written toassist studentsin relating experimentto theory, and in analyzing their data in such a way that they will discover sources of error in reasonine and/or calculatine and thus will be able to see that the final results of the experiment do support the theory. Students using these optional programs have gained a better understanding of the experiment and have improved the accuracy of their calculated results pared to students who have not used them. Following completion of the laboratory experiment, the student logs on to the desired program using his or her desk number. Through a question-and-answer format involving theory, nomenclature, laboratory techniques, and numerical

manipulation of the experimental data, the program guides the student through a review of the theory and the calculations needed to generate the final results. Student input involves data, numerical and word answers to questions, and selection of appropriate multiple choice responses. Hints are provided and repeats of questions or sections of the program are often permitted. The data tables in the program are set up similarly to those in the laboratory text whenever possible. Standard Features of All Programs (Except "Computer") Associated with each program is a data file, inaccessible to the student user, that contains student desk numbers and true or expected values for any unknown(s) used in the experiment. If tables are being filled in, the prompt shows the student where the data will be entered. Each program checks the validity of the desk number given by the user against the data file and willahort after twoincorrect inputs. Experimental values determined for the unknown are compared with the true or expected value stored in the data file, d, the deviation is reported to the student, various checks on consistency of student data and results are performed, depending on the program. Selected final results, the student's answers to questions (whether correct or incorrect), and of the options (such as ,.hecks on the data) are stored in the data file at the completion of program execution. Each program contains various routines, accessed by appropriate desk numbers, for the instructor to load, correct, and list the data file, and to run a "stripped" version of the program, containing only the data input and calmlations, for use in grading student lab reports. Brlef Descrlptlons of Each Program Abbreviated comments on each program are given below. The exveriment number in Slowinski et al. (1) . . follows the program name. ALLOY (8): Determines percent aluminum in Al-Zn allay based on volume of hydrogen gas produced when sample is dissolved in acid. Checks student's interpretation of his graph of "moles of hydrogen per gram of alloy". Determines if barometric pressure given bv student is within reasonable limits: cheeks if vanor of . vressure . water matches that in oroeram's data table.

student's understanding of theory, especially concepts of endothermieity, exothermicity, and temperature changes during these processes.

CHROM (3): Com~utesRt values for known and unknown ions in paper chromatography of colored ions of transition metals. Cheeks knowns against 'standards'. Gives range of colors against which to match known and unknown. CO411'1VER: Introdures terminal keyhonrd to novice user after minrmnl sign-on instruction. I'rovides wme flexibility of t e ~ det pendine, on style id terminnl bring used and uaer's familiarity with typewnrer kryboard. Requires no data or calrulntions. CRSSTAI. 12,.romputea grams and percentages from fractiunal rrvrtaliination of mixture of NnCI. sand. and K,Cr?O-. Also comp& purity of K&07 in ppm from spectrometer reading. Permits entry of spectrometer reading as either absorbance or transmittance. ~. ~.. EI.KCEWL r15): Ikrerminer gram equivalent mass of unknown metal by elrctrolysrr and collection uf hydrogen gasevolved. EQIIII.IH (141: (:ompurrs equililrrium wnstnnt for transitionmetal complex ion based on composition of various solutions and their ahsorbauces in visible region. Constructs simple calibration graph showing student data points and linear least-squares best fit line. Checks student's determination of concentrations from absorbance values. FREEZE (19): Computes gram molecular mass of unknown organic a d from freezing point depression data. Displays rough graphof student's cooling curves, if desired, and determinesfreezing points of those curves so student may compare his evaluation of data. Determines if correct mass of sample was used in second run. Evaluates reasonableness of solvent and solution freezing mints. Calculates expected freezing point depression of unknowns&tion based on true value and identity of unknown compound. ~~~






Volume 63

Number 10 October 1986