Radioactive Silicones - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Presently offered for laboratory and clinical test work only and with AEC authorization, the C1 4-tagged silicone is a chain stopped ...
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Radioactive Silicones Labeled silicones may prove a valuable research tool in pharmacy, cosmetics, textiles, and other areas A





*** v e l o p e d b y A b b o t t L a b s and G e n ­ eral Electric's silicone products division provides a potential research tool in the fields of p h a r m a c y , cosmetics, tex­ tiles, and other areas. Presently offered for laboratory and clinical test work o n l y a n d w i t h A E C authorization, the C 1 4 - t a g g e d silicone is a chain s t o p p e d d i m e t h y l p o l y s i l o x a n e fluid c o r r e s p o n d i n g to GE's S F - 9 6 or Velvasil t y p e silicone w i t h carbon-14 in s o m e of t h e m e t h y l groups ( Velvasils are carefully s e l e c t e d S F - 9 6 type fluids especially suited for u s e in cosmetic and pharmaceutical a p p l i c a t i o n s ) .

For iarger-thanlaboratory amounts of a organic • Better ask Eastman to make it for you! Skilled professional person­ nel, with their w i d e experi­ ence in producing over 3 5 0 0 Eastman Organic Chemicals, will be glad to help you. A n d our great variety o f equipment for all types of organic reac­ tions is at your service for bulk production. For information or a quota­ tion, write to Oistillation Prod­ ucts Industries, Eastman Organic Chemicals Department, R o c h ­ ester 3, Ν . Υ.



CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 \ \ -Û— CH 3 CH 3 —Si—O—(SiO)x \ / */ CH 3 CH3 CH3 O n l y o n e t y p e of l a b e l e d silicone fluid is offered in t h e viscosity range of from 2 0 0 to 5 0 0 centistokes. This is a w a t e r w h i t e oil h a v i n g a viscosity of 3 0 0 centistokes at 1 0 0 ° F . L o w m o l e c ular w e i g h t f r a g m e n t s h a v e b e e n rem o v e d ; product's v a p o r pressure is less than 1 m m . of H g at 2 5 0 ° C. Activity is 0 . 6 millicurie p e r gram. For con-

venience, it is s u p p l i e d as a b e n z e n e solution w h i c h is easily r e m o v e d u n d e r vacuum. L a b e l e d fluids h a v i n g a different viscosity are possible b y a s i m p l e blending of the labeled fluid w i t h a n y standard G E Velvasil or S F - 9 6 fluid. T h e radioactive silicone fluid is m a d e b y reacting labeled m e t h y l chloride or methyl iodide with m a g n e s i u m to form methyl m a g n e s i u m i o d i d e . This in a Grignard reaction w i t h n o n radioactive methyltrichlorosilane produces radioactive dimethyldichlorosilane. Hydrolysis of this p r o d u c e s p o l y siloxane w h i c h , w h e n equilibrated w i t h sulfuric acid and hexamethyldisiloxane ( n o n r a d i o a c t i v e ) , forms the t a g g e d silic o n e fluid. This is d e v o l a t i l i z e d to 2 0 0 ° C. at 5 m m . Among the suggested pharmaceutical uses for the n e w t a g g e d silicone fluid are: determination of p e r s i s t e n c e and metabolic fate of silicone oils injected intermuscularly; possible absorption through the stomach; m e c h a n i s m and duration of protective a c t i o n in external applications o n t h e skin; m o d e of action in treating duodenal ulcers; effect of silicone oil o n vitamins; absorption rate of silicone oils by t h e skin a n d stomach linings; effect of s i l i c o n e oil

Many Uses for New Form of Fiberglas Owens - Coming's molded high-density Fiberglas (nearly 100% glass with only a small amount of binder ) has diverse uses, as suggested by sizes and shapes shown. Included are gaskets, an automobile instrument panel pad, a shipping carton, and filters. Product can be made in densities up to 2 0 l b . / cu. ft., at which point it resembles wood. It is made by molding uncured fluffy Fiberglas insulating "wool" under heat and pressure to form desired object. Resulting material will not rot, burn, absorb moisture, shrink, or stretch. Company says it retains varying degrees of thermal and acoustical insulating properties of Fiberglas "wool," but differs in structural strength, resiliency, and moldability CS 1 CHEMICAL




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