Reactions which relate to the environmental mobility of arsenic and

Aug 26, 1975 - Quaternization of Trimethylarsine and. Trimethylstibine. G. E. Parris*la and F. E. Brinckman. Inorganic Chemistry Section, National Bur...
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J. Org. Chem., Vol. 40, No. 25, 1975 3801


E x p e r i m e n t a l Section Application of this equation predicts a p value for 2 at 7OoC in t h e range -0.84 t o -0.90 in t h e absence of neighboring group p a r t i ~ i p a t i o n . ~ T h e reaction of 2 with bromotrichloromethane is straightforward. Hydrogen abstraction occurs exclusively at the benzylic position. T h e products are t h e expected dibromides. All kinetic determinations are based on direct competition with mesitylene. They were run in replicate under nitrogen. Conversion t o product varied from 10 to 85%. Analyses of reaction mixtures was by GLC. Table I summarizes t h e relative data obtained corrected t o t h e pare n t compound. Table I Relative Rates of Secondary Benzylic Hydrogen Abstraction from P-(Substituted Phenyl)-Ethyl Bromides

No. of Substituent Registry no.




CY+ b ~


kmbstlk H I

14425-64-0 -0.778 p-CH,O 4.23 * 0.21 6529-5 1-7 p-CH,a 1.87 i 0.26 -0.311 pt-Bu 1 . 8 1 i 0.16 5 6 8 29-6 1-9 -0.295 332-42-3 1.08 9 0.03 -0.073 P-F H 103-63-9 1.00 i 0.10 0.000 p-c1 0.114 0.86 9 0.04 6529-53-9 16799-05-6 m-C1 10 0.399 0.49 i 0.03 1997-80-4 nt-CF, 0.33 * 0.04 0.520 7 a Corrected f o r reaction a t both benzylic positions. Hydrogen abstraction a t the secondary site accounts for 66% of total reactivity. b Reference 10.

Materials. With the exception of the parent compound, all the &(substituted phenyl)-ethyl bromides were prepared from the corresponding alcohols by reaction with phosphorous tribromide. All compounds showed physical properties (boiling points and indices of refraction) in agreement with literature values. The NMR spectra of all compounds were as expected and GLC indicated purities in excess of 98%. Bromotrichloromethane, mesitylene, and bromobenzene were purified by distillation prior to use. Purity was again in excess of 98%. Kinetic Determinations. Solutions of substituted phenethyl bromides, mesitylene or (2-bromoethyl)benzene, bromobenzene, and bromotrichloromethane were prepared in the approximate molar ratios of 1:1:0,5:10,Approximately 0.75 ml of the solution was placed in each of several ampules, The ampules were cooled to dry ice-isopropyl alcohol temperature until the solutions solidified. The ampules were evacuated at 2.0-3.0 mm and flushed several times with nitrogen with intermediate thawing. The ampules were sealed under vacuum and one was reserved for the analysis of the unreacted starting materials. The remainder were placed horizontally just below the surface of mineral oil constant-temperature bath maintained at 70.0 & 0.5"C. The solutions were irradiated with uv light provided by a Sylvania 275-W sun lamp placed 20 cm above the surface of the oil. Reaction times varied from 1to 3 hr, by which time up to 85% of substituted phenethyl bromides and mesitylene had reacted. The ampules were then cooled and opened. Analysis of the mixtures, both before and after the reaction, was via GLC on a 5% SE-30on Chromosorb W column. Conversion of raw data to relative rates involved the use of standard formu1as.l' R e f e r e n c e s and Notes Taken from the M.S. Thesis of S.-c.C. Streitwleser, H. A. Hammond, R. H. Jagow, R. M. Williams, R. G. Jesaitis, C. J. Chang, and R. Wolf, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 5141 (1970). (3) P. G. Gassman and A. F. Fentiman, Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 2549 (1)

(2) A.

Optimum correlation was with CT+ parameters. An experimental p value of -0.83 k 0.02 was obtained. T h e correlation coefficient was -0.997. No systematic deviation from linearity was observed. This is graphically represented in Figure 1.

(1970). (4) W. A. Thaler, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 85, 2607 (1963). (5) L. Kaplan, "Bridged Free Radicals", Marcel Dekker, New York, N.Y., 1972. (6) P. S. Skell and K. J. Shea in "Free Radicals", Voi. 11, J. K. Kochi, Ed., W h y , New York, N.Y., 1973. (7) G. S. Hammond, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,77, 334 (1955). (8) G. J. Gleicher, Tetrahedron, 30, 933 (1974). (9) The up+ parameter for a -CH2Br group is unknown. Values may be interpolated from that of the -CH2C110 and comparisons of Br and CI. In the present study a range between -0.05 and +0.05 was chosen.

Other electronic and steric parameters were taken from the Ilterature. (IO) J. E. Lefflerand E. Grunwaid, "Rates and Equilibria of Organic Reactions", Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1963. (11) G. J. Gielcher, J. Org. Chem., 33, 332 (1968).

R e a c t i o n s Which Relate to the E n v i r o n m e n t a l Mobility of Arsenic a n d Antimony. I. Quaternization of T r i m e t h y l a r s i n e a n d Trimethylstibine

G. E. Parris*la and F. E. Brinckman Inorganic Chemistry Section, National Bureau of Standards,Ib Washington, D.C. 20234 Received August 26,1975

-0.8 -0.6














Figure 1. Logarit,hms of the relative rates of reaction of @-(substituted phenylbethyl bromides vs. u+ parameters.

It is apparent that no evidence for participation is found. Unlike aliphatic radicals, radicals such as 1, even with electron-withdrawing groups present, must achieve sufficient stabilization so as t o make bromine participation unnecessary under t h e reaction conditions employed.

Several papers have appeared which discuss t h e environmental distribution of arsenic2-* and a n t i m ~ n y . ~ -Howg ever, little attention has been given to t h e chemical changes which facilitate t h e movement of these elements from one subsystem of t h e biosphere to another. One of t h e more important processes in arsenic mobilization has been shown t o be t h e reduction and methylation of inorganic arsenic compounds by microorganisms to produce trimethyl- and dimethylarsine.10-12 At this time, i t has not been demonstrated t h a t methylstibines are metabolites of microorga-


J . Org. Chem., Vol. 40, No. 25, 1975


Table I Quaternization of Tertiary Stibines and Arsines in Methanol and Acetonitrile at 29.5 + R'X ._ -+ (R,ER')+XR,E Solventa


Rate constant, M - ' sec-'C

R'Xa, b

Methanol Methanol Methanol Methanol Methanol Acetonitrile Acetonitrile


Acetonitrile Acetonitrile Methanol Methanol Methanol Methanol Acetone Acetone






(3.85 T 0.06) X (3.80 t 0.18) x (9.36 t 0.53) x lo-' (1.98 i 0.60) x (4.41 * 0.76) x (1.14 t 0.06) x (4.25 t 0.27) x (1.44 t 0.74j x 1 0 - 6 i(3.18 2.10) x io-' (2.52 -c 0.19) x (1.35 * 0.04) x (1.26 i: 0.09) x 10-5 (7.34 k0.39) x 1.94 x 1.0x 10-5 1.11 x 10-3

17 13 6 6 6 7 8

3 4 9 6 8 8


1' C


99+ 90 45 19 50 99+ 76 0-1 3 6-21 58 99 93 88

Davsf '13


7 6 15

p 0-1 1-7 4 lI24



a Solvents were reagent grade containing only trace amounts of water (> CH3CH21 2 C H ~ C H Z C H and ~ I CHsCHzI > CHsCHzBr, are typical of S N 2 type reactions. Also, as expected for an SN2 reaction, there is no appreciable a-secondary isotope effect in the reaction of CH3I or CD3I with trimeth~1stibine.l~ I t should be noted that when CD3I was treated with trimethylstibine, no CH3I was observed in the sample. This result confirms the idea that there is no low-energy intermediate which would allow exchange of methyl groups between methyl iodide and trimethylstibine. T h e data in Table I, including reactions of pyridine taken from other sources, indicate a qualitative nucleophilic reactivity of trimethylarsine and trimethylstibine in the order (CH3)3As > pyridine 5 (CH&Sb.







Figure 1. Plot of moles of trimethylstibine (e),methyl iodide (e), and tetramethylstibonium iodide (0)contained in 1.05 ml of methanol solution as a function of time. The dashed line represents the concentration of tetramethylstibonium iodide expected if no precipitation occurred. Note that tetramethylstibonium iodide supersaturates before reaching equilibrium concentration (0.24 M ) . The error in each measurement of trimethylstibine or tetramethylstibonium iodide i8 approximately 3%. Error bars representing approximately 6%error are used for methyl iodide because its signal is interfered with by a I3C-'H satellite of the methanol solvent.

Concerning the solvent effect on the reaction of trimethylstibine with methyl iodide, note t h a t the reaction is very slow, requiring weeks to reach completion,14 in diethyl ether. T h e more polar solvents greatly increase the rate of quaternization. In addition, Kosower20 has suggested that there are specific interactions between nitrile solvents and halogen leaving groups which account for the enhanced rate of quaternization in acetonitrile relative to methanol

J. Org. Chem., Vol. 40, No. 25, 1975 3803

Notes even though t h e solvents have similar dielectric constants. T h e reactions of primary environmental interest occur in water. There are a number of solvent parameters (Y, a, 2, S, E T , S)21 which could be used to correlate reaction rates in various solvents. KosowerZ2has used 2 to correlate the rates of S N 2 reactions in a series of protic solvents. We can write log k2 = A 2 C, where A 0.025 in protic solvents and C is a constant which depends only on t h e nucleophile and substrate. Using our results for trimethylstibine and trimethylamine reacting with methyl iodide in methanol (2 value 83.6), the C's for the reactions are -5.5 and -5.0, respectively. The 2 value of water is 94.6. Thus, t h e rate cons t a n t for reaction of (CH3)sSb and (CH3)3As with CH31 in water can be estimated t o be 7 X and 3 X M-l sec-l, respectively. A similar approach can be applied to t h e other reactions in Table I. The result is that t h e reactions are expected to be about twice as fast in water as in methanol.


Experimental Section Trimethylantinnony dibromide was prepared by the method described by Doak et aLZ3It was recrystallized from acetone. Solutions of trimethylstibine for kinetic studies were prepared in a recirculating inert atmosphere (Nz) box by refluxing (CHs)3SbBrz with a twofold excess of 30-mesh zinc in the solvent of choice (methanol or acetonitrile) for 1 hr, followed by vacuum distillation of the solution. The solutions were standardized by adding an excess of methyl iodide to a weighed sample of each solution and weighing the tetramethylstibonium iodide isolated after removal of solvent. Trimethylarsine was obtained from a commercial source. Solutions of trimeth,ylarsine for kinetic studies were prepared by weight using conventional vacuum line techniques. The reactions of trimethylstibine and trimethylamine with alkyl halides were observed by an NMR technique using a commercial 60-MHz instrument. In an inert atmosphere box, approximately 1 ml of the typically 0.5 M stibine or arsine solution was transferred into a tared thin-wall NMR tube which was then stoppered with a rubber septum. The exact quantity of solution was determined by weight. After allowing the sample to equilibrate thermally in the NMR probe, about 0.15 ml of a mixture of the desired alkyl halide and hexamethyldisilane (prepared and stored under nitrogen; typical mole ratio 1O:l) was injected through the septum to initiate the reaction. The exact amount of RX-(CH3)&2 solution added was determined by weight at the completion of the reaction. In most kinetic runs, only the signals for the stibine or arsine and the standard, (CH&!3iz, were observed using 5 0 - H ~sweep width and changing the offset as necessary to put both signals in the scan. The areas of the two signals were measured ( 1 3 % ) with a planimeter and related to the moles of reactant and standard. Concentrations were calculated by relating the liquid level in the sample tube to the volume of the reacting solution. For the slow reactions which required days to reach a reasonable extent of reaction, the sample tubes were stored in a bath regulated to the probe temperature, 29.5 f 1°C. The concentration vs. time data was fitted by computer to a second-order rate equation by the method of least squares. In the course of this study the chemical shifts of trimethylstibine (6 0.73), trimethylamine (6 0.91), and tetramethylstibonium iodide (6 1.58 low concentration, 6 1.66 saturated) were determined in methanol relative to internal hexamethyldisilane (6 0.04).24The signal for tetramethylstibonium iodide is quite broad (Wl/z N 4.5 Hz) owing to unresolved Sb-C-H coupling. The signal for trimethylstibine is inot detectably broadened (Wl/z N 0.7 Hz) because in an asymmetric electric field the antimony quadrupole successfully relaxes the Sb-C-H coupling. In addition, it was noted that the maximum solubility of (CH&SbI in methanol is 0.24 M and the maximum solubility of CH3CHzSb(CH&I in acetonitrile is about 0.2 M.

Acknowledgment. T h e assistance of Mr. Richard Thompson in recording t h e NMR spectra is appreciated. Registry No.--Tetramethylstibonium iodide, 2185-78-6; tetra(methyl-d3)stibonium iodide, 56929-85-2; ethyltrimethylstibonium iodide, 56929-86-3; ethyltrimethylstibonium bromide, 56929-87-4; trimethylpropylstibonium iodide, 56929-88-5; tetramethylarsonium iodide, 5814-20-0; ethyltrimethylarsonium iodide, 56929-89-6;

trimethylpropylarsonium iodide, 56929-90-9; trimethylantimony dibromide, 5835-64-3.

References and Notes (a)NRC-NBS Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1974-1975.(b) Contributions from the National Bureau of Standards are not subject to copyright.

A. R. isensee, P. C. Kearney, E. A. Woolson, G. E. Jones, and V. P. Williams, Environ. Sci. Techno/.,7 , 841 (1973). D. J. Myers, M. E. Heimbrook. J. Osteryoung, and S. M. Morrison, Environ. Lett., 5, 53 (1973). S.A. Lis and P. K. Hopke, Environ. Lett., 5 , 45 (1973). R. M. Orheim, L. Lippman, C. J. Johnson, and H. H. Bovee, Environ. Lett., 7 , 229 (1974). J. M. Skei, N. B. Price, S. E. Calvert, and H. Holtedahl, Water, Air, Soil Pollut., 1, 452 (1972). P. Schramel, K. Samsahl, and J. Pavlu. lnt. J. Environ. Stud., 5 , 37 (1973). T. F. Yen, "The Role of Trace Metals in Petroleum", Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich.. 1975. D. Maxfield, J. M. Rodriguez, M. Buettner, J. Davis, L. Forbes, R. Ko-

vacs, W. Russel, L. Schultz, R. Smith, J. Stanton, and C. M. Wai, EnviTon. Pollut., 7, 1 (1974). F. Challenger. Chem. Rev., 36, 315 (1945). D. Perlman, Adv. Appl. Microbiol., 8, 103-109 (1965). J. M. Wood, Science, 183, 1049 (1974). J. E. Lovelock, Nature (London),256, 193 (1975). W. von E. Doering and A. K. Hoffman, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 521 (1955).

W. J. C.Dyke and W. J. Jones, J. Chem. Soc., 1921 (1930). G. Gruttner and M. Wiernik, Ber., 48, 1759 (1915). M. C. Henry and G. Witting, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,82, 563 (1960). W. C. Davies and W. P. G. Lewis, J. Chem. SOC.,1599 (1934). D. E. Sunko and S. Borcic in "Isotope Effects in Chemical Reactions", ACS Monograph 167, C. J. Collins and N. S. Bowman, Ed., Van Nos-

trand-Reinhold, Princeton, N.J., 1970,pp 172-173. E. M. Kosower, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,80,3267(1958). H. F. Herbrandson and F. R. Neufield, J. Org. Chem., 31, 1140 (1966). E. M. Kosower, "Physical Organic Chemistry", Wiley, New York. N.Y., 1968,pp 293-322.

G.0. Doak, G. G. Long, and M. E. Key, lnorg. Synth., 9, 92 (1967). M. P. Brown and D. E. Webster, J. Phys. Chem., 64,698(1960).

Applications of Surfactants to Synthetic Organic Chemistry F. M. Menger,*l J. U. Rhee, and H. K. Rhee Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322 Receiued July 14, 1975

Synthetic chemists are frequently faced with t h e prob-

lem of reacting a water-insoluble organic compound with a water-soluble reagent (hydroxide, permanganate, formate, periodate, hypohalite, hydrogen peroxide, hydrobromic acid, hydrazine, etc.)2. Several methods are available for countering this difficulty. T h e organic phase can be stirred rapidly with the aqueous phase; agitation promotes interfacial contact between the two reactants. An alternative procedure utilizes a cosolvent such as dioxane or ethanol in t h e water. Although a water-cosolvent mixture does not usually dissolve all the organic reactant, t h e hope is t h a t at least a small portion of t h e reactant will enter the watery solvent. As the compound is consumed, more of it is supplied from t h e organic layer. Dipolar aprotic solvent^,^ crown ethers,* and phase transfer catalysts5 are also commonly used in synthesis; they function by dissolving or solubilizing ionic reagents in organic phases. In t h e present article we assess t h e value of surfactants in several two-phase reactions. Surfactants disperse organic liquids in water; this could conceivably generate higher yields and shorter reaction times. Surfactants also form micelles which are capable of catalyzing organic reactions.6 Yet neither "emulsion catalysis" nor micellar catalysis by surfactants has been exploited to any degree in synthetic organic chemistry.'