CHLOROMETHANES from Wichita, Kansas... •
Raw Material Costs Rising Chemical industry strives to offset increases w i t h acquisition o f sources, c h e a p e r t r a n s p o r t a t i o n C ^ H E M I C A L INDUSTRY is taking
in carload, truckJoad and drum lots
Frontier offers you swift shipments from the heart of Mid-America . . . high quality from a new plant with advanced processing and control equipment. Friendly, personal service, from a firm big enough to deliver the best—and young enough to appreciate your business. Plant sites available next door^for overthe-fence" deliveries. We shall welcome your inquiry. (
Basic producers of Chloromefhanes, BHC (14 and 36 gamma). Chlorine, Caustic Soda, Muriatic Acid, Fine Grain Salt Executive Offices: Wichita, Kansas
Plants: Wichita, Kansas Denver City, Texas A DIVISION OF UNION CHEMICAL S. MATERIALS CORP.
/:'/,:^Analyze:-;v.>:.:. carbon çb η te fits to the fourth decimal i.'..* in 5 minutes! r
Leco No. 515 Conductomefric Carbon Analyzer with Leco Induction Furnace.
Leading laboratories are finding the Leco carbon analysis technique the fastest and surest ever. With the Leco unit, you can analyze to the fourth dec imal place in five minutes, using trans former sheet, alnico, titanium, low car bon stainless, ferrochromium, molyb denum, ingot iron, nickel, ferroboron and many other materials. WRITE
Complete details of the Leco Conductometric Method, plus information about other great lab oratory-tested apparatus to speed and simplify your testing and analysis operations»
L A B O R A T O R Y EQUIPMENT C O R P . 1513 Hilltop Road, St. Joseph, Michigan
13, 1 9 5 7
than an idle interest as t h e Administra tion's program to step u p minerals pro duction takes shape. T h e program may reach Congress any day and may contain some political precepts with a familiar ring: price supports, restric tions on imports, t a x concessions. Any plan which would increase o u r mineral supplies in the future will o b tain the support of industry, chemicals included, unless trie price t o b e paid is too great. Some of t h e chemical industry's most important raw materials are mined—salt, limestone, phosphate rock, coal, fluorspar-and their costs have been rising. Charles A. Thomas, Monsanto chair man, shows that during t h e postwar period costs for chemical raw materials, hydrocarbons included, have gone u p materially. H e lbreaks down Monsanto ? s purchases of r a w materials on a dollar basis as follows: Hydrocarbons Salt Sulfur Soda ash Phosphate ore Other
61% 59c 3% 5% 37* 23%
prices in the markets for motor and aviation fuels and for heating. • Transportation. Chemical com panies not in a position to make such acquisitions, and those who do not find it necessary, are striving to slash their raw material costs in other direc tions. Barge transport is being used on inland waterways wherever possible. American Waterways Operators re cently listed 128 waterside sites acquired during t h e first quarter of 1957 for major n e w plant projects, a large number of which are chemical or chemical processing units. Tennessee River, serving a fast-grow ing industry, obtained 160 various new plants last year for a total plant in vestment of some $300 million. The petrochemicals industry has spent an estimated $2 billion on plant construc tion along t h e Houston Ship Channel, other industries about $500 million.
Minerals Production, 1955
(U. S. Bureau of Mines) Abrasive materials, short tons, artificial, U . S. and Canada 428,243 Price increases on the above r a w Antimony, primary, short materials have been as f ollows: hydro tons 15,800 carbons, 110%; salt, 70%; sulfur, 66%; Antimony, secondary, short tons 23,702 soda ash, 72%?; phosphate ore, 20%>; Arsenic, white, short tons 10,780 and others, about 50%>. • Hydrocarbon Contracts. F o r Barite, primary, short tons 1,117,704 Monsanto, a n d probably for other or Barium chemicals, sales, short tons 105,913 ganic chemical makers, hydrocarbons Bauxite, domestic, mine (61% of the total) are by far t h e most production, long tons 1,818,038 important. They also have shown t h e Bauxite, imports, long tons 5,228,054 greatest price increases. Monsanto h a s Beryllium ( b e r y l ) , U . S. been hit pretty hard a s a result. Its and Canada, mine ship long-term hydrocarbon contracts have ments, short tons 500 gone up continuously because of escala Bismuth metal, consump tion, pounds 1,548,000 tor clauses. An example is benzene, 216,685,852 vital to styrene, u p from 1 5 cents p e r Bromine, sales, pounds Cadmium metal, pounds 9,754,000 gallon in 1945 to a current 36 cents. all types, sold or These rising costs for essential r a w Clay,used, short tons 48,242,254 materials explain Monsanto's acquisi Kaolin, short tons 2,166,400 tion of Lion Oil, whose gas and oil re Bentonite, short tons 1,480,205 serves assure the company of a basic Fullers earth, short tons 369,719 source for its chief raw materials. For Feldspar, sales, long tons 570,577 the first time the company now has t h e Fluorspar, mine shipments, means t o offset hydrocarbon price in short tons 279,540 creases. Other o i l a n d gas produced (Continued on page 114) by Lion Oil will be sold at favorable
General Tire and Rubber Company This integrated plant for the production of 2 5 million lbs/yr. of monomer and polymer was the first American plant based on SD's vinyl processes.
Borden Company Located in Leominster, Mass.# this plant was designed by SD and constructed by SD Plants, Inc.
pvc M o n o m e r ane Polymer PlarrTS
by SD
Thompson Chemical Company This Hebronvilie, Mass. PVC plant was designed b y SD and went on stream in 1 9 5 6 .
^ Eleonora Chemical Corporation Completed by SD Plants, Inc. in 1 9 5 6 , this Passaic, N. J. plant is producing PVC a t the rate of 10 million lbs/yr.
Cary Chemicals, Inc. SD Plants, Inc. will finish this Flemington, N. J. plant during the summer. Production will be about 12 million lbs/yr.
Diamond A l k a l i Company SD is now designing a 50 million lbs/yr. vinyl chloride monomer unit to be located at Diamond's Deer Park plant, near Houston, Texas.
liljfin Scientific Design Company, Inc. BSlifln
CHEMICAL PROCESSES · PLANT DESIGN · CONSTRUCTION Executive Offices: T w o Park Avenue, New York 16, N e w York · Engineering Offices: Jersey City, N e w Jersey Research Center: M a n o r h a v e n , L. I · , N e w York
Minerals Production, 1955
for only $1595! CHOICE
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Unbelievably fine line quality . . . at the lowest price in the spectro graph field! Choice of models for (First order) fast, easy determinations of a wide ^irst oTd&r) range of metals and alloys, lubri cants, pigments, pharmaceuticals, many other materials. Takes 10" (Secondje^eOj length of 35 mm film. Sturdy, 32,000 stable- Compact: 5'x2'xl'. Com (First order> plete with 36"x4" optical bed to ι (second o T d ^ L accommodate all current B&L accessories. (Accessories extra.) Ύ/rïteFcr Complete Information . . . Catalog D-277. Tind o u t how this low-cost instrument can ^fncie*ntly fill your spectrograph^ needs. "Write- to Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 74827 St. Pa-dl St., Rochester 2, New York.
Nephelometry..unties analytical knots M a n y difficult a n a l y t i c a l p r o b l e m s a r e quickly solved b y Coleman n e p h e i o m e t r y w i t h o u t filtering, drying or ur~eighing · · . •
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