Raw Material Availability. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

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August 1951


ceuticals and biological chemicals, and nonmetallic mineral p m BBsing presage an era of unusual growth and P I O ~ S S . Manufacturing plants, p m s s i n g the materials of the present planta into finished consumer goods, should be introduced in substantial numbers. The remarkable developments which have taken place in the area in such new fields as aircraft Production, primary metal reduction, organic chemicals, metal fabrication, and production of heavy machine goods will be followed by a growth in the years ahead which should far ontatrip a n y t h i g accomplished to date. The pioneering spirit EO typical of the Southwest ia indicative of the true optimism which prevails and which is encountered in analyzing the future of the chemical industry in this vast, and, 88 yet, hardly developed region.



ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to acknowledge, with thanks, the assistance of J. 8. Clark, Director of Research, Oklahoma Planning and Resourns Board, Oklahoma City, Okla.; F. J . M a y , Research Dept., Lion Oil Co., El Dorado, Ark.; and Mildred Hogan, Research Librarian, Dept. of Commerce and Industry, Baton Rouge, LE., in furnishing information relative to the growth of the chemical indnstly in the Southwest.

L I T E F l A m CITED (1) Business Week, Staff Report. p . 53 (Aug.27. 1949). (2) Colvin. C. E.,Jr.. "Outlook for Business Conditions in Louisi-

R ~ c m u s oApril 16. 1951.



, materials of Availability of raw materials is of primary importance by the strange name "CTOSSchenucal industrymay among the factors affecting the location of chemical intimber" and extends from duotry. A discussion of the raw materials-natural or he divided into two groups: the north line of Oklahoma the first g o u p contains tho primary raw materials and manufactured (processed) or south acroea that state and secondary nsourc~-available for chemical industry in far into Texas. The p ~ e natmlorprimary raw materials, and the second group the Southwest plus numerous illustrations showing the dominant growth is post location of these resouxes a m presented. contains the manufactured oak and blackiack oak. and (processed) or secondary recan be considered as comsources. Natural or primercial in only a few places. mary raw materials may be subdivided as follows: (a) materials These oaks carry fairly high tannin content but its extraction obtained from the soil-Le., products of the forest, farm, and appears feasible only if other pmducts are found able t b absorb a range-and ( b ) materials obtained from the earth's crust-Le., share of the cost of harvesting. However, in this district in minerals and water. Manufactured or secondary re8ou~ces central Texas are dense stands of cedar (Juniperus m i m n a ) comprise products k i n g produced from natural resources of this covering many acres. Diatrict F in southwestern Texas supports area or elsewhere, and which may bo direct pmducts, by-prodgrowth of juniper and pinyon pine, and is of interest only locally. ucts, or possibly waste from existing industry. In the more or less arid regions in the western and aouthwestern Figure 1 shows the four-state area under discussion with the parts of the area the mesquite covers many sections. It is consppmximste loctttion of mveral cities. This figure is shown in sidered m a pest which lowers the value of the land for range order that the reader may be better able to visualize the relpurposes. It has been reported that a large yield of gum can be ative positions of the material occurrences.

RAW MATERIALS OBTAINED FROM SOIL Figure 2 o u t h o s tho districts having commercial forests (8). The total forested acreage amounts to over 83,000,000,but only about 51,000,000 acres can he classed as really commercial under preent conditions. District A supports growth of bottomland hardwoods. I t borders the Mississippi River and tributaries. District B cover8 much of northwestern Arkansas and extends into eastern Oklahoma. The growth is mixed hardwoods and Bhortleaf pine. District C comprises much of southern Arkaneas, the Ouaohita Mountains of southeastern Oklahoma, and a large region in east Texas. The growth is mainly shortleaf and lohlolly pine, District D in east Texas and western Louisiana supports ---iri*h -f Imhl,.lh longleaf, and slash pine. District E is known

Table I.

Agricultural Crop Production (1949)

Cotton lint Wheat Corn Sweet potatoes Pe*n"ta Cotton seed Barley Rice Potatoes


Sorghum for grain Sorghum B L ~ U P C*r.BSil"I) , Pulpwood, m e Pulpwood, Eardraood Miso. items: Cowpeas, castor b e a m citrua fruit. Raraeed, anirnsl produots


Vol. 43, No. 8





Figure 1. Arkansas-Louisiana-Oklahoma-Texas





Figure 2.

Districts Having Commercial ,Forests A. B. C. D. E.

Bottomland hardwoods Shortleaf pine and hardwoods Shortleaf and loblolly pine Longleaf, slash, and loblolly Crosstimber F. Southwest coniferous

obtained from mesquite if a use can be found for it. I n the eltrcme southwestern part of the area grows the candeliila shrub from which the wax of the same name can be extracted. Pulpwood harvested in th(. four states in 1969 totaled 2,150,000 cords, of which 94% was pine (6). The amount of cordwood uoed by charcoal kilns is not known. Naturally, in a n area with so much timber there are numerous san~milleand woodworking establishments. The larger mills use the sawdust and other nood waste as fuel. The smaller mills dispose of the dust and \Taste by burning. It has been stated that sairdust is north $4.00 per ton to the producing mill as fuel. Therefore, it is probable that a chemical industry organized to produce sugar sirup by hydrolysis of sawdust will need to figure raw material cost a t above this amount. Table I is a tabulation of production on several of the majoi farm crops (2.4). Generally chemical industry does not use farm crops “as is” but rather uses products resulting from processing of such crops. It is obvious that availability in some cases w l l depend upon what portion of the production is processed in this area. In other words, it is the availability of oils, fats, starches, sirups, hulls, and other products prepared from farm crops that may interest chemical industry rather than the crops themselves. However, the tonnage of the crops is a measure of the possibilities of the area.

I n this area petroleum, natural gas, and natural gas liquidti rank first as raw mat’erials for chemical industry. Figure 3 shows the major producing districts. From the area 1,211,256,000 barrels of crude oil were produced in 1950 ( 2 ) )representing about 52.3% of the Wnited States total, and leaving in the arca “estimated proved reserves” of 17,505,401,000barrels ( 2 )equivalent t o 69.30/0.of the United States total. Proved reserves arid probable reserves are not the same, the 1at.ter is very mud1 greater. Also, from this area 4,959,454 cubic feet of natural gas were produced ( 2 ) , or about 71.9% of the Gnited States total, leaving a n est,imated proved reserve of 143,479,223 cubic feet ( 2 ) ) equivalent to 77.3% of the United States total. iYa,t,urd gas liquids were produced from portions of the same districts. The production figures include condensate, natural gasoline, and liquefied petroleum gas. The production in 1950 amounted to 175,207,000 barrels (a),or about 78.2% of the United States total, leaving est,iriiateti proved reserves of 3,472,302,000 barrels (2) equivalent to 81 .4yo of the Gnited States total. The production in 1950 came from 291 plarit,s having a daily production cLtpacit,yof 17,975,640 gallons (1.4). Calculated from the total number of plants in the United Stlakes and their t o t d capacity, it appears that this i ~ r e i tposssees~s60.6% of the plants and 70.60/, of the capacity. I n order to emphasize furtheer. the availability of natural gas, Figure 4 pictures roughly the net\vorli of natural gas pipolines, illustrating how thoroughly the a i ~ wis coveled, making natulal gas available to most sections of the area irrespective of the SOUI’OCL. Chemical and allied industry in the a ~ ! in a 1948 consumed about 47% of the 155 trillion cubic feet used by industries of this clasu in the United States. The same class of industry consunled c:lo~w to 720,000,000gallons of liquid petroleum gas of which a good p i r tion was consumed in this area ( 1 ) . Figure 5 shows the districts in which bituminous coal and lignite occur, Production of bituminous coal and lignite in 1948 totaled 4,fX1,000 tons, leaving “rccoverablc reserves” est,iniated a t -42,800,000,000 tons of coal and 12,0-45,000,000tons o f lignite. In fact, the lignite figure should be larger because the estimate of reeerves in Louisiana was not known. The figures on reserves and production are those of the Hituxniuous Coal Institute ( d ) , who calculate reserves recoverable under present day operating conditions as 50% of the United St%tesGeological Survey est,iiiint,e of reserves. The Qeological Survey estimate includes all coal I ~ d over s 14 inches in t,hickness and all lignite beds over 2 feet in thickness, and all suc~hh d ~ to :i depth of 3000 feet, below t,he surface.




Figure 3.


Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

l \ INDUSTRIAL A N D ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Figure 6 shorn the districts from which natural salts am obtainable. The location of salt domes (81). . .. salt lai ins (19). and aalt springs me given. The vast expanee of co&ry underlain with thi& beda of salt ia outlined but no attempt in mado to show an equally vaat expanse under which am brines rich in chlorides of d u r n , calcium, and magnesium, and ponaibly other values. An outline of the brine territory would conform rather closely to the petroleum pmducing districts. It in not exceptional for "oil-&Id brine" to carry better than zoO,OOO parts per million (p.p.m.) dissolved noli&. The salt domes me the source of most of the sodium chloride being produced in the area. The domes have reyived a great deal of publicity, for in addition to a core of salt them is usually a cap of gypwm or anhydrite and limestone, the latter, if pomus, sometimes containing sulfur, and from the ihh petroleum and natural gae are often p d u e e d . Over 3,677,358 tons of salt were produced fmm the domes in lW, a large portion of which wa8 wnsumed by chcmical industry in the mea. Two small s alt pmducing operations in Oklahoma should be mentioned since t h y m r n to illustrate certain facts regarding conditions in the western parts of the area. One company w s the conventional d u d well system, the wells being drilled into the salt beds found at a depth of approximately 400 feet. Fresh water is i n t d u o e d into one well and saturated brine pumped fmm the other, and the brine evaporated under vacuum to yield crystal salt. The other wmpmy ULW brine flowing fmm natural springs which evaporates in shsllow ponds by solar mesne similar to the pmcesa


employed in California. This latter omration is feasible Dtlmarily hecause of climatic eonditions existing in much of the western part of the areanamely, low relative bumidity, rapid air movements, and a wide diffemntial between rainfall and evaporation. sodium sulfate,largelyused by the narm industrv. " , is beinn nrcdueed from sbsllow brines a t Monohans in Ward County, Tcx., and hss been pmduced from similar brines in Terry and Lynn Counties, T e x Figure 7 deals with sulfur, gypsum, and silica. An already stated, the salt domes sometimes contain sulfur. In 1943, d u r produced in the area from salt domes amounted to 4,869,210 tom (3.9). A small additional amount came from the decomposition of hydrogen sulfide mmoved from "sour" natural gae. The resern~of sulfur remaining in the salt domes is a matter of grave concern, The withdrawals am heavy and no new occumnces have been announced. It is e n t k l y proper, therefore, to show something of the huge deposits of gypsum and anhydrite (calcium sulfate) aocurring Within the ama, not only to attract attention of the usual conaumere of these materials but mom especially to attract the attention of practical research chemists and engineere to potential re8em~of sulfur awaiting a satisfactory solution to



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Fwre 5. Bituminous corl and Lignite

Figure 4. Natuml Gas Pipelines

Figure 6.

Occumnor of Natural &I&




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vet ore). -4pproximately 500,000 tons of high alumina clays were produced in Texas and Arkansas in 1948 ( 2 3 ) . About 122,000 tons of bentonite and fuller's earth were produced also, most of which was used in oil clarification. There has been no production of anorthosite; however, during World War I1 a process was developed and a plant constructed in Wyoming to process this mineral to yield alumina and a calcium silicate of controlled composition suitable for portland cement manufacture. The reserves of clays are large and sufficient for all demands. The reserves of anorthosite are in process of determination. One exposure in the Wichita Mountain district in Oklahoma has been surveyed. The deposit will average probably 500 feet in thickness and is exposed over 16 square m i l e s of surface, indicating that over a billion tons are available in this one spot.

Aupust 1951

I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G l[ N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y

Figure 10 shows the districts having deposits of metallic ores. During 1948, mines of the area produced lead ore containing 17,110 tous of metal, and zinc ore containing 43,852 tons of metal (23). These figures represent a decline in production due mainly to depletion of the richer ore bodies. Technical advancement in methods of beneliciation has made possible the processing of “lean” OIW but, of c o r n , a t increased cost per ton of recoverable metal. Siderite and limonite-type iron ores occur in bedded deposits over considerable territory in east Texas. Over 3,500,000tons of crude ore were mined here in 1948 (8.9). Numerow small ejnkhole depmta of limonite-type ore are known in the Arbuckle region in Oklahoma. Magnetite ore8 in appreciable quantities hsve been found in the Llano region of Texas and the Wichita Mountain region of Oklahoma. In the latter region the ores are usually titaniferous, and carry small percentages of vanadium and chromium. Mercury ores mcur in the Nashville region of Arkansas and the Big Bend region of Texas and in the paet have been mined in both states. Reopening of the mines can be expected only under favorable economic conditions, such as resulted from the demand during World War 11. During 1948 Arkansas produced 363,389 tons of 97% barite concentrates. The reserves of 40% ore have been estimated at h u t 7,000,000 tons (2.9). Manganese ore was also produced in Arkansas in minor amounts. There has been no production reported of titanium, strontium, or antimony oms recently. Titanium ore8 occur in the Magnet Cove region of Arkansas where the minerals am mainly rutile and brookite and in the Wichita Mountain region of Oklahoma where the mineral is ilmenite, found associated with d v e magnetite or as “black sand” concentrations. The strontium mineral, celestite, appears to be present in quantity sufficient to supply a moderate demand. The occurrences are mainly in Texaa with one in Oklahoma. Antimony ore, stibnite, has in the past been mined in western Arkan888 but not at present. Figure 11 shows something of tbe surface water supply which might sem chemical industry. In much of the central and weatern parts of the area there ia no such thing as “sustained stream flow” and the minimum flow can usually be placed at zero. Impounding must be rcsorted to. Already a number of reservoirs hsve been built, with the usual justification of the needs for irrigation, Eood control, hydroelectric power, or municipal supply. Only recently has thought been given to needs of indus-


11. Industrial Surface Water Supply



try. The stmams in the eastern regions of the area are more dependable, the rainfall being much heavier and better distributed throughout the year. The euitabilitv of the streams as sourcesof iidustrial water will depend upon the quality and ita variations and upon the minimum &ream Bow. Figure 12 deals with ground twater@). Regions A are thought to offer an ample supply for industry but there will be spots that are exceptions. Regions M should yield quantities to satisfy medium demands, and regions S should care for small consumers. Throughout the undifferentiated regions only limited supply can be expected. No attempt is made to give the type of water or the quality. The quantity to be expected as indicated is made on the presumption that consideration will be given to the rate of withdrawal, spacing of wells, the rate of replenishment, the porosity and permeability of the producing formations, and all other factors which control ground-water production. The judgment of competent geologiste and hydraulic engineers should be followed in these matters.


Figum 12. Industrid Ground Water Supply







:( '-4

Figure 14. Distribution of Fifty-four Plants Producing Carbon Black 1948 production capacity:

4,031,800 pounds daily, 84.9% of United States t o t a l





E x

7- - J \ /-



FigureIlS. Plants Producing Organic Intermediates A , B , C, D , E, and X. From agriculture 0. From petroleum

Without question, the availability of a satisfactory supply of industrial water outweighs all other factors in determining thr suitability of a plant location for many chemical industries. In this four-state area there are regions where the water supply is a problem, and too, there are regions where water is less a problem than in most industrial areas of the country. It must be remembered that water is seldom the sole raw material required. An area is indeed fortunate if all raw materials required by industry are available of desired quality, in ample quantity, and obtainable whenever wanted. SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS

The availability of secondary raw materials-Le., manufactured or processed products-has increased greatly in this are:t in recent years. A complete and accurate list of such commodities made out today would probably be far from complete in a few weeks. The enumeration of all plants able to supply raw materials of this group will be only partial and at best can (10 nothing more than arouse some curiosity. Figure 13 shows the approximate location of 70 petroleum refineries in the area which operate cracking or sgme other reaction units. The plants operating skimming, topping, or similar straight distillation units only are not shown. Naturally, with


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Figure 16. Plants Producing Inorganic Intermediates

this number of plants the list of procluc:ts, iri addition t o gasoline and lubricating oil, may range through such extianies as solid waxes, petroleum coke, ethylene gas, and naphthenic acids. In I951 there are 79 cracking, iyforming, and similar plants able t,o handle 1,646,760 barrels of charging stock daily. This may give a rough idea of the quantit>yof products tjhat can be expected (15). Figure 14 gives the distribution o f the 54 plants in the a1pa producing carbon black from natural gas or from residual refin products. The production in 1948 of all types of carbon black totaled 1,118,733,000 pounds for t,he area equivaknt to 86.2010 of t,he Cnit'ed States total ($3). Figure 15 serves only to indicate the distribut,ion of plants producing organic materials that may be used as raw materia by chemical indust,ry. The first large mill to use solvent exi ~ ' a ( t>ion rather than pressure for the production of cottonseed o located at. Helena, Ark., is designat,ed as A. The conventiotial cottonseed oil mills are too numprous t o place on the map. I n 1948 the area produced 297,471 ions of oil, 720,284 bales (500 pounds per Gale) of linters, and 890,000 tons of iiieal and cake (25). H gives the location of pulp mills (6). Thew mills produce the udual by-products as well as pulp. C clesiyiiatths the plant processing milo maize and produring stari:li, oil, et,(;. I) is the location of plants processing rice and producing starch, oil, hulls, etc., from that commodity. The niujor packing house8 where animal fats, oil, blood, bone, and glandular materials should be available are marked E. X shows other plants based on agricultural products. The small circles show the approximate 1oi.ations of plants that produce intermediates from pet,rolc.um, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas (6). These plants art. the source for over 30 organic (synthei#ic)materials which can clrit,c'i, into the manufacture of other chemicals. These material;: include alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketonrs, both aliphatic arid aromatic hydrocarbons, acids, and also several more comples compounds. The location of several plants that produce products that may he termed inorganic intermediates is given in Figure 16. It, sho\vd hroniine at Freeport, La.; sodium silicate a t Dallas, Trx.; synthetic ammonia on the Texas-Louisiana gulf coast and ut JStter, Tex., and Eldorado, Ark.; soda ash a t Lake Charles, La.; Baton Rouge, La.; and Corpus Christi, Tex.; and lime a t Batesville, Ark.; Sallisaw, Okla.; Winnfield, La.; and the six plants in Texas (do), five of which operate on stone. Shown, too, are plants producing caustic soda and chlorine. Not shown are captive plants producing caustic and chlorine, or captive lime plants operating on shells. Figure 17 gives the distribution of plants producing inorganic acids-Le., sulfuric, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, and nitric.









antimony produced are from imported ores entirely and most oi the aluminum and zinc are from imported ORE, whichleads to the obmmtion that this area may eea other new installation for the production of metals. Such expansion appears reasonable, eapecially now that South American iron ore and Caribbean bauxite are becoming available. The combination of readily available raw m a t e d and abundant bighqunlity relatively low-cost fuel is hard to resist.






CONCLUSION This article baa given a anper6cid glance at the raw material situation in this m a a8 it pertaina to chemical industry. Many materials have been ignored because they appear a8 of only minor importance in the over-all picture, although it is recognized that they may be of major importsnce to some persona. Shown also are cake planta at Daingeriield and Houston. During 1948 these planta produced 644,225 tons of metallurgical coh and mvemd an by-producta 6,000,000 gallons of tar, 2,388,aOO gallons of light oil, and 10,000tons of ammonium SUIfate (6). The parent AW m a t e d from which them product. were obtpined is Oklahoma and Arkansaa bituminoue coals. At Marahdl, Tez, lite is p d by the Dmo Corp. to yield activated carbon. Charcoal is produced at Westdle, Okla., w h m the old-fashioned beehive ovens are still used and at C r w aett, Ark., when the ovens are of by-product recovery type. It is to note that "methanol from wood" can compete with 'ketlwomethanol from natural gas." Figure 18 show the locst~onof furnaces, aneltern,refineries, and other plaots producing metals. Iron is produced at Rusk and Daingerfied, Tex., and stsel at Houston, Tex. Lead is a d t e d at El Pam, Tex. M e u m is pmdnoed at Freeport, JA,, snd duminum at Bauxite and Jones Mills in Arkansas and at Lsredo, Tex. Zinc smeltere are located in Oklahoma a t Bdenvik, Hemyetfa, and B l a c h l l , and in Arkanaaa at Fort Smith. 3i3ectml~ytic zinc is produced at Corpus chriet;, Tex. Cadmium, +um, gallium, and indium are recoveEd ea bypmducta in PrOoRaeing the zinc ores. Zlna dnst is p m d u d from sscondary zinc a t Sand Springs near Tulea, Okla. The tin and

----F-1 I




\. I






a =


Table 11. Fmquency Index Numben (gykrlod Q u i r k b t )

90 91



63 32 24 23 16

11 10 9

9 8


6 4



3 2 2 2 1

It &odd clarify the picture somewhat if the production and availability fisures given here are compared with the &Her and e k e freqqency index, Table I1 (18). The index number is the number of times a particular mineral wa?ueed as raw material in the production of 150 important induetrisl chemicals. In general, the- numbers are an index of the relative importance of the various mineral raw materials for making industrial chemicab. The table wan published in 1939 and it is entirely gossible that some readjwtment may be ne~esaarybecause of changes since that time. However, the presumption is that the list has not chsnped, although the index numbers may have changed slightly. Evidently this m a is in an enviable poaition a8 legamis mineral raw materials. If a similar frequency index were computed for raw materials obtained from the forests, farms, and ranges it is expected that the area would be in an equally enviable pomtion regarding them. Chemical industry has available in thie area an abundance of desirable raw materialn, from the mines and from a&ulture, in ample quantities, and at cost. compwable or lower thaq in most other area8 adaptable to chemical industry.




The author acknowledges the Sssiatanoe received from Robert H. Dott, Director, and J. 0. k h , Administrative Aedpmt of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, Norman, Okla.; Harold B. Foxhall, formerly Director, Division of Geology of the Arkansas Resourcss and Development Commieeion, Little Rock, Ark.; and William A. Cunningham, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, Tex. (1) (2)

BIBLIOORllPm Am. Gas A m . , Bur. Bt.tistios. "Gss Faota." 1949. Am. Gss h . - A m . Petroleum Inst., "lbporta on h v a ~ Eeaerwa of Crude Oil. Natural Gss Liquid4 and Natursl Gw" Vol. 6.Deo. 81. 1860.



(3) Arkansas Resources and Development Commission, Div. of

Agriculture and Industry,” “Facts About Arkansas,” 1950, (4) Bituminous Coal Inst., “Bituminous Coal Annual,” 1949. (5) Cruickshank, James W., U.S. D e p t . Agr., Forest Survey Release, No. 35 (September 1950). (6) Cunningham, William A . , “A Survey of Texas Chemical Industry,” Austin, Tex., Univ. of Texas Press, 1949. (7) Cunningham, William A, “hlineral Resources of Texas,” in “Basic Industries of Texas and Northern hIexico,” New York Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs. (Sept. 25, 1946). (8) Dayton, William A., “Trees Yearbook,” U. S. Dept. Agriculture, 1950. (9) Dott, Robert H., J . Am. W a t e r W o r k s Assoc., 37, 144-54 (1945). (IO) Ham, William E., Oklahoma Geol. Survey, B d l . , 65 (1945). (11) Houston Pipe Line Co., “Facts about the Gulf Coast,” 3rd ed.. 1946. (12) Keller, R. K,, and Quirke, T. T., E c G ~Geol., . 34,287-96 (1939). (13) Oil Gas J., supplement t o 49, No. 20 (1950).

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

Vol. 43, No. 8

Ibid., 49,KO.50,193 (1951). Ibid., N o . 47, p. 329. Oklahoma Geol. Suroey, Circ. 13 to 27, inclusive. Oklahoma Geol. S u r c e y , “Mineral Map of Oklahma,” 1944. Oklahoma Geol. SurTey, M i n e r a l R e p . 1 to 22, inclusive, Snider, L. C., Oklahoma GeoZ. Suroey, Bull. 11 (1913).

Gniv. of Texas, Bur. Ecou. Geol., “Mineral Map of Texas,”

1944. (21) Univ. of Texas, Bur. Econ. Geol., Unir.. Texas Pub. No. 4301 (1943 ). (22) C . S. Bur. Mines, M i n e r a l M a r k e t R e p t . 1923 (1949). (23) U.S. Bur. Mines, “hfineral Yearbook,” 1948. (24) U. S. Dept. dgr., Bur. Agricultural Economics, “Agricultural Production Statistics,” 1949. (25) U. 9. Dept. Commerce, “Cottonseed Products, Statistic, Abstract of the United States,” 1939. RT.CIIT.ED April 16, 1951.



1$ PARTS of the Census

Municipalities in the Southwest generally are not prein the per capita use of water pared to handle additional demands from large -water District that includes within the cities. This users because they have not been able to provide themsituation has drained the the four states of Arkansas, selves with reserve supplies, increased distribution sysresources of the plants Oklahoma, Louisiana, and which bring the water to tems, and disposal equipment above the increased deTexas, water supplies are mands resulting from their growth in population. Many the users and justifies very obtained from surface municipalities have potential sources of additional water careful study by, not only streams and in others from prospective builders of underground waters by supply which can be obtained by practicable engineering plants, but by the operaworks. There are also possibilities for developing private means of wells, but there water supplies near many cities, either from off-river tors of the manufacturing are few areas where both plants now within the city storage or from wells, at a reasonable cost. Competitive sources are available. In limits. However, operators demands for water, particularly for use in irrigation, must considering water supplies of manufacturing plants, by be taken into consideration i n estimating the potential for new manufacturing amount available for industry. New techniques for enand large, are not aware of plants and particularly for the importance of informing chemical plants in the suring additional water supplies, either public or private, themselves concerning fusuch as the utilization of underflow in stream valleys and Southwest, there may be ture water supplies, and underground recharge, have not been applied i n the problems involving more the primary purpose of this Southwest to any extent. These methods do offer possithan a proper quality of paper is to point out special bilities, however, and their use will provide additional water. problems which have arisen territory with adequate water supplies for chemical plants Most manu f a c t urin g within this area and which plants in the United States and other industrial operations. must be understood if presobtainwater from municipal ent and future plants are plants and dispose of waste to be operated with adequate, dependable, and continuous water water through municipal sewers. Therefore, availability of water supplies. for a new plant depends on whether the plant is to be located in A survey conducted by the National Association of Manufacan organized municipality or within one of the water districts and turers last year has been analyzed, and the results published in a whether these public supplies have a surplus for sale. I n some bulletin entitled ‘Water in Industry.” The data in this report areaa, t h e water supplies have already been appropriated for show that most operators of plants are little acquainted either with specific uses, and a new demand may require negotiation with the the prospects for additional capacity in production and distribuprior appropriators; a direct supply may not be possible. Lotion of water in their own municipalities or with the prospect that calities where public corporations, nhich furnish all the water for competitive demand for water by other types of activities would domestic and municipal users in the territory, have been enrestrict their own supply, particularly increased demand for use in gineered so that they are not only taking care of present deirrigation involving large quantities. It, therefore, is pertinent mands but have supplies available for future demands, would to discuss first the present water supplies of the municipalities be logical places to establish new industrial plants. within the area and secondly to consider the possibilities for Within this four-state district, there are today about 6% of the utilizing (in the absence of adequate supplies by public authorities) manufacturing plants of the United States. In the last decade sources of water not presently in production even if it means that these plants have increased their use of water per plant by 49% plants will have to set up their own production and distribution against an average for the whole country of 33%. If additional system. plants are to be built in the area, including a large number of The unsatisfactory situation regarding availability of water chemical ones, the municipalities supplying the plants should through municipal plants and through other public corporations, have provided for more increase in their water supplies than would such as the fresh water districts, has arisen almost entirely during be required merely for taking care of the population increase. the last decade, I n a few principal cities, situated alongside However, in addition to the great amount of water required for large rivers, the problem of water supply reduces to the problem the industries in the district, there has been an accelerated inof adequate engineering facilities for filtration and distribution. crease in the population of the municipalities and also an increase