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low level magnetic amplifier designed by. Polytechnic Research & Development. Co., Inc. The company's Type 806 amplifier will operate frominput signal...
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4A 42 A 14 A-2 45 A

Spectrophotometers, Infrared . . .

MISCELLANEOUS Analytical Abstracts Filtration Chart Journals

Spectrophotometers, Ratio Recording Infrared 14 A-3 Stirrer Motors 13 A-1 Stirrers, Chain 65 A-2 Stirrers, Glass 53 A Stopcocks, Polyethylene 15 A Thermometers 3rd Cover Tubing, Plastic 54 A Ultracentrifuges 47 A Voltage Stabilizers 60 A X-Ray Diffraction Apparatus . . . 6A

58 A-2 17 A-2 58 A-1

NEW PRODUCTS Timers Two repeat cycle electronic timers that provide on-intervals ranging from 0.01 to 150 seconds and off-intervals of from 0.01 to 900 seconds have been an­ nounced by G. C. Wilson & Co. They are suitable for controls where the timing device must be stable and accurate over nominal changes of line voltage and temperature. The timers are housed in steel cabinets of 9 X 10 X 5 inches with external set­ tings. They utilize one radio type tube and a voltage regulator to charge two

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Adsorbents 33 A-2 Cadmium Tungstoborate 25 A-2 Cellulose, Oxidized 25 A-1 Cellulose Acetate Sheeting . . . . 25 A-4 Filter Media, Porous Porcelain . . 29 A-2 Filter Papers 17 A-1 Laboratory Chemicals 5A 16 A 51 A Packings, Fractionating Column . . 23 A Photographic Materials 25 A-3 Standardized Solutions 31 A-1 Name —

FIRST CLASS PERMIT N O . 1538 (Sec. 34.9, P.L.&R.) NEW YORK, Ν. Υ.

Position Company Address -


READERS' INFORMATION SERVICE Analytical Chemistry 330 W. 42nd St. New York 36, Ν. Υ.



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resistance-capacitance networks. Dur­ ing operation, one cycle automatically initiates the next without moving parts or external operation. 1 Magnetic Amplifier The output of a low level d.c. device such as a thermocouple, phototube, strain gage, or thermistor bridge, can be amplified sufficiently to operate an in­ sensitive meter or relay through use of a low level magnetic amplifier designed by Polytechnic Research & Development Co., Inc. The company's Type 806 amplifier will operate from input signals as low as 200 micromicrowatts and will provide an output of 0.05 watts of reversible polar­ ity to a 50 ohm load. A power gain of approximately 300,000 can be obtained. The unit is self-contained and requires no additional rectifiers or power supply. It operates from 115 volts, 60 cycles, single phase. 2 Humidity Cabinets A line of humidity-temperature test cabinets has been announced by Hudson Bay Division of Refrigeration Systems, Inc. Weather-Lab units are available in standard 20- and 30-cubic foot sizes for simulation of conditions between 35° and 200° F. and 20 to 95% humidity. Access to the test space is through two front-opening doors. All cooling, heating, humidifying, dehumidifying, and air moving equipment is located in an enclosed portion of the test space. The refrigeration condensing unit is placed within a machine compartment beneath the chamber. The basic unit is equipped with an exterior-mounted control panel with adjustable wet and dry bulb thermo­ stats, switches, and pilot lights. Op­ tional controllers provide programming of the wet and dry bulb functions on a predetermined time cycle. 3 Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer For continuous and automatic de­ tection and recording of the concentra­ tion of hydrogen sulfide in vehicle gas in industrial applications, Viking Instru­ ments, Inc., has brought out the Type SU detector. The apparatus consists of a sensitive chart recorder for panel mounting, a sampling and detecting unit with photocells and controls, and a glass tube flowmeter. Audible and visual alarms can be furnished, if de­ sired. In operation, the instrument produces a series of stains on a test strip and com­ pares the density of these stains to the (Continuedon page 5&A)

NEW PRODUCTS, continued density of unstained test strips. To form a stain, the test gas is permitted to enter the sampling chamber at a pre­ determined and adjustable rate. Stain density is a function of rate of gas flow, time of strip exposure, and hydrogen sulfide concentration in the test gas. When a series of stains is produced while flow rate and exposure time are held constant, the difference in density between the stained test strip and a clean strip is directly related to hydro­ gen sulfide concentration. Density of each stain is electronically measured constantly during the ex­ posure period, and the relative density shown on the indicator or recorder. Full scale ranges from 200 p.p.m. to 0.05 p.p.m. are provided. 4 Beaker Holder

First AUTOMATIC FLOW COUNTER Here is the first commercially practicable, completely sealed flow counter for automatic radioassays either in the Geiger or proportional region. The in­ strument accepts 25 samples of any size up to 1 7/8" D by 5/16" high, with choice of appropriate chamber sizes. Each sample may be counted from one to four times in cyclical order, or the unit may be set so that the cycles are repeated indefinitely. The SC-50 may be used either with the Superscaler or Autoscaler and results are printed on a tape by the Printing Interval Timer, a unit de­ signed specifically for nu­ clear use. Completely automatic Geiger or Proportional counting. 2 pi geometry. < 25 samples up to 1 7/8" D in size. » Automatic sample re­ cycling. • O v e r a l l accuracy of 1%. • Elapsed time printed for each sample or cumulatively. Please request Tracerlog No. 57, for complete details.

Tracerlab® inc. 130 HIGH ST., BOSTON 2030 WRIGHT AVE., RICHMOND, CAL.

Circle No. 52 A on Readers' Service

52 A

Card, page 49 A

BeekurGrip has been designed by The Nalge Co. for convenient handling of beakers in de­ scending type chro­ matographic appa­ ratus containing corrosive or irritat­ ing solvents. The device is of light­ weight aluminum construction. Spring tension grips are controlled from the top of the handle and are adjustable to accommo­ date 50- to 250-ml. beakers. A built-in platform acts to prevent contamination or spillage. 5 Gravity-Weight-Volume Chart Revised American Petroleum Insti­ tute gravity-temperature correction tables have been published by Fisher Scientific Co. in a 45 X 35-inch chart for use in petroleum control and in­ spection laboratories. The chart presents an abridgement of three tables needed to convert API gravity readings observed with a glass hydrometer at any temperature to API gravity at 60° F. and then to volume and pounds per U. S. gallon a t 6 0 ° F . Price is $1.00. 6 Filter Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co. has announced a flexible membrane filter for use in the determination of numbers and types of bacteria and other microbes in water, sewage, milk, foods, bever­ ages, air, and soil or for filtration of fine particles from suspensions. The Bac-T-Flex filter is said to be flexible, durable, and easy to handle and sterilize. A green grid makes

counting of colonies easy and accurate. The grid is of large size to facilitate counting at magnifications up to 15 X.

Hooks for Glassware To provide a method of securing two ground glass joints together by means of metal hooks and springs, Metzkier Metal Products Co. is offering Tension Hooks, The hooks are sturdy and not so easily broken as the conventional glass hooks used ψ ι on glass equip\ •> ment for this pur­ pose. The metal adapters are made of stain­ less steel, 0.01 inch thick, and are easily bent around glass necks or tubes and fastened by means of a replaceable metal tab. They can be used on any type of glass for holding together automatic burets, wash bottles, stirring assemblies, or other equipment and for securing stoppers or thermometers. 8 Gas Analyzer A radiological gas analyzer developed by Shell Development Co. is now beingmanufactured by Hallikainen Instru­ ments. It is designed for continuous analysis of binary gas mixtures by meas­ urement of ionization produced in the gas by beta radiation from a strontium90 source. The instrument is available in stand­ ard or explosionproof models. First installations have been for the measure­ ment of argon in converter gas in an ammonia plant. 9 Microscope Attachment An English-made microscope attach­ ment that minimizes space restriction between objective lens and specimen by providing 12.8 mm. working distance is being distributed by Edmund Scientific Corp. The device, which is available in 20 X and 40 X models, also erects the image viewed. The system is particularly suitable for dissection work or for viewing surface defects, indentations, and specimens at high temperature, according to the dis­ tributor. The erect-image feature is said to eliminate awkwardness in ma­ nipulation of specimens, as move­ ments of the hand need not be reversed in relation to the image. The attachment replaces one of the For further information, see coupon on page 49 A ANALYTICAL


objective lenses of any standard microscope and revolves along with the other objectives in the nose piece. Heart of the system is a half-aluminized plate which first passes light rays and then, when they are reflected back to it by a surface mirror, reflects the rays correctly positioned for viewing by the objective. 10 Hot Plate Thermo Electric Mfg. Co. is producing a hot plate measuring 9 inches square and 6 inches high for heavy duty service. It has a cast iron top plate and a stainless steel body. The body is in two sections separated by an insulating plate, and the heating plate itself is insulated and suspended in the top section with ventilating air channels underneath and on all four sides. Temperatures are regulated by a fourway switch providing surface temperatures of 400°, 535°, 710°, and 930° F. Units operate on 115 or 230 volts a.c. 11


7reeis/or?-15ore Glass Stirrer OFTEN /M/TATED NEVER EQUALLED 7Â*. Mat I4aca£f ZaacSw 2*4 ZiS. 7ot^y


Electrophoresis Apparatus

E-C Apparatus Co. is marketing an electrophoresis apparatus that can analyze up to 12 samples simultaneously under identical conditions of temperature and ionic strength. It can be used to determine mobilities of mixture components at three pH levels at the same time. The unit is constructed of Plexiglas, with permanently attached platinum electrodes. The migration chamber will accommodate paper sheets or starch columns up to 4 cm. thick and provides water cooled surfaces in contact with the paper or starch column. Unit operates at 1000 volts d.c. or less. 12 X-Ray Diffraction Camera

Designed for general purpose investigations of substances at controlled temperatures up to 1000° C. is the Model HC-101 high temperature x-ray diffraction powder camera of Central Research Laboratories, Inc.

ι^Η n r a i mm,m Imitation may be the sheerest flattery — but You are entitled to the Ace Trubore Stirrer. The Exclusive Ace Process provides the closest of rod and bearing tolerances—unmatched precision. Accurate tests show an average leak rate of but 6.4 mm. H g / M i n . (unlubricated) at 7 6 0 mm.Hg/min.differential pressure. For lubricated stirrers, leakage is less than 0.05 mm. Hg/min. for the same pressure differential.

Ace Trubore Stirrers are made in various styles to meet unusual needs, such as a unit which permits the inert gas to be fed into and over the contents of the flask while stirrer is in motion. This same unit is also adapted to gasliquid or liquid-solid reactions. All bearings and rods of Ace Trubore Stirrers are fully interchangeable.

ACE Trubore Stirrer Rods and bearing are stocked in a complete range of standard taper joints, and ACE standard interchangeable spherical joints. Blades are available in TEFLON or Glass When it comes to stirrers, don't be satisfied with less than the Original and Genuine ACE TRUBORE Stirrer . . . the f i n e s t . . . the most widely used . . . the most versatile . . . and truly economical. You Can "Always Rely on Ace" Write DEP'T "TS-D" for Detailed Brochure

The camera has a movable film carrier that allows five 7-mm. diffraction patFor further information, see coupon on page 49 A V O L U M E 26, NO. 4, APRIL




For further information, circle number 53 A on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

53 A

NEW PRODUCTS, continued

terns to be made on the same film, facilitating the determination of phase diagrams and registering comparison patterns of different substances at selected temperatures. The carrier, which is 114.6 mm. in diameter, may be removed from the furnace assembly at any stage of the investigation without disturbing the thermal environment of the powder sample. Standard 35-mm. x-ray film may be used for single exposures. Two concave ceramic bodies, separated by a 3-mm. spacing which allows the diffraction to pass to the film, support coiled helix furnace heating elements of platinum-rhodium. Intervening barriers of low heat capacity minimize radiation and convection losses. The temperature of the specimen can be

changed from one thermal level to another with equilibrium being rapidly obtained. Thermocouple for temperature determinations can be positioned in the heating cavity where the x-ray beam intersects the sample or in a retracted position in line with the specimen axis. Samples may be mounted and aligned externally on a ball bearing spindle which is rotated by a 1 r.p.m. motor. Both the aligning fixture and film punch are included as standard equipment. 13 Grease Worker

An automatic grease working machine suitable for testing the shear stability of greases and other colloidal and plastic solids and liquids under

prolonged isothermal mechanical working is offered by Technical Equipment Co. The worker contains a built-in thermocouple and water jacket for maintenance of constant temperature and measuring the temperature of material being worked. A constant temperature bath provides liquid to the worker jacket and controls and indicates temperature to ±0.1° F. The apparatus has a temperature range from —65° to 300° F. A preset counter totals strokes of the worker and shuts off the machine at a predetermined number of strokes. The equipment is motor driven. It is suitable for ASTM D-217 test for cone penetration of lubricating greases, as well as for various government specification tests. 14 Electrophoresis Apparatus



Qùfbqwojtj& pwvty

For separation and identification of mixtures of biological materials, such as amino acids and proteins, by electrophoresis on wet filter paper, Precision Scientific Co. offers the Junior Ionograph. The unit is a modification of an older Precision model.

Percentage-wise, yes, a n d dollar-wise, too, the money a n y l a b o r a t o r y spends f o r l a b o r a t o r y t u b i n g amounts to little. But the cost of using inferior q u a l i t y t u b i n g can be extremely h i g h . C o n t a m ination of a single solution m i g h t cost more t h a n a year's supply of t u b i n g . That's basically w h y laboratories the w o r l d over use Tygon plastic t u b i n g — insist on Tygon — refuse to accept t u b ing sold as "just as good as T y g o n . " For l a b o r a t o r y technicians k n o w Tygon is the one t u b i n g completely " n e u t r a l " — neither affecting nor being affected by v i r t u a l l y a n y solution they m i g h t use. A d d to this outstanding a n d p r o v e n q u a l i t y : Glass-clearness, string-like flexibility, u n m a t c h e d coupling ease, a n d an a v a i l a b i l i t y in a r a n g e of sizes to meet every need — a n d it's easy to see w h y TYGON is the accepted s t a n d a r d of laboratories e v e r y w h e r e . ASK


O N - T Y G O N


favorite supply



or Write direct to U. S. Stoneware · Akron 9, Ohio 3740 For further information, circle number 54 A on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

54 A

Metallurgical Polishing Table

For the production of metallurgical specimens, Buehler, Ltd., is manufacturing a cabinet type polishing table with companion mounted and floor storage cabinets. The two-unit polishing table has a Formica top and is approximately 60 inches long, 27 inches

I t A D/tfutcted, at

It accommodates seven filter paper strips or a single sheet for two-dimensional electromigrations. The apparatus consists of a single-wall, nonconducting cabinet which holds a paper strip frame and electrode vessels, and a separate power supply system containing voltmeter, ammeter, and controls. Range of potential is 150 to 500 volts of regulated current. Up to 0.5 mg. of test material may be used. The instrument is portable and may be placed in an incubator or low temperature chamber. 15

For further information, see coupon on page 49 A A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY


deep, and 30 inches high to table top. It includes two 12-inch swing spouts, an 8-inch diameter wash bowl with drain, plumbing, and wiring. 16

tubing, 4 inches o.d. by 3 and is 300 mm. in length. outlets and a tube at the drainage, and is furnished receiving flasks.

inches i.d., It has four bottom for with four 21

wire-wound resistors. International Resistance Co. (Bull. D-l). 25


Volt-Ammeter. Design and use of an a.c. multirange instrument with an accuracy of 0.05% through a frequency range from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second described in 4-page bulletin. Charles Engelhard, Inc. 27

Phthalic Anhydride. Booklet of 24 pages discusses properties, uses, handling, and analysis of phthalic anhydride. American Cyanamid Co. 26

Saybolt Viscometer

A constant temperature Saybolt viscometer available from Labline, Inc., employs an electronic circuit with a mercury thermostat. It is of doublewall insulated construction with stainless steel exterior and Bakélite cover. Stirring is accomplished by an external induction motor with turbine type impeller. Immersion heaters provide temperatures to 450° F. and a mercury thermoregulator is adjustable through the full temperature range. Two- and four-tube models are available. 17 p-Xylene

Oscillograph. Bulletin of 10 pages describes features and specifications of a recording oscillograph for static or dynamic data, as well as accessories and associated equipment. Consolidated Engineering Corp. 22 Moisture Determination. Four-page leaflet lists features of an apparatus for moisture determinations by xylene and toluene distillation methods. Hafco Scientific Instruments & Development Co. (Moisturscope). 23 Environmental



For use as a flash point test standard for closed-cup devices, Fisher Scientific Co. has a special grade of p-xylene. The chemical meets ASTM specifications for specific gravity, boiling range, and purity. It is offered in quart lots.

Brochure of 4 pages describes line of equipment for simulating various conditions of altitude, temperature, humidity, sunshine, and dust. American Research Corp. 24


Resistors. Four-page folder describes and gives specifications for precision

Power Supply

An adjustable a.c. regulated power supply for operation from a 60-eycle a.c. line has been designed by Summit Electronics, Inc. The apparatus is suitable for industrial production and inspection use as well as laboratory work. Several models are available for varying output requirements ranging from 0.1 to 100 amperes. Output voltages are varied by a front panel control. Intended for panel mounting, the equipment measures 121/4 X 19 X b 1 /; inches. 19

Hydrogen Analyzer. Four-page folder on features and operation of instrument for continuous determination of hydrogen concentration in mixtures with air or hydrocarbons. Taller & Cooper, Inc. (Bull. SOI). 28 Flame Photometer. Four-page bulletin describes features and operation of instrument for sodium, potassium, calcium, or lithium déterminations. Baird Associates, Inc. (Bull. 37). 29 Spectrophotometer Recorder. Operating and design features of a continuous recording instrument for ultraviolet and visual spectra presented in For further information, see coupon on page 49 A





Γ Ϋ ^ ^




go to Corning for special apparatus


Fisher Scientific Co. is selling a special indicator grade of pure diphenylamine for spectrographic analysis of nitrate and nitrite in a variety of materials, detection of chromium, iron, manganese, uranium, or zinc, and glycerol titrations. The material is a white solid that yields almost colorless solutions in concentrated sulfuric acid, and therefore provides low blanks. 20 Freeze D r y i n g A p p a r a t u s

A standard glass lyophilizing unit for quick drying and freezing of organic tissues and other materials is being produced by Wakefield Industries, Inc. Lyophilizing time for the equipment's capacity of 400 cc. is within 6 hours. The unit is made of borosilicate glass V O L U M E 26, NO. 4, APRIL


It stands to reason that the men who manufacture the nationally-known PYREX brand glass 7740 know best how to fabricate this glass into the most intricate apparatus. That's why men who know, insist on Corning for their special laboratory glassware. Take a leaf from their book and get the same benefits. For, regardless of your requirements, you can be sure of prompt personal service, the best of technical help and the most modern manufacturing equipment available to handle your particular problem. You also can depend on Corning to give you fine workmanship at reasonable cost. Call your laboratory dealer or write direct to Corning, Ν. Υ.

C O R N I N G GLASS WORKS · C O R N I N G , Ν. Υ. Corning means research in Glass

For furtner information, circle number 55 A on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

55 A

UNLOCK the door to molecular secrets

LITERATURE, continued

12-page bulletin. Warren Electronics, Inc. (Spectracord). 30 Ion Exchangers. A catalog of 20 pages covering mixed-bed, two-bed, and fourbed demineralizers with capacities from 5 to 2500 gallons per hour for laboratory and industrial use. Barnstead Still &. Sterilizer Co. (Cat. 127). 31

with High Resolution n-m-r S p e c t r o s c o p y

The Varian Model V-4300 High Resolution n-m-r (nuclear magnetic reso­ nance) Spectrometer has stirred the imagination of chemists everywhere. With this new instrument, signals from H1, F19, P31, B u , C13 and several other nuclei can be detected, revealing the occurrence of identical nuclei in different chemical environments. High Resolution n-m-r techniques permit rapid and completely non-destruc­ tive study of small liquid samples, including melted solids and liquefied gases. Outstanding applications include: • Identification of functional groups • Assignment of structural formulas • Analysis of multi-component mixtures




Sample : Toluene, C6HSCH3 ... η M fr f Volume:. 0.01 cc. Frequency. 30 mc. Field: 7050 gauss Sweep Rate: 10 milligauss/sec. Zero of Reference: Magnetic field at protons in liquid water

zene ringelectrons are:tes* than >am the ^ proto ^ to bonding s

water, ^ .^ l ^e

Laboratory Furniture. A 24-page cat­ alog presents information on a variety of laboratory furniture and utility equipment. Schaar and Co. [Cat. AK54). 32 Salicylamide. Seven-page bulletin lists properties of analgesic material and presents literature abstracts concerning its pharmacology and toxicology. Mon­ santo Chemical Co. {Tech. Bull. 0-112). 33 Recording Densitometer. Two-page sheet describes a manually operated recorder for rapid photometric analysis of Jight-absorbing materials on dry paper strips obtained in electrophore­ sis and chromatography. Arthur H. Thomas Co. {Bull. 117)." 34 Electronic Computers. Booklet of 30 pages on electronic data processing equipment discusses functional principles and components of digital computers and new developments in their design. International Business Machines Corp. (Light on the Future). 35 Organic Chemicals. Catalog and price list of over three dozen compounds offered by Arapahoe Chemicals, Inc. 3 6 Melamine. A 56-page booklet con­ tains sections on applications, specifica­ tions, properties, chemistry, toxicity, test methods, and bibliography for melamine. American Cyanamid Co. 3 7 Oscillographic Recording Systems.

A 38-page catalog presents technical data and specifications for 1-, 2-, and 4-channel systems for industrial re­ search and production. Sanborn Co. 38 +2



FOR THE COMPLETE STORY . . . On Varian's Model V-4300 High Resolution Π·ΓΠ·Γ Spectrometer, write to the Special Products Division for: • • • THE

Technical Information Bulletins Data Sheets n-m-r Table






associates 4,


For further information, circle number 56 A on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

56 A

Pharmaceuticals. Ten-page bulletin gives abstracts of patent applications and manufacturing processes of German pharmaceutical manufacturers available in translation from Research Informa­ tion Service (Bull. 83). 39 Creep Testing Machines. Five types of creep testing machines for standard size metal specimens described and illus­ trated in 12-page bulletin. BaldwinLima-Hamilton Corp. (Bull. 4208). 4 0 Oscillograph. Specifications and circuit diagrams for wide-band cathode ray oscillograph for general laboratory apFor further information, see coupon on page 49 A ANALYTICAL


LITERATURE, continued




THE ANALYST publishes

original communications from members and non-members of the Society and the papers on specialised subjects spon­ sored by the Biological, Physical and Microchemical Groups of the Society. It contains also the Proceedings of the Society and the Dis­ cussions that f o l l o w the presentation of papers at its scientific meetings, the Reports of The Analytical Methods Committee, Notes on Analytical Methods and Apparatus and Book Reviews. The Society for Analytical Chemistry was, until December 31st, 1 9 5 3 , known as the Society of Public Analysts and O t h e r Analytical Chemists. W i t h The Analyst

is published, each month—

ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTS D E A L I N G W I T H A L L BRANCHES O F A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY A N A L Y T I C A L ABSTRACTS is a continuation of the Bureau of A b ­ stracts' British Abstracts C, Analysis and Apparatus, which was formerly supplied w i t h The Analyst, but is no longer being published. The scope is similar, and the abstracts are classified under the main headings— General Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Analysis Organic Analysis Biochemistry General Technique and Laboratory Apparatus the last t w o sections being sub-divided for convenience. THE ANALYST and A N A L Y T I C A L ABSTRACTS are published for the Society by W. HefFer & Son Limited, 3 and 4 Petty Cury, Cambridge, England. Subscription price (both journals) $11.20 per annum . Single copies of THE ANALYST 93 cents; single copies of A N A L Y T I C A L ABSTRACTS 60 cents. A N A L Y T I C A L ABSTRACTS is available separately by subscription for S7.00 per annum; an edition printed on one side of the paper only and without the index is also available at S8.40 per annum. Sub­ scriptions for A N A L Y T I C A L ABSTRACTS alone should be sent direct to the Secretary, The Society for Analytical Chemistry, 7 and 8 Idol Lane, London, E.C. 3, England. Subscriptions for both journals to­ gether and orders for single copies of THE ANALYST should be sent to the publishers direct or through trade agents. Subscriptions to THE ANALYST separately are not accepted.

For further information, circle 58 A-1, -2 on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

58 A

plications contained in 12-page bulletin. Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories, Inc. (TypeS2S). 41 Thermocouple and Extension Wires.

Technical data on thermocouple and extension wires for pyrometric work. Thermo Electric Co., Inc. (Bull. 81). 42 Centrifuges. Four-page folder gives information on small-size angle centri­ fuges and accessories. Ivan Sorvall, Inc. (Types SS-1 and SS-la). 43 Electrophoresis Apparatus. Leaflet of 3 pages with specifications and price information for apparatus with platinum foil electrodes for preparing horizontal paper strip electrophorograms. Arthur H. Thomas Co. 44 T e x t i l e Microscopes. Four-page brochure with information on micro­ scopes and accessories for use in textile studies. American Optical Co. 45 Carbon Monoxide Analyzer. Folder of 4 pages briefly describes a compact detector with a range from 0 to 10 parts of carbon monoxide per 10,000. Taller & Cooper, Inc. (Porloco). 46 Laboratory Planning. Revised publi­ cation of 24 pages discusses the planning of industrial and school laboratory layouts. Scientific Apparatus Makers Assoc. (Better Laboratory Planning). 47 Spectrographic Equipment.

An S-

page price list of spectrographic equip­ ment and supplies available from National Spectrographic Sales Corp. 48 Crucibles. Brochure of 4 pages de­ scribes porous-bottom porcelain cruci­ bles and microfiltersticks. Coors Porce­ lain Co. 49 Laboratory Apparatus. Catalog of 17 pages describes laboratory furnaces and controls, hot plates, combustion units, and sulfur and carbon analysis equipment manufactured by Li η d berg Engineering Co. (Bull. 1001). 50 Quantometers. Pamphlet of 8 pages describes features of optical emission quantometers for analytical production control applications. Applied Research Laboratories. 51 Electrophoresis Apparatus. Design and operating information for micro electrophoresis apparatus presented in 4-page folder. Ivan Sorvall, Inc. 52 Flame Spectra. Pocket-size card carries emission spectra for 36 typical elements that can be determined by flame spectrophotometry. Beckman Instruments, Inc. (FC-15). 53 For further information, see coupon on page 49 A ANALYTICAL