RCA Phototubes - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 24, 2012 - RCA Phototubes. Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47 (7), pp 635A–635A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60357a711. Publication Date: June 1975. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Now! RCA Phototubes give complete spectroscopy coverage from UV to IR. Low cost Integrated Photodetection Assemblies (IPA) . . . include photomultiplierand high voltage power supply in a con­ venient package for easy, eco­ nomical application. For more information on these products and the complete RCA phototube line, see your RCA Representative, RCA Industrial Tube Distributor, or complete and return the coupon. RCA Lancaster — where people and technology make the difference.

Now RCA expands its broad technical capability in phototubes for spectroscopic applications to give you the specific tube you need. For the highest perfor­ mance characteristics look to RCA's complete line of photo­ tubes including these new side-on types: • Type 1P28B . . . features guaranteed anode current stabili­ ty, and high photocathode and anode sensitivity (typically 60 A/lm and 250 A/I m @ 1000 V). • Type 4832 . . . features very high photocathode sensitivity (typically 400 μΑ/lm), and a virtu­ ally flat spectral response over most of its useful range, 185 to 950 nm. • Type 4837 . . . anti-hysteresis design with a fused-silica enve­ lope providing excellentUVsensitivity over a useful spectral range of 165 to more than 660 nm. • Type C31043A . . . in develop­ ment. First RCA multialkali photocathode in a competitivelypriced side-on structure. Objec­ tive spectral range: 185 to 900 nm • Type 931Β . . . similar to, but better performance than, type 931 A. Useful spectral range: 300to over 660 nm. Guaranteed anode current stability. • Type C31004 . .. photocathode similar to S-1; for near IR applications up to 1200 nm.

Mgr., Phototube Marketing, Bldg. 100 RCA, New Holland Avenue Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Please send me your latest data on PMTs for spectroscopy applications, PIT-714. Section 5F Γ — — This is your Mailing Label. Please print. — — — ~j I





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