Real-Time Distance Research with IP Network Videoconferencing

The impact of computer and Internet technology in sci- ence and technology ... courses, synchronous distance learning, and scientific re- search, incl...
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Teaching with Technology

Gabriela C. Weaver

Real-Time Distance Research with IP Network Videoconferencing: Extending Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907


Lisa A. Holland* Department of Chemistry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-6045; *[email protected] Sara Tomechko,† Alyison M. Leigh, and Anne Oommen Department of Chemistry, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 Angela Bradford College of Education, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 Andrew E. Burns Department of Chemistry, Kent State University, Stark Campus, Canton, OH 44720

The impact of computer and Internet technology in science and technology education is found in Web-based courses, synchronous distance learning, and scientific research, including telemedicine (1), and interdisciplinary collaborations (2–4). An extension of the use of distance communication is undergraduate research. Internet-based undergraduate research provides geographical flexibility, and the removal of distance barriers promotes diversity and interdisciplinary partnership. To demonstrate the feasibility of distance research, we initiated a pilot study between two laboratories located 28 miles apart. An undergraduate student working at the distant site participated in research on separation chemistry and was mentored from the home site through videoconferencing. The project incorporated 1 week of independent training and informal observation and 8.5 weeks of laboratory work. The week of training included independent use of the instructional Web site1 on capillary electrophoresis (CE) and protocols for recording data in a laboratory notebook, as well as use of the Web camera. Research then commenced with the student and advisor communicating via the Internet using H.323 duplex video communication. To facilitate the research, two lab-built CE systems were utilized. One was installed in a research laboratory at the distant site (in Canton, Ohio) and the second at the home site (in Kent, Ohio). The research topic was the separation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). The goal was to determine whether software, hardware, and mentoring strategies were suitable for undergraduate research. Because of our novel approach we used outcome assessment to measure the success of implementing distance undergraduate research. A pilot study was evaluated to assess progress and identify problem areas in order to provide a mechanism for revision and improvement for future use at a † Current address: Graduate Program in Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.


Journal of Chemical Education

distant university. This article describes the approach to distance research, methods of program assessment, and a report of this program’s outcomes. Materials and Methods

Hazards To prevent user contact with the working voltage, the CE anodic reservoir is placed inside a plexiglass box connected to the high voltage power supply with an interlock connection. The Web camera is running at all times the student researcher is engaged in laboratory work at the distant site. At the home site, the camera is in operation in the presence of other researchers within visual or audio range of the camera system to maintain a safe environment at the distant site. This use of a “buddy system” allows research–mentors to respond rapidly in the event of an emergency and provides a mechanism for the off-site student–researcher to quickly ask questions related to safety. Reagents Mesityl oxide (141-79-7), diflunisal (22494-42-4), flurbiprofen (5104-49-4), ibuprofen (15687-27-1), indomethacin (53-86-1), indoprofen (31842-01-0), naproxen (22204-53-1), sulindac (38194-50-2), tolmetin (26171-233), N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid (TES) (7365-44-8), and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (15121-3) were obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Deionized water was obtained from a Barnstead Nanopure Infinity system (Barnstead Thermolyne Corp., Dubuque, IA). All stock solutions were prepared in background electrolyte at 1 mM and stored at –20 oC. Capillary Electrophoresis The CE instruments were built in-house and comprised a high voltage power supply (CZE1000R, Spellman, Hauppauge, NY), UV–vis absorbance detector (Linear PHD 206, or SC100, Thermoquest, Schaumburg, IL), and timed

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pressurized injection systems built in-house (5). Except for differences in manufacturing of the detector, systems at the home-site and off-site laboratories were identical. Data sets were collected using a multifunction portable data acquisition card (DAQCard-A1-16XE-50, or PCMIOXE-50, National Instruments, Austin, TX) and commercially available software (Igor NIDAQ Tools, Wavemetrics, Lake Oswego, OR). Data analysis and representation were accomplished using commercially available software (Igor Pro v. 4.0, Wavemetrics).

Communication The synchronous videoconferencing was facilitated with a ViGO Professional appliance (VCON, Austin, TX) connected to a full duplex 10 MB Ethernet port. Each system incorporated a single computer (Solo2500, Pentium III processor, 600 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 5.6 GB hard drive, Gateway, Kansas City, MO, or Optiplex GX200 desktop, Pentium III processor, 866 MHz, 256 MB RDRAM, 10 GB hard drive, Dell Computer Corp., Round Rock, TX) that both collected data and launched Internet communication. The software (Meeting point v. 4.5, VCON and Windows Netmeeting v. 3.01, Microsoft Corporation) allowed real-time videoconferencing and data sharing. Assessment and Evaluation One of the authors (A. B.), an undergraduate student in the College of Education at Kent State University conducted all assessment, comprising interviews, (during Weeks 0, 3, 4, and 8), examinations (during Weeks 1, 3, 5, and 8), and daily journal log entries. She was instructed not to communicate assessment data until completion of the pilot project, except in instances when the student–researcher’s physical and emotional well-being was in question. The student–researcher was made aware of this policy at the onset of the program. A. B. used an outline of anticipated advances of the student–researcher as an assessment gauge.W Results and Discussion

The Research Project Separation in free-zone CE is based on analyte chargeto-size ratio and the technique is commonly employed for the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds (6). The research project incorporated a lab-built CE instrument to separate a series of NSAIDs. After assisting in assembly of the instrument, the student–researcher used the system for free-zone analysis of individual NSAIDs. The purpose of this exercise was to determine that the instrument was functional and to aid the student–researcher in developing a sound procedure for routine system operation (capillary conditioning, sample injection, optimizing detector parameters, data collection, and analysis). After the student–researcher became proficient in operation of the system, the research focused on the separation of a mix of the NSAID standards in the presence of a neutral marker (mesityl oxide). The NSAIDs all possess a single negative charge at pH 7.0, and have similar charge-tosize ratios, making routine separation difficult using a typical background electrolyte for free-zone CE (25 mM TES, pH 7.0).

Figure 1. Electropherogram of 8 NSAIDs separated by MEKC. Run conditions are detailed below: • Fused silica capillary 25 mm × 45 cm, 3 mm detection window positioned 35 cm from the anodic end of the capillary, background electrolyte composed of 25 mM TES, 20 mM SDS pH 7.0 and sonicated prior to use. • Separations were performed at 20 kV. • Injections were performed at 0.34 bar (5 psi) for 1 s. • Absorbance measurements were made at 206 nm. • Peaks are labeled as follows: 1 tolmetin, 2 indoprofen, 3 naproxen, 4 ibuprofen, 5 flurbiprofen, 6 diflunisal, 7 sulindac, 8 indomethacin, 9 sudan III. • NSAID concentrations for the home site and off-site data are: 179 and 136 mM tolmetin, 90 and 45 mM indoprofen, 179 and 136 mM naproxen, 224 and 181 mM ibuprofen, 90 and 45 mM flurbiprofen, 90 and 45 mM diflunisal, 90 and 45 mM sulindac, 90 and 45 mM indomethacin, respectively.

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Journal of Chemical Education






This exercise strengthened the student’s understanding of free-zone CE and provided the impetus necessary to engage the student–researcher in exploring MEKC. This technique, first reported in 1984 (7), is facilitated by the introduction of surfactant molecules into the background electrolyte that form micelles above a critical concentration. Negatively charged micelles of SDS possess a unique migration time related to the micelle charge-to-size-ratio. Select analytes will have some affinity for the micelles and, in this case, analyte transport is a function of electrophoretic velocity, electroosmotic flow, and the degree of analyte partitioning or association with the micelles. A primary application of this technique is the separation of neutral compounds; however the technique has also been used for improved separation of charged compounds (8). When applied to the separation of NSAIDs, MEKC provides baseline resolution of all eight NSAIDs (Figure 1). The results are similar to previous literature reports of MEKC separations of other NSAID libraries (9–11). Retention times in MEKC are susceptible to temperature, ionic strength, pH, capillary length, inner diameter, and surface characteristics (8). Conditioning of the capillary affects surface characteristics and therefore the migration time reproducibility. The data acquired off-site and at the home site were obtained with the same flushing protocol: 30-min flush with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, 15-min flush with deionized water, and a 30-min background electrolyte flush. Literature reports frequently provide varied protocol for capillary conditioning. Information on the necessity and effect of flushes has been reported (12). This study would require further investigation before addressing the debate.

Considerations The off-site laboratory had adequate space, Internet connections, plumbing and electrical connections; however, the facility lacked a balance capable of weighing samples to 0.1 mg and a suitable deionized water source. The absence of these items required the off-site student–researcher to travel to the home site to wash glassware and weigh standards. Al-

Table 1. Student Comprehension of the Research Project Week

Assessment Medium


Exam 1


Exam 2, Interview 2

Outcome Assessment To ascertain the success of the program and identify correctable flaws, we used interviews, examinations, and journal logs to determine the student’s progress.W When used together these sources of information about the student facilitated progress assessment without bias caused by differential oral and written communication skills. We evaluated these aspects of the pilot program: 1. Student–researcher’s understanding of the research project 2. Development of student–researcher’s laboratory skills 3. The level of confidence of the student–researcher 4. The depth of knowledge in the field of chemical separations

Table 2. Laboratory Skills Developed by Student Week

Assessment Medium

Achievement of Student Researcher

Labels instrumental components with descriptive names (anode labeled as metal probe, anodic reservoir labeled test vial)


Laboratory Notebook

Records laboratory notebook in a manner consistent with instruction posted on the introductory Web site

Outlines experimental procedure correctly (flushes, making solutions, simultaneous runs, offsite and home-site comparison of peak heights, time, and theoretical plates)


Journal Log

Demonstrates critical thinking by independently identifying bad runs


Journal Log

Identifies bad data (severely shifted peak migration times) and determines the appropriate course of action (system flush and re-equilibration)


Laboratory Practical

Completes lab practical in 2.25 hours with only one error (Supplemental material 4 and Supplemental Table 1)

Achievement of Student Researcher


Journal Log

Contact with the off-site mentor only twice per day to discuss research dilemmas


Journal Log

Begins experiments without consulting the mentor


though necessary during this pilot study, in practice the use of standards made at two separate sites may lead to some difficulty in replicating data. Troubleshooting was highly successful using the duplex videoconferencing—only one incident was not corrected in this manner and required the home-site mentor to travel to the off-site laboratory. Misinterpretation of directions given during week 5 led to irreproducible data for 1.5 weeks. The home-site mentor was unable to identify this problem via the Web camera during this period and traveled to the distant site to identify the error. It is likely that the problem would have been resolved by continued use of videoconferencing, but traveling to the distant site afforded a much quicker resolution. Solutions for avoiding such an event in the future center on experience in communicating tasks to the off-site researcher and in troubleshooting the problems more effectively using the video camera. The frequency of miscommunication will decrease as experience in distance mentoring increases and with the inclusion of one or more additional researchers working in conjunction at the off-site laboratory.

Journal of Chemical Education

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The undergraduate student initially possessed limited knowledge in post-secondary level chemistry topics, with only two semesters of freshman chemistry completed, no previous laboratory research experience, and minimal computer expertise. At the onset of this pilot distance research program, the student–researcher’s abilities in all four categories were minimal. For example, the student required constant instruction from the home site, did not problem solve, and conveyed basic information about the technique in an unrefined manner. Culminating events included the student’s ability to independently interpret data and determine a course of action. Improvement in each category, described in Tables 1–4, is discussed in detail below. The student–researcher’s comprehension of the research project was initially demonstrated Week 1, during exam 1, as unrefined conceptual knowledge of the instrumentation, where components were labeled with descriptive names. By Week 3, the student–researcher correctly outlined experimental procedure both on an examination and during an interview. Improved comprehension of the research reduced the need for constant mentoring, which was indicated in journal

Table 3. Confidence of Student in Conducting CE Week

Assessment Medium


Interview 1

Reports a fear of the high voltage used for CE


Interview 2

Expresses comfort in working alone on the instrument during interview Use of phrase demonstrating doubt with correct answer on exam, “I don’t know why, I guess it would have to do with the charges.”

Exam 2






Interview 3

Journal Log

Journal Log

Journal Log

Interview 4

Achievement of Student Researcher

Notes that she would not be comfortable giving a presentation, but she could if she had time to prepare Reports, “I felt good being able to change the capillary. It only took 45 minutes to watch and repeat step by step.” Comments, “I haven’t had to talk to the main lab very much today. It was a smooth day. I am expecting tomorrow’s runs to be just as good and easy to finish.” Comments, “I didn’t talk much to the other lab today. I didn’t need to. I knew what to do and I did that and I know what I need to get done tomorrow.”




logs by Week 4. Only one week later (Week 5) the student– researcher began experiments without consulting the mentor, and become proficient enough in the operation of the instrument to perform instrumental repairs, thus, providing strong evidence for maturity in comprehension of the research. Development of laboratory skill by the student–researcher was demonstrated by the quality of her laboratory notebook, as well as her ability to complete data runs and routine instrument operation. By the second week of the project, the student–researcher demonstrated critical thinking when she independently identified bad runs. By the sixth week of the research project, the student–researcher was able to identify bad data and to determine the appropriate course of action. At the end of the project the student–researcher identified the NSAID content of three solutions during a lab practical.W She completed the practical in 2.25 hours with only one error. The student–researcher’s self-confidence was minimal at the onset of the project. Evidence of this includes her fear of the high separation voltage and use of a phrase indicating doubt with a correct answer on exam 2. The student–researcher expressed comfort in working alone on the instrument (Week 3) and hesitant willingness to give a presentation on the research (Week 4). By Weeks 5 and 6 the student made positive comments related to her ability to complete the project. By Week 8 (interview 4) the student–researcher recognized a reduced need for mentoring and at project completion noted that nothing about the project was hard. The student–researcher’s knowledge of the field of capillary electrophoresis was first confirmed Week 4 when she described the instrumentation and principle behind separations (interview 3). This was also demonstrated Week 5 (exam 3).

Table 4. Student’s Knowledge of Capillary Electrophoresis Week

Assessment Medium


Interview 3


Exam 3

Correctly predicts analyte migration and defines mechanisms of analyte transport in CE


Exam 4

Describes micelles, “…a micelle is created because its surfactant has a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic ends [sic] which line up to form spheres … This allows partitioning of the NSAIDs.”


Interview 4

Reports preference for background information about chemical separations to be provided through an interactive lecture as opposed to the Web site

Reports that she didn’t find anything hard about the past research project

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Achievement of Student Researcher Describes equipment and explains principle behind separations

Journal of Chemical Education






By the fourth written exam (Week 8), her answers were mature. Improvements in basic knowledge of capillary electrophoresis were apparent, but appropriately limited to areas she was directly involved in (free-zone capillary electrophoresis, MEKC). Continuation of the research project would likely foster curiosity in other areas such as affinity CE, capillary gel electrophoresis, or chip-based electrophoresis systems.

journal entries, and exam questions is available in this issue of JCE Online.

Conclusion and Future Directions

Literature Cited

The data collected from this undergraduate research project demonstrate that it is feasible to engage undergraduates using Internet-based synchronous video communication. Our interest in distance research results from the desire to collaborate with other research sites. By removing distance barriers, this approach increases the accessibility of knowledge.

1. Strode, S. W.; Gustke, S.; Allen, A. JAMA 1999, 281, 1066– 1068. 2. Teasley, S.; Wolinsky, S. Science 2001, 292, 2254–2255. 3. Kling, J. Anal. Chem. 1998, 70, 729A–732A. 4. Wulf, W. A. Science 1993, 261, 854–855. 5. Holland, L. A.; Lunte, S. M., Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 407– 412. 6. Holland, L. A.; Chetwyn, N. P.; Perkins, M. D.; Lunte, S. M. Pharm. Res. 1997, 14, 372–387. 7. Terabe, S.; Otsuka, K.; Ichikawa, K.; Tsuchiya, A.; Ando, T. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56, 111–113. 8. Nishi, H.; Terabe, S. J. Chromatogr. A 1996, 735, 3–27. 9. Maboundou, C. W.; Paintaud, G.; Berard, M.; Bechtel, P. R. J. Chromatogr., B: Biomed. Appl. 1994, 657, 173–183. 10. Donato, M. G.; van den Eeckhout, E.; van den Bossche, W.; Sandra, P. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 1993, 11, 197–201. 11. Weinberger, R.; Albin, M. J. Liq. Chrom. 1991, 14, 953–972. 12. Kaupp, S.; Bubert, H.; Baur, L.; Nelson, G.; Wätzig, H. J. Chromatogr. A. 2000, 894, 73–77.

Acknowledgments This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants number CHE0094121 and CHE0097538. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. generously provided a Linear 206 PHD detector. We gratefully acknowledge funds provided by Kent State University through cost sharing. W

Supplemental Material

A document providing an activity synopsis for this research project, as well as interview questions, a summary of


Journal of Chemical Education

Note 1. Information on micro separation is available at this Web site: (accessed Feb 2004).

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