rare earth oxide systems. the hysteresis effects in ... - ACS Publications

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July, 1963


03F, is reflected .in its expansion coefficients; the rate of expansion in the “e” direction is only 1.3 times as large as that in the “a” while the KzNb03F expansion in the “c” direction was more than twice that in the C( a1 1 . However, it should be noted that there is a difference between the strontium titanium oxide and the strontium iron oxyfluoride expansion data. This, when coupled with the fact that SrpFe03Fdoes exhibit a large c / a ratio, indicates that the fluoride ions may be preferentially located a t the apical positions in the anion octahedra surrounding the iron ions. The results of the electrical measurements show that


SrzFeOSF is a p-type semiconductor exhibiting a negative temperature coefficient of resistance from 25 to 319’. It is interesting that K2Kb03Falso showed a drop in resistance with increasing temperature a t low temperatures but a t higher temperatures it exhibited a positive coefficient of resistance.l This difference in the resistance behavior of the two compounds in ceramic form may be caused by the more marked anisotropic behavior exhibited by KpKb03F. Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to thank Bernarr Jacob and Salvatore Fiorentino for their work in taking electrical measurements.

RARE EARTH OXIDE SYSTEMS. THE HYSTERESIS EFFECTS I N PRASEODYMIUM OXIDE’ BY PAULA. FAETH~ AND ALAXF. CLIFFORD Department of Chemistry, P u r d u e University, Lafayette, I n d i a n a Received Sovember 21, 1962

and 150 mm. oxygen The composition-pressure diagram of the Pr-0 system has been studied between pressure using a quartz beam microbalance. The isotherms between 400 and 500” show hysteresis between Pr01.80and I3rO1.83 as the pressure varies. At 465’ a hysteresis loop extends over the entire pressure range. Everett’s theory of hysteresis is compared to the Pr-0 isotherms a t 465”. The seven theorems proposed by Everett are &ed and discussed with reference to the Pr-0 data. In general, the agreement between the properties of Everett’s theoretical model of a domain system and the properties of the Pr-0 system is good. Results of a preliminary study of the region between loop boundaries indicate that more than two domain states are present. The behavior of the praseodymium oxide system is thought to be a result of its being composed of domains of various stable compositions, Pr01.83, Pr01.80,etc. The domains change composition as a function of the oxygen pressure.

Introduction During an investigation of the phase diagram of praseodymium oxide, hysteresis effects were observed between adjacent, stable, non-stoichiometric compositions. The stable compositions are essentially the same ones that were observed by Eyring, et ~ 1 The hysteresis loops studied appear between 400 and 1000’ and to 1fjO mm. oxygen pressure. At 46.5’ a rather broad hysteresis loop appears for the Pr-O system between Pr01.80and Pr01.83and exists over most of the pressure region investigated in this study. Other loops were observed at higher and lower temperatures but none was so broad or lent itself to investigation so conveniently as the loop a t 465’. Most of the other hysteresis loops observed extended over only a 70-80 mm. pressure range; the loop at 465’ extended about 150 mm. Although several theories of hysteresis have been proposed$ they are usually specific for certain processes (adsorption, magnetism, etc.). The subject in general is not well understood. By considering a collection of the different types of stimuli which produce hysteresis effects, Everett4 arrived a t a gelleral theory of (1) (a) Presented in part a t the 138th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in New York City, N. Y . , September, 1960. (b) This research was supported by the United States Bir Force through the .4ir Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command, under contract No. AB 18(603)-45. Reproduction in whole o r in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. (2) Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Enmneering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (3) (a) J. M. Honia, A. F. Clifford, and P. A. Faeth, I ~ O TChem., O. in press: (b) R. E. Ferguson, E. D. Guth, and L. Eyring, J . A m . Chem. Soe., 76, 3890 (1954). (4) (a) D. H. Everett and W. I. Whitton, Trans. Faradag Soe., IS, 749 (1952); (b) D. H. Everett andF. W.Smith, ibid., 60, 187 (lQ54); ( 0 ) D,H. Everett, %bid,,60, 1077 (1954); (d) ibid,, 61, 1561 (1855),

hysteresis based on the existence of domains; the domains are postulated to be small groups of atoms which react to certain stimuli (gas pressure, magnetic field, etc.) as a unit and which may exist in one of several different energy states. According to Everett’s domain will exhibit a square hysteresis . each ~ individual ~ loop if the dependent property (composition, magnetization, etc.) is considered as a function of the independent property (gas pressure, magnetic field, etc.). According to Everett (in a simple situation) if a domain exists in an energy state I, and the magnitude of the independent variable ( X ) is increased, a critical value, Xu, will be approached; the domain will be converted from state I to a state I1 if Xu is exceeded. Furthermore, if a domain exists in state I1 and X is decreased, a critical value, XI, will be approached, a t which value the domain will be converted from state I1 to state I. The condition Xu > X I prevails. I n a real system it is reasonable to expect the existence of many domains. A typical hysteresis curve which is observed for the stimuli mentioned above is shown in Fig. 1. As a first approximation any point on the curve represents the additive contribution of domains which have the same critical values of X . The sigmoidal curve implies a distribution of values of Xu and XI for the domains. I n the course of his work, suggested seven theorems which should apply in general to most systems exhibiting hysteresis effects. The unmodified theory is limited since it stipulates that only two states are available to the domains and that the domains are independent. The case of dependent and independent domains has been treated by Enderby.6 It is the purpose of this study to show the qualitative similarities










XI, xu2 x u , ( x A ) Independent variable.

Fig. 1.-A

typical hysteresis loop. The symbolism follows that proposed by Everett.

microbalance had a sensitivity of 0.05 pg. and a reproducibility of 0.1 pg. Approximately 50 mg. of praseodymium oxide (PreOll) was suspended from one arm of the balance in a small fusedsilica bulb by using quartz fibers; a matching empty bulb was similarly suspended as a counterpoise. The balance was contained in fi Pyrex glass envelope fitted with two fused silica extensions which Burrounded the sample of praseodymium oxide and its counterweight. Fiirnaces were fitted around the fused silica extensions and provided a constant temperature. The oxygen pressure was measured and maintained using standard vacuum equipment. The counterpoise side of the balance was equipped with an Alnico needle which was suspended from the balance into the field of an externally mounted solenoid. Changes in mas8 were determined by passing a current through the solenoid and observing the amount of current necessary to maintain the balance in a null position. The current passed through a standard resistance, the voltage drop across which was used as a measure of the mass changes. Mass changes of one microgram were considered to be the limit of practical mass resolution. The mass changes are illustrated in the figures as a funetaion of oxygen pressure. The criterion for equilibrium was established as that value of the mass which remained constant for one hour under the conditions of the experiment. It had been found in earlier, exploratory experiments that equilibrium was established in approximately ten minutes for experimental points which then were essentially unaltered after 15 hours. Plots of mass change us. time were used to establish the equilibrium value of a particular set of conditions; frequently the equilibrium value of the mass oscillated & few micrograms +bout the mean value. Praseodymium oxide (99.9%) was obtained from the Lindsay Chemical Company. The oxygen and nitrogen gases used in the experiments were obtained from the thermal decomposition of KMnOd and NaNs, respectively.

Results and Discussion It was decided to make a comparison between the properties of a set of Pr-0 isotherms measured in the vicinity of 465’ and the general properties of hysteresis




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1.80 0

Fig. 2.-A

50 Oxygeq pressure, mm.



Pr-0 isotherm which illustrates theorems I and 11.

between the properties of a theoretical system showing hysteresis as proposed by Everett and the experimental properties of the Pr-O system a t 465’. Experimental The measurement of the changes in stoichiometry of the Pr-0 bystem as a function of oxygen pressure at constant temperature was made using a quartz beam microbalance.6 The ( 5 ) (&) J. A. Enderby, Trans. FoTaday Soc., 61, 836e (1955); (b) ibzd 69, 106 (1968). (6) A. W. Czanderna and J. M. Honig, Anal, Chern., a9, 1206 (1957).


systems proposed as theorems by Everett. Appropriate portions of Everett’s theorems will be cited and a comparison made with illustrations which were constructed from the data of an experimental study of the Pr-0 system. Xo rigorous justification will be attempted a t this time as to agreement or disagreemeqt between the theorems and the experimental results. The symbolism cited by Everett in the theorems is illustrated in Fig. 1. Theorem I.-‘(If the primary descending curves meet the descending boundary curve then the primary ascending curves will meet the ascending boundary curve; this behavior corresponds to a relatively narrow distribution of domain properties.” Theorem 11.-“If all the primary descending curves converge on the lower intersection point of the main loop all the ascending curves will converge on the upper intersection point; this behavior corresponds to a wide distribution of domain properties.” Ordinarily one would not expect both of these theorems to hold for a specific example. Since Everett does not discuss a (‘medium sized” distribution, a corollary wbich considers the intermediate case may be in order. Figure 2 illustrates a distribution which may be described as being between the limits set by theorems I and 11. A preliminary investigation of the internal region (see below) of the hysteresis loop of the Pr-0 system a t 485’ suggests that several distributions are operating in this region. Each contributing member of the total loop may be thought of as a “narrow” distribution (theorem I). The combined effect of several narrow distributions appears to produce a


July, 1963

“wide” distribution of properties (theorefn 11) although not in the sense necessarily intended by Everett. Theorem III.--“The slope of any descending scanning curve must always be less than that of the descending boundary curve a t the same value of X ; similarly that of any ascending scanning curve must be less than that of the ascending boundary curve a t the same value of X . The slope of any scanning curve is zero a t a reversal point.” Figures 2 and 3 serve to illustrate this theorem. The slopes of the primary curves are less than the respective boundary curves. The slope a t the reversal point does not appear to be zero; however, there does appear to be a tendency for the descending primary curve to comply with this point of the theorem. In some instances the dope is negative, a fact which is not understood a t this time. The effect has been observed also during a study of the rate of uptake of oxygen by Pro,, and details will be reported in a later publication. It should perhaps be mentioned that the theorems presented by Everett are related to the slopes of the curves for which the fraction of domains in st plotted us. the external variable. I n these slope of any scanning curve is zero at a reversal point. However, any externally measured quantity (e.g., oxygen content in this case) is subjebt both to reversible and irreversible changes. The slope of a scanning curve a t the reversal point is equal to the reversible part of the change (compare reference 4c, equation 8). This would explain perhaps why the slopes of the experimental curves at the reversal points are not zero. Theorem IV --“If the path of the system is reversed a t A (X = X A ) and X is changed to XB and back to X A ,then the system will return to A, it follows that any oscillation of X between given limits XA and XB will lead to a loop of constant shape and area independent of the position A in the loop.” In general the first part of this theorem applies to the Pr-0 system and is illustrated by Fig. 2 and 3. Figure 3 shows that the second part of the theorem is not necessarily applicable. I n this case the two sets of scanning curves obtained between the same pressure limits are quite different. The lower set exhibits a measurable loop but the upper set does not. I t appears that scanning loop size is dependent upon the region of the main loop under investigation. It is possible, however, that there are regions where the second portion of the theorem would apply, but with the present knowledge of the system, these regions are difficult to isolate. Kon-compliance with the theorem is to be expected in a system in which several domain states contribute to the hysteresis. Quinn and McIntosh7 found the mme general result with the adsorption of butane on porous Vycor glass. While Everett’s theorem requires an equal area and the same shaped loops, the modification of Enderby6 requires only equal areas; in any event neither of the proposals fits the Pr-0 system under the conditions of the experiment. Theorem V.--“If when the system returns to A as envisaged in theorem IV, X continues to increase, the system will move along the same curve as that which would have been followed if no loop had been traversed from A.” Theorem V is considered to apply to the Pr-0 system (7) H. W. Quinn and

R. McIntosh, Can. J .

Chen., 86, 745 (1957).











.*c H







! 30

Fig. 3.-A I






50 60 70 Oxygen pressure, mm.



Pr-0 isotherm which illustrates theorems 111, IV, and V.













Oxygen pressure, mm.

Fig. 4.-A

Pr-0 isotherm which illustrates theorem VI.

(Fig. 3). As the pressure is increased from A, the plot of the experimental data extends below the ascending boundary curve. The tendency of the curve as it emerges from A is to have a smaller slope than the envelope curve. This suggests that the scanning procedure has caused a change in the system properties.



I 30

Fig. 5.-A

I 40

60 70 80 Oxygen pressure, mm.





Pr-0 isotherm which illustrates theorem VII.



p a .* H


1 0





20 30 40 60 Oxygen pressure, mm.

Fig. 6.-Scanning



curves for a Pr-0 isotherm a t 465’.

For example, one may suppose that a specific distribution of properties, which is a result of only two overlapping distributions, is somehow resolved into two separate distributions by the scanning process; a gap between such distributions might cause the deviation from the envelope. This effect is thought to occur in the recent work of Everett and Nordons on the Pd-H system. Theorem VI.--“Any point P within the hysteresis loop can be reached in a number of ways from lower values of X, some from higher. The system will have definite static macroscopic properties a t this point, but its state will not be completely defined since its behavior mheii it moves away from P depends on the route by which this point was approached.” Figure 4 illustrates an isotherm with many cross overs (P points). The numbers adjacent to the various paths signify the order in which the measurements were made and the arrows indicate increasing or decreasing oxygen pressure. With a little patience we found various paths which led to the same values of the coordinates. Yo reason is obvious which guarantees that the same macroscopic state is present at an (8) D. H. Everett and P. Sordon, Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), A869, 341 (lSGO),

Yol. 67

intersection point when the point is approached via different routes. There are very likely a great many ways to reach the coordinates a t P. High temperature X-ray data obtained under solidgas equilibrium conditions are likely to show the presence of mixtures of two different crystal structures (state I and state II), the proportions of which may be affected by the atomically ordered and disordered arrangements associated with each defect structure. Thermodynamic properties for such mixtures are likely to vary with respect to these proportions. Eyring and Baenzigers have indicated somewhat that mixtures do exist although their work was done on quenched samples. Theorem VI1.--“If a system is taken through a series of oscillations of X of decreasing amplitude, after the nth reversal the system moves toward the point a t which the (n - 1)th reversal occurred; if the system is carried through this point, it moves toward the (n 3)th reversal point and so on.” Figure 5 is an illustration d theorem VI1 as it applies to the Pr-0 system a t about 460’ The path of the experiment may be followed by observing the sequence of numbers adjacent to the paths and the arrows on each path. The system is such that n equals 5 at reversal point D. Point C represents the (n - 1)th reversal point, and point A represents the (n - 3)th reversal point. The Pr-0 system moves from reversal point D through the reversal points C and A as prescribed by theorem VII. It should be noted that the scanning curves close with the boundaries of each of the antecedent loops, i . e . , loop ABA closes on the boundary curves 1 and 2 . the loop CDC closes on the boundary curves of the loop generated by the scanning curves 3 and 4. This behavior does not necessarily follow the proposed model as postulated by E ~ e r e t t . ~ The comparison above shows that in general there is a great similarity between Everett’s theory and the Pr-0 system. Complicating effects such as domain fracture, domain interaction, changing domain property distributions, and overlapping domain states are believed to be present and tend to confuse the comparison. In section 6 of Everett’s paper40a method of calculation of a domain distribution is proposed. Curve a of Fig. 6 represeiits ail isotherm that was measured near 465’. The pressure was increased over PrzOa from 10-6 mm. and the ascending boundary curve p(X) was produced. The pressure was reduced from 150 to 25 mm. along the descending boundary curve q(X) and increased again to 80 mm. where the primary ascending curve pl(X) closed on the envelope. A plot of the derivative of the function P’S’- PS (Everett’s g’(X1,X)) as a function of the oxygen pressure is shown in Fig. 7 (curve a), in which three peak-regions are obvious. An interpretation of these results is that the peaks represent residues of domain distributions that were converted to a lower (composition) domain state. This was brought about as the pressure was reduced. When the pressure was increased, these domains were transformed again to a higher (composition) domain state. It is difficult to say what the transitions are; however, it may be that peak 1 is caused by domains that remained in the z = 1.80 state, peak 2 is caused by domain state stability (9) L. Eyring and N. C. Baenziger, “Chemical Physics of Nonmetallic Crystals.” W A. Benjamin, Inc , New York,N. Y , 1462, p. 428.

July, 1963


in the x = 1.83 state, and peak 3 is related to domains that remained in some state beyond x = 1.83 (perhaps x = 2.0). A similar isotherm is represented as b iii Fig. 6. However, in this case the descending bouiidary curve was not traversed. The resulting distribution curve b is shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that these curves are quite similar, and curve b is displaced from a. In accordance with the theory the curves show that a lesser number of domains were converted from state I to state I1 in case b than in case a by using this particular scanning procedure. Since p(X) can be reproduced, p’(X) in Fig. 7 has a maximum, the limits of which are reasonably well defined. However, g’(X1,X) is dependent on X1, and maxiina for these curves mill depend on Xi. I t is interesting to note that the peaks of Fig. 7 are rather sharply defined and indicate that the interaction between domains in different states is probably small. The question naturally arises as to the nature of a domain in the Pr-0 system. In our opinion, a single domain may be described qualitatively as being composed of a specific number of Pr atoms. The various compositions (z = 1.83, 1.80, etc.) are the domaiii state 1imitslO and represent specific crystal structure^.^ An analogy to a disordered alloy systemll is perhaps best used to describe the qualitative behavior of the postulated domain of Pro,. The possible variation of the free energy of a Pro, domain is illustrated in Fig. 8a. I and I1 represent the two states available to the domain. Curves CAFBH and GBEAD apply to states 1 (x = 1.80) and I1 (x = 1.831, respectively. Path CAF represents state I plus excess oxygen and path GBE represents oxygen-deficient state 11. Points A (E 4A) and B (F4B) represent phase changes which are dependent on the oxygen concentration and order in the domain. Curves DA or CA and GB or HB could be the same curves. The path for a transformation would be, for increasing pressure (state I) C +A -+ F(F +B)



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Fig. 7.-Distribution

40 50 60 Oxygen pressure, mm.



functions for the isotherms of Fig. 6.

--+ G(H) (state 11)

and for decreasing pressure /G

E(E --+A) -+ C(D) (state I) (state 11) G --+I3 -+ The paths followed by the system will be those which offer the lowest free energy. The hypothesis that a domain may be oxygen deficient or contain excess oxygen implies that the individual hysteresis loop for a domain does not have to be rectangular. A projection of the curves of Fig. 8a in the pressuredisorder plane is shown in Fig. 8b. The lines 1-2 and 3-4 are drawn to aid iii showing the similarity between the regions about points A and B and the theoretical curves obtained by Anderson12 and Rees13 for the general case of a large stoichiometric defect. In both cases it appears that these authors assume the limit of existence of one crystal structure (anion-excess) and (IO) A. F. Clifford and P. A. Faeth, “Rare Earth Research,” The Macmillan Co., New York, N. .Y,, 1961, p. 105. (11) R. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, “Statistical Thermodynamics,” Cambridge, 1956, p. 601. (12) J. 6. Anderson, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), AlS6, 69 (1946). (13) A. L. G. Rees, “Chemistry of the Defect Solid State,“ Methuen. London, 1954, Chap. 11.

Degree of order.

Fig. 8.-( a ) Possible variation of the configurational free energy with system order and oxygen pressure. (b) Projection of the variation of configurational free energy in the orderpressure plan.

another (anion-deficient) a t constant composition is the same. If the limits are different, hysteresis effects should be expected regardless of the existence of domains. Further work along these lines is coiitinuiiig.