roll film camera. Permanent -. Magnet Lenses — ... In Canada: RCA VICTOR Company Limited, Montreal. •. Electron Microscope. •. Vacuum Units. •...
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Weeks of actual use were the only way Socony-Vacuum could test quality of grease


Socony-Vacuum's pilot plant cuts testing time to a matter of minutes— often eliminates several weeks' output of unusable product. T h e RCA Table Model Electron Microscope contrib­ utes substantial time savings to this operation—permits specimen testing in just a few seconds. (In background, microphoto of suitable batch.)

Socony-Vacuum cuts weeks to minutes with RCA Electron Microscope In a new quality-control operation, S o c o n y - V a c u u m Oil C o . n o w eliminates t i m e lags — and wasted p r o d u c t i o n — in a pilot operation built a r o u n d t h e R C A Electron M i c r o s c o p e M o d e l E M T - 3 . W i t h this e q u i p ­ m e n t , S o c o n y - V a c u u m tesearch m e n actually cut weeks of test t i m e to t h e few m i n u t e s required t o prepare and p h o t o g r a p h a sample. For a small investment S o c o n y - V a c u u m has obtained the dual advantages of electronm i c r o s c o p y — h i g h resolution and h i g h m a g ­ nification (40,000 X p h o t o g r a p h i c a l l y ) . Perhaps t h e R C A T y p e E M T - 3 Electron M i c r o s c o p e can help y o u t o control quality . . . determine t h e structure and c o m p o s i t i o n



of taw materials . . . cut costs . . . save time . . . accelerate d e v e l o p m e n t of n e w p r o d u c t s . Check these i m p o r t a n t advantages:

Instant Photography and Specimen Changing—20 exposutes without breaking vacuum—with new roll film camera.

Permanent - Magnet Lenses — offer

exceptional stability for the most exacting studies.

50-KV Accelerating Voltage comparable to that offered in larger, higher-priced equipment. Accurate Focusing—with new focusing magni­ fier and viewer.

• Electron Microscope







In Canada: RCA VICTOR Company Limited, Montreal

on the RCA Electron Micro­ scope (EMT-3) and RCA's training assistance program, write Scientific Instruments, Dept. llVj Radio Corpora­ tion of America, Camden, N.J.

• Vacuum Units



• Shadow Caster • Vacuum Leak Detector • Electron Diffraction Equipment